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Prophecy: "Be God Sufficient" by Mary Bening
June 19, 2015



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On July 9, 2014 I was in our kitchen wiping down the stove counter top; not thinking about anything in particular. We just had breakfast, so it's customary what I as a wife would do after eating.

All of a sudden I heard God speak to me"Don't be self-sufficient, be God sufficient'. Too long some of My people have depended on the government and other agencies of support; but I am your sufficiency. It is My desire that you stop thinking one way only; like you have done in the past.

Start depending on Me, do you not remember how many times and how many miracles; I have performed in the past? Stop leaning on your own understanding and start looking to Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith.

For there is a time coming that men will lose their sense of belongings and their reserves will be depleted. Am I not the God of it all? Did I not create this world and everything else; by MY WORDS ALONE?

Follow My example, SPEAK, SPEAK, SPEAK and I will hear you. For The I AM is going to show the world who I AM; as I did in Moses days, Israel days, Jeremiah days and Joel days and Abraham days and John the Baptist days.

See who will run to Me, see who will humble themselves, see who will obey My voice, see who will come out from among the defiled and unclean and be separate.

For in these final days, I Am raising up an Army from My remnant; who knows how to obey orders. ....who knows how to discern My voice.....who knows how to have perfect clarity when My Spirit speaks; and not be deceived by the anti- Christ spirit.

Hear Me now My children, I Am going to blast the earth with My voice and shake up nations that will not serve Me or bend their knees to Me or My call. I Am tired of the stink that's coming up from their religion and idolatry; when My Word is "Pure Religion' James 1:27.

Don't be the stench that comes from their graves, be the fragrant smell of a rose. Even when it is crushed the rose never loses its fragrant smell. It has a way of filling the air still with its sweet aroma. Rain is coming, the rain of My Glory and the rain of My Provision. I will provide for My people, so TRUST ME says the Lord.

Given by the HOLY SPIRIT.

Mary Bening


Past articles are archived at GAMMADIM VISION: Financial Ministry and Prophecy GAMMADIM VISION

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