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Understanding: Daniel and Revelation-Outline
December 2, 2016

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Daniel and Revelation: A Seven Part Teaching Series

A. Providing assistance to the student who is trying to sort through the confusing minefield presented by authors who wrote from three vastly different pre-millenial mindsets:

  • Historicist-Papal Antichrist
  • Futurist-Pre-Tribulational-European Antichrist
  • Futurist-Eastern Leg-Islamic Antichrist

    B. The Goal will be to create a reference work, ideally a type of pocket work, that is organized in a logical manner, where the matters presently in dispute may be critically analyzed for the relative strengths and weaknesses of the arguments employed.

    C. One major purpose for the work is to provide a reference so that the student may quickly see the scriptures and the arguments that refute the position of one who dogmatically holds forth in defense of particular premise and who fails to present those scriptures that argue against his position.

    I: Schemes Of Interpretation That I have Considered, Employed and Ignored for Brevity Sake
    A. Interpretation Schemes as to general timing of prophetic events
    1. Preterism IGNORED because it is false and not generally accepted
    2. Historicism EMPLOYED because it is true, with modifications, yet not generally accepted (I call myself a "Modified Historicist")
    3. Futurism CONSIDERED because it is false, yet generally accepted

    B. Interpretation schemes regarding the timing of the Millenium
    1. A-millenialism IGNORED because it is false and not generally accepted
    2. Post Millenialism IGNORED because it is false and not generally accepted
    3. Pre-Millenialism EMPLOYED because it is true and is generally accepted

    C. Interpretation schemes regarding the coming of our Lord for His bride
    1. Pre-Tribulational Rapture Expectations have been CONSIDERED because they are false, yet generally accepted
    2. Mid-Tribulational Rapture Expectations have been IGNORED because they are false and not generally accepted
    3. Post-Tribulational Rapture Expectations have been been IGNORED because they are false and not generally accepted
    4. Pre-Wrath Rapture Expectations have been CONSIDERED because they are true, yet not generally accepted

    II: End Time Prophetic Confusion Is Increasing because of:
    A. Uncertainty created by:
    1. Increasingly severe Tribulation type events
    2. Advances by Islam and the increase of threats to the West
    3. Rapture prophecies that have failed
    4. Prophecies of impending judgements that have been delayed
    5. Shifting positions proclaimed by major religious television media

    B. The Proliferation of False Teachers in the last hundred years

    C. Forgetfulness: We have forgotten most of the things that our ancestors had already discovered

    D. Irascibility: People prefer to raise their voices rather than buttress their arguments. Rudeness is at an apparent all time high

    E. The "Twiterization" of the people: Most people seem unwilling or unable to read, to study or to understand arguments that require careful and intense study to be understood.

    III: Fulcrum Scriptures That Alter Mindsets
    A. Daniel 2:40: The "crushing" attribute of the Beast with Iron teeth

    B. Daniel 9:1-27: The Seventy Weeks Prophecy

    C. Daniel 9:27: The Seventieth Week Prophecy

    D. Matthew 24:15-16: The Abomination of Desolation, standing in the Holy Place (or where it ought not-Mark 13-14)

    E. Matthew 25:1-13: Five of Ten Virgins Found Worthy To Accompany The Bridegroom

    F. Luke 21:34-36: Saints Found Worthy To Escape That Which Is Coming Upon The Earth

    G. Acts 3:21: The heavens must receive Jesus until the restitution of all things

    H. 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18: The "harpazo" Rapture scripture

    I. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4: The falling away and the rise of antichrist, proclaiming himself God while sitting in the temple, still future or already fulfilled?

    J. Revelation 3:10: Philadelphia Saints Kept From The Hour of temptation

    K. Revelation 13:7: Will a last days antichrist have authority over all who dwell upon the whole Earth?

    L. Revelation 20:4-6: Saints Beheaded For Refusing To Worship The Beast As Part of the First Resurrection

    IV: Identifying The World Empires
    A. Daniel 2:37-43: Four, Five or Six Empires?

    B. Daniel 7:1-8: Four, Five or Six Empires?

    C. Daniel 8:1-27: Two or Three Empires?

    D. Revelation 13: One, Two or Three Empires?

    E. Revelation 17:3, 8-18 Eight Empires

    V: Identifying 2,200 Years Of Beasts and Antichrists
    A. Daniel 2:40: The Crushing Beast of Iron

    B. Daniel 7:7: The Terrifying Fourth Beast With Iron Teeth and Brass Claws

    C. Daniel 7:8-11 and 9:9-14: The Little Horn Beast

    D. Daniel 9:26: The Beast Prince who destroys the city and the sanctuary

    E. Daniel 9:27: The Prince Who Confirms The Covenant: Messiah or Beast?

    F. Revelation 9:2-11: The Scorpion like Locusts out of the Abyss

    G. Revelation 13:1-10: The Seven Headed, Ten Horned Blasphemous Beast, out of the Sea

    H. Revelation 13:11-18: The Two Horned, False Prophet Beast out of the Earth

    I. Revelation 16:13-16: Three frog spirit antichrist forces: A consideration of the Islamic Mahdi, The Islamic Jesus "Isa", The Islamic antichrist "Dajjal", Rael and the Raelians, the Buddhist Maitreya, Hindu Kundalini spirits and the Hindu Kalki (10th Avatar of Lord Vishnu)

    J. Revelation 17:3, 8-18 The Scarlet Colored Beast out of the Abyss

    VI: Other Possible Beasts Of The Last 2,200 Years-A Modern Consideration
    A. Daniel 7:4: The Lion beast from the sea-England and The United States

    B. Daniel 7:5: The Bear beast from the sea-Russia

    C. Daniel 7:6: The Leopard beast from the sea-Germany

    D. Daniel 7:7: The Terrifying Fourth Beast With Iron Teeth and Brass Claws-A one-world government dominated by Germany and assisted by Britain and Russia OR A Last Days Re-unified Islamic Caliphate

    E. Ezekiel 38:2, Revelation 20:8: Gog: Who is he and where does he come from? How will he manifest in our time?

    F. Isaiah 10:5, Micah 5:5: The Assyrian: Who is he? Will he have importance in our time?

    VII: Understanding The Scarlet Harlot And Her Daughters in the 21st Century
    A. The Consideration of Islam as a Daughter Harlot

    B. The Consideration of Charismatic/Evangelical/Protestant Christianity as a Daughter Harlot

    C. The Consideration of the Eastern Religions as a Daughter Harlot

    D. The Consideration of the Last Days Revitalization of the Mother Harlot: The Roman Catholic Church

    Stephen L. Bening

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