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Review Of The Fashion Forward Video

I got this review from the following website.
(however I think this particular review is no longer active)
Fashion forward spring/summer 2001 A presentation of Mary-Kate and Ashley's clothing line. I expected an all-commercial-talk on this video, but I didn't expect it was so overdone. There was only one cool thing in this video; the band, Gotti 13! Robert Thorne wrote the script, and it was proven that he can't write. Hosts Brandon and Eric (Bryan and Dylan in Winning London) tried their best to spice it up a bit, but it's hard to spice up something this horrible. I hoped for a little more Mary-Kate and Ashley in the video. This tape is not meant for fans; it's meant for potential distributors of the clothing line. For fans it's a waste of money. I didn't expect much of it, but never expected to throw away over 30 minutes of my life by watching this tape.
The review was written by the person who created the following webpage.
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