The WOW Revolution [Episode 12]

Setting: WWF RAW, Denver, CO

We start with a match.

Ivory vs. Beckie the Farmer's Daughter.

LG: "The following match is scheduled for one fall."

(Ivory's music plays)

Crowd pops.

LG: "Introducing first, from Torrance, CA, Ivory!"

("American Girl" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers plays)

Crowd pops

LG: "Her opponent, from Hog Hollow, NE, representing The WOW Revolution, Beckie the Farmer's Daughter!"

The match starts with...a handshake, to show that there is no animosity. Ivory carries the match with good mat-based stuff. Beckie responds in kind. The two proceed to have a very good technical match. The crowd is getting into this big time, with the reactions split about 50-50. Ivory tries for a DDT, but Beckie trips her up and suplexes her. Beckie then climbs to the top rope and hits The Barnburner for the pin.

Lillian: "Here is your winner, Beckie the Farmer's Daughter!"

BFD helps Ivory up, and gets the mic, and puts over Ivory for all her years of achievement in the business. Ivory responds, saying that Beckie is a good wrestler and she would be happy to wrestle her again. Another handshake, and both women make their way to the back.

We cut to Commissioner Regal's office. Harley's Angels enter.

Thug: "My team here, Charlie Davidson and EZ Ryder, want a shot at Caged Heat's WOW Tag Team Titles tonight."

Before Regal can respond, Jacqueline and Molly Holly enter and demand the same thing.

Regal: "I think I can accommodate all of you. Tonight, Charlie and EZ will take on Jacqueline and Molly, and the winners will face Caged Heat for the titles on Thursday."

Everyone accepts Regal's proposal, and leaves to get ready for the match.

[Author's note: I was going to have Steph and Trish explain their being a couple, but I decided against it since I couldn't come up with lines that wouldn't sound ridiculous.]

Fast forward to the match.

Number One Contenders for the WOW World Tag Team Title Match: Harley's Angels (w/Thug) vs. Jacqueline and Molly Holly

LG: "The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall and is to determine the number one contenders for the WOW World Tag Team Titles."

("Born to Be Wild" plays)

LG: "Making their way to the ring, being accompanied by Thug, representing The WOW Revolution, from Anywhere The Road Takes Me, Charlie Davidson and from Philadelphia, PA, EZ Ryder, Harley's Angels!"

("Black Cat" by Janet Jackson plays. She used this as her entrance music in the USWA as Miss Texas)

LG: "And their opponents, first from Dallas, TX, Jacqueline!"

("Good Golly Miss Molly" by Little Richard plays)

LG: "And her tag team partner, from Mobile, AL, Molly Holly!"

The crowd is enthusiastic for this match, with most of the support going to Jackie and Molly, since they are more familiar to the fans.

Jackie and EZ start, and a good match results. Jackie's talent and toughness give her the advantage, but EZ is tough enough to keep up with her. EZ gets control, to JR's surprise, and tags in Charlie. The Angels quickly assume the heel role. Charlie and Jackie do a good sequence, allowing Jackie to play Beautiful Face in Peril. Jackie bails and tags in Molly. Molly comes in and takes over with aerial stuff. The crowd is deeply getting into this, as the psychology of the match becomes apparent. Charlie and EZ are bigger than Jackie and Molly, thereby causing the WWF team to rely on flying and power to take control. Charlie tags EZ back in, and Molly takes over the Ricki Morton role. A series of near-falls follows for both sides. Molly escapes and tags in Jackie, who destroys everything in site. Thug trips her up, and EZ takes control again. Hell breaks loose, and KATIE BAR THE DOOR IT'S A PIER SIX BRAWL! (RIP Gordon Solie.) Charlie and EZ hit the double DDT on Molly and EZ pins her for the win and the title shot.

LG: "Here are your winners, and the number one contenders for the WOW World Tag Team Titles, Charlie Davidson and EZ Ryder, Harley's Angels!"

Thug gets the mic.

Thug: "This goes out to everybody. You'd rather kiss a rattlesnake than to mess with Harley's Angels."

EZ: "And if you do decide to mess with us, we're gonna make roadkill out of you!"

Harley's Angels start to leave, but are stopped by something very familiar.


Caged Heat run to the ring and attack Harley's Angels, and they brawl all over the place until refs can break up the fight.

End of show.