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Prophecy: Companies That Support Homosexual Marriage
July 16, 2015

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I noticed in the news that Franklin Graham has now said that we, as Christians in this nation, should take some sort of boycott action against companies that have supported homosexual marriage. I looked at the article on WND where Franklin was quoted, and he said that he would go to work and compile a list of the companies, but apparently, he had not done it yet.

So, I thought that I might help Franklin out, given the huge size of my ministry and all the available staff that we have to throw at this problem.....ugh....ugh..It took a few hours work this evening to look the situation over. I came to the idea that the companies that stuck their corporate necks out the farthest were the big companies that are nestled in this list of 379 companies that filed the "Amici Curiae" brief with the US Supreme Court for the Obergefell decision in support of homosexual marriage.

Thnk about it for a minute: Some of the biggest companies, like CBS, Target Corporation, General Electric Company and Hewlett Packard Company, along with Apple and Microsoft and many, many others, stood side by side in a complete show of unity before the United States Supreme Court with The Long Beach Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, The Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Nevada and Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce.

Look at the clause that must be appended to such a brief:
Pursuant to Rule 37.6, counsel for amici certify that no counsel for any party had any role in authoring this brief in whole or in part, and that no person other than amici , their members, or their counsel made any monetary contribution in-tended to fund the preparation or submission of this brief. The parties have consented to the filing of this brief, and their letters of consent have been filed with the Clerk.

You can take a look at the actual brief at this link: Amici Curiae Brief-Obergefell vs. Hodges

Just take a look at the names of the associations that some of the largest companies in the United States stood shoulder to shoulder with to influence the court in making the decision they came to. I ask you to print it out and pray over it. What action should we take? May the Lord direct each and every one of us, in Jesus Name.

I have prepared an .html list with the companies numbered, one by one, and stored it on my website so I will not lose it if they mess with the link: Amici Curia Brief-Obergefell vs. Hodges With Companies Numbered

Stephen L. Bening

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