Florida Greyhound Industry Impact Study Results

The following information is a summary of the economic impact survey completed by Central Surveys, Inc. of Iowa under a contract with the Florida Greyhound Association. The survey results were compiled by Greg Gahrs (Email: gahrs@gfdi.fsu.edu) of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute, 18 Keen Building, Florida State University, Tallahassee FL, 32306-4360, (850) 644-6085.

The FGA hopes this information will be valuable to those with a vested interest in our sport in Florida.

  • 337 Florida Owners, Breeders and Operators
  • 1283 Employees in the Greyhound Industry
  • 15,000 greyhound racers in Florida
  • 1845 Acres dedicated to the Greyhound Business
  • $33 million Estimated Livestock value
  • $13.8 million invested in Building
  • $13 million invested in Equipment
  • $14.3 million invested in Land
  • $5.6 million paid in taxes
  • $560K paid in property taxes
  • $26 million spent in services, supplies, equipment and labor in Florida alone!

    FGA - Keeping Florida the Greyhound State!"