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Best of Fashion 2K

Mirage Version 2.0

By: Alicia Campbell

Hey! First off, a little about me! I'm 16, and a junior at Baker County High. I know it sounds country, but that's only because it is. But don't worry, it's not so bad. I actually like it! I started the last 9 weeks of my sophomore year there, and I'm going into my junior year with a 3/6 GPA. I'm gonna try and get a scholarship to a decent college. Well, lets see what else I can talk best friend at school has gotta be Keri, but my overall best friend is Tabitha. We've been best friends for about 7 years and now she's going to get married. But you'll never guess to who. Give up? My brother. So now she's going to be my sister-in-law. Whew! I love it!!! That's about all I can say in this little text area right now, anything else you wanna know, just look on my links. I'm sure it's there!