The JWL [Episode 38]

Live from the Burt Flickenger Athletic Center, Erie Community College, Buffalo, NY

You know the drill.

Before we can even get to the first segment, we see Luna Vachon and Gangrel chasing Sable, Marc the Bodyguard and Torrie Wilson throughout the arena.

Scott Hudson, making his JWL debut, is in the ring.

HUDSON: "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce a man I have interviewed many times, the former 3-time, 3-time, 3-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE!"

("Self High-Five" plays)

Crowd boos.

DDP enters the ring and takes the mic.

DDP: "Good gawd! Ya know Scott, I have been overlooked and ignored when it came to title shots in this company for too long. So, Chris SCUM Benoit, I'm calling you out right here, right now because I want my title shot. Get your ass out here so I can make you feel the BANG!"

("Rabid" plays)

Crowd cheers.

BENOIT: "DDP, I heard what you said. You get your title shot tonight. I will retain my belt and you will not PROVE ME WRONG!"

Crowd cheers.

JR: "Mah gawd, BENOIT VS. DDP! What a main event!"

(Video package covering the feud between the Dungeon of Doom and the Franchise Foundation)

Kamala the Ugandan Giant (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan) vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/"The Head Cheerleader" Francine)

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall."

(Jarrett's music plays)

LG: "Introducing first, being led to the ring by 'The Head Cheerleader' Francine and representing the Franchise Foundation, from Hendersonville, TN, weighing in at 230 lbs., JEFF JARRETT!"

Crowd boos.

Jarrett takes the mic from Lillian.

JARRETT: "Listen all you Buffalo slapnuts. I am Jeff Jarrett, the Chosen One. I am a seven-time World Heavyweight Champion (4x WCW, 3x NWA). Why am I stuck in an opening match against that fat, washed-up tub of goo Kamala? He’s never been a World Champion and he never will be a World Champion. I'm going to win and get back on my path to the gold. So choke on that, slapnuts."

(Kamala's music plays)

LG: "And his opponent, being led to the ring by Kevin Sullivan and representing the Dungeon of Doom, from Uganda, weighing in at 425 lbs., KAMALA THE UGANDAN GIANT!"

Crowd cheers.

Kamala attacks immediately with chops and kicks, just being relentless. Jarrett is clearly in over his head here. Jarrett goes to the eyes but that only makes Kamala angry. Kamala tosses Jarrett around with ease. More chops and kicks. Jarrett is getting nowhere here. Jarrett tries to fight back but Kamala doesn’t sell it. Kamala follows up with some headbutts. He gets a 2 count. Francine gets on the apron and tries to slap Kamala, but he somehow avoids it. Kamala turns around, stares at Francine....



AND KISSES HER!!!!! Francine looks repulsed, but the crowd roars! Francine runs off to the back in disgust. Kamala has a smile on his face, and Sullivan is telling him to finish off Jarrett. Jarrett hits Kamala with the guitar, but Kamala doesn’t sell that either. Kamala sends Jarrett to the corner and splashes him. Kamala then follows with the big splash for the pin at 6:00.

LG: "Here is your winner, KAMALA!"

Kamala slaps his belly a few times in celebration, as the crowd chants his name.

(Crush video package)

Crush (w/"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes) vs. Mike Sanders

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, from Atlanta, GA, weighing in at 230 lbs., MIKE SANDERS!"

("Crush 'Em" by Megadeth plays)

LG: "And his opponent, being led to the ring by 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes and representing Dusty's Dream Team, from Tampa, FL, weighing in at 315 lbs., CRUSH!"

Crowd boos.

Crush wins with the Heart Punch in 2:30.

LG: "Here is your winner, CRUSH!"

The Dangerous Alliance (Paul E. Dangerously, Brock Lesnar, The World's Greatest Tag Team and 911) appear on the screen. Paul E. declares war on the Dream Team and announces his intention to run them out of the JWL forever.

JR tells us that with all the new personalities coming into the JWL and the rise in violent post-match attacks, the JWL has decided to introduce a special troubleshooting commissioner who will debut on our next show.

(Undertaker video package)

The Undertaker vs. Rene Dupree

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, weighing in at 250 lbs., RENE DUPREE!"

("American Bad Ass" plays)

Crowd cheers.

LG: "And his opponent, representing American Badass Inc., from Houston, TX, weighing in at 325 lbs., THE UNDERTAKER!"

Taker wins with the Last Ride in 2:00.

LG: "Here is your winner, THE UNDERTAKER!"

Rhino attacks after the match and leaves Taker laying.


(Video package covering the feud between the Shooters and the Clique.)

"The Sicilian Shooter" Little Guido Maritato vs. "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels.

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall."

("Sexy Boy" plays)

Crowd boos.

LG: "Introducing first, representing the Clique, from San Antonio, TX, weighing in at 235 lbs., 'THE HEARTBREAK KID' SHAWN MICHAELS!

Shawn struts to the ring, but a little slower than usual and he is clearly looking around for the mysterious Stranger who attacked him last week and bloodied him with a chain.

("Stayin' Alive Remix" by N-Trance plays)

Crowd cheers.

LG: "And his opponent, representing the Shooters, from Nanuet, NY, weighing in at 175 lbs., 'THE SICILIAN SHOOTER' LITTLE GUIDO MARITATO!"

Shawn and Guido have a well-worked match filled with matwork and aerial offense. Shawn takes control and finishes with Sweet Chin Music at 6:00. Crowd boos.


Shawn dances to celebrate his victory and climbs out of the ring. On his way to the ramp, he gets hit by....









The Stranger crawls out from under the ring and throws a fireball right in Shawn's face! Shawn has been burned! To make things even worse for Shawn, the Stranger pulls out a METAL SPIKE and begins stabbing away on Shawn. Shawn is a bloody mess in mere minutes and now refs and security have run down to pull the Stranger off of Shawn. EMTs come out and put Shawn on a stretcher. JR and Tenay are in shock and have no idea what to say.

We quickly jump to a commercial break.


We come back to the show, and JR tells us that Shawn Michaels has been taken to a local hospital and that the Stranger has been removed from the building and will not be allowed to appear at another JWL event unless he signs an official contract to wrestle here.

(Molly Holly video package)

JWL Women's Title: Molly Holly © vs. Poison

LG: "The following women's contest is for the JWL Women's Championship and is scheduled for one fall."

("Poison" by Alice Cooper plays)

LG: "Introducing first, the challenger, representing the Misfits, from the Toxic Unknown, POISON!"

Good pop for Poison.

("Revolution" plays)

Big cheers for the Champ.

LG: "And her opponent, representing the Revolution, from Mobile, AL, she is the JWL Women's Champion, MOLLY HOLLY!"

Molly and Poison have an exciting, well-worked, fast-paced match with great moves from both women. Molly escapes the Poison Paralyzer (inverted DDT), powerslams Poison and hits the Molly-Go-Round for the pin at 7:00.

LG: "Here is your winner, and still JWL Women's Champion, MOLLY HOLLY!"

Molly celebrates the win with the fans, but as she starts to leave, Sable and her entourage run out, followed by Luna and Gangrel. Poison recovers and joins her Misfits stablemates in the pursuit. Molly looks at the whole situation with a slight amusement and heads back to the locker room. Finally, refs and officials are able to separate Sable/Marc/Torrie and the Misfits.

(Video package covering past encounters between Benoit and DDP)

Main Event, JWL World Heavyweight Title: "The Crippler" Chris Benoit © vs. Diamond Dallas Page

LG: "The following is our main event. It is for the JWL World Heavyweight Title and is scheduled for one fall."

("Self High-Five" hits)

Crowd boos.

LG: "Introducing first, the challenger, representing the Royals, from Atlanta, GA, weighing in at 253 lbs., DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE!"

DDP takes the mic, insults various people in the crowd, hits the catchphrases and hands the mic back to Lillian.

("Rabid" plays)

LG: "And his opponent, representing the Four Horsemen, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, weighing in at 220 lbs., he is the reigning JWL World Heavyweight Champion, 'THE CRIPPLER' CHRIS BENOIT!"

Crowd cheers.

Benoit and DDP have a fast-paced, exciting, stiff, well-worked match. Benoit takes control and finishes with the Super Backdrop suplex and the Crippler Crossface for the tapout at 10:00.

LG: "Here is your winner, and still JWL World Heavyweight Champion, CHRIS BENOIT!"

End of show.