The JWL [Episode 24]

Live from the Pepsi Arena, Albany, NY

You know the drill.

Opening Match: Jacqueline vs. Lisa Danielle

LG: "The following women's contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, from Baltimore, MD, LISA DANIELLE!"

(Jacqueline's music plays)

LG: "And her opponent, representing American Badass Inc., from Dallas, TX, JACQUELINE!"

Crowd cheers.

Jackie wins an easy squash with the Tornado DDT in 2:05.

LG: "Here is your winner, JACQUELINE!"

Jackie takes the mic from Lillian.

JACQUELINE: "Chyna, you big skank! The only reason you haven't accepted my challenge for WrestleMania is because you haven't got the guts! Get your ass out here and prove to me that you have the guts to face me at WrestleMania or I'll go back there, find you and kick your ass until you agree to face me."

("Who I Am" plays)

CHYNA: "Look Jackie, you're the only one who would benefit from this match. I beat you, big deal, I beat someone much smaller than me. You beat me, I end up looking weak because I lost to someone smaller. I have nothing to gain. So give me one good reason why I should face you at WrestleMania."

JACQUELINE: "Because if you don't, I'll tell everyone week after week that you are a coward! That you ain't got the guts to face me. I will torment you and make your life a living hell. In fact, I'm raising the stakes. You versus me at WrestleMania in a Loser-Leaves-the-JWL match!"

Crowd pops at the thought of being rid of Chyna. Chyna is on the spot now and has to respond.

CHYNA: "I admit it would feel really good to kick your ass out of the JWL and prove that I am superior. You're on for the Loser-Leaves-the-JWL match at WrestleMania!"

Crowd pops and chants "Jackie! Jackie!"

JR notes that this is the first confirmed match for JWL WrestleMania I. He adds that we have a double main event tonight, with the first two matches in the JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament, the Hardy Boyz vs. the New Age Outlaws, and Tommy Dreamer and the Sandman taking on the Dudley Boys. The semifinals and finals will be at WrestleMania.

(Misfits video package.)

Perry Saturn and Gangrel (w/Luna Vachon) vs. Rodney Leinhardt and Pete Gasparino

LG: "The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, from Greenwich, CT, at a total combined weight of 506 lbs., RODNEY LEINHARDT AND PETE GASPARINO!"

No response.

("Blood" plays)

LG: "And their opponents, being led to the ring by Luna Vachon and representing the Misfits, first, from Boston, MA, weighing in at 234 lbs., PERRY SATURN! And his partner, from the Other Side of Darkness, weighing in at 240 lbs., GANGREL!"

An easy squash for the Misfits, as Saturn finishes off Leinhardt with the Death Valley Driver in 2:45.

LG: "Here are your winners, PERRY SATURN AND GANGREL!"

We go to a ranch in Texas. Country music plays over the scene. All of a sudden, a large and very familiar man enters the scene.

Oh, no, it's...




"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes!

DUSTY: "J DUBBA L! Bottom line is, the American Dream is commin soon, and I'm bringing mah Dream Team. You may not lahk it, but we weel leaf you flubbergasted, if you weeel."

High Standards (Kurt Angle and Christopher Nowinski) (w/Mr. Bob Backlund) vs. Rene Dupree and Sylvian Grenier

LG: "The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, first from Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, weighing in at 250 lbs., RENE DUPREE! And his partner, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, weighing in at 235 lbs., SYLVIAN GRENIER!"

No response.

("I Don't Suck" plays)

Crowd chants, "You suck, you suck!"

LG: "And their opponents, being led to the ring by Mr. Bob Backlund, at a total combined weight of 490 lbs., from Pittsburgh, PA, KURT ANGLE, and from Watertown, MA, CHRISTOPHER NOWINSKI, HIGH STANDARDS!"

High Standards win a quick squash, Angle getting Dupree to tap out to the ankle lock at 2:30.

LG: "Here are your winners, HIGH STANDARDS!"

Joey Styles is in the ring.


Crowd boos.

The Rock makes his way to the ring and takes the mic from Joey.

THE ROCK: "FINALLY, THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO ALBANY! Chris Benoit, the Rock is here for one reason and one reason only. That is to challenge you for THE JWL World Heavyweight (pause) Championship at WrestleMania. The Rock wants an answer from you, jabronie. The Rock says, get your monkey ass out here and tell me whether you have the fortitude to go ONE ON ONE WITH THE GREAT ONE! The Rock says, JUST BRING IT! IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!"

("Rabid" plays)

BENOIT: "Rock, you say you want a title shot at WrestleMania. Well, I never back down from anyone, so you're on for WrestleMania. I will beat you and you will not prove me wrong!"

Crowd cheers.

JR announces that we have our World Title match for WrestleMania: BENOIT vs. THE ROCK!


(Video package covering the feud between the Dungeon of Doom and the Franchise Foundation)

"The Laughing Man" Hugh Morrus (w/"The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart) vs. "The Big Red Machine" Kane (w/"The Head Cheerleader" Francine)

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall."


("Burned" plays)

LG: "Introducing first, being led to the ring by 'The Head Cheerleader' Francine and representing the Franchise Foundation, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 330 lbs., 'THE BIG RED MACHINE' KANE!"

Crowd boos.

(The Dungeon of Doom theme plays)

LG: "And his opponent, being led to the ring by 'The Mouth of the South' Jimmy Hart and representing the Dungeon of Doom, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 280 lbs., 'THE LAUGHING MAN' HUGH MORRUS!"

Crowd cheers.

Kane wins an exciting, back-and-forth match clean with the Chokeslam and the Tombstone at 4:30.

LG: "Here is your winner, KANE!"

We look at the brackets for the first round of the JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament.

The Hardyz
The New Age Outlaws

Tommy Dreamer and the Sandman
The Dudley Boys

Diamond Dallas Page and Christian

The Faces of Fear
The Outsiders

Big Van Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow

Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri
Kurt Angle and Christopher Nowinski

Ric Flair and Arn Anderson
Raven and Stevie Richards

Perry Saturn and Gangrel
Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner

JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament, Round 1.

The Hardyz (w/Lita) vs. The New Age Outlaws

LG: "The following is our first of two main events. It is a first round match in the JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament and is scheduled for one fall."

("Oh You Didn't Know" plays)

ROAD DOGG: "You damn right! That's right it's me, it's me, it's that D-O-DOUBLE-G! Rolling once again with Mr. A-DOUBLE-S, MR. A-DOUBLE-CROOKED LETTER!"

The Outlaws enter the ring.

ROAD DOGG: "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. The Clique proudly brings to you its (under his breath: soon-to-be) JWL TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORRRRLLLLD! (Points to himself) The Road Dogg Jesse Jammes! (Points to Billy) The Badass Billy Gunn! THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS!"

("Live for the Moment" by Monster Magnet plays. This is Matt's current theme in WWE.)

LG: "And their opponents, being led to the ring by Lita and representing Team Xtreme, from Cameron, NC, at a total combined weight of 437 lbs., MATT AND JEFF, THE HARDY BOYZ!"

Crowd pops.

The Hardyz take control with their high-flying stuff and dominate for the first few minutes. However, the Outlaws come back with heel tactics and cheating. Jeff plays Ricky Morton for an extended period, as the Outlaws control with their limited offense. Lita dropkicks Road Dogg to break up the interference, allowing Jeff the chance to escape and make the hot tag to Matt to a HUGE pop. Matt takes out both Outlaws with ease, but referee Jim Molineaux gets knocked down in the chaos. Matt sets up Gunn, the legal man, for the Twist of Fate, but Road Dogg nails Matt in the head with his boot, enabling Gunn to get the pin, once Road Dogg revives the ref. The crowd is shocked.

LG: "Here are your winners, advancing in the Tag Team Tournament, THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS!"

(Dreamer/Sandman video package)

(Dudleys video package)

JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament, Round 1.

"The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer and "The Hardcore Icon" The Sandman (w/Beulah McGillicutty) vs. The Dudley Boys

LG: "The following is our second main event. It is a first round match in the JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament and is scheduled for one fall."

("Turn the Tables" plays, as the Dudleys climb over the guardrail.)

LG: "Introducing first, representing Raven's Nest, from Dudleyville, at a total combined weight of 585 lbs., BUBBA RAY AND D-VON, THE DUDLEY BOYS!"

Crowd boos.

("Enter Sandman" plays.)

Crowd cheers and begins to sing along.

LILLIAN: "And their opponents, being led to the ring by Beulah McGillicutty and representing The Hardcore Alliance, first from Yonkers, NY, weighing in at 245 lbs., 'The Innovator of Violence' TOMMY DREAMER! And his partner, from Philadelphia, PA, weighing in at 244 lbs., he is The Hardcore Icon, this is THE SANDMAN!"

Dreamer, Sandman and Beulah take their trip around the ring shaking hands and sharing beers with the fans. Sandman busts himself open by bashing beer cans against his forehead.

JR plays up the history between these teams going back to their ECW days. JR points out that Dreamer held the NWA ECW Tag Team Titles/ECW World Tag Team Titles three times (w/Johnny Gunn [Tom "Salvatore Sincere" Brandi], with Raven and with Masato Tanaka) and that Sandman has held it once (with 2 Cold Scorpio.) In contrast, the Dudleys held the ECW belts 8 times, and have also held the WWE World Tag Team Titles 8 times, the WCW World Tag Team Titles once and the WWE Tag Team Titles once, giving them 18 reigns.

Brawl to start, of course. Dreamer and Sandman are hungry for tag team gold and just dominate the Dudleys. The Hardcores get several 2-counts on the Dudleys. In a shocking move, Dreamer and the Sandman hit 3D on Bubba Ray! Sandman canes D-Von down as Dreamer pins Bubba for the win at 7:30. Huge pop from the crowd for that.

LG: "Here are your winners, advancing in the JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament, TOMMY DREAMER AND THE SANDMAN!"

End of show.