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Family Factory

(aka Who says you can't make money and have fun on the net?)

Welcome to my site ! I started this website because there is a wealth of information that is very valuable to families and individuals. It is my intent to gather these resources for you in one convenient location. I constantly look for new sites as well as places that families can save money, learn something new, or otherwise have an enjoyable time on the net without the worry of exposure to something less than ideal.

Please note that all new items are added to the top of each list of resources, making the oldest ones on the bottom. If you are new to this site you will want to review the links from the bottom up. If you are a repeat visitor, Welcome Back ! I value your visits!

IMPORTANT As of February 23, 2000 I have been restructering this site to better organize it for your ease. Please bookmark this page or the table of contents as these two pages will definitely not be changed. All others are subject to deletion, consolidation, or change.

Having said all of that, be aware that the best place to explore my site from is the table of contents (the next page) so that you can become familiar with the many aspects and benefits to you.

This website was created 12/99 and continues to grow up




Table of Contents


This Family First Webring site
is owned by
C. M. Snyder.
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This The ORIGINAL Friendship Ring site owned by C. M. Snyder.
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