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Prophecy: "Blow The Trumpet, Sound The Alarm" by Mary Bening
June 5, 2015 (Originally written June, 2006)



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Blow the Trumpet in Zion, Sound the Alarm. For I will fulfil My Promises to My People says the LORD.

For there is coming a day soon, when I will arise on Zion and rescue her and restore her and revive her; to go forth and do great and mighty things in My Name.


Go forth, go forth My children, and harness My Power as I send it forth to the ends of the earth.

Wake up My People, and stir up those prophetic gifts. For even for a little while I will be with you. My Presence is available to you, catch it now. The Glory cloud and the pillar of fire is here. All you have to do is learn how to access it and use it to fulfil My Purposes in these here end times.

You are going to experience such an Outpouring of My Expressed Presence, in so much that it will cause an overflow of My Power and Glory. Such an outpouring you will not be able to contain or stand in My Presence. All you will be able to do is fall on your faces and Worship Me.

Throw away your agendas, programs, traditions, theologies and religiousity; for I am raising up a Great Company of PROPHETS among My Remnant. A generation I have chosen, a Seed that will be prosperous; a Vine that will be Fruitful; that will shake nations, towns, cities and islands........Zechariah 8:12.

Everything that can be shaken will be shaken and you My people will be saved and go out with rejoicing and singing for joy, saying " Here comes the King open the gates and let Him come in.' My Bride awaits Me in the bridal chamber....I wait for her.

I am not interested in your monuments of men. What holds My interest is your willingness to obey Me. Let your light shine before men and Me and I will glorify Myself in you. For I will speak to this remnant generation, for I am sending in their midst My company of Prophets; that will speak changes to Time, Space and Seasons. Shout for joy I am coming for My Bride.....Adorn yourselves in garments of Praise and Worship unto Me. Be skilled and quick in whatever you do for Me says The Lord.

You Shepherds lead My people in Love.......strengthen those that are weak for there is coming a time when they will to be strengthened. Hear My Words, and you shall live.

Provoke yourself into your destiny for......These are serious, dangerous and perilous times you live in; redeem the time....use it wisely......because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:16. The enemy is looking for all he can take captive at his will. So be aware, alert, vigilant and strong says The Lord. Amen.

Given by the Holy Spirit June 2006.

Mary Bening


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