Schools Offering the Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate Non-Traditionally The basic forrnat of each listing is as follows: NAME OF SCHOOL Adress City, State, Zip, Country Telephone number Name, title of key person Fields of study offered Year established Degrees offered Bachelor's, Master's, and/or Doctorate, Law (B, M, D, L) Residentia'L Non-Resident, or Short Residency Legal status: non-profit or proprietary; independent, state, or church-run Tuition: $ (free to very inexpensive: under $2,000 a year for a residential prograrn; under $2,000 for an entire degree pro gram non-residentially); $$ (inexpensive: $2,000 to $5,000 a year residential; $2,000 to $3,000 a prograrn non-residential); $$$ (average: $5,000 to $7,000 a year residential; $3,000 to $4,000 a program non-residential) $$$$ (high: $7,000 to $10,000 a year residential; $4,000 to $5,000 a program non-residential) $$$$$ (very high: over $10,000 a year residential; over $5,000 a program non-residential). Bear in mind that ¥these are approximations; costs regularly change ¥books, fees, travel, postage, etc. may add to the cost ¥scholarships may subtract from the cost ¥at state schools, out of state students often pay more while many non-residential schools have a fixed fee for the entire degree program, some charge per unit or per year. : ACCREDITED SCHOOLS AALBORG UNIVERSITY CENTRE Aalborg, DK-91000, Denmark Peter Plenge, Chief Administrator Economics, engineering, business, social work 1971 B,M,D Residency Non-profit, state (08) 159111 $ After one year of residential study, students at this experimental Danish university combine work experience with inde pendent study projects, reading, small group meetings, and fieldwork. The degrees in economics, engineering, business administration, and social work are based on passing examinations. ACADIA UNIVERSITY Wolfville, Nova Scotia BOP lX0 Canada David Green Many fields Residency Non-profit, state (902) 542-2201 Although it is not possible to complete all the degree requirements at Acadia, persons who have done work elsewhere can complete their degree non-residentially here. Work can be done by correspondence, work at other schools, Canadian armed forces classes, and examinations, which can be taken at remote locations. Credit prior learning is assessed and awarded on the basis of a Challenge for Credit examinations. Many courses on audio or videotape. ADELPHI UNIVERSITY University College ABLE Program Garden City, NY 11530 USA Ellen Hartigan, Dean University Admissions Many fields 1896 B, M, D Residency Non-profit, independent (S16) 294-8700 $$$ B.A. and B.S. available through the ABLE program which requires one meeting a week, either day, evening or weekend at any of four different centers. Also available are two types of Extended Learning courses, one is self-paced study, the other is listening to a weekly radio broadcast; both require only four class meetings. Credit for prior learning and by e~arnina tion. Certificate programs at the post-Bachelor's level are available, with 4 credits instead of "usual" 3 so students can earn degrees more quickly. ALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITY Continuing Education, 915 S. Jackson St., Montgomery, AL 36195 USA Arthur D. Barnett, Director of Admissions Many fields 1874 Residency Non-profit, state (205) 293-4291 $$ Bachelor's degree can be earned through weekend, evening, and summer program. Credit for independent study, non-aca demic prior learning, and by examination. ALASKA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY 4101 University Dr. Anchorage, AK 99508 USA John Schafer, Director of Admissions Many fields 1957 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (907) 561-1266 $$$ Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by examination. Thirty-six credits in residency required. Only private university in Alaska. Programs in liberal arts, elementary education, human resources, communications, natural resources, values and service, and management. A LVERNIA COLLEGE Reading, PA 19607 USA Beth Calabria Residency Non-profit, independent 1958 $$$ Bachelor's may be earned through weekend, evening, and summer programs. Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by examination. ALVERNO COLLEGE Weekend College, 3401 S. 39th St. Milwaukee,WI 53215 USA Mary Lou Koch, Assistant Director of Admissions Nursing, professional communications, business and management 1887 Residency Non-profit, independent (414) 382~100 ~c .v~ Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by examination. Classes involve intensive study, close working relationships with faculty, and maximum opportunity for self-directed study. The weekend program enrolls both recent high school graduates and women who have been out of school for some time. AMERICAN COLLEGE Q 270 Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 USA Shirley Steinman, CLU Professional 1927 Short residency Non-profit, independent (215) 526-1000 $$ Offers an external Master of Science in financial services, through a combination of correspondence study and short resi dency, primarily for life insurance agents. Also work leading to C.L.U. and C.F.S. certificates. Formerly known as the American College of Life Underwriters. AMERICAN COLLEGE IN LONDON 100 Marylebone Lane London WlM SFP England Business, fashion, interior design, commercial art. 1976 Residency Proprietary (071) 48~1772 $$$ Students can transfer among campuses in London, Atlanta, and Los Angeles. There is an affiliation with the University of Wisconsin-Stout. Atlanta location is at 3330 Peachtree Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30326, (404) 231-9000. AMERICAN COLLEGE IN PARIS 31 Ave. Bosquet Paris, 75007 France Johanna Stobbs, Director of Communications Many fields 1962 Residency Non-profit, independent (33/1) 45559173 $$$$ Bachelor's degrees in international business administration, international affairs, art history, French studies, European cul tural studies, computer science, international economics, and comparative literature are offered through year-round study in Paris. Summer sessions are also offered. All instruction is in English. The student body is about half American and half from 60 other countries. New York of fice is at 80 E. 11th St., Suite 434, New York, NY 10003, (212) 677-4870. AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE 1000 State St. Springfield,MA 01109 USA Dr Elizabeth Ayres, Dean, School of Continuing Education Business, human services 1885 Residency Non-Profit, independent (413) 737_7000 $$$ The degree is available through evening and weekend study through the College of Continuing and Graduate Studies. A REACH program offers special support for older students who have never been in college. AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF LONDON see: RichmondCollege AMERICAN OPEN UNIVERSITY ~1 New York Institute of Technology Central Islip, NY 11722 USA Angela Richards, Director, Academic Studies Business administration, general studies, behavioral science 1955 Non-Resident Non-profit, independent (800) 222-6948 $$ The American Open University is the distance learning arm of New York Institute of Technology. The B.S. or B.A. can be completed by correspondence study or through computer interaction. No prior computer experience is necessary. The business adrninistration degree has a management option. The behavioral science degree has options in community men tal health, crirninal justice, psychology, and sociology. All academic instruction is in the distance learningrmdependent study mode. No on-campus study is required. Students have 24 weeks to complete each course which has 8 assignments, a midterm, and final examination. A minimum of 30 credits must be taken with A.O.U.tN.Y.I.T. The cost is $85 per unit. Transfer of credit, nationally normed exams, challenge exams, and life experience demonstrated by portfolio may be used as prior learning credit if approved. New York phone is (516) 348-3306. AMERICAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY P.O. Bo~c 1416 Hwy. 190 West Killeen, TX 76540 USA Laura Henderson, Admissions Advisor Technological fields 1973 M Short residency Non-profit, independent (817) 526-1150 Correspondents report substantial credit was given them toward a degree for prior learning and careeer experience. They do not wish to appear in this book, but when I leave them out, people write and say "Why didn't you put them in," so this brief notice is a compromise. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY 4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC 20016 USA Maurice O'Connell, Dean Admissions Many fields 1893 B, M, D Residency Non-profit, church (202) 885-6000 $$$$ Degrees in a variety of fields can be earned through evening classes, credit for life and job experience, examinations, study ahroad and ct)mmnnitv l r~.rated Programs. The universitv hosts the Washin~ton Seme~ter nrogram. ANNA MARIA COLLEGE Paxton,MA 01612 USA Donna Varney, Director of Admissions ~usiness 1946 Residency Non-profit, church (617) 757-4586 $$$ The Master of Business Administration can be earned in from 12 to 18 months of intensive weekend study. Classes are held both in Pa~ton and in Boston. ANTIOCH UNIVERSITY 800 Livermore St. Yellow Springs, OH 45387 USA Karen Haas, Assistant Director of Admissions Many fields 1952 Short residency Non-profit, independent (513) 767-1031 $$$$ Non-resident Individualized Master of Arts, requiring two five-day or three-week seminars on campus. Students develop own curriculum with guidance from student-recruited mentors. Work involves independent study, research, practicums, workshops, conferences, and traditional courses. A thesis is required. Students may be anywhere in North America, many locations worldwide. Also offered is an M.A. in the psychology of therapy and counseling, based in London, England. Students there are in residence one day a week for two-and-a-half years. A clinical internship is offered the second year. Students write six essays and a thesis. The cost of this program is $6,925. Antioch has regional centers in Los Angeles, Seattle, New England, Philadelphia, and Santa Barbara In 1989, the center in San Francisco closed, and programs were u~l~ler~a w l~ew ~ 1l ~ . ARMSTRONG UNIVERSITY 2222 Harold Way Berkeley, CA 94704 Ronald Hook, Acting President Business B, M Residency P~prietary (510) 848-2500 $$$ Bachelor's and M.B.A.s are offered through day or evening study. Formerly Armstrong College, and formerly accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Now "University" with accreditation from the recognized Career College Association. ARMSTRONG STATE COLLEGE 11935 Abercorn St. Savannah,GA 31406 USA Thomas P. Miller, Director of Admissions Business, education 1935 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (912) 92S-4200 $$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration, and Master of Educational Adrninistration are offered entirely thr~ugh evening study. ARTS AND SCIENCE UNIVERSITY Department of University Correspondence Courses, Rangoon, Burma Bachelor of Arts, Science, Economics, and Law 1920 Non-resident Non-profit, state Auto 31144 Degrees can be earned entirely through correspondence study, plus passing necessary examinations. Some courses are also given through radio lectures. More than 25,000 students are enrolled in Burma's only non-traditional university. ATHABASCA UNIVERSITY Box 10,000, Athabasca, Alberta TOG 2RO Canada Mr. Kerry Joyes, Information Officer Many fields 1970 B, M Non-resident Non-profit, independent (403) 675-6148 $$ Canadian residents or foreigners resident in Canada only. Bachelor's degrees in administration, arts, general studies, nurs ing, social work, English, history, sociology/anthropology, psychology, Canadian studies, and French. An open distance education institution serving more than 10,000 students across Canada. All courses are offered by correspondence through sophisticated home study packages. Students set up their own study schedules and work at their own pace. There are three degree programs: Bachelor of Administration, Bachelor of General Studies, and B.A. All students are assigned a telephone tutor to whom they have toll-free access. Some courses are supplemented by radio and television programs, audio- and videocassettes, seminars, laboratories, or teleconference sessions. Centers at more than 100 locations in western Canada. In late 1994 or early 1995, Athabasca will introduce an MBA by distance learning, but it will require a few short visits to the campus. The cost will be in the vicinity of $16,000, and it will be offered to students in the U.S. as well as Canada. ATLANTIC UNION COLLEGE Adult Degree Programs, P. O. Bo~c 1000 SouthLancaster,MA 01561 USA Anne Gustafson ~any fields 1882 Short residency Non-profit, church (800) 282-2030 $$ Students take 1 "unit" each semester. A "unit" is a six-month study project, requiring two weeks on campus, and the bal ance of the time in independent study. A minimum of at least the two final units must be taken within the Adult Degree Program; hence four weeks of residency is required to earn the Bachelor's degree. Bachelor's degrees are offered in art busi ness, behavioral science, communications, computer science, education, English, health science, history, interior design, modern languages, music, physical education, personal ministries, religion, social work, and theology. Experiential learn ing credit through portfolio appraisal. In Massachusetts, the toll-free number is (800) 325-0099. AUBURN UNIVERSITY College of Engineering 202 Ramsay Hall, Auburn, AL 36849 Dr. Charles Reeder, Director of Admissions Engineering, computer science, business M Non-resident Non-profit, state (205) 844-4000 $$ The Master's degree is offered in many fields of engineering (aerospace, chemical, civil, electrical, industrial, materials, mechanical, manufacturing systems), in computer science, and in business administration primarily by use of televised courses which are mailed to students, who must keep pace with the on-campus students. Examinations are mailed to local proctors. Only students living within 750 miles of the campus may enroll. AUGUSTANA COLLEGE 29th and Summit Sioux Falls, SD 57197 USA Dean Schueler, Director of Admissions Many fields 1860 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (605) 336-5516 $$$ The Twilight Degree Program offers a Bachelor of Arts degree through courses given in the evening, at the noon hour, or on the weekend. Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by examination. AURORA UNIVERSITY 347 S. Gladstone Aurora, IL 60507 USA Dr. Michael Sawdey, Registrar Many fields 1893 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (312) 892-6431 $$$ Self-designed degree programs in many fields. Bachelor of Arts in accounting, business administration, computer science, criminal justice, economic theory, engineering science, industrial management, and sociology, all offered through evening courses. Weekend College courses for B.A. in computer science/business, business administration, management, and mar keting. Master of Science degree programs in management areas of business, criminal justice, and information systems. All graduate classes are held during the evening on campus, or at various off-campus sites. Nineteen majors are offered through the evening program, and four at Weekend College. Credit for life experience, military credits, etc. BALDWIN-WALLACE COLLEGE 275 Eastland Rd. Berea, OH 44017 USA Linda L. Young, Associate Registrar Many fields 1845 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (216) 826-2900 $$$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in education, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music Education through evening study or the Weekend College which meets on alternate weekends. Credit for prior learning and CLEP examinations. Master of Business Administration in a Saturday program. Master of Business Administration executive program meets on alternate weekends. Also there is an international M.B.A. program. BALL STATE UNIVERSITY Muncie, IN 47306 USA Thomas Bilger, Registrar Education 1918 M Residency Non-profit, State (317) 289-1241 $$ Master of Education program, including a program in psychometrics, can be completed entirely through evening study. BARAT COLLEGE LakeForest,IL 6004S USA Loretta Brickman, Director of Admissions Many fields 1858 Residency Non-profit, independent (312) 234-3000 $$$ Bachelor of Arts through a combination of coursework and credit for prior learning experiences. Evening students may complete majors in management and business, human resource emphasis, computing and information systems. Barat of fers a Degree Completion Program for nurses, awarding up to 60 credit hours for nurse's training plus additional credit for CLEP scores and work achievement. BARD COLLEGE ~ Continuing Studies Program Annandale-on-Hudson,NY 12504 USA Mary Backlund, Director of Admissions Liberal arts, fine arts, sciences, applied fields 1860 Short residency Non-Profit, independent (914) 758-6822 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Professional Studies, designed "to meet the special needs of adults who have left college without completing their studies." Credit for prior learning experience and for achievement mea sured on standard proficiency tests. Students attend evening seminars and classes which meet two hours each week; they may also meet with tutors for advanced study twice a month over the course of a 15-week term, or enroll in the regular undergraduate cLasses held during the day. To graduate, a student must earn 124 credits, 30 of them while enrolled in the program. Minimum time to complete the degree is one academic year (10 months). BARRY UNIVERSITY 11300 NE 2nd Ave. Miami, FL 33161 USA B, M, D Residency Mr. Robin R. Roberts, Dean of Admissions Non-profit, church Many fields 1940 (305) 758-3392 $$$$ Degrees offered in accounting, management, marketing, computer science, economics, finance, sociology, philosophy, and psychology. Credit for prior professional and work experience. Classes held in various locations in south Florida. BARUCH COLLEGE 17 Lexington Ave. NewYork,NY 10010 USA Dr. John Fisher, Director of Admissions Business administration, public administration 1919 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (212) 725-3000 This college of the City University of New York offers the Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration, and Master of Public Administration entirely through evening study. BEIJING BROADCASTING AND TELEVISION UNIVERSITY Beijing, China Science, technology, mathematics, English Non-resident 1960 Non-profit, state Established in 1960 as the Beijing Television College, offering instruction primarily by written correspondence studies, rather than by television. More than 420,000 students are enrolled, from all over China. Students are divided into three categories: full-time (four days of study or more per week; they receive full pay for their time), half-time and spare-time. A typical student spends four hours each day watching television courses and eight hours doing homework. Weekly as signments are mailed to a local tutor. Two examinations are given each year. Most courses are in science, technology, mathematics, and English. BELLARMINE COLLEGE Newburg Rd. Louisville, KY 40205 USA Maria Poschinger Business, education, nursing 1950 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (502) 452~211 $$ Bachelor of Arts in accounting, business administration and commercial science and Bachelor of Science in commerce, available entirely through evening study. Also M.B.A. and M.SN. and M.A. in education through evening programs. BEMIDJI STATE UNIVERSITY Center for E~tended Learning, Deputy Hall 110, Bemidji, MN 56601 USA Lorraine F. Cecil English, history, sociology, community service, vocational education, and criminal justice 1913 Non-resident or residency (218) 755-3924 $$ Credit for life experience and prior learning experiences may be allowed toward the requirements. New credit is earned through on-campus classes, extension classes in other cities, and through independent guided home study. Learning pack ages (a syllabus, books, and sometimes audio- or videocassettes) are provided. Continued contact with B.S.U. is main tained in a variety of ways: by mail, telephone, exchange of cassettes, and conferences with academic advisors. As the Coordinator of External Studies puts it,"unique solutions exist for unique situations." Although the program was origi nally designed for students in northern Minnesota, there is no specific regulation governing residence, and there are some out-of-state students. BEREAN COLLEGE 1445 Boonville Springfield, MO 65802 USA Zenas J. Bicket, Ph.D. 1985 Bible and theolo~Y studies Non-resident Non-profit, independent (417) 862-2781 Accredited by the National Home Study Council, a recognized agency. Studies by correspondence. Credit by examination and for life e~cperience. Primarily for religious workers (clergy, missionaries). Many courses available in Spanish. B~1 A~J ~_V~ McKenzie, TN 38201 USA James R. Shannon, Director of Admissions Business 1842 Residency Non-profit, church (901) 352-5321 Bachelor of Science in business adminstration, entirely through evening study. Credit is given for life experience learning and for internships. Student-initiated majors are available. BISCAYNE COLLEGE see: Saint Thomas University BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY College of Extended Programs and Graduate Study, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 USA John H. Abell, Dean of E~ctended Programs Many fields 1839 Residency Non-profit, state (717) 389-4004 $$ Degrees in natural and physical sciences, social sciences, humanities and arts, business administration, health science, and education. A ma~cimum of 60 credits for the degree can be earned through assessment of prior learning, or a combination of this and equivalency exams and departmental challenge exams prepared by the college. The program requires 128 semester units. Thirty-two of the last 64 units must be earned in residence. Credit is offered for evening classes, televi sion courses, and e~periential learning assessments. BLUEFIELD STATE COLLEGE see: West Virginia Board of Regents B.A. Program BORICUA COLLEGE 3755 Broadway New York, NY 10032 USA Francia Castro, Director of Admissions Liberal arts, natural and social sciences, business, education 1974 Short residency Non-profit, independent (212) 694-1000 $$ Bilingual (Spanish-English) college, offering the B.S. through individualized instruction, independent study, and field in ternships. BOSTON COLLEGE Chestnut Hill, MA 02167 USA Dr. Louise M. Lonabocker, Registrar Many fields 1963 B, M, D Residency Non-profit, church (617) 552-8000 $$$$$ All of the courses required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in American studies, business, economics, English, history, political science, psychology, and sociology can be earned entirely through evening study. Most courses are taught for two-and-a-half hours, one evening per week. BOSTON UNIVERSITY Metropolitan College, 755 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215 USA Arlene F. Becella, Registrar Many fields 1839 B, M, D Residency Non-profit, independent (617) 353-2000 $$$$$ Bachelor of Liberal Studies, Bachelor of Science, Master of Criminal Justice, Master of Liberal Arts, Master of Science in Computer Information Systems, Master of Urban Affairs, Master of City Planning may be earned through evening or weekend study with the university's Metropolitan College. The Overseas Program, primarily for military and Department of Defense employees, offers Master of Science in Business Administration, Master of Science in management, Master of Science in computer information systems, Master of Education, Master of Arts in international relations, Master of Science in mechanical engineering. Locations include Belgium, England, Italy, the Netherlands and West Germany. Credit for prior learning, independent study, and by examination. BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Office of Continuing Education, 300 McFall Center, Bowling Green, OH 43403 USA Joan Bissland, Director of Adult Learners Services Many fields 1910 B, M, D Residency Non-profit, state (419) 372-8181 $$ B.A. degrees in arts and science, business administration, health and human services, technology, musical arts education, art, mass communication, nursing, health and physical education, and recreation available through evening study. Master's degree program in organizational development, through an external degree plan involving a combination of on campus study and independent study. Other evening Master's programs, including an M.B.A. Credit for prior learning, by e~am, and portfolio assessment. BRADLEY UNIVERSITY 118 Bradley Hall B, M Peoria, IL 61625 USA Residency Gary R. Bergman, Director of Enrollment Management Non-profit, independent Many fields (309) 677-1000 1897 Bachelor's and Master's may be earned through evening, weekend, and summer programs; also courses on site at business and industrial locations. Special programs in nursing, engineering, education, business, manufacturing, construction, in ternational studies, radio and television, and international business. BRANDON UNIVERSITY 270 18th St. Brandon, Manitoba R7A 6A9 Canada T. Mitchell, Dean of Students Education, general studies, arts, science, music, nursing, mental health 1880 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (204) 728-9520 $$ Brandon offers its Bachelor of Education and General Studies, B.A., B.S., Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, as well as the Professional Year for teachers, in remote locations in northern Manitoba. The Northern Teacher Education Programme is offered in seven residential centers, and also makes use of "traveling professors" who regularly fly in to remote com munities to offer courses and advice. Many of the students are of native ancestry. Evening, spring, and summer programs. BRIAR CLIFF COLLEGE 3303 Rebecca St. Sioux City, IA 51104 USA James ~3. Hoffman, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1930 Residency Non-profit, church (712) 279-5321 $$$ B.S N. weekend programs for nurses. Evening and weekend college courses offered in nursing, business administration, accounting, mass communications, and pastoral ministry. "Project Access" provides credit for life experience. E~tensive internship program. BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY ~3 237 HCEB Provo, UT 84602 USA Dr. Robert W. Spencer, Dean of Admissions Independent studies 1875 A, B Short residency Non-profit, church (801) 378-1211 $$ Bachelor of Independent Studies program offered through independent study and a short period of on-campus study. The Bachelor's degree requires a maximum of attendance at five seminars on campusÑone of each of five units of the pro gram. Students having 32 or more semester hours of accepted college credit may transfer them into the program to help fill course requirements. A score of 610 or higher on CLEP exams is necessary for a student to have the corresponding B.I.S. study area considered for waiver, and then only after having successfully completed the seminar associated with the study area. Only one study area can be waived by CLEP exams. The total elapsed time can range from 16 months to 8 years. There is also a non-resident Associate's degree in English or geneaology. BRITISH COLUMBIA OPEN UNIVERSITY See: Open Learning Agency of British Columbia BRYANT COLLEGE Evening Division Smithfield,RI 02917 USA Nancy G. Parchesky, Dean of Admissions Business administration, criminal justice 1863 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (401) 232~000 $$$ Bachelor of Science in business administration and criminal justice; Master of Business Administration, offered entirely through evening and weekend study. BURLINGTON COLLEGE 95 North Ave. Burlington,VT 05401 USA Dennis McBee, Director of Admissions Transpersonal psychology, many fields. 1972 Short residency Non-profit, independent (802) 862-9616 $$$ Bachelor of Arts, primarily through non-resident study. All students must attend a one-week workshop in Burlington, and are encouraged but not required to attend a one-week residential session twice a yea~ The minimum time for completion of a degree is six months. Because of the need to meet from time to time with advisors, students living far from Vemmont are not encouraged to apply. Students are encouraged to develop their own majors, through the "BAIM" (B.A. Individuali~ed Major) program. CALDWELL COLLEGE Extemal Degree Progratn Caldwell, NJ 07006 USA Marilyn S. Goodson, Director, E~ternal Degree Program Many fields Short residency Non-profit, church (201) 228~1424 1979 $$$ Degrees in business administration, English, foreign languages, history, psychology, religious studies, and sociology. This is primarily an off-campus, independent study program which utilizes tutorial relationships with professors. Students spend one weekend per semester on campus. Credit is given for life experience assessment and by examination. CALIFORNIA COLLEGE FOR HEALTH SCIENCES ~ A, M 222 West 24th St. National City, CA 92050 Judith Eberhart, Dean 1979 Non-resident (619) 477-4800 App~. $$$ Master of Science in Community Health Administration and Wellness Promotion available entirely through home study courses. Any of the fifteen courses may be challenged by taking the final exam without taking the course. The degree pre pares professionals to become specialists in health promotion in private industry and education. Non-degree programs are offered in wellness management, wellness program development, and wellness counseling. Associates degrees are offered in several health-related fields. The school is accredited by the National Home Study Council. CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF INTEGRAL STUDIES 765 Ashbury SanFrancisco,CA 94117 USA Jeff Aitken, Admissions Offlcer Many fields 1968 M, D Residency Non-profit, independent (415) 753-6100 $$$ Master's degrees are offered in East-West psychology, integral counseling psychology, philosophy and religion, and social and cultural anthropology. The Ph.D. is available in clinical or counseling psychology, East-West psychology, and phi losophy and religion. Most programs involve a combination of intellectual study, personal experience of psycho-spiritual growth processes, and practical fieldwork in counseling, community service, teaching, or creative independent study. Formerly called the California Institute of Asian Studies. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 2152 Union St. San Francisco, CA 94123 USA Timothy Gallagher, Director of Admissions Psychology, organizational behavior 1969 M, D Residency Non-profit, independent (415) 346-4507 $$$$$ Ph.D. and Psy.D. programs in clinical psychology; Ph.D. programs in industrial and organizational psychology; and a part-time M.S. program in organizational behavior, offered at campuses in Berkeley, Fresno, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Some evening and weekend courses are scheduled. Clinical Ph.D. programs at all campuses are accredited by the American Psychological Association. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, CHICO Chico, CA 95929 USA Dr. Kenneth C. Edson, Director of Admissions Mr. Bruce Rowen, Registrar Environmental planning, public administration, social science, California studies 1887 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (916) ~9~-6321 A part of California's "Thousand Mile Campus," Chico State offers the Bachelor of Arts in environmental planning, pub lic administration and social science; Master of Arts in California studies, environmental planning and social science; and the Master of Public Administration? with elements of independent study and credit for prior learning. .. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, DOMINGUEZ HILLS~ 1000 E. ~Ictoria St., M Carson, CA 90747 USA Dr. Arthur L. Harshman "Humaniti~s, quality assurance Non-resident or residency Non-profit, state (310) 516-3743 , ' The External Degree Program in Humanities offers a non-resident M.A. in history, literature, philosophy, music, and/or art. The program is offered by "parallel instruction." Students do all the work that residential students do, in the same general time frame, but do not attend classes. Total of 30 semester hours for the degree. Eighty percent must be earned after enrolling. Credit for independent study projects, correspondence courses, and a thesis or a creative project. Communication with faculty by mail and telephone. A full-time student can finish in one academic year. (This is a rare opportunity to earn an accredited Master's degree non-residentially. I am biased. My wife completed her M.A. here in 1985, and is a testimonial to the program.) The M.S. in quality assurance requires 36 semester hours, with attendance at various business locations in southern California. Total cost: $4,400. Contact person for quality assurance: Paul Davis, Program Administrator. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE 18111 Nordhoff St. Northridge,CA 91330 USA Lorraine Newlon, Director of Admissions Engineering 1958 M Residency Non-profit, state (818) 885-1200 $$ Master of Science in engineering in a non-traditional mode, with elements of independent study, and credit for prior expe rience. This program is for employees of the Naval Weapons Center or for local residents. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO 6000 ~3 St., Sacramento, CA 95819 USA Larry D. Galsmire, Director of Admissions Many fields 1947 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (916) 278-6111 $$ The degree programs have various non-traditional elements, including independent study and internships. They include: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Master of Arts, Master of Science, M.B.A., Master of Social Work. CALUMET COLLEGE 2400 New York Ave. Whitin~, IN 46394 USA Residency Non-profit, church (219) 473-7770 $$ Sharon Sweeney, Director of Admissions Many fields 1951 Bachelor's degrees in general studies, social sciences, humanities and arts, business administration, and other individual ized programs. Up to 75% of the units required can come from an assessment of prior learning experience. A course is of fered in the preparation of life e~perience portfolios. CAMBRIDGE COLLEGE Institute of Open Education, 15 Mifflin Place Cambridge, MA 02138 USA Bruce Grigsby, Director of Enrollment Services Education 1970 M Residency Non-profit, independent (617) 492-5108 $$$ The Master of Education is offered through an intensive 12-month program for working professionals. Each student must complete seven courses, participate in 12 one-day weekend workshops, participate in a year-long professional seminar, and produce a Master's project (research paper, media presentation, communhy project, etc.). Courses are given one week day evening per week. Some interest-free loans are available. CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 546 Buies Creek, NC 27506 USA Herbert V. Kerner, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1887 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (919) 436-3242 $$$ The Bachelor's and Master's can be earned entirely through evening and weekend study, and are open to active military per sonnel, veterans, and civilians. Special degree program in business and juris doctrine of law. CANISIUS COLLEGE 2001 Main St. Buffalo,NY 14208 USA Penelope H. Lips, Director of Admissions Technical and liberal studies 1870 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (716) 883-7000 $$$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in technical and liberal studies may be earned through evening and summer pro grams. Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by examination. Part-time students pay $153 per credit. Up to 50% of the credit can come from work done at other approved institutions. CAPITAL UNIVERSITY Adult Degree Program,330 Renner Hall 2199 E. Main St., Columbus, OH 43209 USA DL Daina McGary, Associate Dean, Adult Education Many fields 1976 Short residency Non-profit, church (614) 236-6696 $$$ A University Without Walls progratn begun in 1976 by the Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities and taken over in 1979 by the venerable Capital University. Beginning students must complete the equivalent of 124 semester credit hours, largely through guided independent study. A Bachelor of Arts, with various majors, or a Bachelor of General Studies, with no major, can be earned. All students must complete a senior project, showing Bachelor's-level abilities and serving as a learning experience. The university maintains Adult Degree Program of fices in Cleveland and Dayton as well. Evening and weekend courses; credit for experiential learning available through portfolio as sessment/competency statement development. CARDINAL STRITCH COLLEGE Of fice of Adult Education, 6801 N. Yates Rd. Milwaukee,WI 53217 USA KeMeth L. Steidle, Director of Admissions Many fields 1937 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (414) 352-5400 $$$ Bachelor's degree programs are offered in many fields. Credit for experiential learning. The business/economics degree can be earned entirely through evening study. Prograrns in Management for Adults offers Bachelor's and Master's degrees in management and a Master's in health services administration which can be obtained by attending one evening a week. In addition, a certificate in sales productivity and management is offered through Programs in Management for Adults. CARIBBEAN CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDIES see: Miami Institute of Psychology CARSON-NEWMAN COLLEGE Extension Division, Russell Ave. JeffersonCity,TN 37760 USA Jack W. Shannon, Director of Admissions 40 majors available 1851 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (615) 475-9061 $$$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in many fields, available entirely through evening study. Credit by exarnina tion, independent study, and for military experience. Self-designed majors are available. Master's degrees are offered in edu cation, nursing, and teaching. CASTLETON STATE COLLEGE Castleton, VT 05735 USA Dr. Lyle Gray Teacher education, business, liberal arts 1787 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (802) 468-5611 Bachelor's and Master's may be earned through weekend, summer, and evening classes. Special programs in nursing edu cation. Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by examination. CEDAR CREST COLLEGE Allentown, PA 18104 USA Curtis D. Bauman, Registrar 30 majors available 1 ~7 Residency Non-profit, church (215) 437-4471 __. $$$$ Bachelor's degree may be earned through weekend, evening, and summer classes (minimum of 30 credits to be earned after enrolling). Special programs include nursing, accounting, legal assistant, nuclear medical technology, genetic engineering teclmology. Credit for life experience and by proficiency e~am. CENTENARY COLLEGE (LA) P.O. Box 41188 Shreveport,LA 71134-1188 USA Caroline Kelsey, Director of Admissions Various fields Residency Non-profit, church (318) 869-5131 ___ $$$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Music degrees may be earned entirely through evening study. CENTENARY COLLEGE (NJ) 400 Jefferson St. Hackettstown, NJ 07840 USA James Pegg, Director of Admissions Many fields 1~67 Residency Non-profit, independent (201) 852-1400, ext. 215 $$$ Bachelor's may be earned in fields including equine studies, fashion, interior design, communication, education, business, liberal arts, psychology, and English, through weekend, evening, and summer progratns. Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by examination. CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY ~ Institute for Personal Growth and Development, B, M Rowe Hall 131 Non-resident Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 USA Non-profit, state Robert Trullinger, Director, Extended Degree Programs (517) 774-7135 or (800) 950-1144 Administration, management and supervision $$ 1892 The M.S. in Administration program offers graduate degrees through intensive classes given at various locations nation wide. One can earn a general administration and management degree or specialize in health services administration or pub lic administration. All programs are operated under the sponsorship of companies, military bases, or professional organi zations. In most cases, anyone may enroll, whether or not they have an association with the sponsor. Classes are offered in Michigan; Washington, DC; Hawaii; and at locations throughout the Southeast and Midwest. Twenty-one semester hours (of 36 required) must be completed through Central Michigan. Up to 10 units can come from prior learning assess ment. C.M.U. also offers programs in community college administration in Canada. For Michigan residents there is a program leading to a Bachelor of Individualized Studies or a B.A./B.S. in Liberal Studies. Thirty units must be earned from Central Michigan. CENTRE DE TELE-ENSEIGNEMENT UNIVERSITAIRE 6, Ave. H. Maringer, B.P. 33.97 Nancy,F-54015 France Prof. Jean-Marie Bonnet Manv fields B, M Non-resident Non-profit, state 8340-0245 The Centre is a confederation of seven universities, offering degree studies by correspondence, based primarily on taped lectures (in French, of course), with supplementary written materials. The tapes are available by mail, and are also broad cast on the radio and available at various regional centers. Students must enroll first in one of the participating universi ties (Besan,con, Dijon, Metz, Mulhouse, Nancy, Reims, Strasbourg), and then in the Centre. Even though all coursework is done through the Centre, the degree is awarded by a participating university. Bachelor's (license) studies are offered in many fields, and the Master's in only a few. CENTRE NATIONAL DE TELE-ENSEIGNEMENT 12, Place du Pantheon Paris, 75005 France M. Masclet Many fields 1987 Non-resident Non-profit, state (1) 46-34-9700 Programs available nationwide through the Centre Audiovisuel des Universite de Paris. The degrees are awarded solely on the basis of examinations, which must be taken in France. Instruction in French language, using radio programs, tapes, and a method conference held on a Saturday once a month. In the U.S., information is also available from the Embassy of France, Cultural Attache, 972 5th Ave., New York, NY 10021. CHAMINADE UNIVERSITY 3140 Waialae Ave. Honolulu, HI 96816-1578 USA Dr. William Murray, Director of Admissions Many fields 1955 Residency Non-profit, independent (808) 735~711 $$ Bachelor of Arts, Science, Business Administration, Fine Arts, and General Studies offered through accelerated evening programs on military bases primarily for military personnel and their dependents. Weekend and summer programs are also available. Credit for military training, independent study, examinations, and non-academic prior learning. CHAPMAN COLLEGE 333 Glassell St. Orange, CA 92666 USA Anthony Garcia, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1861 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (714) 997-6611 $$$$$ Regional education centers are located at over 50 military installations and civilian locations, nationally. Six-, eight-, nine- and ten-week semesters are available. T.A.P.E. is a telecommunication-assisted program of education. CHARTER OAK STATE COLLEGE ~3 270 Farmington Ave., Suite 171 Farmington, CT 06032 USA Mrs. Patricia C. Frazier, Director of Administration 1973 Non-resident Non-profit, state (203) 677-0076 $$ This program is available only to residents of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. The college is operated by the Connecticut Board for State Academic Awards, and offers the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees. The student is responsible for amassing 120 semester units, which may come from courses taken elsewhere, equivalency examinations, military study, correspondence courses, or special in-person examinations of one's knowledge level. As soon as the 120 units are earned, with at least half in the arts and sciences, and 36 in a single subject or major area, the degree is awarded. (Charter Oak used to accept enrollments from people anywhere in the world, but it just didn't work out satisfactorily.) Original name: Connecticut Board for State Academic Awards, then Charter Oak College. CHICAGO CITY-WIDE COLLEGE Center for Open Learning 30 E. Lake St. Chicago, IL 60609 Patrick McPhilimy, Director of Project Operations Courses, not degrees Non-resident Non-profit, state 312) 781-9430 ext. 2784 This center is one of the city colleges of Chicago, which has been offering courses via television for more than thirty years. Many of the courses are also available on viceocassettes. All work can be completed at home, but one must take a proctored examination. These accredited units can be applied to degree programs at other schools. CHICAGO STATE UNIVERSITY University Without Walls, 95th St. at King Dr. Chicago, IL 60628 USA Dr. Michelle Howard-Vltal, Dean, Continuing Education Many fields 1867 Short residency Non-profit, state (312) 855-8213 $$ A multi-ethnic, "commuter" institution in the city's far South Side oriented to the problems of the urban environment and the educational needs of older learners. A student, with the assistance of the learning coordinator and faculty advisor, enters into trimesterly learning agreements, ordinarily with a field advisor, a practitioner in the student's area of interest, often drawn from within his or her employing agency. The past academic and other relevant experience of the student is assessed after one trimester in the program, at which time an estimate is made of how long the degree program will take. A culminating project demonstrating competence, knowledge, and critical perspectives on one's field of study serves as the focal point for graduation assessment. Chicago State is one of five schools offering the Board of Governor's Bachelor's Degree program, in which much of the work can be done at a distance. CINCINNATI BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY 2700 Glenway Ave., P.O. Box 043200 Cincinnati, OH 45204 USA Steve Price, Assistant Director of Admissions Religious fields 1 ~24 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (513) 244-8100 $$ The Bachelor of Arts, Science, or Music is offered in many fields, ranging from Christian education to journalism to ministry to the deaf. Master's degrees are in 11 areas of concentration. The Master of Arts can be earned by taking cours es in module form. More than half the units can be earned at extension locations in Maryland, Ohio, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, and Florida. Courses on the main campus are available days or evenings. Up to 25% of the units for a Bachelor's degree may be earned by the college's own correspondence courses. The schools are accredited by the American Association of Bible Colleges (a recognized accreditor) and have candidacy status with North Central Association, their re gional accreditor. CITY UNIVERSITY 335 116th Avenue SE B, M Bellevue, WA 98004 USA Non-resident or residency Robert Van Woert, Ed.D., Vlce President and Registrar Non-profit, independent Many fields (800) 426-5596 1973 $$ Associate's, Bachelor's and Mater's degrees may be earned entirely by &tance learning from anywhere in the world, or in residence at sites in Washington, Oregon and California, as well as in British Columbia, Austria, Slovakia, and Switzerland. Distance learning is offered entirely through the use of a home computer, or by more traditional (old-fash ioned) means. Degrees offered in business, health care administration, computer science, nursing, accounting, and finance, law enforcement administration, marriage and family counseling (practicum required), telecommunications management, aviation management, computer information systems, and other fields. The M.B.A. may also be completed entirely by home computer. Also, a nursing B.S.N. program is offered through evening study, and programs in computer science ei ther by evening or weekend study. For students with an Associate's, the Bachelor's can be earned in 18 months. Some Master's degrees can be earned in 15 months. CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORKÑCITY COLLEGE 138th St. at Convent Ave. New York, NY 10031 USA Susan Weingartner, Director of Admissions Many fields 1847 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (212) 69~}6741 $1,333 Bachelor's degree may be earned through weekend, evening, and summer programs. Fields include engineering, architec ture, medicine, liberal arts, science, and performing arts. Credit for tutorial, independent study, and by examination. Up to 30 credits may be earned for the life experience thesis program. Programs of the Center for Work Education are designed primarily for working adult members of labor unions. It offers flexible scheduling, weekend classes, and life experience credit. Phone: 690-5300. The Center for Vocational Teacher Education program leads to state certification and a B.S. in vocational education. Its phone: 690-5420. CLARK UNIVERSITY College of Professional and Continuing Education, 950 Main St. Worcester,MA 01610 USA Laura Myers, Director of Continuing Education Many fields 1953 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (617) 793-7408 .p.p Bachelor of Arts in liberal arts or Bachelor of Science in business administration, Master of Public Administration and Master of Arts in liberal arts offered entirely by evening study or summer programs. Life e~perience prograrns for aca demic credit. CLEVELAND STATE UNIVERSITY E. 24th and Euclid Cleveland, OH 44115 USA Dr. Richard C. Dickerman, Director of Admissions Many fields 19~4 B, M, D, Law Residency Non-profit, state (216) 687-2000 $$ Degrees offered are the Bachelor of Arts, Science, Business Administration, Education, and Engineering; and the M.A., M.S., Master of Urban Affairs, and M.B.A. Most of these are available entirely through evening study and/or Saturday classes. COLLEGE FOR HUMAN SERVICES 345 Hudson St. New York, NY 10014 USA Alida Mesrop, Dean Human service, business 1964 B~) Short residency Non-profit, independent (212) 989-2002 $$$ Bachelor of Professional Studies in human service professions or business, for persons over 21 whose family incomes fall below the poverty line. Over 90% of the students are either black or Hispanic. The two-and-a-half year program is di vided into eight 16-week "crystals" (terms) in which "dimensions" (courses) are taught by "co-ordinator-teachers." The school locates jobs for all students in one of 285 city agencies. Students work three days a week and take classes two days. An M.S. in administration has been under development. Campuses have been established in Florida, and in Oa~and, California COLLEGE MISERICORDIA Lake St. Dallas, PA 18612 USA David M. Payne, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1924 Residency Non-profit, church (717) 675-2181 Bachelor of Arts through weekend study; Bachelor of Science in Nursing, B.A. in business, and Bachelor of Music through evening study. Master's degrees in nursing, occupational therapy, education, and human services administration. Evening and weekend courses. A Bachelor's degree can be earned in four years of evening study. COLLEGE OF MOUNT SAINT JOSEPH Division of Continuing Education Mount Saint Joseph, OH 45233 USA Mary Kay Meyer, Director of Continuing Education Many fields 1920 B Re esidency Non-profit, church ;13) 244-4805 The PM College offers Bachelor's degree programs in paralegal studies, liberal arts, business, accounting, and other sub jects, in classes that meet one evening a week in this west Cincinnati suburb. The Weekend College offers the Bachelor of Arts in business (management or marketing), communication arts, human services, gerontology, accounting, or liberal arts and Bachelor of Science in nursing and in management of nursing services. Classes meet five weekends out of each 13-week term. Each class is three-and-a-half hours long, and up to three can be taken between Friday evening and Sunday evening. Credit is available for experiential learning. COLLEGE OF MOUNT SAINT VINCENT 263rd St. and Riverdale Ave. Riverdale, NY 10471 USA Lenore M. Mott, Director of Admissions More than 30 fields 1847 Residency Non-profit, independent (212) 549-8000 B.A. and B.S. programs in more than 30 fields through evening, summer, and weekend programs (every other weekend), both on and off campus. Also Bachelor of Science for R.N.'s. Up to 30 credits may be granted for experiential learning. Also credit by examination. More than 250 established internships are available for students. There is a College Emeritus, for those who have not studied since high school, or have limited college experience, and are age 55 or older. College Emeritus has substantially reduced tuition. COLLEGE OF NEW ROCHELLE School of New Resources New Rochelle, NY 10801 USA Patricia Furman, Associate Dean for Administrative Services Liberal studies, liberal arts 1972 Short residency Non-profit, independent (914) 632-5300 $$ The School of New Resources has six campus sites in the greater New York area: one in New Rochelle and one in each of the five boroughs of New York City. Degrees can be earned through evening and weekend study. Credit is given for life experience learning. COLLEGE OF NOTRE DAME OF MARYLAND 4701 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21210 USA Sharon Houst, Director of Admissions Many fields 1873 Residency Non-profit, church (301) 435-0100 $$$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Nursing and 22 other fields of study, through weekend and summer programs. Several Master's programs as well. Credit for non-academic prior learning, independent study, and by examination. A dual-degree (B.A./B.S.) program in engineering with the University of Maryland and in nursing with Johns Hopkins.. The literature reminds us, several times, that this Notre Dame is neither in Paris nor South Bend, but in Baltimore. COLLEGE OF SAINT CATHERINE 2004 Randolph Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 USA Jennifer Hentho, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1905 Residency Non-profit, church (612) 690-6000 $$$ College degree programs for adult women. Bachelor of Arts in business administration, communication, information management, nursing, occupational therapy, social work, and theology through Weekend College. Some evening classes are available. Credit for CLEP exams, and through CARL, a Credit for Academic Relevant Learning program. COLLEGE OF SAINT FRANCIS ~3 500 Wilcox St. Joliet, IL 60435 USA Charles Beutel, Director of Admissions Health Arts 1925 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (815) 740-3360 $$$ Bachelor of Science program with a major in health arts for registered nurses and other heal~ professionals. Students are required to complete at least eight courses and may do so at any of 100 locations in 25 states, from California to New Yorlc New locations are added regularly. Classes meet one evening a week. Full-time students may complete the degree in less than a year, while those taking one course at a time will normally take two-and-a-half years. 128 semester units are required for the degree, of which 32 must be earned after enrollment. Through the Prior Learning Assessment Program, the college recognizes the health professional's previous education and experience for college credit. Up to three years of college credit may be earned through an assessment of prior learning. A Master's degree program in health services admin istration is also available off campus at 25 locations in 11 states. COLLEGE OF SAINT MARY 1901 S. 72nd St. Omaha, NE 68124 USA Dr. Patricia Snipp Many fields Residency Non-profit, church (402) 399-2400 . __ $$$ The Weekend College offers a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration, computer information management, marketing, management, human resources management, and human services. Summer and evening study programs are also available; B.S.N. programs for nurses. Credit by examination and portfolio assessment. COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE 432 Western Ave. Albany, NY 12203 USA Mary O'Donnell, Director of Admissions Many fields n Residency Non-profit, independent (518) 454-5111 _~ $$$ Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in which up to 75% of the required credits may be earned through an assessment of prior learning experiences. The assessment may take six months or more. Only students matriculated at the College of Saint Rose are considered for assessment. COLLEGE OF SAINT SCHOLASTICA 1200 Kenwood Ave. Duluth, MN 55811 USA Nancy Ferreira, Dean of Admission Nursing, physical therapy, medical technology 1912 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (218) 723-6000 $$$ Bachelor's and some Master's may be earned through summer and evening classes. Credit for independent study, non-aca demic prior learning, and by examination. There is a requirement of 48 credits. COLLEGE OF STATEN ISLAND 130 Stuyvesant Place Staten Island, NY 10301 USA Elaine Bowden, Registrar Many fields 1 9~ Residency Non-profit, state/local (718) 390-7733 ..__ $ The college is part of the City University of New York. Bachelor's degrees in many fields, through a totally individual ized course of study. Credit is earned for classes held on-campus, off-campus, and at work sites, independent study pro jects, work experience, and prior learning experience, credit by examination, departmental challenge exams, and intern ships. Non-credit courses offered to prepare adult students returning to college. COLORADO CHRISTIAN UNIVERSlTY School of Professional Studies 180 S. Garrison St. Lakewood, CO 80226 Dr. Gene R. Marlatt, Dean 1914 Residency Non-profit, non-denominational (303) 238-5386, ext. 152 '0~ The B.A. in Management of Human Resources can be earned in 12 months through evening or weekend programs, if the participant has an A.A. or 56 hours of transferable credit, is over 25, and prepares a life experience portfolio (which can be worth up to 40 units). Formerly Rockmont College. No connection whatever with a defunct diploma mill called Colorado Christian University. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY ~3 SURGE Program, Division of Continuing Education, Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA Marcia Bankirer, Director, Division of Continuing Education Business, engineering, chemistry, computer science 1870 M Non-resident or Residency Non-profit, state (800) 525-4950 $$ Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Engineering in an external program, involving a combina tion of coursework and independent study. The engineering degrees are in civil, electrical, mechanical, agricultural, and chemical engineering. Some offerings via videotape. The program is designed for certain industries that subscribe to the SURGE program, and agree to guarantee a certain number of enrollments. The program is then open to employees of those industries, but not readily to the general public. Programs have been offered in California, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming. The university "specializes" in offering programs to meet educational needs not met by local institutions. It is possible to acquire viedotapes directly from the university, for persons who are not able to view them through their company or employer. COLUMBIA UNION COLLEGE ~3 7600 Flower Ave. TakomaPark,MD 20912 USA Charlotte Conway, Director of Admissions Various fields 1904 Non-resident Non-profit, church (301) 270-9200 $$$ The Bachelor of Arts can be earned entirely through correspondence study. Credit for standard equivalency examinations or work experience after the student has earned at least 24 semester hours in the program. At least 30 units must be earned after enrolling at Columbia Union (between 8 and 12 courses). Students may select any of the following areas of concen tration: business administration, education, English, history, psychology, or religion. (The psychology degree cannot be done entirely through home study.) All students must write a major paper, related to literature, science. religion, or arts or pass a comprehensive examination to qualify for graduation. The school is owned by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, but non-church-members are welcome. Students may live anywhere in the world, but all work must be done in English. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Teachers College, 525 W. 121st St. New York, NY 10027 USA Robert Furno, Director of Admissions Education 1887 Short residency Non-profit, independent (212) 678-3000 $$$$$ The Doctor of Education degree is offered through an innovative program called AEGIS: Adult Education Guided Independent Study. The program requires two years to complete, largely through guided independent study, with advise ment available by correspondence, telephone, or optional campus visits. Participants must attend a seminar on campus one Saturday each month, plus a three-week intensive summer session for both summers of enrollment. The program is designed for experienced self-directed professionals with at least five years of experience in program development or ad ministration of adult education or training. Admission is highly competitive; about 20 students are admitted every other CONCORD COLLEGE see: West Vlrginia Board of Regents B.A. Program CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY 12800 North Lake Shore Drive Mequon, WI 53092 Dr. David Zersen, Dean, School of Adult and Continuing Ed. Management and communication, liberal arts, health care, nursing 1881 Residency Non-profit, church (414) 2434341 ~c~ .0 Concordia offers Bachelor's degrees in an accelerated modular format, for full-time working adults. Credit is awarded fol lowing portfolio assessment, as well as by telecourses, correspondence courses, challenge exams, and through indepen dent study. The school operates adult learning centers in Appleton, Green Bay, Madison and Kenosha, Wisconsin; Fort Wayne, Indiana; and St. Louis, Missouri. The B.S. in nursing is for RNs, and meets one night a week for 73 weeks. CONNECTICUT BOARD FOR STATE ACADEMIC AWARDS see: Charter Oak State College COVENANT COLLEGE Quest P~gram, Lookout Mountain, TN 37350 USA Donovan Graham, Dean of Extended Programs Organizational behavior 1955 Residency Non-profit, church (404) 820-1560 $$$ The Bachelor of Arts in organizational behavior is offered in an innovative program in which a group of 16 to 20 stu dents meets one evening a week for 52 weeks. Mne courses are offered during this period, consecutively, for one to five weeks each. All students complete a major research project, applying management and organizational behavior to a prob lem or need in his or her occupational field or place of service. All work is done in "a biblical framework; "Covenant is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church of America A degree program can begin whenever and wherever 16 to 20 students are ready. Applicants must have 60 semester units of credit and five years of work experience to qualify. CLEP and mili tary credit are accepted. Students can earn up to 32 units toward graduation (not admission) from life experience. The pro gram is offered in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY California St. at 24th Omaha,NE 68178 USA Dr. Shirley L. Dooling, Dean of Nursing Nursing 1878 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (800) 228-7212, ext. 2027 $$$ The Accelerated Nursing Curriculum program offers persons with a B.A. or B.S. in another field the opportunity to earn a professional degree (B.S.N.) in nursing in one year. There is also a three-year Bachelor's/Master's option. DALLAS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY 7777 W. Kiest Blvd. Dallas, TX 75211 USA Dr. Gary R. Young, Registrar Many fields 1 ~98 Residency Non-profit, church (214) 331-8311 _ _ $$ Most coulses are offered through evening study, and some on Saturdays. The Bachelor of Career Arts program will award up to 30 hours of the necessary credits for the degree for prior learning experiences. The degree is offered in aviation management, business administration, computer science, criminal justice, engineering management, flre protection man agement, pastoral ministries, real estate, secretarial science, and other areas. Credit is generously, but realistically, awarded for government, military, aviation and other career experience. (For instance, their brochure indicates a C.P.A. or C.L.U. certificate is worth the portfolio maximum of 30 credit hours.) DARLING DOWNS INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED EDUCATION P.O. Box Darling Heights Toowoomba, Australia 4350 G. Edmondson, Senior Administration Of ficer B, M Non-resident Non-profit, state Applied science, arts, business, education, engineering (61 7) 6 312100 Degree programs make extensive use of audio-and videotapes as well as written materials. Evening courses, and extemal study prograrns are offered. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE MALS Admissions, 301 Wentworth Hall Hanover, NH 03775 USA Dr. J. Laurie Snell, Chair, MALS Program Liberal Studies 1769 M Residency Non-profit, independent (603) 646-3592 $$$$$ Dartmouth ~:ollege s Master Ol Arts m Ll~eral ~luales program IS aeSlgll~ lW ~I(IUUI~ W ~;UII~Ulu~ Ult;~ Students typically attend three summers, or, for those who do continuous work, five consecutive terms. (About 40% of the 200 active students are from out of the area). The program combines classes, a weekly colloquium, student-led semi nars, independent study, and a final project assignment. Meals and housing are available on the Dartmouth campus, if de sired. Seventy-five percent of the MALS students receive some form of financial assistance. Students plan their own course of study. There are no core courses and no majors. DAVIS AND ELKINS COLLEGE Mentor-Assisted Program, 100 Sycamore St. Elkins, WV 26241 Kevin D. Chenoweth, Director of Admissions Business, management, other fields Very short residency Non-profit, church (304) 636-1900 $$$$ The Bachelor of Arts or Science can be completed by correspondence courses, independent study, assistance by telephone or mail, and guided independent study, with a total of two weeks on the campus, in a few short visits over the course of the program. DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY Career Development Department, P.O. Box 3819 Manila, Philippines Dr. Diving M. Edralin, Dean Business, management, economics 1~1 1 M, D Residency Non-profit, church 57-28- 15 The university offers a Master's and Doctorate degree in management and a M.S. in economics in a part-time program, with evening study. It is designed for working students in public services, education, commerce and industry, and private agencies. DE PAUL UNIVERSITY (Illinois) 25 E. Jackson Blvd. B, M Chicago, IL 60604 USA Residency Brian Spittle, Director of Adult Admissions Non-profit, church Many fields (312) 341-8000 1898 $$$ The School for New Learning offers a B.A. and M.A. that may be earned through weekend and evening programs. Each degree is individually designed. Credit for learning from life or work experience is given. The MALS, or Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, program offers a multidisciplinary liberal arts curriculum for adult learners, involving a self-designed program emphasizing team-taught courses and colloquia. All classes are offered in the evening, generally once a week, at two Chicago locations. All students take the same four core courses, two colloquia, and six elective courses, and then complete an "integrating project." DEAKIN UNIVERSITY Off-Campus Studies Vlctoria,3217 Australia Humanities, social sciences, education, 1 C~7~ Nl Non-resident Non-profit Deakin operates as an open university, for Australians only, with voluntary attendance at tutorials and weekend schools. The Bachelor of Arts is offered in humanities, social sciences, and education. Also offered are Bachelor of Education, Graduate Diploma of education administration, Master's in education, education administration, and business administra tion, and a Graduate Diploma in computing. Special entry offers the opportunity for adults who haven't completed sec ondary level education to enroll in the Bachelor of Arts. DEFIANCE COLLEGE 701 N. Clinton St. Defiance,OH 43512 USA Terry L. Taylor, Director of Admissions Many fields Residency Non-profit, church (419) 784-4010 1850 Bachelor of Art and Bachelor of Science in a wide variety of fields, through weekend, evening, and summer programs. Credit for prior learning, independent study, and by examination. A two-semester interdisciplinary core course is required. In addition to many traditional majors, there are unusual majors in municipal and industrial recreation, natural systems, and therapeutic recreation. DELAWARE VALLEY COLLEGE Doylestown, PA 18901 USA Stephen W. Zenko, Director of Admission Business, biology, computer systems, management 1896 Residency Non-profit, independent (215) 345-1500 $$$ The Bachelor of Science in these fields is available entirely through evening study. DRAKE UNIVERSITY 25th St. and University Ave. DesMoines,IA 50311 USA Jennifer G. Hantho, Director of Admissions Many fields 1881 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (515) 271-3181 $$$$ A wide range of both undergraduate and graduate degrees is available through evening classes. Evening students may earn the Master's degree in 12 areas. In the Bachelor of General Studies program, 75% of the required 124 semester units can be earned by alternative means, including credit for prior learning experiences and equivalency examinations. The remain ing 30 units can be taken by attending weekend, evening, or summer courses on the Drake campus. The Master of General Studies degree provides individualized study in broad areas for the mature adult at the Master's degree level. The program requires a Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution and permits entrance into graduate courses under the advice of assigned counselors, usually without an admissions test. A broad focus on study must be indicated. Less than one-half of the coursework can be taken in one department or field (not more than 40% in the College of Business Administration). DREXEL UNIVERSITY 32nd and Chestnut Philadelphia,PA 19104 USA Keith Brooks, Associate Dean, Admissions Various fields 1891 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (215) 895-2000 $$$$ Bachelor of Science in architecture, business administration, engineering, general studies; Master's in business adminis tration, home economics, auld library science, all available through evening study. The M.L.S. in library science can be earned through evening and weekend classes in two years or less. DRURY EVENING COLLEGE 900 N. Benton Ave., Springfield, MO 65802 USA Michael Thomas, Director of Admissions Many fields 1873 Residency Non-profit, independent (417) 865-8731 ext. 207 $$$ The Bachelor of Science in many fields may be earned entirely through evening study. Advanced placement possible by CLEP or credit by proficiency examination. The Drury degree can also be earned in London, England, through Lansdowne College. DURHAM UNIVERSITY Tuition House, 27/37 St. George's Road, London, SW19 4DS England Business administration 1988 MBA Short residency Non-profit, state $$ In mid-1988, Durham introduced a distance learning M.B.A., administrated by non-degree-granting Rapid Results College, which specializes in coursework preparing students for various university examinations. The plan sounds com parable to that offered by the University of Warwick through Rapid Results College's rival, Wolsey Hall. DYKE COLLEGE 112 Prospect Ave. Cleveland, OH 44115 USA Laura T. Darvas, Director of Admissions Business areas lQAQ Non-resident or short residency Non-profit, independent (216) 696-9000 .~..v $$ Bachelor of Science in business areas (management, marketing, accounting, health services management, among others) in which an adult student proceeds at his or her own pace through completion of 126 semester hours under guidance of professional mentors. All work may be done non-residentially, but occasional meetings with mentors on campus are sug gested, so only students living within 50 miles are accepted. Options (which may be mixed) for earning credit are: home study through learning contracts, group study at various locations, life/work experience and/or proficiency exams (both at 1/3 tuition), previous credit transfer. Tuition can be greatly reduced by life/work experience credit and proficiency exams. This is the first such program approved by the Ohio Board of Regents, and is the oldest and largest external degree pro gram in Ohio. EAST CENTRAL COLLEGE CONSORTIUM Hiram College Hiram, OH 44234 USA Gary G. Craig, Dean of Admissions 1Q~n Residency Non-profit, independent (216) 569-5278 .v_v $$$$ The consortium of seven liberal arts colleges cooperates in offering a Bachelor of Arts degree in general studies, sciences, humanities and arts, business administration, and health sciences. Substantial credit may be granted for prior learning ex perience after completion of a well-documented portfolio written under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Registration at one of the colleges and fulfillment of some residency requirements are mandatory. The participating schools are Bethany College (West Virginia); Heidelberg College, Hiram College, Marietta College, Mount Union College and Muskingum College (all in Ohio); and Westmimster College (Pennsylvania). EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 70561 Johnson City, TN 37614 USA Richard Yount, Registrar Many fields 1911 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (615) 929~112 $$ Twenty two different credit prograrns are available entirely thrvugh on-campus evening classes. EASTERN CONNECTICUT STATE COLLEGE 83 Windham St. Willimantic, CT 06226 USA Dr. Arthur C. Forst, Director of Admissions M~ny fields 1 XX9 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (203) 456-5286 __ $ Bachelvr's may be earned through weekend, evening, and summer programs. Credit by exarnination and for non-academic and military prior le~ r ~ TT.. ~ '1 ~.AA;~ p pq~pA ~hrn..nh rT T~D P~rqm~! T-TinhPr hli~inn fnr nll~ nf_~tq~P ~hlAPn~: Director of Adm~ qns Many fields 1895 } Non-resident or short residency Dale W. Wolf, Non-profit, state (217) 581-2223 $$ Bachelor of Arts, wibl a minirr~ of 15 units to be earned on campus. Eastern Illinois is one of five members of the Board of Governors l~chelor of Ar~gram, a non-~itional program designed for working adults, in which most of .' the work can be comp~ted off-campus, t~rough independent study, equivalency examinations, and credit for life experi ence. A majvr is not req~ired. Skills and knowledge acquired by non-academic means can be evaluated for academic credi~. Ñ -~ EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Division of Continuing Education Ypsilanti, MI 48197 USA Paul T. McKelvey, Dean of Continuing Education Educational administration 1849 M Residency Non-profit,state (313) 487-1081 Master of Arts in educational administration, with much of the work possible through independent or off-campus study, combined with on-campus meetings and seminars. Several on-campus courses are available on weekends. The Master of Liberal Studies offers the opportunity to design an individualized interdisciplinary program. An M.L.S. in woman's stud ies promotes feminist scholarship. EASTERN OREGON STATE COLLEGE Division of Continuing Education LaGrande,OR 97850 USA James C. Lundy 1929 Residency Non-profit, state (503) 963-2171 $$ Bachelor's may be earned through weekend, evening, and summer programs. Credit for independent study, cooperative work experience, non-academic learning, and by e~amination. EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Cheney, WA 99004 USA Roger Pugh, Admissions officer General studies 1882 Residency Non-profit, state (509) 359-2397 $$ Bachelor of Arts in general studies, specifically for persons with professional or paraprofessional experience. This in cludes, for instance, mechanics, computer program ners, police of ficers, nurses, secretaries, firefighters, draftspeople (look how hard I'm trying to be non-sexist) and others. Twenty-five percent of the work must be done after enrollment, which would normally require one academic year (9 months). A main advantage here is the school's willingness to give life e~ perience credit to people in fields that other schools might not agree are credit-worthy. I have heard from a few people who enrolled in Eastern Washington long enough to get credit for, say, their secretarial experience, then transferred this credit to another, faster school. ECKERD COLLEGE ~ Program for Experienced Learners, P.O. Bo~ 12560 St. Petersburg, FL 33733 USA DL Gerald Dreller, Director, Many fields 1959 Non-resident Non-profit, independent (813) 867-1166 $$ External Bachelor's degree programs available through weekend, evening, and summer programs. Credit by examination, independent study, and for prior learning. Directed independent study. No physical residency is required, but students must complete at least nine courses through Eckerd College. ~vo correspondents report that Eckerd encouraged them to enroll in the evening program instead, saying that "most external students end up there anyway." EDINBORO UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Edinboro, PA 16444 USA Terrence Carlin, Director of Admissions Many fields 1857 Residency Non-profit, state (814) 732-2000 $$ Bachelor of Arts in English, speech communication, geography, sociology, psychology; Bachelor of Science in educa tion, industrial and trade leadership; and Bachelor of General Business through evening, weekend, and summer programs. Credit for non-academic prior learning, independent study, and by examination. The assessment of prior learning is done in Edinboro's Life Experience Center and can take a month or less. For a small fee, they will conduct a brief inspection of one's resume or credentials and advise whether or not they think it is worthwhile to go ahead with the more expensive complete assessment. Edinboro's Opportunity College is designed to help adult students earn credit while continuing em ployment and family responsibilities. ~ :LI~;(, I KUNl~, UNl V l~K~l l Y Nl~ l WOKK Q 1977 Colestin Road Hornbrook, CA 96044 USA Dr. Steve Eskow, President Many fields B, M, D Non-resident Proprietary (800) 22-LEARN Cost varies widely The Electronic University offers courses that can be taken from home, over the America OnLine computer bulletin board service, using an Apple II, IBM, or Macintosh computer. The MBA of Heriot-Watt University can be pursued through EUN, as well as the doctorate of the Ca1ifornia Institute for Integral Studies, and Bachelor's degree courses from Thomas A. Edison State College and the University of the State of New York and an Associate's from Rogers State College in Oklahoma. On-line tutoring or guidance is available. Study is self-paced and can begin at any time. ELIZABETHTOWN COLLEGE ~3 Elizabethtown,PA 17022 USA Dr. Gloria Hay, Director of Continuing Education Liberal studies and professional studies 1899 Short residency Non-profit, church (717) 367-1151 $$$ Bachelor of Liberal Studies and Bachelor of Professional Studies, which may be earned with only three all-day seminars on campus to plan and discuss the independent study program. Credit is given for prior learning experiences, both tradi tional and non-traditional. The independent study program includes completion of core and major subject requirements, which can be met by transfer of credits, life experience credits, and traditional study. ELMHURST COLLEGE Of fice of the Evening Session, 190 Prospect Elmhurst, IL 60126 USA Michael C. Dessimoz, Director of Adtnissions 23 majors 1871 Residency Non-profit, independent (312) 279-4100 ext. 486 $$$ Bachelor's degree program through weekend, evening, and summer study. Elmhurst also offers a degree completion pro gram for working registered nurses, with courses offered in hospitals in the Chicago area. Also, special accelerated pro gram in business administration. Credit for independent study, prior learning experience, and by e~amination. ELMIRA COLLEGE Park Place Elmira, NY 14901 USA Robert C. French, Director of Admissions Many fields 1855 Residency Non-profit, independent (607) 73~3911 $$$$ Bachelor of Science and Master of Science, both in education, available entirely through evening study. Fields available include accounting, business, chemistry, computer information systems, education, general studies, human services, mathematics, nursing, psychology, and social studies. ELON COLLEGE Elon College, NC 27244 USA R. Albertson, Registrar Business, education B, M Residency Non-profit, church (919) 584-9711 All Bachelor's degrees and an M.B.A. and a M~ster of Education are available through evening study. EMBRY-RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL UNIVERSITY t3 Center for Independent Studies Daytona Beach, FL 32014 USA Thomas W. Pettit, Director, Center for Independent Studies Aeronautics 1920 Non-resident Non-profit, independent (904) 239-6392 $$$ Bachelor of Professional Aeronautics with no classroom attendance through self-paced, independent study. To qualify, one must have certified civilian or military training and professional experience in any of the following specialties: air traffic control, airways facilities, airline command pilot, aviation safety, air carrier pilot, corporate pilot, flight technology, air craft maintenance, aircraft dispatcher, commuter airline pilot, aviation weather, electronic operations and maintenance, flight operations administration, flight simulation, navigations systems, or certified flight instructor. From 18 to 60 semester credit hours of advanced standing are given for professional aeronautical experience. Credit is also given for CLEP, USAFI, DANTES, E-RAU examinations, military service schools, aviation licenses and credentials, and transfer credit from accredited colleges. Tuition includes study guides and audiocassette fees but not textbooks. EMPIRE STATE COLLEGE ~3 1 Union Ave. Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 USA Theodore DiPadova Liberal arts and sciences 1971 B, M Non-resident and residency Non-profit, state (518) 587-2100 $$ A part of the State University of New York, Empire State College provides programs in 40 locations across New York state. The primary mode of study is independent study guided by faculty mentors. Together, students and mentors develop a degree program within the college's 11 broad areas of undergraduate study. Credit is given for college-level learning gained from work and other life experience. The Bachelor's degrees can be completed entirely at a distance. The Master of Arts requires four days on campus at the beginning and end of each semester, and is offered in business and policy studies, labor and policy studies, and culture and policy studies. They combine independent study with three three-or-four-day weekends on campus each year. In addition, the Center for Distance Learning offers structured courses and degree programs in business administration, human services and interdisciplinary studies for students seeking more structured learning, but without classroom attendance or travel. Faculty guidance is by mail and telephone. EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY Amerikalei 131 Antwerp, 2000 Belgium Various fields Residency (021) 631167 $$ The literature is impressive looking and in full color. But I remain confused, and letters to President Nieberdine have not been answered. To their credit, they reproduce "affiliation agreements" between Troy State and Central State University (both accredited), in which those schools agree to accept E.U.'s students into their M.B.A. program. Membership is claimed in the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business. I cannot locate such an organization. There is an American Assembly of Col~egiate Schools of Business, but E.U. is not a member. The literature states that more than 1,500 students are enrolled in the residential Bachelor's program in language, business, information systems, hotel ad ministration, or public relations, and that the university operates its own radio station in Antwerp. Courses also given in Brussels and in Montreux, SwitzerLand. EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE Vla dei Roccettini, 5 San Domenico di Fiesole, Italy Patrick Masterson, Principal Various fields 1976 Residency Non-profit, state (055) 50927 The institute was established in 1976 by the nine member nations of the European Economic Community. Students plan independent study projects, under the guidance of faculty tutors and research supervisors. About 20% of the students come from countries outside the Common Market. The degree of Ph.D. is awarded on completion and publication of the disser tation. Fields of study include economics, history and civilization, law, political science, and social science. EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE Olympia, WA 98505 USA Christine Kerlin, Director of Admissions Many fields 1967 B, M Short residency Non-profit, state (206) 866-6000 $$ Students have the option of creating "independent contract" courses of study for supervised research under a faculty men tor. Groups of two or more students may work under a "group contract." Credit is given for internship programs, involv ing, for instance, work in local hospitals, clinics, or businesses. Full-time interdisciplinary programs, in which the ma jority of Evergreen's students are enrolled, are available on campus as well. Students involved in independent study are still expected to visit the campus and meet with their faculty mentors at least once a month. All students must be en rolled for at least nine months before earning the degree. During the presidency of former governor (then senator) Dan Evans, Evergreen developed a national reputation for its innovative approaches to undergraduate non-traditional education. (My daughter enjoyed Evergreen for the year she was there...but she now prefers the traditional programs at University of California, Berkeley.) FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON UNIVERSITY 285 Madison St. Madison, NJ 07940 USA Rita Bennett, Director of Admissions Many fields 1958 B, M, D Residency Non-profit, independent (201) 593-8900 $$$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of Education programs, offered through centers at Madison, Rutherford, and Teaneck, primarily through evening study. The Doctorate, in educational leadership, consists of formal courses, seminars, internships, plus independent study and research. There is a "Success Program" for persons over 25 who have never attended (or have never finished) college. Some special classes are available for these students. Fairleigh Dickinson offers a number of "Accelerated" programs, in which two degrees can be complet ed together in less time than they would normally take separately. There are five-year B.A./M P.A. (public administra tion), B.A./M.B.A., B.A./M.A. in psychology, and B.A./M.A. in Teaching prograrns, and a rare six-year B.S./M.D. or B.SI D.M.D. programs in medicine or dentistry. Degree completion program for professional athletes over 22. FAIRMONT STATE COLLEGE see: West ~Irginia Board of Regents B.A. Program FAYETTEVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY Murchison Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28301 USA Denise F. Mahone, Director, Administrative Services Many fields 1867 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (919) 486-1111 $ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science for military personnel, their dependents, and local residents. All work can be completed through evening and weekend study. Some credit is given for prior learning experiences and for equivalency ex arninations. There are 24 majors available at the Bachelor's level, and 4 Master's programs: business administration, ad ministration and supervision, special education, and elementary education. FERNUNIVERSITAT ~3 Feithstrasse 152 Hagen,D-5800 WestGermany Dr. G. R. Broehl, Chief, Information Division Many fields 1974 M, D, Equivalent of accreditation, Non-resident (02331) 8041 $ West Germany's open university offers the Master's, Doctorate, and Diplom-Degree through completion of correspon dence study units, plus examinations (which must be taken in Germany). Instruction is through a combination of written materials and audio cassettes. All courses are self-paced. Tuition is offered in the fields of mathematics, electrical engi neering, information science and computers, business administration, and education. The university operates about 30 study centers in Germany for the assistance and guidance of students. All instruction in German, although a nice color brochure is available in English. Mare than 1,450 of Fernuniversitat's over-25,000 students live outside of Germany. FERRIS STATE UNIVERSITY Gerholz Institute for Lifelong Learning Bi8 Rapids, MI 49307 USA Jeffrey Cross, Directar Environmental health 1884 Short residency Non-profit, state (616) 592-2340 $$ Bachelor of Science in environmental health offered through the School of Allied Health and the Gerholz Institute for Lifelong Learning. External degree programs for people living anywhere in the United States. All of the requirements for the degree can be met through an assessment of prior learning experience, or a combination of that plus equivalency ex arninations, independent study, faculty-directed study, home study courses, and special projects. All students must attend a three-week summer session on campus. One year of work experience in the field of environmental health is required for admission to the program. The assessment of prior learning can take as long as nine months, and is done for a flat fee of around $250. A Bachelor of Science in health systems management, business administration, accountancy, maritime management, and vocational education is available at selected off-campus sites, but only to Michigan residents. FIELDING INSTITUTE 2112 Santa Barbara St. Santa Barbara, CA 93105 USA Donna Lucci, Director of Admissions Psychology, human and organization development 1 ~74 M, D Short residency Non-profit, independent (805) 687-1099 .,,~ $$$$ Fielding offers the shortest residency of any accredited Doctoral program in the U.S. Five days are required on campus. The degrees are neither fast nor easy. The M.A. takes at least two years; the various Doctorates, three to five years. Applicants' participation in a five-day admissions workshop is mandatory. It is here that the learning contract is devel oped. Workshops are held three times each year. The Human and Organization Development Program offers a Master's in organization development, human development, or human services; a Ph.D. in human and organizational systems or human development; an Ed.D.; and a Doctor of Human Services. The psychology degrees (M.A., Ph.D., Psy.D.) empha size clinical or counseling. The M.A. in psychology is not a separate program but rather a part of the Doctorate. An elec tronic network offers electronic mail, bulletin board service, and electronic seminars. All students and faculty must have access to a computer with communication capability. FINDLAY COLLEGE 1000 N. Main St. Findlay, OH 45840 USA Dr. Edward Erner, Dean of Community Education 58 majors 1RR~ Residency Non-profit, church (419) 424-4600 ~_ $$$ Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in business administration, accounting, computer science, social work, systems analysis, and other areas may be earned through summer, weekend, or evening study. Unusual majors include equestrian studies, nuclear medicine technology, and hazardous waste studies. FLAMING RAINBOW UNIVERSITY At press time, I learned they were no longer in business, which is especially sad, since they had one of the finest names of any accredited school. FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Graduate Admissions Of fice 150 W. University Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32901 Director of Admissions 1 9~,R, M Many off-campus locations Independent MBA in ten fields and Master of Science in computer science, electrical engineering, management, space technology, and many other fields, offered to military and civilians at fifteen locations in Florida, New Jersey, Alabama, New Me~cico, Vlrginia, Louisiana, and Maryland. FIT has threatened to sue me for mentioning, in earlier editions, the circumstances under which the chairman of their Board of Trustees resignedÑan event described in detail in at least half a dozen Florida newspapers, but which will no longer be described here. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY School of General Studies B Bronx, NY 10458 USA Residency John J. Houston, Associate Director of Admissions Non-profit, independent Liberal arts, business, pre-medical (212) 579-2000 1841 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Business Administration available entirely through evening study or Saturday classes. Credit is given for life experience learning. There is an Esperanza Center for adult Hispanic students, and a separate adult admisslons of fi~ FRAMINGHAM STATE COLLEGE 100 State St., P.O. Box 2000 Framingham, MA 01701 USA Dr. Paul F. Weller Liberal studies 1839 Short residency Non-profit, state (508) 626-4550 $$ Bachelor of Arts in liberal studies in which units may be earned through equivalency exams, independent study, corre spondence study, prior learning experiences, and "non-credit educational experiences." The remaining units must be earned by taking courses on campus, taking a series of weekend or summer seminars, or making other arrangements satisfactory to the advisory committee. FRANKLIN PIERCE COLLEGE Ringe, NH 03461 USA Walter Antoniotti, Dean, Continuing Education Management, accounting, computer science 1962 Residency Non-profit, independent (603) 889-6146 $$$$ Bachelor of Science with majors in management, accounting, and computer science through weekend, evening and sum mer programs offered at satellite campus locations only. Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by examination. Special one-year Bachelor's program for students with 80 or more semester hours of life exnerienrP ~nA/nr transfer credit. FRANKLIN UNIVERSITY 201 S. Grant Ave. Columbus, OH 43215 Nancy Nikiforow, Assistant Director of Admissions Many fields Residency Non-profit, independent (614) 224-6237 Degrees offered through evening courses, with credit for experiential learning through proficiency testing and portfolio as sessment. FRIENDS WORLD PROGRAM OF LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY Southampton, NY 11968 Carol Gilbert Many fields 1965 Residency Non-profit, independent (516) 283-4000 $$$ Bachelor of Arts degree is earned by combining academic study with individually designed independent field research and internships around the world. Faculty at campuses and program centers in the U.S., Costa Rica, England, Israel, Kenya, India, China, and Japan offer 4- to 12-week residential programs for cultural orientation, language immersion and learning plan design prior to independent field study, which may be carried out in these and other countries in the regions. (Since 1965, students have studied in over 70 different countries.) Students may elect traditional liberal arts majors, as well as such fields as third world development, peace and conflict resolution, UN studies, holistic and traditional healing, appro priate technology, animal behavior, women's studies, intemational business, and many interdisciplinary majors. GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY ~ Of fice of Extended Studies,4400 University Dr. Fairfax,VA 22030 USA Patricia M. Riordan, Director of Admissions Individualized studies 1957 Bachelor of Individulized Studies degree in which 85% of the necessary units may be eamed by altemative means: equiva lency exams or credit for life experience learning. Applicants must have at least eight years of post-high-school experi ence. In conjunction with an academic advisor, the student designs and completes a program of study. A total of 30 units must be completed either at George Mason or at certain other northern Virginia colleges. A Master of Arts in interdisci plinary studies is available for adult students with at least two years of work in the area of proposed study. At least 6 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (703) 323-2342 ~, hours of graduate-level work must be completed before enrollin~. A course of study is worked out with a member of the ~eorge Masor. laculty, ~h;~ su~ervises the performance of the worlc. A ~pecial proJect is required. Evening study is avail able for the residential programs. GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY 706 20th St., NW Washington, DC 20052 USA George W. Stoner, Director of Admissions Many fields 1821 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (202) 99~1000 $$$$ The catalogues people have sent me make it clear that they have some interesting programs in the fields of education, hu manities, the social sciences, criminal justice, urban learning, forensics, telecommunication operation, and administra tion, but for reasons they do not choose to reveal, they don't want them described in this package. You'll have to find out from Mr. George W. Stoner, director of admissions. Tell him John Bear sent you. GEORGIA SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE Wheatley Americus,GA 31709 USA Dr. James Altman, Admissions Officer Social scienc~., business administration 1S~06 ~esidency Non-profit, state (91~) 928-1279 ~$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in social science and business administration, available entirely through evening study. GLASSBORO STATE COLLEGE Center for E~cperiential Education Glassboro, NJ 08028 USA John G. Davies, Director of Admissions Many fields 1923 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (609) 863-5000 $$ Bachelor's degrees in many fields, in which some credit can come through an assessment of prior learning experiences, equivalency e~ams, and transfer credit. There is no fee for the assessment, once one has enrolled. They regard themselves as "very traditional" and do not want to hear from anyone looking for a non-traditional program, please. GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE see: West Vlrginia Board of Regents B.A. Program GODDARD COLLEGE Pl~us~,field, VT 05667 USA Gregory Dunkling, Director of Admissions Many fields 1938 B, M Nort resident or residency Non-profit, independent (802) 454-8311 $$$ Goddard has been a pioneer in non-traditional, progressive education for more than 50 years. They offer non-traditional options for studies in business and organizational leadership, education, psychology and counseling, natural and physical sciences, feminist studies, the visual and performing arts, literature and writing, and social and cultural studies (history, philosophy, religious studies). The first nine days of each semester are spent in an All College Meeting, where the work of the coming semester is planned. In addition to the undergraduate residential program, students may choose to be "Off Campus Students" where the majority of work is done off-campus while maintaining contact by mail every three weeks. Both Bachelor's and Master's programs require a minimum of one year's enrollment at Goddard; prior learning credit is available. Life experience credit is only given at the Bachelor's level. There is a non-residential student-designed M.A. in Europe, as well. GOLDEN GATE UNIVERSITY 536 Mission St. San Francisco, CA 94105 USA Archibald Porter, Dean of Admissions B, M, D, Law Residency Non-profit, independent Many fields (415) 442-7272 1901 $$$ Bachelor of Arts in many management-related fields; Bachelor of Science in accounting, insurance management and trans portation; M.B.A.; Master of Publjr ~' 1ministration; Master of Science in accounting and taxation; and a combined M.B.A. and law degree; D P.A. or D.B.A. in business or public administration all available entirely through evening and/or weekend study. An executive M.B.A. program for experienced managers meets every other weekend for 20 months. Courses leading to degrees are offered through centers in various locations all over California ~os Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, etc.). Off-campus degree programs are given at military bases in Arizona Florida, Idaho, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Vlrginia, Washington, and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (Two of my daughters went here for a while, happily, before moving on to other schools with broader liberal arts offerings.) GOVERNORS STATE UNIVERSITY University Park, IL 60466 USA Dr. Otis O. Lawrence, Director of Assessment, BOG program Many fields 1969 Non-resident Non-profit, state (708) 5344092 $$ Bachelor of Arts may be earned through weekend, evening, summer programs, and telecourses completed through the Board of Governors Bachelor of Arts Degree Program. Fifteen credit hours must be completed at Governor's State or one of the other Board of Governors institutions (Chicago State University, Eastern Illinois University, Northeastern Illinois University, and Western Illinois University). These may be taken through independent study courses, telecourses, on-cam pus or off-campus courses, so that it is possible to earn this degree without ever setting foot on campus. There are evening and weekend classes. Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by examination. GRACELAND COLLEGE ~3 Outreach Program, Division of Nursing Lamoni, IA 50140 Lewis Smith, Jr., Director, Student Information Offlce Nursing 1895 Short residency Non-profit Working RNs can earn the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree by using home study texts, learning guides developed by Graceland faculty, and videotapes. Courses include projects, tests, and a final proctored exam. Students can talk to in structors using a toll-free line. Up to half the credits can come from prior learning and experience. For the clinical com ponents, students either come to campus or find a college-approved preceptor to monitor their progress in their own com munity. GRANTHAM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 250 Frontage Road Slidell, LA 70460 Arnold E. Akers, Dean of Students Engineering technology 1951 Non-resident Proprietary (800) 955-2527 $$ Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology through correspondence study. Course consists of 31 courses and 4 exam inations. The e~arns must be supervised, but can be taken anywhere. In addition, student must earn 21 semester units in English, social science, science, and elective subjects at other schools ~by correspondence, in person or by equivalency exam). Catalogue indicates that a part-time student will take between four and eight years to complete the B.S.E.T. de gree. All work is self-paced, so the highly motivated student can finish faster. Up to 18 semester units can be earned for prior laboratory or work experience, for work work done while enrolled in the program. Grantham is accredited by the Nationa~ Home Study Council, a recognized agency. The degree can be ea~ned with a specialization either in electronics or in computers. In 1990, the school moved from California to Louisiana. GRIGGS UNIVERSITY 12501 Old Columbia Pike Silver Spring, MD 20904 Joseph E. Gurubatham, President Religion, theological studies Non-resident Non-profit, church (301) 680-6570 a~ The venerable Home Study International, which has offered correspondence courses for decades, now has a dergree-grant ing university. Their B.A. degrees are accredited by the National Home Study Council. Instruction is primarily by corre spondence courses. HAMLINE UNIVERSITY Snelling and Hewitt Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 USA Jack K. Johnson, Dean, Continuing Studies Public administration 1854 M Residency Non-profit, church (612) 641-2800 $$$$ Master's in public administration through an evening program, for public administrators, corporate managers, and lawyers. HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE Amherst, MA 01002 Olga E. Euben, Director of Admissions Many fields 1970 Residency Non-profit, independent (413) 549-4600 $$$$$ The B.A. is earned by completing three levels of study. In Division I, basic studies, students spend three or four semesters in residence taking courses and pursuing research. In Division II, concentration, they gain mastery of a chosen field through independent study, foreign study, internships, and/or more courses. In Division II, advanced studies, a major project is completed HARVARD UNIVERSITY Extension School, 20 Garden St. Cambridge, MA 02138 USA Michael Shinagel, Dean Many fields 1636 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (617) 495-4024 $$ Six hundred courses im over 65 fields of study on an open-enrollment basis. Bachelor of Liberal Arts in extension studies, Master of Liberal Arts (A.L.M.) in extension studies. Half the units for the Bachelor's degree must be earned at Harvard (either E~tension School, Summer School, or the regular university). The Master's degree work must be completed in its entirety at Harvard. There is a foreign language requirement, and a thesis must be submitted. HAWAII PACIFIC UNIVERSITY 1166 Fort Street M~ll, #203 Honolulu, HI 96818 Director of Admissions B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (808) 544-0249 Various Bachelor's degrees and the MBA are offered through Adult Continuing Education, for adults who wish to remain fully employed. Credit is given for work experience, military training, and equivalency exams. The MBA offers concen trations in various specialties, and an internship option. HEIDELBERG COLLEGE 310 E. Market St. Tiffin, OH 44883 USA Dr. Ramond A. Wise, Registrar Many fields 1850 R Residency Non-profit, church (419) 448-2000 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in accounting, aUied health, business administration, health services manage ment, psychology, and public relations. Up to 75% of the necessary credits may be earned through an assessment of prior learning experiences, which is done on the basis of a portfolio prepared by the student. The assessment fee is $395. Non traditional courses are available, based on a learning contract model. There is also a Weekend college which meets from Friday evening through Sunday morning during the fall, spring, and summer terms. See also: East Central College Consortium. llERIOT WATT UNIVERSITY In the U.S. and Canada: 1780 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley, CA 94709 USA Dr. John Bear MBA; also construction management, acoustics, vibration, and noise control 1821 MBA, M Non-resident Non-profit, state (510) 204-9995 or (800) 622-9661 $$ Since mid-1991, I have served as agent for this international MBA, which is the only MBA in the world that is accredit ed, can be earned entirely through home study, and does not require a Bachelor's degree or any entrance exams for admis .sion. More than 7,000 students in 120 countries are enrolled. The program comes in nine boxes, one course per box, at a cost (1994) of $685 each. The Economist magazine's Intelligence Unit chose the Heriot-Watt MBA (on-campus and & tance learning) as "one of the world's best programmes." Students study completely on their own; there are no classes or lectures, no papers, and no thesis. The only requirement is a three-hour examination for each course. Exams are given twice a year in hundreds of locations all over the world. Students may, if they wish, transfer to the on-campus MBA pro graun. (More than 8,000 students on campus in Edinburgh, Scotland are studying for Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorates in many areas of business, science, and technology.) The University's Master's in construction management, acoustics and vibration may also be done through distance learning, primarily through use of videotapes, but not through the US office. For those, one would write to Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS Scotland. ili~ÑÑC~ GE Route 3, Box 3540 ~~ Toppenish,WA 98948 USA Residency Dr. Barbara Gfeller, Dean of Registration and Admissions Non-profit, independent Education, business management, science, English, (509) 865-2244 interdisciplinary studies $$$ 1907 Master of Education degree through intensive weekend courses on both Toppenish and Omak campuses. Bachelor's de grees available entirely through evening study, with credit for prior learning experiences and for equivalency examina tions. Credit for work experience available through on-campus LINK program. Formerly known as Fort Wright College. HIRAM COLLEGE Hiram, OH 44234 USA David Frains, Dean of the Weekend College Various fields 1850 Residency Non-profit, independent (216) 569-3211 $$ Bachelor of Arts offered entirely through weekend study. The Weekend College meets from Friday evening through Sunday noon, every other weekend. Substantial credit may be gained for prior learning experience after completion of a well-documented portfolio written under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Programs available in fine arts, humanities, so cial sciences, communications, business management, and allied health. The degree can be completed in a minimum of one academic ye~r. See also: East Central College Consortium. HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY 1000 Fulton Ave. Hempstead,NY 11550 USA Joan Isaac, Director of Admissions Many fiel~ 1935 Residency Non-profit, independent (516) 560-6600 $$$ Hofstra's New College is a small interdisciplinary liberal arts college offering the B.A. in humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, creative studies, or interdisciplinary studies, based on a combination of individual study on campus, in ternship projects off campus, and classroom work. Within New College, there is a University Without Walls program for "able adults who can spend only limited time on campus, but whose life situations provide opportunity for full- or part time learning." It is based on an individually-designed program, and it does not count credit or time as measures of progress toward the degree. It is, rather, based on development of abilities and competencies. New College students can earn up to 32 credits by examination. Some Master's and Doctoral credit can be earned by equivalency examinations. Many of Hofstra's traditional courses are offered in the evening as well. HOLY NAMES COLLEGE 3599 Mountain Blvd. Oakland,CA 94619 USA Paul Bluemle, Director of Admissions Various fields 1868 Residency Non-profit, independent (510) 436-1321 ~ ,v $$$ Holy Names' Weekend College offers Bachelor of Arts degrees in business administration/economics, human services, humanistic studies, and nursing; Master of Business Administration; M.A. in English and education, and Master of Education. Classes meet every other weekend during three trimesters. Academic programs and support services are de signed for the adult who works full time. HOOD COLLEGE Rosemont Ave. Frederick,MD 21701 USA Katherine Joseph, Director of Admissions Many fields 1893 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (301) 663-3131 $$$$ Bachelor's degrees in many fields in which units may be earned through an assessment of prior learning experiences, con ducted by the college's Learning Assessment and Resource Center. Master of Arts in human sciences for in-service teach ers and others, through late afternoon, evening, and summer study. HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY INSTITUTE see: Saybrook Institute HUNTER COLLEGE 695 Park Ave. New York, NY 10021 USA Kenneth J. Kleinrock, Director of Admissions Many fields 1870 B, M Residency Non-profit, state/city (212) 772-4490 $$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Master's degrees in many fields, available entirely through evening study and summer programs. There are combined Bachelor's/l~aster's prograrns in anthropology, economics, English, history, mathematics, music, physics, and sociology. ILLINOIS BENEDICTINE COLLEGE 5700 College Rd. Lisle, IL 60532 USA Koby Loszach, Transfer Coordinator Business, accounting, health service management, nursing, computer science 1887 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (312) 960-1500 $$$ Bachelor's degrees in the above fields, and the MBA and M.S. in management information systems, entirely through evening study. Credit is given for prior work and life experience learning. The school used t~ be known as Saint Procopius College. ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 220 S. State St. Chicago, IL 60604 USA Shelley Probber, Director of Admissions Psychology 1976 esidency Proprietary (312) 341-6500 ~, $$$$ The Doctor of Psychology (D.Psy.) degree is offered through daytime or evening classes. The D.Psy. is offered, because it is felt that the traditional Ph.D. in psychology overemphasizes research skills to the detriment of counseling or clinical skills. Graduates who have two years of supervised experience in the field can qualify to take the state licensing examina tion in Illinois. INDIANA CENTRAL UNIVERSITY see: University of Indianapolis INDIANA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1600 E. Washington Blvd. FortWayne,IN 46803-1297 USA Robert K. Pfundstein, Director of Admissions Business administration 1930 Residency Non-profit, independent (219) 422-5561 Ext. 251 $$$ Bachelor of Science in business administration. Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by exami nation. Correspondence courses are available. Courses in business, computer information systems, accounting, computer science, engineering, and technical communication offered through evening study. All students must have a personal com puter, and have access to the Institute's computer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. INDIANA UNIVERSITY C~ External Degree Program, Division of Extended Studies 620 Union Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46205 USA Louis R. Holtzclaw, Associate Director, Extended Studies Division General studies 1975 Non-resident Non-profit, state (317) 274-3934 $$ Bachelor of General Studies available entrrely through non-residential study. The degree can be done without a major, or with a major in labor studies. One hundred and twenty semester units are required, of which at least 24 must be earned from Indiana University. One quarter of the units must be upper division (junior or senior) level. The university also has evening courses, a Weekend College, and a course to assist in developing a life experience portfolio. INDIANA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Indiana,Pennsylvania 15705 USA George E. McKinley, Director of Admissions English and American Literature 1875 Short residency Non-profit, state (412) 357-2100 $$ Indiana University (city of Indiana, state of Pennsylvania), offers a Ph.D. in English and American literature and in English (rhetoric and linguistics) that can be completed in two summers of study, with independent study in between. "Prograrns are arranged to accomodate teaching schedules of secondary, community, and four-year college teachers. With this flexibility of scheduling, graduate students can pursue their studies without interrupting their careers." Students can choose from a number of areas related to the humanistic study of literature, including psychology, history, art, and music. A dissertation is required: a book, or five or six essays on a given subject. The language requirement can be met by coursework, exams, linguistics courses, or knowledge of a computer language. The director of the program wants me to be sure to mention that this is a rigorous program for serious students who wish to be challenged intellectually. Done. INDIANA UNIVERSITY SOUTHEAST ~ School for Continuing Studies, 4201 Grant Line Rd. New Albany, IN 47150 USA Stanley H. Wheeler, Director of Admissions General studies 1941 Non-resident Non-profit, state (812) 945-2731 ext. 3212 Bachelor's in general studies may be earned through a combination of weekend, evening, television. and correspondence study. Intensive summer courses are also available. Credit for independent study, self-acquired competencies, military training, and by examination. All coursework may be completed through the university's Correspondence Division. INSTITUTO POLITECNICO NACIONAL Avenida Instituto Politecnico Nacional Mexico D.F., 14 Mexico Carlos Leon Jinojosa, Secretary Economics, international trade B, Equivalent of accreditation Non-resident Non-profit, state 52-5-754-4706 1936 Mexico's sistema abierto de ensenanza (open university system) offers the Bachelor's degree in economics and internation al trade. Study at a distance is accomplished through the use of printed materials, slides, movies, records, videocassettes, as well as group seminars held at various locations. All work in Spanish. Awarding of the degree is based primarily on passing the necessary examinations. INTER-AMERICAN UNIVERSITY 405 Ponce De Leon Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00919 U.S.A. Judith Mendez, Director of Admissions Many fields l 9hf) Residency Non-profit, independent (809) 758-8000 $ Bachelor's degrees in many fields can be earned through evening and weekend study, summer school, and through a University Without Walls program (initiated for law enforcement of ficers, but others are accepted) requiring one visit a week to the campus. There are nine campuses in Puerto Rico. INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS 1212 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila, Philippines Emmanuel T. Santos, Ph.D. Business administration and international management M, D, Provisionally licensed Non-resident 57-39-81 The Master of Business Administration, Master of International Management, and Doctor of Business Administration of fered residentially and by correspondence. The academy (formerly called International University) had considerable difficul ties with authorities, more for political than academic reasons, during the Marcos regime. After Marcos' departure, the academy was issued a special permit by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, "to offer and conduct on an ex perimental basis, the graduate course in business administration leading to the degree of Master of Arts in Business Administration and the Ph.D. in Management." Accreditation was claimed from an unrecognized and now defunct accred iting agency. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 130 Cremona Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93117 Mary Adams, Vlce President Information resources management, business 1987 M Non-resident Proprietary (805) 685-1500 or (800) 4414746 $$$ The Master of Science in information resources management and MBA degrees are offered via an "electronic campus," with instructor-guided learning using the University's own telecommunications network and computer bulletin board ser vice. Accreditation is from the National Home Study Council. The MBA has a focus on information systems technology. A thesis or major independent study project is re~uired. INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (Europe) The Avenue Bushey, Watford WD2 2LN England Gordon Bennett, Director Business, engineering, human behavior, international relations B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (0923) 49067 $$ Bachelor's and Master's degrees are offered in residence on the campus ne~r London, in assocation with the accredited United States International University in San Diego. IONA COLLEGE 715 North Ave. New Rochelle, NY 10801-1890 USA Donald Gray, Registrar Various fields 1940 Residency Non-profit, independent (914) 633-2000 c~ .D~ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science can be earned entirely through evening studies, weekend, and summer programs. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Ames, IA 50011 USA Karsten Smedal, Director of Admissions Many fields 1~58 B, M Short residency Non-profit, state (515) 294-5836 $$ The university offers an extemal degree called the Bachelor of Liberal Studies. It is primarily for residents of Iowa, who are able to attend one of the off-campus centers around the state, or occasional courses on campus in Ames. In addition, evening and weekend courses are offered leading to degrees in agriculture, business, design, education, engineering, family and consumer sciences, sciences and humanities, and veterinary medicine. lOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY ~3 12 Altannda Rd. Orinda, CA 94563 USA EUena Bloedom, Registrar Career development 1964 M Residency Non-profit, independent (510) 254-0200 $$$ With the exception of the M.A. in career development, aU of their splendidly innovative programs have been discontin ued. What a shame. The university sees a major role for itself as assisting adults in mid-career changes (average student age is 36). JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY School of Continuing Studies, 103 Shaffer HaU B, M, D Baltimore, MD 21218 USA Residency Stanley C. Gabor, Dean, School of Continuing Studies Non-profit, independent Business, education, arts and sciences (301) 338-8490 1876 $$ Bachelor of Science in accounting, business, literature, psychology, mathematics, and other areas; Master of Administrative Science; Master of Education, Master of Science, Master of Liberal Arts, and Doctor of Educadon all of fered through evening study and weekend study. Credit for independent study and examinations. The School of Continuing Studies operates off-campus centers in Baltimore, Columbia, and Montgomery County, Maryland. JOHNSON STATE COLLEGE Johnson, VT 05656 USA RandaU Draper, Acting Director of Admissions Many fields 1 ~2R Residency Non-profit, state (802) 635-2356 ext. 311 $$ Self-designed Bachelor's degree. Experiential learning credit is accepted as part of 60 credits needed for entry or 122 needed for graduation. Thirty credits needed while in the program. The program is set up to serve Vermonters and some New Hampshirites with a mentor system of advisement. Credits may be earned on weekends or through independent or corre spondence study. JUDSON COLLEGE Marion, AL 36756 Dr. David E. Potts, President Many fields lX38 Non-resident Non-profit, church (205) 683-6161 or (800) 447-9472 $$$ Non-resident Bachelor's degrees only for women over 21, through an individualized study program based on a learning contract. Credit for prior learning for coUege courses, portfolio assessment, standard tests, and proficiency tests prepared by Judson faculty. Students can major in art, biology, business, chemistry, computer information systems, English, fash ion merchandising, home economics, history, interior design, mathematics, psychology, religious studies, and sociology. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY ~3 Non-Traditional Study Program, Umberger Hall Manhattan, KS 66506 USA Cynthia Trent, NTS Coordinator Non-resident Non-profit, state Interdisciplinary social science (913) 532-5686 1963 $$ The B.S. in interdisciplinary social science is offered through the Non-Traditional Study (NTS) program. Although no presence on campus is required, the program is limited to Kansas residents. At least 30 of the 120 units must come from Kansas State. Assessment of prior learning is available on enrollment. Credits may also be earned from military training, equivalency exams, "departmental quiz-out," outreach courses, television and TELENET courses, as well as correspon dence study with other schools. In Kansas, the toll-free number is (800) 432-8222. KANSAS WESLEYA N 100 E. Claflin Salina, KS 67401 USA Daniel McKinney, Registrar Many fields 1886 Residency Non-profit, church (913) 827-5541 $$$ B.A. and B.S. available in accounting and finance, arts and communication, business administration and economics, com puter science, pre-engineering, pre-law, pre-ministerial, teaching, social services, and many areas in the health sciences. Kansas Wesleyan is one of a handful of schools that do not call themselves "university" or "college" or "institute" or in deed anything. KEAN COLLEGE Morris Ave. Union, NJ 07083 US Brian Lewis, Director of Admissions Many fields 1855 Residency Non-profit, state (201) 527-2000 $$ Some of the degree requirements can be earned through an assessment of prior learning experiences based on a portfolio prepared by the student. KELLER GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 10 S. Riverside Plaza Chicago, IL 60606 USA Tio Smith, Assistant Director of Admissions Business administration 197~ M Residency Proprietary (312) 454-0880 $115/credit Keiler offers an accelerated, practitioner-oriented M.B.A. entirely through evening or weekend study at four Chicago loca tions and in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (They purchased the DeVry Computer Schools in 1987.) KINGS COLLEGE Gateway Adult Program Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 USA Sally McGuire, Part-time Studies Wide range of fields. 1946 Residency Non-profit, independent (717) 826-5900, ext. 8655 Up to half the required credits can come from assessment of prior learning experiences. A credit-granting course is offered to help prepare a portfolio of e~periences. The cost of assessment is $30 plus tuition for the special course. Assessment may be done before entering the program. LAKE ERIE COLLEGE 391 W. Washington St. Painesville, OH 44077 USA Jean Larson, Registrar Many fields 1856 .esidency Non-profit, independent (216) 352-3361 $$$ Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Fine Arts may be earned through weekend and evening study. Special programs: business administration, equestrian studies. Credit for non-academic prior learning and by examination. Plan A is an alternate approach to the B.A., B.S., or Bachelor of Fine Arts for those who cannot fulfill educational objectives llUIII Ul~ ;UlCU ~ .lU~ lU~ JI UllU~iU~I ~iUDJect maller, memOa Or ra~e 0l SIUay~ Or InlenSIIy Or ImmerS1011. It is, in effect, a learning contract approach to the degree. There is a "3 + 3" combined program in which one earns a Bachelor's degree from Lake Erie and a Doctor of Nursing degree from the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing. LAMAR UNIVERSITY 4400 Pt. Arthur Rd. Beaumont,TX 77710 USA Elmer G. Rode, Dean of Records and Registrar 1923 B, M, D Residency Non-profit, state (409) 880-8969 $ Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Science can be earned entirely through evening and summer programs. Some Saturday classes in graduate level education. LANDSDOWNE COLLEGE 43 Harrington Gardens London, SW7 4JU England Gordon Bennett, Ph.D., President and Dean Business-related fields, fime arts, interior design B, Law Residency (01) 373-7282 Lansdowne follows the curriculum of the accredited New Hampshire College, of Manchester, New Hampshire, and on completion of the work in London, the B.S. is awarded by New Hampshire. Comparable program with Drury College in Missouri. Lansdowne also prepares students for the Bachelor of Laws degree examinations of London University. The col lege's academic council is composed of five present or former administrators of excellent American non-traditional degree schools or programs. B.A. and Bachelor of Fine Arts programs are also available. LEBANON VALLEY COLLEGE Annville, PA 17003 USA Dr. Robert A. Clay, Registrar Many fields 1866 Residency Non-profit, church (717) 867-6100 $$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science available through weekend, evening, or summer programs. Evening classes meet once a week during the academic year and twice during the summer. Weekend classes meet Friday nights or Saturdays. There is a special two-week "intensive term" in mid May in which students can complete one course. Degrees are offered in a wide variety of fields, including accounting, administration for health care professionals, computer infor mation systems, management7 and social service. Credit for experiential learning, and by examination. L29 Everett St. Cambridge, MA 02238 USA Elizabeth V. Little, Registrar Many fields 1909 B, M Short residency Non-profit, independent (617) 868-9600 $$$$ Bachelor of Science in cooperation with the National Audubon Society, involving a combination of coursework and expe ditions. Audubon's Expedition Institute has a two-year program, or a field component: camping, hiking, canoeing, ski ing, backpacking, and cycling all over America. Students gain practical knowledge of astronomy, anthropology, ecology, etc. The balance of the time is spent in classes at Lesley. The M.S. involves a year or a year and a half on Audubon expe ditions and three or four courses at Lesley. Students may switch between Lesley and Audubon. Also a short residency Bachelor's and Master's program with a variety of concentrations. Limited residency B.S. and B.A. in behavioral science programs in human services and education. Weekend and independent study are used. The M.A. and Master of Education are offered as an Independent Study Degree Program, allowing individualized curricula developed by graduate students and faculty advisory teams. LEWIS-CLARK ~TE yOLLEGE ~ ,,, 500 8th Avenue ~ / Lewiston, ID 83501 USA ~ Steven J. Bussolini, Directo~of~dmisstions ~) . ~J Business, social work, n71g, gff~ies / ~ ~'~ Non-resident Non-profit, state (208) 799-5272 $$ The non-resident Bachelor's degrees can be earned through a combination of audio and video cassettes, correspondence courses, guided independent study, and courses by television. LIBERTY UNIVERSITY ~:3 P.O. Box 11803 Lynchburg,VA 24506 USA Joseph Kloba, Dean of Faculty Religious and business fields 1971 B, M Short residency Non-profit, church (804) 522-4700 or (800) 446-5000 $$ Liberty's School of Lifelong Learning offers accredited degrees, almost entirely through home study. Six to 12 hours (two to four courses) are normally required in residence, but "students with unique cases, such as military personnel and senior citizens will have their requirements for residency evaluated" and may need to spend as little as a week, perhaps less, on campus. Bachelor's degrees are offered in church ministries, business administration, marketing, and management. The Master's is available in counseling and biblical studies. Most courses are offered by videocassette. Faculty are regularly available by telephone. While residential students at Liberty must have taken Jesus Christ as their personal saviour, ex ternal students are not required to have done so. Liberty's chancellor is Dr. Jerry Falwell. LINCOLN UNIVERSITY Jefferson City, MO 65101 USA Ronald Nelson, Coordinator, Admissions Business, education, various fields 1866 M Residency Non-profit, state (314) 681-S000 $$ Master of Education, Master of Arts, and Master of Business Administration may be earned through evening or summer programs. Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by examination. LINDENWOOD COLLEGE St. Charles, MO 63301 USA Arlene Taich, Dean of Evening College Valuation science, other fields 1827 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (341) 946-6912 $$$ B.A., B.S., M.A., and M.S. through the College for Individualized Education, in administration, psychology, health ad ministration, gerontology, valuation sciences, communications, human and organizational development may be earned through evening and summer programs. The International Valuation Sciences degree program is primarily an off-campus degree program for experienced appraisers. There is a two-week on-campus session each year for at least two years. Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by examination. LINFIELD COLLEGE McMinnville,OR 97128 USA Joan A. Claus, Division of Continuing Education Management, systems analysis, liberal studies 1849 Residency Non-profit, church (503) 472-4121, ext. 247 $$$$ Degree programs arc offered in many Oregon locations, but not by correspondence. You must be in Oregon. Bachelor of Arts in liberal studies, Bachelor of Science in management, and Bachelor of Arts in systems an-alysis, in which nearly 80% of the necessary units can come from a combination of assessment of prior learning and equivalency exams. A re quired course assists the student in preparing a life experience portfolio. LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY School of Public Health, Office of Extended Programs M LomaLinda,CA 92350 USA Residency Dr. Glen Blix, Director, Offices of Extended Programs Non-profit, church Public health (714) 824-4595 1905 $$$ The off-campus degree program was established to offer professionals within the Seventh-Day Adventist organization training in public health and preventive medicine concepts. The Master of Public Health degree is now offered through traditional classes in many locations throughout North America, with new locations announced at least a year in advance. In 1988, for instance, the degree courses were taught in Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Oregon, Tennessee, Washington D.C., and four inter-American locations. LONDON COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY see: American University of London LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY C. W. Post Campus Greenvale,NY 11548 USA Dr. Mshan Najarian, University Dean 174 degree programs 1954 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (516) 299-0200 $$$ The Weekend College offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Professional Studies in criminal justice, Master of Public Administration in health care administration and public administration, Master of Science in medical biology. Also evening classes where aedit may be applied to degree programs at C. W. Post Campus. Special summer program, the IDEAL Program (Individualized Degree Enrollment for Adult Learners), gives special attention to the educational needs of adult students. Life experience aedit and aedit by examination awarded toward degree fulfillment. The Office of Adult Services serves as the initial point of contact for many adults by providing free educational and career counseling. LORETTO HEIGHTS COLLEGE 3001 S. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80236 USA Doraleen Hollar, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1918 Non-resident or short residency Non-profit, independent (303) 936-8441, ext. 221 $$$$ A University Without Walls program in which one can earn the Bachelor of Arts with little or no time spent on campus. The SAAD (Students-at-a-Distance) program is available to students of all ages in the Rocky Mountain area. The degree requires 128 semester units of which at least the final 30 hours must be earned consecutively after enrolling. But these can all be earned through a variety of learlung experiences: regular courses, independent reading and research, seminars in the field, independent field practicums. Credit is also earned through the assessment of prior learning process, CLEP ex aminations, and challenge exams. Students are e~pected to meet periodically with faculty advisors. The faculty advisors may also visit students at their home locations. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Extramural Teaching Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA Ordell Griffith, Director of Admissions General studies, law enforcement, business, education 1855 B,M Residency Non-profit, state (504) 388-6207 $$ Bachelor of Science in general studies, law enforcement; Master of Business Administration; and Master of Education, all through evening study, with courses offered in Ale~candria, Baton Rouge, Eunice, New Orleans, and Shreveport. LOURDES COLLEGE 6832 Convent Blvd. Sylvania, OH 43560 USA Clark H. Reber, Director of Admissions Individualized studies, religious studies, other fields 1958 Residency Non-profit, church (419) 885-3211 ~c~ .P~D Bachelor of Individualized Studies through evening, weekend, and summer programs. Credit for prior learning, indepen dent study, and by examination. Evening and weekend courses in many fields of study, including business, gerontology, music, occupational therapy, and recreational therapy. LOYOLA COLLEGE 4501 N. Charles Baltimore, MD 21210 USA William J. Bossemeyer III, Director of Admissions 31 majors B, M Residency Non-profit, church (301) 323-1010 1852 $$$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science through evening study. Master of Arts in psychology, afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Bachelor of Education, evenings and weekends. Master of Business Adminislration, evenings. Master's in edu cation, aftemoons, evenings, and weekends. LOYOLA UNIVERSITY (Illinois) 820 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago,IL 60611 USA John W. Chrisdan, Director of Admissions B, M Residency Non-profit, church (312) 274-3000 $$$ Mathematics, psychology, education, business, educational administration 1870 Bachelor of Science in mathematics, psychology, education, business administration; Master of Arts in educational ad ministration, all through evening study. LOYOLA UNIVERSITY (Louisiana) 6363 St. Charles Ave. NewOrleans,LA 70118 USA DL Marjorie Dachowski, Director of Admissions Many fields 1912 Residency Non-profit, church (504) 865-2011 $$$ They have what sounds like an interesting and innovative Bachelor of Liberal Studies degree, and an interesting and inno vative Master's program as well, but they don't want to be in this package, so you'll have to find out from Dr. Marjorie Dachowski, Director of Admissions. Tell her John Bear sent you. MADONNA COLLEGE 36600 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia,MI 48150 USA Louis Brohl, Director of Admission Many fields 1947 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (313) 591-5000 $$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees are offered in many fields. Evening courses are availaWe. Life experience credits are awarded in many areas, such as allied health management, business, computer science, criminal justice, geron tology, home economics and nursing. Prior learning needs to be articulated, docurnented, evaluated by means of portfolio, challenge exam, or national tests (CLEP). Cooperative education for credit can be arranged. Thirty semester hours in resi dency are required for graduation. MADURAI UNIVERSITY PaLkalai Nagar Madurai 625 021 India D~ T. B. Siddalingaiah, Director Commerce, various fields B, M Non-resident Non-profit, state $ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Master of Arts and Master of Commerce through a combination of correspon dence study and examinations. Indian universities generally award their degrees entirely by examination. Madurai offers a wide range of correspondence courses designed to prepare students for its own examination, which must be taken in India. It is necessary to take the courses in order to be allowed to take the examinations. They are primarily designed for Indian nationals and others resident in India, and may be taken overseas by special permission. MAINE MARITIME ACADEMY Castine, ME 04420 USA ~r. Verge Forbes, Academic Dean Maritime management 1941 M Short residency Non-profit, state (207) 32~4311 Master of Science in maritime management through a modular graduate degree program that can be completed "without career interruption." Courses are scheduled in compact modules that allow participants to remain fully employed while studying. A total of six four-week modules is required for the Master's. The tuition fee includes books and materials. This is a business degree, with emphasis vn marine aspects. MANCHESTER COLLEGE North Manchester, IN 46962 USA Bette Yap, Director of Admissions Education 1889 The Master of Arts in education can be earned entirely through evening study. MANHATTAN COLLEGE School of General Studies Bronx,NY 10471 USA John J. Brennan, Director of Admissions General studies 1853 M Residency Non-profit, church (219) 982-2141 $$$ Residency Non-profit, independent (212) 920-0100 $$$ Bachelor of Science in general studies may be earned through evening and summer programs. Cooperative nursing pro gram with E. McConnell Clarke School of Nursing. MARIETTA COLLEGE 5th and Putnam Marietta, OH 45750 USA Dan Meyer, Director of Admissions Liberal Learning 1834 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (614) 324-4600 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in liberal learning through evening and weekend study. Credit for life e~perience. Also, Marietta has a non-traditional home study program where course credit is applicable to its degree program. See also: East Central College Consortium. MARION COLLEGE 211 E. 45th St. M~rion, IN 46953 Cheryl Enyart, LEAP Program 1920 M Residential Non-profit, independent (317) 674-3317 or (800) 255-3594 $$ An M.B.A. and an M.S. in Management are offered through intensive classes that meet once a week for 16 (MSM) or 22 (MBA) months. The program is offered through LEAP, Leadership Education for Adult Professionals. MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY Milwaukee,WI 53233 USA Leo B. Flynn, Director of Admissions Engineering and many other fields 1964 Residency Non-profit, church (414) 224-7499 $$$ The Part-Time Studies Division offers day and evening courses leading to the Bachelor's degree in engineering, criminolo gy and law, political science, advertising, journalism, public relations, and interpersonal communications. MARS HILL COLLEGE Center for Continuing Education Mars Hill, NC 28754 USA Dr. L. Smith Goodrum, Dean of Admissions Many fields Residency Non-profit, church (704) 689-1166 $$$ Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Social Work available through summer and evening classes. Special prograrns include allied health, social work, and elementary education. Credit for non-academic prior leaTning, independent study, and by e~amination must be completed as paTt of a regular program at Mars Hill or one of the si~ off-campus cen ters in Asheville, Brevard, Burnsville, Hendersonville, Marion, Murphy, or Waynesville. MARSHALL UNIVERSITY see: West Virginia Board of Regents B.A. Program MARTIN CENTER COLLEGE 3553 N. College Ave. Indianapolis,IN 46205 USA Jane Schilling, CSJ, Academic Dean Many fields 1977 Residency Non-profit, independent (317) 927-5150 $$ Martin Center was established in 1977 by the Rev. Boniface Hardin as an extension of his programs to develop and con duct training in the area of race relations. They offer the Bachelor's degree in many fields, including accounting, allied health education, health care management, human services, Afro-American studies, genetic counseling, substance abuse, social services, and music. Many courses through evening and weekend study. Assessment of prior learning for life learn ing credit. MARY BALDWIN COLLEGE ~3 Adult Degree Program Staunton, VA 24401 USA Shortresidency Dr. James Harrington, Director, Adult Degree Program Non-profit, church Many fields (703) 885-0811 1842 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts program in which virtually all of the work can be done independently, or at a distance. The program is entirely non-residential. Students need to come to the campus only once for a day of orientation. Advanced standing is given for work done at other schools, equivalency examinations, and the assessment of prior learning. The degree pro gram has regional offices in Richmond, Keysville, and Roanoke, Virginia, in addition to the main office in Staunton. The degree requires a minimum of nine months to complete. MARY WASHINGTON COLLEGE 1301 College Ave. Fredericksburg,VA 22401 USA Dr. H. C. Warlick, Vlce President, Admissions Liberal studies Residency Non-profit, state (703) 899-4100 $$$$ Bachelor of Liberal Studies is available through weekend, evening, and summer programs. Thirty hours of residential credit is required. Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning by portfolio assessment, and by examination. MARYCREST COLLEGE Weekend College, 1607 W. 12th St., Davenport, IA 52804 USA Mrs. Elizabeth Shore, Registrar Many fields 1939 Residency Non-profit, church (319) 326-9226 $$$ Degrees in accoumting, business administration, professional communication, computer science, pre-law, social work and special studies. Credit for experiential learning and by examination. MARYLHURST COLLEGE FOR LIFELONG LEARNING B,M Marylhurst, OR 97036 USA Keith W. Protonentis, Registrar Many fields 1893 Residency Non-profit, independent (503) 636~141 $$$ Bachelor of Arts in communication, humanities, human studies, social science, science/math, arts, crafts, and interdisci plinary studies; Bachelor of Fine Arts; Bachelor of Science in management; Bachelor of Music; Master of Science in management; and M.A. in art therapy. Baccalaureate graduation requirements include a minimum of 40 quarter hours of credit through Marylhurst (22% of the degree). Credit is earned by taking Marylhurst courses, courses at other schools, or by correspondence, and through independent studies. Fifty percent of the graduates utilize the credit for Prior Learning Experience Program to complete their degrees. The average student is 38 years old and enters with about two years of col lege. MARYMOUNT COLLEGE Tarrytown, NY 10591 USA Mary Ellen Greenawalt, Director of Admissions Psychology, English, history, economics and business 1907 Residency Non-profit, independent (914) 631-3451 $$$ Bachelor of Arts, earned by spending every second or third weekend on campus to complete as many as 12 credits per term. Weekend courses run from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon. Credit for prior experiential learning. MARYVILLE COLLEGE 13550 Conway Rd. St. Louis, MO 63141 USA Dr. Robert L. Adams, Registrar Many fields 1872 Residency Non-profit, independent (314) 576-9300 $$$ Bachelor's degree courses in management, information systems, psychology, sociology, nursing, and communications are offered through evening and weekend courses. Credit for experiential learlung. MARYWOOD COLLEGE ~3 Off-Campus Degree Programs, 2300 Adams Ave. Scranton,PA 18509 USA Patrick J. Manley, Director of Admissions Business administration, accounting 1915 Short residency Non-profit, church (717) 348-6235 of (800) 836-6940 $$ The Bachelor of Science in business administration or accounting is earned through a combination of off-campus corre spondence study and two two-week seminars held on the campus: one midway through the program, and one at the end. Sixty of the required 126 semester credits must be earned after enrolling at Marywood. Credit is available by independent study projects, correspondence courses, e~uivalency exams, and credit for life experience. The cost per credit includes text books. The Off-Campus Degree Program offers a free "Dial-a-Question" service. Deferred payment plans are available. MASSEY UNIVERSITY Centre for University Extra-Mural Studies Palmerston North, New Zealand Dr. T. K. Prebble, Director, Centre for University Extramural Studies 1960 B, M Residency Non-profit, state Many fields 69099 $ Massey offers an e~ternal degree program, in which the majority of work can be completed by correspondence study, uti lizing books, audio- and videocassettes, regional courses, and on-campus short courses. Degrees are offered in humanities, social sciences, science, business studies, agricultural science education and technology. MEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITY University College Memphis,TN 38152 USA Dr. John Y. Eubank, Dean of Admissions Many f1elds 1912 Residency Non-profit, state (901) 454-2000 $$ University College, as a regional center for the Open Learning Fire Service Program, offers the B.P.S. in fire administra tion and fire prevention technology to firefighters in Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Arkansas, Georgia, and South Carolina. University College administers directed study television-assisted courses within a radius of 60 miles of Memphis. Through the Mvision of Engineering Technology, students may earn a Bachelor's degree in vocationaVtechni cal education. They may include up to 30 semester hours of experiential learning credit toward this degree. The College of Education offers a Bachelor's degree in educational servicesÑa degree program designed for persons who wish to teach, but not in schools. A certain amount of e~periential learning credit is applicable toward this degree. Contract degrees through University College include credit for non-traditional learning and internship experiences. MERCY COLLEGE 555 Broadway DobbsFerry,NY 10522 USA Dr. Ralph W. Conant Many fields 1950 B, M Short residency Non-profit, independent (914) 693-7600 $$$ Bachelor's degree through a wide variety of methods which are designed to accommodate the adult student. Evening class es held two nights a week for eight weeks; weekend classes are once a week, either Friday evening or daytime Saturday for 16 weeks. There is a Home Study Program for students who prefer to work independently with an orientation session, mid-term and final exam required on campus. Also summer and January intersession programs. Parallel scheduling is de signed to accommodate students who work rotating shifts, such as police and nurses, with the same class taught both day and evening so that the student may attend either one. Credit is awarded for life achievement and by examination. In addi tion, the college offers a four-year bilingual program for Spanish speaking students, and an extensive support program for learning disabled college students. METROPOLITAN STATE COLLEGE 1006 11th St. Denver, CO 80204 USA D~ Kenneth C. Curtis, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1963 Residency Non-profit, state (303) 556-8514 $$ Up to half the units required for the Bachelor's degree can come from assessment of prior learning experiences. The as sessment is based on a student-prepared portfolio, and the cost is based on the number of units awarded. METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY 121 Metro Sqare Bldg. St. Paul, MN 55101 USA Judy C. Knudson, Vlce President, Marketing Many fields 1971 Short residency Non-profit, state (612) 296-3875 $$ Metropolitan State University is a pioneer in non-traditional programs. Its Bachelor of Arts degree requires one planning course and offers learning options which include: prior learning assessment, traditional coursework, internships, indepen dent studies, and coursework from other institutions. Metropolitan also offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in nursing. All credit is offered at the upper division level. The minimum time for completing a degree is nine months. Most students are residents of the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. MIAMI INSTITUTE OF PSYCHOLOGY 1401 S.W. 1st St. Miami, FL 33135 USA Dr. Jorge A. Herrera, Assistant Vlce President Psychology 1966 Residency Non-profit, independent (305) 541-8970 $$$ The accreditation is for the main campus, the Caribbean Center for Advanced Studies, in Puerto Rico. Ph.D. and Psy.D. degrees are offered in general clinical psychology, clinical psychology and criminal justice, clinical gerontological psy chology, and clinical neuropsychology. Some courses available through evening or weekend study. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY East Lansing, MI 48824 USA Dr. William H. Turner, Director of Admissions Many fields 1855 M Residency Non-profit, state (517) 355-1855 $$$ My alma mater offers the Master of Business Administration through evening study at Troy. M.A. in advertising, jour nalism, and counseling in Birmingham. M.A. in teacher education in Saginaw, Flint, Grand Rapids, and Kalamazoo. Master of Science in nursing in Benton Harbor. Master of Social Work in Sault Ste. Marie and Traverse City. Also, Michigan State offers the M.A. in education through part-time and independent study centers in Japan, England, Thailand, and the Philippines. MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA B Millersville, PA 17551 USA Blair E. Treasure, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1852 Residency Non-profit, state (717) 87~3024 $$ Bachelor of Arts, in English, business administration, economics, history, mathematics, computer science, political sci ence, psychology, social work, and physics may be earned through evening classes or summer sessions. Special program for registered nurses leads to B.A. in nursing. MILWAUKEE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING P.O. Box 644 Milwaukee, WI 53201 USA Rona'.d T. Gandes, Director, Evening College Engineering, engineering technology, industrial management 1903 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (414) 277-7300 $$$ Bachelor of Arts; Bachelor of Science in engineering technology and industrial management; Master of Science in engi neering management, entirely through evening study. Extension programs are offered in factories, plants, and other off campus locations. MIND EXTENSION UNIVERSITY ~3 9697 E. Mineral Ave. Englewood, CO 80112 Many fields available B, M Non-resident Independent (800) 777-6463 $$$$ Courses are offered over the university's own cable television channel, nationwide. A dozen or more major and smaller universities offer courses on the channel, in a very wide range of subjects. On1y one university, Colorado State, offers a complete degree program: an MBA, comprising 63 semester units at $300 per unit plus at least $1,000 for textbooks. Courses from other universities (U. of Minnesota, U. of New Mexico, :U. of South Carolina, etc.) may be applied to de gree programs at those and many other schools. The programs are prepared by each individual university and, just like on campus education, range from lively and engaging to dTy and tedious. The channel is on the air 24 hours a day. MITCHELL COLLEGE OF ADVANCED EDUCATION Private Bag 2 Bathurst, N.S.W. 2795 Australia Education Short residency Non-profit The degree can be earned through the Division of External Studies by a combination of external study and short residency, which can be as short as one week per yea~ MOORHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY External Studies Degree Program Moorhead, MN 56560 USA Dr. Lois Fisher, Director, Continuing Education Many fields 1885 Residency Non-profit, state (218) 236-2181 $$ Bachelor's degrees in many fields available to students within a 100- to 150-mile radius of the university. Assessment of prior leaming experience is an important part of the program and is based on evaluation of student-prepared portfolios and interviews with faculty from appropriate departments. Testing, either through oral interviews, or in written form, is re quired in most areas. The assessment fees, which are quite low, are based on the number of units awarded. This program is not open to students outside of the region. Many classes are offered on weekends. MORAVIAN COLLEGE Division of Continuing Studies Bethlehem,PA 18018 USA Bemard J. Story Residency Non-profit, church Many fields (215) 861-1400 1742 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in accounting, art, computer science, criminal justice, information systems, business, and the social sciences entirely through evening study. Credit is available for independent study projects and field studies, as well as equivalency examinations. MOUNT SAINT MARY COLLEGE Powell Ave. Newburgh,NY 12550 USA J. Randall Ognibene, Director of Admissions Business, social sciences, interdisciplinary studies 1954 Residency Non-profit, independent (914) 561-0800 $$$ Bachelor's degree programs in business management and administration, psychology, sociology, social science, and inter disciplinary studies available through evening and weekend classes. MOUNT UNION COLLEGE 1972 Clark Ave. Alliance, OH 44601 USA Harold L. Hall, Director of Admissions Many fields 1954 Residency Non-profit, church (216) 821-5320 ext. 242 $$$$ Bachelor's degree in many fields, in which 75% of the units can come from an assessment of prior leaming experiences. The assessment, which is based on a portfolio prepared by the student, can be done before enrolling, at a fixed rate of around $250. See also: East Central College Consortium. MUNDELEIN COLLEGE 6363 N. Sheridan Rd. Chicago, IL 60660 USA Martha Morris, Director of Admissions Many fields 1929 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (312) 989-5406 $$$ Bachelor's degrees in many fields, in which up to 75% of the required units can come from an assessment of prior learn ing e~periences in a program called CARE: Credit for Academically Relevant Experience. The assessment is based on a portfolio, e~aminations, and/or faculty interviews. The assessment fee is based on the number of units awarded, and costs about a third the regular cost of earned units. Courses are also offered through a Weekend College program. MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY Center for Continuing Education Murray, KY 42071 USA Larry Moore, Director, External Degree Program Independent studies 1922 B Very short residency Non-profit, state (502) 762~150 Bachelor of Independent Studies through colrespondence study, television, and contract learning courses, as well as experi ential credits. Many weekend and evening classes are available. Twenty four of the 128 semester hours must be taken with Murray State. Departmental challenge exams are available in some fields. If the exam is passed, credit is awarded. All students must attend a two-day seminar, held on a Friday and Saturday in April, August, and December. Admission to the program is based on satisfactory completion of the seminar. All students must earn credit in basic skills, humanities science, social sciences, electives, and a study project. Murray State charges $50 for portfolio assessment, plus $5 for each c~dit hour awar~ed. MUSKINGUM COLLEGE see: East Central College Consortium NAROPA INSTITUTE 2130 Arapahoe Ave. B, M Boulder, CO 80302 USA Residency Cynthia Cunningham, Director of Admissions Many fields 1974 Non-profit, independent (303) 444-0202 $$$ Founded by Tibetan master, Trungpa Rimpoche. As the local newspaper put it when accreditation came in 1986, "It's of fuial, brothers and sisters. The Naropa Institute, Boulder's bastion of altemative education, was infommed yesterday that it has received formal accreditation." Programs are offered in Buddhist studies, horticulture, martial arts, psychologx dance therapy, and movement studies. But there was no response to three requests for information on their programs. N ATIONAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 2840 Sheridan Rd. Evanston, IL 60201 USA Gail Straus, Director of Admissions Behavioral sciences, management, education, health education, other fields 1886 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (312) 256-5150 $$$ Bachelor of Arts in applied behavioral sciences, in which up to 75% of the required units can be eamed from an assess ment of prior learning and college transfer credit. Portfolio credit costs $15 per quarter hour. The college utilizes what they call the Field-Experience Model, in which the student follows an intense program of classes (one four-hour session per week) and individual study, while remaining fully employed. The Master of Science in management requires 59 four hour meetings (once a week for 15 months). Master of Science in adult and continuing education requires 52 weeks of class (one night a week) for 13 months. National also has a Bachelor's completion program in management and education designed for registered, licensed, certified allied health professionals. This program lasts 13 months and requires 49 class meetingsÑone night a week. Programs are offered in various Illinois locations; St. Louis, Missouri; McLean, Virginia; Milwaukee, and Beloit, Wisconsin. N ATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Plassey Technical Park Limerick, Ireland Many fields B, M, D Residency Non-profit N.I.H.E., Limerick, is a university-level body, established under statute by the Irish government and undertakes programs of education and research to the Doctorate level in the three constituent colleges. The rapid expansion of the Irish econo my and membership in the European Community has provided many new career opportunities and generated the need for expansion of the range of programs and facilities within the higher education sector. N.I.H.E., Limerick, was established to help meet these special needs. N ATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY see: Open University of America N ATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 700, 601 S. Howes St. Fort Collins, CO 80522 USA Dr. Lionel Baldwin, President Technological 1984 M Variable residency Non-profit, independent (303) 484-6050 $$$$ N.T.U. has developed a wide range of courses in technological subjects. These are transmitted by satellite television to 33 university campuses from Alaska to Florida, as well as participating businesses, where students take the classes, often in "real time" (as they are being taught in Colorado), with telephone links to the Colorado classroom. While schools may integrate the courses into their own curricula, N.T.U. offers its own Master of Science degree, available in computer engi neering, computer science, electrical engineering, engineering management, and manufacturing systems engineering. N ATIONAL UNIVERSITY University Park San Diego, CA 92108 USA Louise Clark, Registrar Business, behavioral science, criminal justice, education, law, many other fields B, M, Law Residency Non-profit, independent (619) 563-7100 $$$ 1971 Each course is offered in intensive one-month modules, meeting in the evenings and selected Saturdays. Some daytime classes are offered. More than 600 courses begin each month, 12 times a year. Courses are offered in San Diego, Fresno, Irvine, Los Angeles, Oakland, Palm Springs, Sacramento, San Jose, Stockton, and Vista, California, and in San Jose, Costa Rica. Students may freely transfer from one center to another. Degrees include a Bachelor of Business Administration, B.A. in behavioral science, Bachelor of Public Administration, B.A. in interdisciplinary studies, Bachelor of Technical Education, B.S. in computer science or airway science, M.B.A., M.B.A. in health care administra tion, M.A. in business with emphasis in human services management or real estate management, and Master of Public Administration. NAZARETH COLLEGE Continuing Education Program Rochester,NY 14610 USA Paul W. Kenyon, Director of Admissions Liberal arts 1924 Residency Non-profit, independent (716) 586-2525 $$$ Bachelor of Arts in liberal arts and Master's in education offered entirely through evening study, for persons over 21. NEW COLLEGE OF CALIFORNIA 50 Fell St. SanFrancisco,CA 94102 USA Ms. Donna Waloman, Director of Admissions Humanities (many fields), psychology, poetics 1971 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (415) 626-1694 This innovative school has offered its Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in a variety of different approaches, in cluding evening courses, weekend courses, and a series of long weekend seminars with independent study sessions in be tween, on-thejob practicums, tutorials, a Weekend College program for working adults, and credit for prior learning expe rience. In 1989, New College took over the non-traditional programs of Antioch University West. The B.A. is offered in humanities (including art, writing, psychologx mathematics, chemistry, biology, and much more). There is an M.A. in psychology and in poetics (a unique non-literature approach to the subject). The Science Institute offers science courses designed for people planning to attend chiropractic or podiatric schools. New College was started by Father John Leary, former president of Gonzaga University. Traditional courses are offered, generally in three-hour sessions. (The name "New College" comes from Oxford University where their New College was established in the 13th century!) NEW EXPERIMENTAL COLLEGE see: Nordenfjord World University NEW HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE 2500 North River Rd. Manchester,NH 03104 USA Deborah Reid, Coordinator of Marketing Human services, social work 1932 B, M Short residency Non-profit, independent (603) 668-2211 Bachelor's and Master's can be earned entirely through weekend study. Classes offered weekends only, once a month for four months, all day. The human services undergraduate prograrn is designed to allow people to pursue career goals devel oped from their prior experience. One can enter as a freshman, sophomore, or junior. Concentrations in counseling, ad ministration, labor studies, and criminal justice. The M.S. in human services has concentrations in administration, gerontology, and community service. There is also a Master of Social Work. A full-time student taking three courses would be at the college for one long weekend a month (Friday-Sunday) or two adjacent weekends (two Saturdays and a Sunday or two Sundays and a Saturday) each month. The New Hampshire degree is also offered in London through Lansdowne College. NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH Media Studies Program, 66 W. 12th St. New York, NY 10011 USA Elizabeth Ross, University Registrar M Residency Non-profit, independent Media studies (212) 741-5600 1919 $$$ Master of Arts in media studies through the media studies program is designed for working professionals from the fields of broadcasting, cable, telecommunications, advertising, corporate communications, and education. Evening study and in dependent study. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Gallatin Division, 715 Broadway, 6th Floor New York, NY 10003 USA David Finney, Director of Admissions Over 150 majors 1831 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (212) 598-7077 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts program requiring no specific courses (however, students are expected to be "thoroughly conversant" with a formidable list of great books as a graduation requirement). Internships, independent study and credit for life experi ence are available. A cooperative education program offers the B.A. Iargely based on internships in education, arts admin istration, media, business, and public/social service. The Master of Arts in individualized study involves coursework, in ternships, and independent study under the supervision of a faculty advisor. A scholarly, creative, or performance thesis is required. Credit is given for career experience learning. Created in 1972, the Gallatin Division offers mature, self-directed students the opportunity to plan an individualized program of study in a wide range of fields. NIAGARA UNIVERSITY Niagara,NY 14109 USA George C. Pachter, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1856 Residency Non-profit, independent (716) 285-1212 $$$ Credit for non-academic prior learning and by examination. Bachelor's in business, nursing, education, arts, and sciences may be earned through evening and summer programs. Special programs in nursing, pre-engineering, pre-med, and pre dental studies. NORDENFJORD WORLD UNIVERSITY Skyum Bjerge, Snedsted Thy, DK-7752 Denmark Many fields 1962 B, M, D Residency 45-7-936234 $$$ Six separate schools, where students come from all over the world to study for a semester to an entire degree program. New Experimental College is one of the six units, with the goal of developing a self-perpetuating community of scholars who will have a worldwide effect on technology, economics, au d social planning. Not of ficially recognized by the Danish government. Many students arrange with schools in their home countries to award degrees based on work done at Nordenfjord. Education largely through teacher-directed independent study; some classes and seminars. Rules and plans made in the "ting"Ña group meeting with elements of group dynamics, sensitivity training, and the Synanon Game. Students nearing the end of their work may call for a "high ting"Ña combined examination/celebration, in which work is presented and discussion invited. Other units of Nordenfjord specialize in communications, arts and crafts, language, and philosophy. NORTH ADAMS STATE COLLEGE Of fice of Continuing Education B NorthAdams,MA 01247 USA Residency Gerald F. Desmarais, Director of Admissions Non-profit, state Many fields (413) 664-4511 1894 $$ Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in computer science, and Bachelor of Arts in sociol ogy offered through evening degree programs. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 7103 Raleigh, NC 27695 USA B, M, D Residency Anna P. KeAler, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1887 Non-profit, state (919) 737-2011 .vv. $880 Bachelor's degrees in many fields, including design, forest resources, and textiles. Evening study available. No credit for work or life experience, but credit by exam available. Master of Public Affairs and Master of Industrial Engineering pro grams are offered through evening study at various centers around the state (Charlotte, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Marion, and Raleigh). NORTH CAROLINA WESLEYAN COLLEGE Rocky Mount, NC 27801 Carl A. Pagles, Dean of Admissions Business, criminal justice, computer infor,nation systems 1956 Residency Non-profit, church (919) 977-7171 Bachelor's degree in business administration, criminal justice, and computer information systems may be earned through evening and summer programs. For North Carolina residents only. NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE 30 N. Brainard St. NaperviAle, AL 60566 USA Mrs. Shirley R. Haines, Registrar Many fields 1861 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (708) 420-3000 __ $$$ Bachelor of Arts in accounting, communications, computer science, management, marketing, and management informa tion systems may be earned through weekend or evening programs, offered in Naperville and Schaumburg/Rolling Meadows. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science through evening studies. Weekend College meets Friday evening and Saturdax normally every other weekend; six meetings per term. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY State University Station Fargo, ND 58105 USA George H. WalAman, Director of Admissions Many fields 1890 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (701) 237~v011 A v, v Bachelor of University Studies degrees, individually tailored programs in many fields. There is a residency requirement of one year or 45 quarter credits. Students may earn credit for prior work, educational and military experiences. The assess ment must be done after enrollment and is part of a degree proposal prepared by the student in consultation with an advi sor. There is no fee for the assessment. Students usually have a major emphasis or thrust to their proposed course of study but they do not have a major. They may combine previous academic credit, credit for life experience and non-tradi tional educalion, and courses offered by any department on campus. NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY ~3 5500 N. St. Louis Ave. B, M Chicago,AL 60625 USA Shortresidency I)~ Eric B. Moch, Directe~r of Admissions and Records Non-profit, state Liberal arts, education, business (312) 583-4050 1961 $$ Bachelor of Arts with a minimum residency requirement of 15 units, which can be completed in four months on campus. One of the five Illinois universities participating in the Board of Governors Bachelor of Arts pr~v~gram. Credit is given for life experience and all prior learning experiences. New credit may be earned through regular courses at any of the five schools in the program, or by correspondence study and independent study. (The five Board of Governors schools started out with almost identical programs, but now two, Western Illinois and Governors State, offer totaly non-resident pro grams.) NORTHEASTERN UNI VERSITY 360 Huntington Ave. Boston,MA 02115 USA B, M, D, Law Residency Philip R. McCabe, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1898 Non-profit, independent (617) 437-2000 $$ Nor~eastern offers what UNESCO calls "the world's leading program in Cooperative Education." They have also asked me to omit their listing from this package, but I have chosen not to. Most of Northeastern's more-than-50,000 students are employed half-time by companies all over the United States. The academic year is divided into four equal quarters. While half the students are attending full-time (including evening study), the other half are working full-time. Every three to six months, they switch. The average student earns about $30,000 during the five years of a Bachelor's program. There are many situations in which two students combine to hold a full-time job in business or industry. Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorates (Ph.D. and Doctor of Engineering) and Law degrees are offered in this manner, in a wide variety of subjects, from social science to engineering to pharmacy, nursing, and criminal justice. NORTHWESTERN COLLEGE OrangeCity,IA 51041 USA Ronald K. De Jong, Director of Admissions Many fields 1882 Residency Non-profit, church (712) 737-4821, ext. 19 $$$ Bachelor's degree in many fields, in which units may be earned by assessment of prior learning experience. Only full-time students can be so assessed, on the basis of a portfolio they prepare. There is no additional fee for the assessment, which can take three to five months. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY University College, 633 Clark St. Evanston,IL 60201-3851 USA Louise Love, Associate Dean Many fields 1851 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (312) 908-6950 $$$$$ Bachelor's and Master's may be earned through evening and summer programs. Bachelor's degrees offered in anthropology, economics, English, fine arts, history, math, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology. The Master's are in liberal arts and English. NORTHWOOD INSTITUTE ~:3 3225 Cook Rd. B Midland, MI 48640 USA Short residency Donald A. King, Associate Director, External Plan of Study Non-profit, independent Management, accounting, computer science, marketing, (517) 631-1600 economics $$ 1959 Bachelor of Business Administration degree, in either business or accounting, requiring a total of six days on the campus. Credit is given for prior learning experience and study, and for equivalency e~aminations. The external plan of study has many courses which can be passed by taking an open book examination. All students must attend two three-day seminars on campus, write a thesis, and pass a final oral examination "which will last for several hours and be based on questions provided to the student in advance." Fees are quite variable, depending on the approach the student takes. Northwood has offered this program at other locations around the U.S., including Florida, Michigan, Louisiana, Indiana, Texas, and California. NORWICH UNIVERSITY ~3 Verrnont College College Street, Montpelier, VT 05663 USA Kelley Hunter, Assistant Director of Admissions Art therapy, writing, liberal arts 1834 B, M Non-resident or short residency Non-profit, independent (802) 229~522 or (800) 332-1987 $$$ The Alternative Education Division includes the undergraduate level Adult Degree Prograrn (ADP) and the Graduate Program, offering the M.A. in art therapy, the Master of Fine Arts in writing, and a self-designed M.A. available in counseling, education, and other fields. The programs are designed to allow students great latitude in designing their study projects in consultation with members of the faculty. All ADP faculty are based at Vermont College and students attend nine-day residencies twice a year or one weekend meeting per month. Graduate Program faculty are based in major cities around the country and convene their students for area meetings regularly. Norwich entered the non-traditional field in 1981 by acquiring programs from the then financially strapped Goddard College. NOVA UNIVERSITY ~3 3301 College Ave. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314 USA Stanly E. Cross, University Regustrar Education, Administration, business, computer systems 1964 B,M,D Short residency Non-profit, independent (305) 475-7300 or (800) 541-6682 $$$$ Nova University has one of the more non-traditional Master's and Doctoral programs ever to achieve regional accredita tion. The typical student attends one group meeting a month (generally two or three days), plus two one-week residential sessions, and from three to six practicums which emphasize direct application of research to the work place. Total time about three-and-a-half years. The university also offers a Doctor of Arts in information science in which students use in teractive computers. A major part of instruction in this program is through teleconferencing, TELNET, and TYME. Residential work offered in 23 states. Nova will consider offering the program in the continental United States where a cluster of 20-25 students can be formed. Degrees are offered in educational administration, teacher education, business ad ministration, including intemational management, public administration, computer studies and infommation science. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Division of Continuing Education, 2400 Oletangy River Rd. Columbus, OH 43210 Dr. James J. Mager, Director of Admissions Many fields 1870 B.M Residency Non-profit, state (614) 292-3980 $$ Evening and weekend courses are offered. Bachelor of Arts in English, history; Bachelor of Science; Bachelor of Business Administration; Master of Arts in education, English, history, and joumalism, all available through evening study. Credit for life experience learning. Telephone-assisted language program in eastern European languages. Counseling, trouble shooting, and workshops are available from the Department of Continuing Education. OHIO UNIVERSITY ~ E~temal Student Program, 301 Tupper Hall Athens, OH 45701 USA Dr. James C. Walters, Director of Amissions General Studies 1804 Non-resident Non-profit, state (800) 3424791 $$ The Bachelor of General Studies degree can be earned entirely through non-resident study. The External Student Program provides a counseling and advising service, and also acts as a liason in dealing with other university of fices. Credit for the degree can come from assessment of prior learning experiences, correspondence courses, independent study projects, and courses on radio or television. In many correspondence courses, one can take the examination only. If passed, credit for the course is given. These exams can be administered anywhere in the world and must be supervised. Forty eight quarter hours of credit must be completed after enrolling at Ohio. Other Bachelor's degrees of Ohio University can be completed largely through external means, but some time on campus will almost certainly be required. The university also offers a College Program for the Incarcerated, at unusually low cost. OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY C~ Competency-Based Degree Program 2501 N. Blackwelder Oklahoma City, OK 73106 Karen Powers, Director, Competency-Based Degree Program Non-profit, state (405) 521-5265 , So here's the problem. This university has a splendid and innovative degree program, with truly outstanding materials, .~ that are a model of clarity and completeness. However, on numerous occasions, Karen Powers, Director of the Competency-Based Degree Program, has demanded that the program be deleted from this package. I did that for one edition and got a whole bunch of letters from people saying, in effect, "Why didn't you list OCU?" My compromise is to let you know it exists, but tell you nothing about it. Why does OCU not want to be described here? "For various reasons," writes Ms. Powers, none specified. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Stillwater, OK 74078 USA Dr. Robin H. Lacy, Director of Admissions Engineering 1890 M, Residency Non-profit, state 405) 624-5000 Master of Engineering programs are offered through the Cooperative Extension Service at various locations statewide, combining residential and independent study. OPEN LEARNING AGENCY P.O. Bo~ 82080 Burnaby, BC V5C 6J8 Canada Many fields Courses for degrees earned elsewhere Non-resident Non-profit, state (604) 431-3110 ~P~ A wide variety of courses offered by audio and vldeocassette, teleconferencing, and other distance learning modes. The credits earned may be applied to degrees at other universities. Evolved from British Columbia Open University, which had been a degree-granting institution. OPEN UNIVERSITY (England) Walton Hall Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK7 6AA England Patricia Vincent, Chief Enquiries Assistant Non-resident Arts, education, mathematics, social science, science, and Non-profit, state technology (908) 74066 1971 $$$ England's largest non-traditional university has become the model for similar ventures worldwide. Degrees at all levels are offered through a combination of home study texts, radio and television programs, audio- and video-cassettes, week-long seminars during the summer, and home laboratory kits for science students. A Bachelor's degree can take anywhere from three to six years of part-time study; a Doctorate from three to nine years. About 30 hours of broadcast material are transmitted each week on BBC radio and television. The Open University is increasing its use of cassette material. There are currently about 67,000 undergraduate students and 1,200 graduate students registered. Started as an e~periment in 1971, Open University has grown into the most elaborate correspondence school in the world. As at other British univer sities, credit is earned only by passing examinations. Students must have an address in the United Kingdom or any other country in the European Community. OPEN UNIVERSITY OF ISRAEL 16 Klausner St. Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel Prof. Nehemia Levtzion, President Many 1974 Non-resident Non-profit,, independent (03) 422-511 $$ Israel's first open university (Ha'universita Ha'petuha in Hebrew) offers the Bachelor's degree on completion of 18 home study courses, given only in Hebrew. Each course consists of a home study kit, which may include written materials, lab oratory equipment, simulation games, etc. Many courses are supplemented by radio and television programs. Each course requires 16 to 18 weeks to complete, working 15 to 18 hours a week. Courses are available in natural sciences, social sciences, mathematics, life sciences, business administration, computer studies, and humanities. Non-credit courses are available in Arabic, computers, and ecology. The university was established by the Rothschild Foundation. The Israeli government is gradually assuming financial responsibility. There are also group study programs with regular weekly study sessions, particularly in commercial firms, labor unions, disadvantaged neighborhoods, and banks. More than 12,000 are em~lled. Original name: Everyman's University. OPEN UNIVERSITY OF THE NETHERLANDS P.O.Box 2960 Heerlen, 6401 DL Netherlands Non-resident Dr. C. W. Van Seventer Many fields 1 OQA Non-profit, state (045) 713334 $ The Netherland's first non-traditional university. The main teaching method is self-study, supported by printed course ma terials, audio- or videotapes, computerized instructions, and radio and television programs. Courses are offered in manage ment and administration, engineering, natural science, sociology, political science, law, economics, and liberal arts. The model is based on Britain's Open University. Credit is earned solely by passing e~aminations. Tutoring is available in study centers around the country, and by telephone. It is, in principle, possible for people from all over the world to en roll in the Open University. Some readers have been annoyed to discover that courses are in Dutch . . . but there is a plan afoot to develop and offer courses in English as well. ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY Center for Lifelong Learning 7777 South Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74171 David W. Owen, Director of Admissions 'hllrch ministries Short residency Non-profit, church (918) 495-6518 or (800) 678-8876 $$ The B.S. in church ministries is offered largely through home study and independent study (audio cassettes, compter pre sentation), with one week per semester on campus. Credit is given for experiential learning, independent study, and equiv alency exams. More degree programs are under development. Applicants must sign a pledge not to use tobacco or alco hol, not to lie, cheat, curse or steal, to participate in an aerobics program, attend church, to avoid homosexual behavior, and to commit ones life to Jesus.40 of the 43 pages sent in response to an inquiry related to financial aid. OREGON INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Oretech Branch Post Of fice KlamathFalls,OR 97601 USA DL Russell Lyon, Registrar Technology 1946 Residency Non-profit, state (503) 882-6321 $$ The Bachelor of Technology degree can be earned entirely through evening study. Some credit is given for prior learning e~perience. The fields of study are health technologies, engineering technologies, business technologies, and laser electro optics technology. OTTAWA UNIVERSITY ~1 1001 S. Cedar Ottawa, KS 66067 USA Richard Marck, Director of Admissions Many fields Short residency Non-profit, church (913) 242-5200 ___ $$ I believe that Ottawa offers excellent programs at centers in Kansas City and Phoenix. But Director of Admissions Richard Marck won't tell me about them, so I am unable to tell you about them. Maybe you'll have better luck. Or maybe they have all the students they could possibly want. OUR LADY OF THE LAKE UNIVERSITY 411 S.W. 24th St. San Antonio, TX 78285 USA Loretta Schlegel, Registrar Computer science, management, human resources, liberal studies 1922 Residency Non-profit, church (512) 434-6711 $$$ Bachelor's and Master's in computer information systems, management, human resources and organization, and liberal studies, through weekend study. All classes are scheduled for Friday evening, Saturday or Sundax every other week. Eighteen weekends a year equals a full-time academic load. Credit may be eatned through several testing programs and a portfolio process for evaluation of life/work experience at a cost of $50 plus one thW the usual tuition for credit awarded. A 36 semester hour M.B.A. can be earned in two years. It utilizes the Decision Theater, a teaching laboratory using computer simulations and models to present real life business situations, enabling students to apply managerial theories tl) ~VCily~.y ~ IUOII~. PACIFIC OAKS COLLEGE 5 Westmoreland Place PasadenL CA 91103 Lisa Bourgeault, Director of Admissions 1945 Human development B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (818) 795-9161 $$$ The Outreach and E~tension Services offers a B.A. or M.A. program designed for part-time students who are working professionals. The evening and weekend courses are offered in southem California as well as in the San Francisco area, Pordand, and Seatde. PARK COLLEGE B, M Parkville, MO 64152 Residency V. Peter Pitts, Vice President, Enrollment Management Non-profit, church Many fields (816) 741-2000 1875 The Portfolio Plan is an individualized degree completion program for adults, based on a learning contract which specifies credit for prior experience and new work to be done in classrooms and through independent study. Evening classes are of fered in the Kansas City area, and degree completion centers are operated on or near military bases in a dozen states. There is a Master of Public Affairs and graduate study in religion for clergy and lay leaders of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Academic Information Center, 138 Sparks Bldg. University Park, PA 16802 USA Scott F. Healy, Deanof Admissions Arts and sciences 1855 Asssociate's, M, D Non-resident; residency Non-profit, state (814) 865-2547 $$ The Extended Letters, Arts and Sciences Associates's degree is offered entirely dlrough correspondence study, mostly through correspondence courses offered by Penn State. Aldhough few Associate's degrees are listed in this package, this one is, as one of the few non-resident degrees available from a major state university. Master's and Doctorates can be earned through evening study at the Harrisburg campus in Middletown. PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY 24255 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 USA Robert L. Fraley, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1937 B, M, D Residency Non-profit, independent (213) 456-4000 $$$$$ Bachelor of Science; Master of Arts in education, general psychology; Master of Science in educational computing, edu cational therapy, school management and administration; Doctor of Education in institutional management; Doctor of Education in community college administrationÑall available through a combination of weekend and evening classes at four locations in the Los Angeles area. No credit is given for life experience learning. Pepperdine offers an innovative M.B.A. prograrn for business leaders. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF TEXTILES AND SCIENCE Evening Division, School House Ln. and Henry Ave., B,M Residency Non-profit, independent (215) 951-2700 Philadelphia,PA 19144 USA John T. Pierantozzi, Director of Admissions Business, computers, design, science, te~les 1884 Most Bachelor of Science degrees can be earned entirely through evening study. There is a special B.S. for registered nurs es (the R.N. counts for half the needed credits), and another for health care professionals. M.B.A. classes meet one evening a week in Bucks and Montgomery Counties. Credit given for prior learning through examination. PITTSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY B, M Division of Continuing Studies, 215 Russ Hall, Pittsburg, KS 66762 Non-residentorresidency James E. Parker, Director, Enrollment Services ~ ~ Many fields 1903 Non-profit, state (316) 231-7000 Bachelor's Master's degrees m many fields can be earned non-residentially, based on e~amination credits, and study using audio- and videocassettes, independent study, and field work. Some courses are offered by television. Bachelor's degrees can be earned in general studies, business, science in education, science in technology, nursing, and vocational technology education. The Master's is offered in human resource development, technical education, technology, and special education. PLYMOUTH STATE COLLEGE Plymouth, NH 03264 USA Clarence W. Bailey, Director of Admissions Education 1871 M Residency Non-profit, state (603) 536-5000 $$ Master of Arts for classroom teachers, based on two eight-week summer sessions, with independent study during the nine months in between them. POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY 333 Jay St. Brooklyn, NY 11201 USA James W. Reilly, Dean Engineering 1854 Residency Non-profit, independent (718) 643-5000 $$$$$ Bachelor of Science in aerospace/mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and civil engineering available entirely through evening study. PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 USA Jesse R. Welch, Director of Admissions Religious and business fields 1946 M Non-resident Non-profit, state (503) 725-3000 $$$ The Statewide MBA is offered primarily by videotape to Oregon residents who cannot earn the degree in the traditional way. Students earn si~ credits per quarter for a total of twelve quarters, or three years of part-time work. P R ATT INSTITUTE 200 Willoughby Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11205 USA Amanda Haigood, Director of Admissions Many fields 1887 Residency Non-profit, independent (7183 636-3600 $$$$ More than 80% of the units needed for the Bachelor's degree (available in many fields) can be earned through an assess ment of prior learning experiences. The assessment cannot be done until the student has spent one semester in the Integrative Studies Program. Assessment is done by an analysis of a portfolio prepared by the student, and through oral interviews. PRESCOTT COLLEGE ~3 Adult Degree Program, 220 Grove Prescott, AZ 86301 USA Sue Pauli, Coordinator Student Services, ADP Management, counseling, education, human services, individually-designed courses 1966 Short residency Non-profit, independent (602) 778-2090 ~' ~'D Prescott's Adult Degree Program is a self-paced independent study format, using instructors from student's home commu nity. Students normally take two courses every three months, meeting weekly with local instructors wherever they live. (Prescott helps to fmd them.) Small classes are offered in the late afternoon and evening on campus. Students must come to the college for a weekend orientation at the beginning of their program, and for an additional liberal arts Seminar, also on a weekend. Degree programs can be individually designed to meet students' goals. Entering students normally have a minimum of 30 semester hours of college work. One year enrollment at Prescott required to earn the degree. Credit for prior college-level learning through writing a life experience portfolio. PROVIDENCE COLLEGE Providence,RI 02918 USA Michael G. Backes, Director of Admissions Many fields 1917 B,M Residency Non-profit, church (401) 865-1000 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in business administration and law enforcement, and Master of Business Administration, all available entirely through evening study. PURDUE UNIVERSITY West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA William J. Murrax Director of Admissions Engineering, education, technology, management 1869 M Residency Non-profit, state (317) 494-1776 $$ Master of Science in engineering for fully-employed engineers and Master of Science in education for persons already working in the field. Bachelor of Science in technology. All courses are offered to accommodate work schedules of adult students, evenings and weekends, and are offered in various Indiana cities. Master of Science in management, available over a Macintosh home computer, plus a total of 12 weeks on campus. The cost of this program is in excess of $22,000. QUAD CITIES GRADUATE CENTER 639 38th Ave. Rock Island, IL 61201 Janet Lessner, Ph.D. Many fields 1969 M Residency Non-profit, independent (309) 794-7376 $$$ The center is sponsored by the University of Illinois, Northern Illinois University, the University of Iowa, Marycrest College, Augustana College, Iowa State University, University of Northern Iowa, Western Illinois University, and Bradley University. The degree is issued by one of these nine, depending on the program selected. Degrees offered include the Master of Arts, Master of Science, M.S. in education, M.S. in engineering, and Master of Business Administration, all available entirely through evening study. QUEENS COLLEGE Adult Collegiate Education, 65-30 Kissena Blvd., Flushing, NY 11367 USA Betty W. Mason, DIrector of Admissions Many fields 1937 Residency Non-profit, state-local (212) 52~7000 $$ Bachelor of Arts degrees for persons over 30, consisting of short, long, and weekend seminars; tutorials; exemption e~ams; work credit; and supervised independent study. Classes are scheduled to fit the needs of students. One year of resi dency is usually required. Queens is a unit of the City University of New York. QUEENS UNIVERSITY Kingston, Ontario K7L 2N6 Canada German, political studies, psychology 1841 Non-resident Non-profit, state (613) 547-3283 All work for the Bachelor of Arts in German, political studies, or psychology is done at a distance, by guided study from instructors. Books and cassettes are used. There can be telephone contact with instructors. Final examinations in courses are taken under supervision at various centers, worldwide. RAMAPO COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY 505 Ramapo Valley Rd. Mahwah, NJ 07430 USA Stephen Arianas, Dean, Enrollment Management Many fields 1969 Residency Non-profit, state (201) 529-7500 $$ The Weekend Program offers a Bachelor's degree program with majors in American and international studies, business ad ministration, and psychology. The evening degree program offers the same majors plus chemistry, biology, computer sci ence, economics, environmental studies, and sociology. Up to 75 credits can be earned by equivalency tests, and through PLEX, the Prior Learning Experience program. RAMKHAMHAENG UNIVERSITY Huamark, Bangkapi,Bangkok 10240 Thailand Business, humanities, education, science, political science, economics and law 1971 Short residency Non-profit, state 314-2045 $ With over 700,000 students, Ramkharnhaeng, on the open admission basis, is one of the world's largest universities. Degrees are offered through a combination of on-campus lectures, lectures on videotape at centers around the country, and courses broadcast nationally on 44 radio stadons. It normally takes four years to earn a Bachelor's degree. Cooperative ar rangements with the University of Pittsburgh, City University of New York, Southern Illinois University, and University of Surrey. REGENT UNIVERSITY Center for E~ctended Learning VrrginiaBeach,VA 23464 USA Virginia Weirich, Registrar Business, management 1977 M Short residency Non-profit (804) 424-7051 $$$$ The MBA and the Master of Arts in Management can be earned by a combination of correspondence courses, guided inde pendent study, audio- and viedocassettes, and instruction by telephone and mail, plus a tot~l of two one-week periods on campus. The university integrates traditional Judeo-Christian ethical principles in the teaching of each course. REGENTS COLLEGE see: University of the State of New York REGIS COLLEGE 3333 Regis Blvd. Denver, CO 80221 Business, computer information systems, management J. Stephen Jacobs, Asst. Director, Career Education Program 1877 B, M Very short residency Non-profit, church (303) 458-3530 or (800) 727-6399 Bachelor of Science in business administration or computer information systems through RECEP (Regis Career Education Program). Accelerated courses are offered in evenings and on weekends at several locations in the denver area. Each three-semester course is completed in five weeks; there are nine 5-week sessions a year. The Master of Science in Management is designed to be completed m 20 months, meeting one night each week. University Without Walls students spend one or two days on campus each semester. RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Troy, NY 12180 USA Residency Conrad Sharrow, Dean of Admissions Business 1824 Non-profit, independent (518) 266-6000 $$$$$ The Master of Science and M.B.A. are available entirely through evening study. There are accelerated programs in which a Bachelor's and either a medical, dental, or law degree can be earned in a total of six years. RICHMOND COLLEGE Queens Rd. Richmond,Surrey TW106PJ England Residency William Petrek, President Many fields (01) 940-9762 Richmond is a fully accredited American college that has no American of fices or programs, but operates only in London. The degree-granting authority comes from the Educational Institution Licensing Commission of the District of Columbia, although Richmond has no offices or courses in the district. The commission assures me this is not an un usual situation. Accredited by the Middle States Association in the U.S. Adver~isements also refer to them as the American International College of London. RIDER COLLEGE 2083 Lawrenceville Rd. Lawrenceville,NJ 08648 USA Earl L. Davis, Director of Admissions Commerce, chemistry, office administration, liberal studies 1865 Residency Non-profit, independent (609) 896-5000 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts in liberal studies, Bachelor of Science in commerce, Bachelor of Science in chemistry, Bachelor of Science in office administration, available entirely through evening study. RIKKYO UNIVERSITY 3-chome, Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku Tokyo, 171 Japan Dr. S. Furuichi, Registrar Many fields 1874 Short residency Non-profit, independent (03) 985-2204 Rikkyo University offers its Doctoral degrees solely on the basis of a submitted thesis (which can be in English), plus a short series of written examinations to be taken in Tokyo. Rikkyo was established by an American bishop in 1874, and was taken over by the Japanese in 1920. Applicants are asked to secure a copy of the Regulations Governing the Awarding of Degrees at Rikkyo University before submitting any materials. Once a preliminary application (a 2,000 word summary of the dissertation and a culriculum virae) is accepted, then the full work is presented. The applicant then goes to Japan to take written exams in the topic of the dissertation, and in two languages other than his or her native one. If the applicant's level of academic achievement is commensurate with others who have earned the Doctorate at Rikkyo, then the degree is awarded: a Ph.D., Doctor of Science, Ph.D. in Econorni~c Ph D in Th~ v ~r Ph D in Law. Rikkyo is also known as Saint Paul's University. RIVERINA COLLEGE OF ADVANCED EDUCATION P.O. Box 588 WaggaWagga,N.S.W. 2650 Australia Education Short residency Non-profit The degree can be earned through a combination of short on-campus periods (as little as one week per year) and external study. (I have this fantasy that they will someday offer a joint program with Washington's Whitman College, thus estab lishing the Walla Walla-Wagga Wagga connection. ROBERT MORRIS COLLEGE Narrows Run Rd. Coraopolis, PA 15108 USA Dr. Don L. Fox, Registrar Science 1921 Bachelor of Science, in which all coursework can be done in the evening. ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1 Lomb Memorial Dr. Rochester,NY 14623 USA Residency Non-profit, independent (412) 262-8200 ~$ B, M Residency Richard Fuller, Director of Admissions Non-profit, independent Technical fields, art, design, graphic arts, photography (716) 475-6631 1829 $$$$ Bachelor of Science in many technical fields, including engineering and computer science, photography and graphic arts; Master of Science in engineering technology or business technology through a combination of evening study, indepen dent study, and some fieldwork. Master of Science in mathematical statistics requiring two short on-campus seminars plus independent study and a thesis. ROCKFORD COLLEGE 5050 E. State St. Rockford,IL 61108 USA Dr. Gerald K. Wuori, Dean of Admission Many fields 1847 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (815) 226-4050 $$$ Bachelor of Science in general education, B.A., Bachelor of Fine Arts, Master of Arts in Teaching, and Master's in busi ness administration, all available through evening courses. ROCKHURST COLLEGE 5225 Troost Ave. B, M KansasCity,MO 64110 USA Residency Thomas J. Audley, Director of Admissions Non-profit, church Economics, industrial relations, psychology, sociology, (816) 926-4000 business administration $$ 1910 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts, available entirely through evening study. M.B.A. through evening and weekend classes. Cooperative Education Program alternating semesters of college with full-time salaried work. Internships and practicums in communication, psychology, and politics. ROGER WILLIAMS COLLEGE Open Mvision Bristol, RI 02809 USA William Dunfey, Director of Admissions Many fields 1945 Residency Non-profit, independent (401) 255-2371 $$$ Bachelor's degrees in many fields, including engineering and industrial technology, career writing, historic preservation, marine biology, and theater in which up to 75% of the necessary units can be earned through an assessment of prior learn ing experiences, equivalency exams, etc. The assessment is based on a portfolio, oral interviews, and tests. Assessment takes two to five months, and there is no e~tra charge for it. Programs include combinations of external courses; indepen dent studies; internships; and classroom courses, day, evening, or summer. ROLLINS COLLEGE Division of Continuing Education, Campus Box 2725, Winter Park, FL 32789 USA David G. Erdmann, Dean of Admissions Many fields 188S B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (305) 646-2000 $$$$$ Bachelor of Arts degree in women's studies, accounting, anthropology, sociology, business studies, communication arts, economics, environmental studies, humanities, international affairs, psychology, and public affairs offered through week end and evening study. The Master of Liberal Studies is an interdisciplinary program for adults, offered evenings on a part-time basis. This "great books" approach meets one evening a week in spring and fall, and several evenings a week in winter and summer. ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY 430 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60605 USA Gary K. Wolfe, Dean, College of Continuing Education Non-resident or short residency Non-profit, independent General studles (312) 341-3500 1945 $$$ The External Degree Program offers courses leading to Bachelor of General Studies. Courses offered in a variety of pro grams ranging from public administration to computer science. There is an option for prior lea~ning assessment. The de gree is offered through the College of Continuing Education for persons over 25. Concentrations in the College of Continuing Education include: telecommunications and hospitality management and 30 other specialties. There are also special programs in labor education and health administration for professionals in the field. Classes are held evenings and weekends in Chicago and the suburbs, as well as off carnpus and by distance learning. Roosevelt offers a "Discovery Program," in which individuals with no Bachelor's degree can, through a year or less of testing and tutorials, enter the Master's degree program directly. A Master's degree is offered in General Studies on campus. Note: there was once a large diploma mill called Roosevelt University. ROSKILDE UNIVERSITY CENTER Postbox 260 Roskilde, DK-4000 Demnark Mrs. Boel J0rgensen, Vlce-Chancellor Many fields 1972 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (02) 75 77 11 An experimental university, specializing in interdisciplinary studies. Clusters of appro~imately 60 students, 5 teachers, and a secretary work together in a house for two years, during which time subgroups work together on interdisciplinary research and creative projects in humanities, social science, and natural science. Nearly 3,000 students are involved. The two years of basic studies are followed by one-and-one-half to three-and-one-half years of specialized studies, leading to the degree. Subjects include foreign language, international development, socio-technicological planning, public rela tions, sciences, etc. RUSSELL SAGE COLLEGE The Evening Division, 140 New Scotland Ave. B, M Albany, NY 12208 USA Residency Dr. Robert E. Pennock, Dean of Continuing Education Non-profit, independent Many fields (518) 445-1717 1949 $$$ All degree programs are available entirely through evening study. Fields of study include elementary education, health ed ucation, business, nursing, computer science, sociology, art, etc. Up to 30 of the required 120 units in the Bachelor's pro gram can come from credit for e~periential learning. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY 311 N. 5th St. Camden,NJ 08102 USA Dr. Deborah E. Bowles, Director of Admissions Various fields 1927 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (609) 757-6104 $$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in accounting, computer science, management, physics, microelectronics, English, and psychology available th~ugh summer and evening classes in Camden, New Brunswick, and Newark. SACRED HEART UNIVERSITY Box 6400 Bridgeport, CT 06606 USA Douglas J. Bohn, Associate Dean Many fields 1963 M Residency Non-profit, independent (203) 374_7999 $$$ Master's degrees (M.A., M.S., M.B.A.) available en~rely through evening study. Cooperative education and life work ex perience are available, as well as credit for equivalency e~ams. SAINT AMBROSE COLLEGE 518 W. Locust St. Davenport, IA 52803 USA Residency Patrick O'Connor, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1882 Non-profit, church (319) 383-8765 $$$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Elected Studies may be earned through weekend, evening, and summer programs. Special programs: degree completion for nurses. Credit for non-academic prior learning and by exami nation. SAINT EDWARDS UNIVERSITY 3001 S. Congress Austin, TX 78704 USA John Lambert, Director of Admissions Many fields 1885 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (512) 448-8500 $$$ Bachelor's degree program through New College in business, humanities, and social sciences, in which some of the de gree requirements can be met through assessment of prior learning. The assessment is based on analysis of a portfolio prepared by the student in a special research course offered for that purpose. The cost is based on a fee for each credit awarded. Saint Edwards also offers a Bachelor of Arts in behavioral sciences and criminal justice. Bachelor of Business Administration, and Master of Business Administration, and human resources, through evening study. SAINT FRANCIS COLLEGE (Ne~v York) 180 Remsen St. Brooklyn, NY 11201 USA George Lynes, Dean of Admissions Special studies 1859 Residency Non-profit, independent (718) 522-2300 $$$ Bachelor of Arts in special studies, available entirely through evening study in the School of Continuing Education. Up to 98 credits will be accepted from other schools and equivalency exams. Credit, also, for experiential learning. Up to 10 credits may be awarded to armed forces veterans for electives. SAINT FRANCIS COLLEGE (Pennsylvania) Loretto, PA 15940 Gerard J. Rooney, Director of Admissions Industrial relations 1847 M Residency Non-profit, church (814) 472-3000 $$$$ M.A. in industrial relations can be earned entirely through evening study at the college's branches in Harrisburg and Pittsburgh. SAINT FRANCIS XAVIER UNIVERSITY Antigonish, Nova Scotia B2G lC0 Canada Education M Residency Non-profit (902) 867-3952 A Master's degree in adult education is offered through a short residency and guided independent study. SAINT JOHN'S COLLEGE Graduate Institute Santa Fe, NM 87501 USA Director, Graduate Institute Liberal studies 1864 M Residency Non-profit, independent (505) 982-3691 $$ Saint John's has long been known for its full-time undergraduate programs based entirely on a study of great books of Western civilization. They also offer an innovative Master of Arts in liberal studies, also based on great books, over a pe riod of four eight-week summer sessions in four consecutive years, and/or a fall and spring term program of two evenings a week. The prograrn is offered on both Saint John's campuses, in New Me~ico and Maryland, and students are encour aged to move from one to the other. The address in Maryland is Saint John's College, Graduate Institute, Annapolis, Maryland 21404, (301) 263-2371, Director of Admissions John Christensen. SAINT JOSEPH'S COLLEGE North Windham, ME 04062 USA Patricia M. Sparks, Dean Professional arts, health care administration, and business 1912 B, M Short residency Non-profit, church (800) 343-5498 $$ Three degree completion programs are offered through directed independent study with campus-based faculty supervision: Bachelor of Science in professional arts (oriented to registered nurses), Bachelor of Science in health care administration, and Bachelor of Science in business administration. A three-week residency is required on the campus in North Windham, Maine. Master's in health care administration is offered in the same format, with a two-week residency requirement. (This Ma~ster's program is a candidate for accreditation.) SAINT JOSEPH'S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 5600 City Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19131 USA Randy H. Miller, Director of Admissions Many fields 1851 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (215) 879-7300 $$$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science, over 30 majors; Master's in business administration, chemistry, computer sci ence, education, health administration, health education, public safety, criminal justice, gerontological services, American studies; all through evening study. Non-traditional students may also obtain Bachelor's degrees part time or full time in the day through the Continuing Education program. Up to 75 credits may be transferred from four-year colleges; 64 from two-year colleges; up to 60 credits from an R.N. program can be accepted toward the Bachelor's. SAINT LEO COLLEGE State Rd. 52 B St. Leo, FL 33574 USA Residency Frank G. Krivo, Dean of Admissions Non-profit, church Psychology, business, public administration, criminology (904) 588-8200 1889 $$$ Bachelor's in psychology, business, public administration, or criminology available through weekend, evening, or sum mer programs. Weekend students attend classes every other weekend. SAINT MARY COLLEGE 4100 S. 4th St., Traffic Way Leavenworth,KS 66048 USA Teresa Redlingshafer, Director of Admissions Various fields 1923 Residency Non-profit, church (913) 682-5151 $$ Bachelor of Science in accounting, business administration, computer science, or public affairs may be earned through weekend or evening study. Also, a B.S.N. program is offered for nurses with R.N. degree. Saint Mary also offers B.S. de gree programs on the Donnelly College campus in Kansas City, Kansas. This is an upper-level (junior-senior) program especiaUy designed for community college graduates and transfer students in the Kansas City area. Saint Mary also offers classes and workshops for teachers, that apply toward certificate renewal, including computer classes through the state-ap proved Teacher Education Program in computer studies. SAINT MARY'S COLLEGE (California) Extended Education, P.O. Box 784 Moraga, CA 94575 USA Dr. Robert Rosby, Dean of Extended Education Management or health services administration 1863 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (510) 631-4900 $$$ The Bachelor's degree in management or health services administration based on a learning contract. All students com plete a core curriculum, a fieldwork project and various other courses comprising an area requirement. To enter the pro gram, applicants must have 60 units of previous academic credit and work experience in the degree area. The MBA is of fered through evening and weekend courses. SAlNT MARY'S COLLEGE (Minnesota) Q 2510 Park Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55404 USA D~ Marilyn R. Frost, Minneapolis Graduate Dean Human development and education 1912 M Short residency Non-profit, church (612) 874-9877 $$$ Master of Arts in human development or education, for persons living in one of the geographical areas in which Saint Mary's has regional advisors. These areas include a 150-mile radius around San Francisco, Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Winona. Under special provisions, some students are accepted from outside these areas. All students must spend some time on the graduate campus in Minnesota, but this can be as little as one weekend. Credit is given for completion of learning contracts negotiated between the student and the advisor. Most students complete the Master's in 18 to 24 months. SAINT MARY-OF-THE-WOODS COLLEGE Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN 47876 USA Kathi Anderson, Director of Admissions Admissions Many fields 1840 B, M Short residency Non-profit, church (812) 535-5106 $$ Baccalaureate majors offered in the Women's External Degree Program are: accounting, business administration, English, history, humanities, journalism, management, marketing, paralegal studies, political science, psychology, religion, and social work. There is a special B.A. in womens studies. Credit is awarded for prior learning. E~cellent student support services are provided. Students are guided by faculty via mail and phone in off-campus independent study. The M.A. in pastoral studies requires about 30 days on campus. The college admits men and women to its programs, but only women can earn degrees. SAINT PETER'S COLLEGE 2614 Kennedy Blvd. Jersey City, NJ 07306 USA Robert J. Mlan, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1872 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (201) 333-4400 $$$ The degree programs are available through evening, weekend, and summer courses. Credit for life experience learning and equivalency exams. Courses also offered at a branch campus in Englewood Cliffs. SAINT PROCOPIUS COLLEGE see: Illinois Benedictine College SAINT THOMAS UNIVERSITY 16400 N.W. 32nd Ave. Miami, FL 33054 USA Kevin Shay, Director of Admissions 1962 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (305) 625-6000, e~t. 119 $$$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Master's degrees may be earned through evening, weekend, and summer pro grams in the School of Continuing and Adult Education. Fields include accounting, business management, chemistry, sports administration, computer science, elementary education, finance, political science. Credit by examination, indepen dent study, and non-academic prior learning. Program open to Florida residents only. Formerly called Biscayne College. S A LVE REGINA UNIVERSITY 100 Ochre Point Ave. Providence, RI 02840 USA Sr. Rosselina McKillop, Dean of Admissions 1934 International relations, management information systems M Non-resident (but may change) Non-profit, church (401) 847 6650 $$$$$ The Master of Arts in international relations, human resource management and liberal studies, and the Master of Science in management and information systems science is offered entirely through distance learning, although the university is considering a two-week summer residency requirement. Instruction is by correspondence courses, with regular mail and telephone exchanges with the faculty, leading to guided independent study. SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY Huntsville, TX 77431 USA Dr. R. A. Reiner, Associate V.P. for Academic Services Many fields 1879 B, M, D Residency Non-profit, state (409) 294-1111 Many subjects are offered through evening and weekend courses. Correspondence courses are available. SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY Extended Education, 1600 Holloway Ave. SanFrancisco,CA 94132 USA Peter Dewees, Dean, Continuing Education Many fields 1899 M Residency Non-profit, state (415) 338-1373 $ Many courses leading to Bachelor's and Master's degrees are available through evening and weekend study. The Open University program offers access to 3,000 courses. Anyone may enroll, but only 24 units of work can be transferred into a reguL~r degree program (6 units at the Master's level). The Over-60 program offers greatly reduced fees for people over 60, on a space available basis in each class. SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192 USA Edgar Chambers, AEVP Admissions/Records Health care administration, community health educalion 1857 Residency Non-profit, state (408) 924-1000 $ Bachelor of Science in health care administration and Bachelor of Arts in community health education. They are called "external" degrees but a fair amount of on-campus or near-campus work is required. Credit is earned through coursework (evenings, summers), examinations, directed independent study, and parallel instruction (doing all the work of a required class without attending the class meetings). There is no opportunity for self-paced accelerated work. Students must have 56 semester units earned elsewhere before admission, and the remaining units can take three to four years of part-time study to earn. (San Jose State has not responded to nine requests for information about their programs, since 1982, so this information comes from library research.) SANGAMON STATE UNIVERSITY Springfield, IL 62708 USA Dr. Gerald Curl, Director of Admissions and Records Many fields 1969 Residency Non-profit, state (217) 786-6626 The INO, or individual option program, is based partially on a University Without Walls model: a learning proposal is developed, a learning contract negotiated, and the student pursues the Bachelor's degree through selected off-carnpus study, internships, foreign study, independent study, or exchange with other institutions. Evening and weekend classes are of fered. Credit for prior learning. SARAH LAWRENCE COLLEGE Bron~ville,NY 10708 USA Robin Marnlet, Director of Adrnissions Liberal arts, fine arts 1926 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (914) 793-4242 $$$$$ The Continuing Education for Women program offers the opportunity to earn the Bachelor and Master of Arts through part-time daytime study combined with independent study. Students take three seminar courses at a time with accompany ing one-on-one conferences with faculty. In the individualized studies prograrn, students present a specific plan of study appropriate to the faculty resources of the college, leading to an M.A. degree. S AYBROOK INSTITUTE t3 450 Pacific, 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94133 USA Chester Gerhardt, Admissions/Records Officer Psychology, human science 1970 M, D Short residency Non-profit, independent (415) 433-9200 $$$ Courses are offered in an independent study format: a course guide is provided, specifying the required readings and includ ing written lecture materials prepared by the faculty. Students may design their own courses as well. Student work focus es within four areas of concentration: clinical inquiry, systems inquiry, health studies, and consciousness studies. All stu dents must attend a five-day planning seminar in San Francisco, and two one-week national meetings each year. Degrees can take from two to four years to complete. Many well-known psychologists are associated with Saybrook (Rollo May, Stanley Krippner, Richard Farson, Nevitt Stanford, Clark Moustakas, etc.). Saybrook, until 1982, was called the Humanistic Psychology Institute. SCHILLER INTERNATIONAL UNDERSITY 453 Edgewater Drive Dunedin, FL 34698 Dr. Walter Leibrecht, President 1964 B, M Residency Many fields (813) 736-5082 or (800) 3364133 Schiller works on the the American system, through centers in Germany, France, England, and Spain. Accreditation is from the recognized agency, the Accrediting Commission for Independent Colleges and Schools. Evening and summer programs are offered in various fields. Bachelor's degrees are offered in business administration, law and public administra tion, applied sciences, economics, European studies, foreign languages, international relations, and psychology. Master's degrees in business, hotel and tourism, international management, economics, international relations, language and litera ture. SCHOOL FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAINING Kipling Rd., P. O. Box 676 B, M Brattleboro, VT 05301 USA Residency Neal Mangham, President Non-profit, independent International studies and administration, English as a (802) 257-7751 or (800) 451~465 second language $$$ 1964 Bachelor of International Studies, through either a World Issue Program or a World Studies Program, combining intensive on-campus study with an overseas internship of at least 27 weeks. Master of Arts in Teaching and Master's program in intercultural management concentrates on developing skills useful in international and intercultural professions. Both Master's may be completed in 12 to 16 months, and include an internship. Phone in Vermont is (802) 257-7751. S E ATTLE UNIVERSITY 12th Ave. and E. Columbia Seattle,WA 98122 USA Lee Gerig~ Dean of Admissions Many fields 1891 M, D Residency Non-profit, church (206) 626-5720 $$$ Master of Arts in Education, Master of Education, Master of Business Administration, Master of Public Administration, Master of Software Engineering, Master of Transporation Engineering, Master of Religious Education, Master of Ministry, Master of Pastoral Ministry, Master of Existential Phenomenological Therapeutic Psychology, and Doctor of Education in educational leadership, all through evening study, with some weekend classes. SJ~r ~ , v~ ~ see: West Virginia Board of Regents B.A. Program SHIMER COLLEGE 438 N. Sheridan Rd., P.O. Bo~c A500 Waukegan, L 60079 USA Bobbie Groth, Director of Admissions Non-resident Non-profit, independent General studies, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences (312) 623-8400 1853 Shimer used to be affiliated with the University of Chicago, and still bases its curriculum on the foundation of the "Great Books of the Westem World." Teaching is through the Socratic, or shared inquiry, method. Degrees may also be earned through a weekend program, meeting one weekend a month in Lake Bluff, Illinois. SIENA HEIGHTS COLLEGE 1247 Siena Heights Dr. Adrian, MI 49221 USA Norman A. Bukwaz, Dean of External Programs Health, business, general studies, trade and industrial areas 1919 Residency Non-profit, church (517) 263-0731 $$$ The degree completion program offers the opportunity to eam the Bachelor's degree in many fields. Substantial credit is given for prior life experience. Up to 80% of the required 120 semester hours can be earned through the assessment (in cluding courses taken elsewhere). New work is done through a combination of evening and weekend classes. The pro gram is designed for individuals who already have at least two years of college. SKIDMORE COLLEGE ~3 University Without Walls Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 USA Dr. Robert H. Van Meter, Director, University Without Walls More than 50 majors 1911 B,ÑMÑÑ Short residency Non-profit, independent (518) 584-5000 $$ Skidmore is one of the pioneers of the non-traditional movement, having offered a university without walls program since 1970. It is possible to earn their Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science with a total of two days on campus: one .or advising and planning, and the second to present a degree plan to a faculty committee. Skidmore makes it clear that they hold their graduates to "standards of knowledge, competence and intellectual attainment which are no less compre hensive and rigorous than those established by traditional...programs." After fulfilling requirements in the degree plan each student completes a final projectÑa project demonstrating competence in one's field. Students can major in any of the dozens of fields offered by Skidmore, or can devise their own majors. There is a new Master's program along similar SONOMA STATE UNIVERSITY 1801 E. Cotati Ave. Rohnert Park, CA 94928 USA Dr. Frank M. Tansey, Dean of Admissions Psycholngy 1960 B, M Short residency Non-profit, state (707) 664-2778 $ The B.A. in psychology can be completed entirely through evening courses. There is a one-year external Master's degree in psychology. Although there is no requirement for taking any specific classes, students must attend occasional meetings with a faculty advisor. The program is designed jointly by student and faculty, and can include coursework, fieldwork, re search, and independent study. Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree, one year of graduate-level experience in human istic psychology, and 9 units of credit previously earned (in residence or by extension) from Sonoma State. A requirement of basic knowledge of psychology can be met through courses or by an examination. Credit for prior experience and evening courses. About 40 new applicants are admitted each fall. SOUTHEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS UNIVERSITY Old Westport Rd. North Dartmouth, MA 02747 USA Barrie G. Phelps, Director of Admissions Many fields 1895 Residency Non-profit, state (617) 999-8000 $$ Bachelor's degree in history, sociology, psychology, political science, Portuguese, humanities, management, accounting, and other fields. Up to 75% of the required number of units can be earned through an assessment of prior learning experi ence. The assessment is based on evaluation of a portfolio, which is prepared in a class given for that purpose. The as sessment costs a flat fee of around $480, and is offered through the Division of Continuing Education. SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY 501 Eye St. SW Washington, DC 20024 USA William H. Sherrill, Dean, Admissions Business, public administration, accounting, taxation 1879 M Residency Non-profit, independent (202) 488-8162 $$ On Saturdays and Sundays, Southeastern offers a Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in accounting or taxation, and Master of Business and Public Administration. Classes last all day, once a week, and the degree requires 36 credit hours for completion. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Carbondale,IL 62901 USA B. Kirby Browning, Director of Admissions Many fields 1869 M Residency Non-profit, state (618) 453-2121 $$ Master of Science in administration of justice, through coursework, independent study, and work projects. Master of Science in engineering biophysics through coursework plus a field internship. Master of Arts in rehabilitation administra tion, with five weeks of independent study for each week spent on campus. Weekend program in industrial technology. Programs offered at selected military bases. SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY Dallas, TX 75275 USA Dr. Robert Patterson, Director, Evening and Summer Studies Many fields 1911 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (214) 692-2000 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Applied Sciences, and Master of Liberal Arts, all through evening study in the School of Continuing Education. SOUTHERN OREGON STATE COLLEGE 1250 Siskiyou Blvd. Ashland, OR 97520 USA Larry Nollenberger, Director Program Advising Many fields 1926 Residency Non-profit, state (503) 482-3311 $$ "Special Academic Credit" (credit by examination, equivalency exam, prior learning experience, and correspondence credit) may be applied to degree programs. Fields include business, education, performing arts, nursing, social sciences, sci ences, math, humanities. Up to 90 credits may be earned in this manner. Assessment based on a portfolio prepared by the student after taking a required course in this subject. Students must complete 45 credits at S.O.S.C., exclusive of prior learning credit. SOUTHERN VERMONT COLLEGE Monument Rd. Bennington, VT 05201 USA Kathryn True, Director of Admissions Many fields 1926 Residency Non-profit, independent (802) 442-5427 $$$ Bachelor's degree program for Licensed Practical Nurses offered through Evening Extension Program. Many courses through evening, weekend, and summer classes. Bachelor's degrees in accounting, business, English, environmental stud ies, communications, criminal justice, health services, human services, resort management, private security, and social work. Offers telecourses to fulfill some degree requirements. Independent studies and internships are an important element for degree programs. Students with special interests are encouraged to formulate their own degree programs with faculty or staff advisor. SOUTHWEST BAPTIST UNIVERSITY B 1601 S. Springfield St. Short residency I~OllV~, lvlU 0:~01 ~ Ms. Juan Crites, Director of Admissions Applied science, nursing 1878 Non-profit, church (417) 326-5281 $$$ Bachelor of Applied Science and B.S. in nursimg through independent study, supervised fieldwork, cooperative education, and teaching cassettes plus credit by equivalency examination. A four-week summer term on campus is required. SOUTHWEST STATE UNIVERSITY Marshall, MN 56258 USA Philip Coltart, Director of Admissions Humanities, social science, education, business, science, technology 1963 Bachelor's may be earned in these fields through evening classes. Residency Non-profit, state (507) 537-6286 $$ SOUTHWESTERN ADVENTIST COLLEGE B Keene,TX 76059 USA Shortresidency Dr. Marie Redwine, Director, Adult Degree Program Non-profit, church Many fields (817) 645-3921 1893 $$$ B.A., B.S., and Bachelor of Business Administration through the Adult Degree Program (ADP). ~Irtually all work can be completed at a distance, following a two-week admission seminar, held each April, June, and October. The only residency requirement is a 3-day on-campus interim seminar once a year. Credit is earned by transfer of credit, proficiency exams, credit for prior learning, and independent study by mail and telephone. ADP students pay 80% of the tuition of on-cam pus students. Majors include behavioral science, business, communication, education, English, home economics, mathe matics, office administration, physical education, religion, social science, social work, and Spanish. Toll-free number outside Te~as: (800) 433-2240. SPRING ARBOR COLLEGE Continuing Studies, 106 Main St. Spring Arbor, MI 49283 USA Darlene T. Mefford, Registrar Management of human resources 1873 Non-resident or short residency Non-profit, church (517) 750-1200, ext. 300 $$$ Bachelor of Arts in management of human resources can be earned in 12 to 15 months through weekend, evening or sum mer programs if participant has Associate Arts degree, is employed full time, is 25 years old or older, and prepares a port folio of life experiences for evaluation. Non-resident students study by mail, audio- and videocassettes, with television courses, and through supervised independent study. SRI LANKA INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION P.O. Box 1537 Maligawatte, Colombo, Sri Lanka Science, technology, management Short residency Higher National Diplomas in mathematics, science, technology, and management through correspondence studies, with occasional face-to-face meetings at one of 12 national centers. Some fields require attending laboratory sessions. Instruction is given in English, Sinhala, and Tamil. S TATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Cooper Center Brockport, NY 14420 USA Marsha R Gottovi, Director of Admissions Science, natural science, liberal studies 1835 Short residency Non-profit, state (716) 395-2211 $$ Bachelor of Liberal Studies, with a minimum of three weeks on campus for an annual seminar. The degree is offered in science, natural science, and social science. Students may design their own concentrations or majors. Credit is given for prior learning experiences, both formal and informal, as well as for equivalency exams, independent study, and correspon dence courses. The minimum time of enrollment is one academic year (nine months). S TATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (BUFFALO) Millard Fillmore College, 3435 Main St. B, M Buffalo,NY 14214 USA Residency Kevin Durkin, Director of Admissions Non-profit, state Arts ~ sciences, management, nursing, engineering, architecture (716) 831-2202 1946 $$ More than 350 evening classes each semester, with credits applicable to various degree programs. STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (OLD WESTBURY) College at Old Westbury, P.O. Box 210 OldWestbury,NY 11568 USA Michael Sheehy, Director of Admissions Many fields 1967 Residency Non-profit, state (516) 876-3082 $$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Professional Studies in which some units can be earned through a combination of assessment for prior experience and equivalency examinations. STEPHENS COLLEGE ~:3 College Without Walls, Campus Box 2083 Columbia, MO 65215 USA LuAnna Andrews Many fields 1833 Short residency Non-profit, independent (314) 876-7125 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts through a program primarily of independent study. The only firm residential requirement is attendance at a liberal studies seminar. Seminars a year are given on the Stephens campus. The seminar requires eight days or two weekends on campus with a total of seven weeks of independent study before, between, and after the weekends. Forty three-unit courses are required for the degree. Ten must be completed with Stephens faculty after enrolling. Courses may be completed by guided independent study, or weekend courses at Stephens. A program called Learning Unlimited is for women over 23 who wish to earn the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Fine Arts through on-campus weekend and residential classes. STETSON UNIVERSITY 421 No. Blvd. Deland, FL 32720 USA Gary A. Meadows, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1883 Residency Non-profit, church (904) 734-4121 $$$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in many fields through evening study. Bachelor of Science in medical technolo gy in conjunction with area hospitals. Credit for equivalency examinations. SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY Beacon Hill Boston, MA 02114 USA William F. Coughlin, Director of Admissions Many fields 1906 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (617) 723-4700 $$$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Business Administration, and Master of Public Administration, all available entirely through evening study. Cooperative program, where students work in jobs related to their majors and can graduate in four-and-a-half years (with summer sessions). SWINBURNE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY P.O. Box 218, John St. Hawthorn,~lctoria 3122 Australia Ian McCormick Residency Non-profit, independent Engineering, applied science, graphic arts (03) 819 011 1908 $$$$ Swinburne is a major Australian institution following the cooperative plan of education, in which students alternate peri ods of up to six months of work in industry with taking classes. Evening courses available. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY ~ Independent Study Programs, 301 Reid Hall, 601 E. Fayette St. Syracuse, NY 13244 Robert CoUey, Director Many fields 1870 B, M Short residency Non-profit, independent (315) 423-3284 $$$$ B.A. in liberal studies, B.S. in business administration or food systems management, M.B.A., Master of Fine Arts (il lustration or advertising design), and Master of Social Science, all with short residency on campus, and independent study in between. Social Science requires two 14-day sessions on campus, each in July (but not necessarily two consecutive sessions). It is also offered in London. The M.B.A. requires three seven-day sessions a year for an average of two-a-half years. The M.F.A., which has been taught by many of New York advertising's best-known art directors (Lubalin, Scali, Gargano, etc.), requires three two-week sessions on campus and several shorter sessions in New York City and other metropolitan areas. The Bachelor's degrees also require three seven-day sessions a year on campus. The minimum time for the Bachelor's is one year (30 credits) for people with substantial transfer credit, but in practice, most people take quite a bit longer. TARKIO COLLEGE Tarkio, MO 64491 USA Richard Phillips, Director of Admissions Business, management 1883 Residency Non-profit, church (816) 736-4131 $$$ Bachelor of Science in business administration, management, and related fields, requiring evening classes that meet once a week for eight weeks. Evening and weekend classes throughout Missouri; centers in St. Louis, Jefferson City, and Kansas City. Life experience credit is possible. TECHNION INSTITUTE Faculty of Industry and Management The Technion Kiryat Hatechnion, Haifa 32000, Israel Director of Industrial Management M Short residency Non-profit, state Master of Science in industrial management requiring one day a week on the campus in Haifa TENNESSEE WESLEYAN COLLEGE CoUege St. Athens, TN 37303 USA James G. Harrison, Director of Admissions Applied science in business management and accounting 1857 Residency Non-profit, church (615) 745-7504 $$ The Bachelor of Applied Science program is designed to meet the needs of adult learners who have two years of business related coUege studies. Evening classes are held in KnoxviUe, Chattanooga, Cleverand, and Harriman, Tennessee. TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Of fice of Extended Education, P.O. Box 32927 FortWorth,TX 76129 USA Edward G. Boehm, Director, Extended Educalion General studies 1873 Residency Non-profit, church (817) 921-7130 $$$ Bachelor of General Studies program, available entirely through evening study. At least 30 of the required 124 semester hours must be earned at T.C.U. Credit is given for prior academic work, and for equivalency exams, including a series of exams developed at the university. Some courses are offered on a closed-circuit television network connecting 10 colleges and universities around the state. TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Lubbock, TX 79409 USA DL Gene W. Medley, Director of Admissions Education 1923 Residency Non-profit, state (806) 742-2011 Texas Tech offers its Doctor of Education in higher education with the possibility of much shorter residency than most traditional Doctoral programs. It is necessary to earn 24 semester hours of credit in continuous enroUment during a given 12-month period. The shortest possible time frame, then, is about seven months: one semester plus one summer session. However, additional credit would have to be earned at other times, such as other summers, either in Lubbock or in exter nal courses Tech offers in El Paso, Abilene, and other west Texas cities. THOMAS A. EDISON STATE COLLEGE ~3 101 W. State St. Trenton,NJ 08625 USA Jack PhiUips, Registrar Many fields 1972 Non-resident Non-profit, state/local (609) 984-1100 $ B.S. in business administration, applied science and technology, human services, or nursing; B.A. in any of 26 subjects, entirely by non-resident study. (Nursing degrees only for New Jersey residents.) Credit through portfolio assessment (handbook available); Edison's own exams in dozens of subjects; guided study (correspondence courses using texts and videocassettes); courses by computer (many available through Electronic University, listed separately this chapter); e~quiv alency exams (over 400 available); military, business, and industry courses and training programs; television courses (on PBS: "The Story of English," "Cosmos," etc.); credit for licenses and certificates (C.P.A.: up to 33 credits, pilot's li cense: 6 or more, etc.); and transfer credit from accredited coUeges. Counseling centers in various New Jersey cities (but not necessary to visit them). Foreign students are welcome with certain restrictions. THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIVERSITY 11th and Walnut Streets Philadelphia,PA 19107 USA Susan Christian, Associate Director of Admissions Scientific fields, nursing 1824 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (215) 928-8850 $$$$ The College of AUied Health Sciences offers B.S. degrees in cytotechnology, dental hygiene, diagnostic imaging, medical technology, nursing, occupational therapy, and physical therapy, through evening classes. Applicants must have two years of prior college experience. The CoUege of Graduate Studies offers the M.S. in clinical microbiology through a combination of evening classes, seminars, and a clerkship for persons with prior laboratory experience. TOWSON STATE UNIVERSITY College of Continuing Studies Towson, MD 21204 USA William J. Reuling, Registrar Many fields 1866 Residency Non-profit, state (301) 321-2031 $$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in many fields, including nursing, occupational therapy, medical technology, ac counting, education, liberal arts and sciences, computer science, and business can be completed through evening study. Also weekend and summer courses. Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by examination. TRINITY COLLEGE PACE, 208 Colchester Ave. Burlington, VT 05401 USA Verna Gordon, Director of Admissions 1925 Residency Non-profit, church (802) 658-0337, ext. 218 $$$ Trinity College offers men and women three different programs as a means to begin or resume their education at the col lege level. The PACE program, with a Monday through Friday schedule, offers 28 majors for a B.S./B.A. degree. Weekend College has classes every other Saturday and/or Sunday for eight weekends a semester, with five majors. v ~ y Evening Degree, meeting two evenings a week for six eight-week terms, offers a Bachelor's in business administration. A minimum of 30 credits at Trinity College is required for the B.A./B.S. Applicants are eligible for advanced placement through transfer credit and credit for life/work experience or approved credits resulting from professional or military train ing. TRINITY UNIVERSITY Health Care Administration,715 Stadium Drive San Antonio, TX 78212 Dr. George N. Boyd, Acting Director of Admissions Health care administration 1869 M Very short residency Non-profit (210) 736-7011 $$$$ The Individual Study Program in Health Administration is designed for full-time employed people in the field. There is a two or three day intensive workshop on campus at the start of each semester, followed by five months of guided indepen dent study, with regular teleconferences, typically over a four-year period. TROY STATE UNIVERSITY P.O.Drawer 4419 Montgomery, AL 36195 USA Fred Stewart, Director, External Degree Program Professional studies 1887 Non-resident Non-profit, state (205) 834-1400 $$ Bachelor of Arts or Science in professional studies, which can be earned entirely through correspondence courses, learning contract study with Troy State, Troy State television courses (broadcast on public television on weekends), and/or credit for life and work experience. A senior project is required. Majors are available in business, criminal justice, English, his tory, political science, psychology, or sociology. Persons living within 200 miles of Montgomery must attend an orien tation session on the campus. For those living farther away, this can be done by mail. Troy State also offers complete de gree programs (Bachelor's and Master's) provided at in- and out-of-state centers, mostly military bases in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Europe. Minimum residency is 36 quarter hours for the Bachelor's and 35 for the Master's. TUSCULUM COLLEGE P.O.Bo~c 5049 Greeneville, TN 37743 USA Ron W. Porter, Director of Enrollment Management Many fields 1794 Residency Non-profit, church (615) 638-1111 .p~ Some degree programs are offered through evening classes, and at off-site locations in Memphis, Knoxville, and Chattanooga. UNION GRADUATE SCHOOL see: Union Insdtute UNION INSTITUTE ~3 440 E. McMillan St. Cincinnati, OH 45206 USA Or. Jennifer King Cooper, Admissions Coordinator Many fields 1964 B, D Short residency Non-profit, independent (513) 861-6400 or (800) 486-3116 $$$$ Established by the Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, a consortium including some large state universi ties, to be, in effect, their alternative program. The undergraduate "University Without Walls" Bachelor's degree may in volve independent study, directed reading, internships, on-thejob education, classroom instruction, tutorials, etc. Credit for prior learning e~cperiences. The required residency involves a weekend colloquium (held in various locations) and occa sional seminars. At least nine months are required to earn the degree. The Ph.D. begins with a 10~ay "entry colloquium" held in various locations. The Doctoral learner develops a committee of at least five, including two peers. The committee establishes a learning agreement, including an internship. All students must attend at least three five-day seminars at least si~ months apart, and another ten days in meetings of three or more learners. Thus a minimum of 35 days of residency is required for the Ph.D. A typical program will take two to four years. In 1990, Union moved into its own splendid old building. Former name: Union (:~raduate School and Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities. UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY Toho Seimi Bldg., 15-1 Shibuya 2-Chome, Shibuya-ku,Tokyo 150 Japan Professor Heitor Gurgulino de Souza 1975 No degrees Non-profit, independent (03) 499-2811 $ Based on an idea of U Thant, as a worldwide network of advanced research and training institutions devoted to "pressing problems of human survival, development and welfare." U.N.U. has considered granting degrees of its own, but has not yet done so. Fields of special interest are human and social development, management of natural resources, and world hunger.The Japanese government pledged $100 million of the $500 million endowment goal. Other large contributions have come from Venezuela, Finland, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Ghana, with smaller amounts from many other nations. (The United States' contribution to this noble idea is, to date, $0. The Senate has twice voted down the proposal to contribute.) UNITED STATES SPORTS ACADEMY 1 Academy Ave. Daphne, AL 36526 USA Paul M. McGough, Assistant Deal of Admissions Sports management, sports medicine, coaching 1973 Residency Non-profit, independent (205) 62~3303 The Master's degree is offered in a program that involves two summers on the campus in Alabama, and a year of home study under the supervision of a faculty mentor. About two-thirds of the faculty and staff work outside the United States, where many of them consult with foreign governments on sports matters. UNIVERSIDAD ESTATAL A DISTANCIA Calle 23 B 25, Av. 108 B, M San Jose, Costa Rica Non-resident Celedonio Ramirez Non-profit, state Education, business, agriculture, social service, health 25-8788 services, administration 1977 Costa Rica's state university for distance learning offers correspondence study consisting of written units, slides, audio and videocassettes, leading to the Bachelor's in education and other fields after about two years of study. Evening and weekend study is offered on campus. UNIVERSIDAD IBEROAMERICANO Av. Cerro de las Torres No. 395, Me~ico 21, D.F., 04200 Me~cico Ernest Dominguez Quiroga, Rector Sociology 1943 Residency 549-3500 The Bachelor's degree in sociology is based largely on individual study with study guides, required weekly group sessions on the university campus, and individualized tutorials with the faculty as requested by the student. The time involved is at least five years. UNIVERSIDAD MEXICANA DEL NORESTE Sa Zona No. 409, Apartado Postal No. 2191 J, Col. Caracol, Monterrey, Nl., Me~cico Banking, finance, leisure time management 1974 Non-resident 40-12-05 This open university program offers the Bachelor's degree in banking and finance, and in management of leisure time. Studies are based on learning guides and audiocassettes. About four years are lequired to complete the degree. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Avenida Gambria 18, San Bernardino B Caracas, 101 Venezuela Many fields 1975 Non-resident Non-profit, state Venezuela's open university offers the Bachelor's degree in social sciences, management, land and sea sciences, engineer ing, mathematics, and physics. Students work at their own pace through teaching modules consisting of printed and audio-visual materials. Some courses are offered on radio or television. Laboratory work, where required, may be done at the university or at other institutions. UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA NACIONAL DE MEXICO B, Graduate Circuito Exterior de la Ciudad UniversitaTia, Me~ico, D.F. 04510 Mexico Jorge Carpizo McGregor, Rector Many fields Non-resident Non-profit, state 550-52-15 Very inexpensive Mexico's national open university has prepared substantial course texts, each created by a team including academics, audio-visual specialists, and a graphic designer. A text consists of a work guide, written material, boxes of laboratory or field experiments, self-evaluation materials, and perhaps movies, tapes, and other audio-visual aids. An examination at the university must be taken after completing each course. There are courses offered in dental surgery, poultry breeding (graduate program), English literature, Hispanic literature, history, economics, philosophy, sociology, education, law, business administration, psychology, nursing, international relations, mass media, and accounting. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA Ciudad Universitaria Madrid, 28040 Spain Elisa Perez Vera, Rector Many fields 1972 Short residency Non-profit, state (91) 449-3600 The national open university of Spain offers degrees in a wide range of academic subjects. Each group of 150 students has a professor-tutor responsible for guidance and personal contact. More than 40 centers around the country (including 11 within large business, government, and military offices) are available for seminars, conferences, and lectures. Most work is done at a distance by use of written and audio-visual materials. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE EDUCACION "ENRIQUE GUZMAN Y VALLE" La Cantuta Chosica, Peru Literature, science, geography, mathematics and industrial technology 1905 B, Professional Non-resident or short residency Non-profit, state 91 00 52 $ Peru's open university pilot project is for working teachers, and offers them correspondence and short residency study. Most work is done at a distance by use of written materials. UNIVERSITE DE PARIS VIIÑVINCENNES Route de la Tourelle Paris, CEDEX 12, 75571 France Many fields B, M, D Residency Non-profit, state The Vincennes campus of the University of Paris is known as the "university of second chance." The more than 30,000 students come from over 100 countries. Degrees in languages, linguistics, the social sciences, fine arts, theater, and cine matography through evening study, smaU group study, and student directed study. UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA Minden Penang, Malaysia Many fields Residency Non-profit, state (04) 883-822 For the first four years of this five-year program, students study by correspondence and independent study, using printed materials, tapes, and slides mailed to them. They must come to the campus once a year for a seminar of a few weeks. The fifth year is done entirely in residence. UNIVERSITY CENTER AT HARRISBURG 2986 N. 2nd St. Harrisburg, PA 17110 USA A. Jane Collier, Financial Of ficer Many fields 1958 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (717) 238-9694 Varies An educational consortium involving several Pennsylvania institutions Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Lebanon Valley College, and Elizabethtown College) to offer various degree programs, primarily through evening and weekend study. UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA, NEW ~OLLEGE ~3 External Degree Program, P.O. Box 870182 University, AL 35487 USA Dr. Harriet CabeU, Director, External Degrees Many fields 1831 B, M Short residency Non-profit, state (205) 348-6010 $$ The degrees of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science may be earned entirely through non-resident independent study with the exception of a two-day degree planning seminar on the campus at the start of the program. At least 32 semester hours of work must be completed after enrolling at the University. This can be by out-of-class contract learning, corre spondence courses, television courses, Weekend CoUege, prior learning evaluation, or on-campus courses at the universi ty. Degrees offered in human services, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, applied sciences, administrative sci ences, and communication. A 12-semester-hour senior project is required of all students. Academic advising and planning can be done by telephone. There often seem to be waiting lists to get into this program. There is a Master's in Criminal Justice, requiring two weeks on campus, offered through the College of Continuing Studies, Box 2967, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Tucson, AZ 85721 USA Dr. Jerome Lucido, Director of Admissions Many fields 1885 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (602) 626-2751 $$ Evening programs leading to the B.A. in general stu&es, M.B.A., M.Ed. in reading or bilinguallbicultural education, Ph.D. in higher education or educational foundations. There is a public administration program primarily for police offi cers. Several programs are offered in Sierra VistalFt. Huachuca inclu&ng an M.S. in electrical engineering via microwave link and a B.S. in Nursing. Correspondence and independent study programs can be part of some degree programs. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS Fayetteville, AR 72701 USA Larry F. Matthews Management, international relations 1871 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (501) 575-5346 $$ Programs are offered to military and civilian personnel at various military bases in Europe. The degrees include a Master of Arts in international relations and a Master of Science in management. The work has been offered at bases in England, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Turkey. UNIVERSITY OF BALTIMORE Charles at Mount Royal Baltimore, MD 21201 USA Clare MacDonald, Director of Admissions Many fields 1925 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (301) 625-3348 $$ Bachelor's, Master's, M.B.A., and ~3.D. may be earned through evening and summer programs. Fields of study include computer science, criminal justice, corporate communication, law, political science, and others. There is an accelerated Bachelor's/Master's program in which some courses can be applied to the requirements for both degrees simultaneously. UNIVERSITY OF BRIDGEPORT Bridgeport,CT 06601 USA Kenneth Best, Director of Public Information 1927 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (203) 576-4000 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, and Master of Science in education, engineering, and nursing, all through evening study. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY M.B.A. Evening Program, 333 Golden Gate Ave. SanFrancisco,CA 94102 USA Mac Jordan, Chair, Business, UC E~Ltension Business administration 1868 M Residency Non-profit, state (510) 642-6000 Master of Business Administration, through the Graduate School of Business, available entirely through evening courses taught from six to nine in San Francisco. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Davis, CA 95616 USA Dr. Gary Tudor, Director of Admissions Various 1905 B,M Residency Non-profit, state (916) 752-1011 $$ The Academic Re-entry Program provides preadmission advising for older students who are re-entering an academic pro gram after work and life experience. Admission by specia1 action may be possible for persons who do not meet the for mal admission requirements if they present evidence of academic potential (test scores, recent coursework, "late bloomers," etc.). Part-time st~tus may be elected by persons who are employed, retired, have family responsibilities, or health problems. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE Campus Dr. Irvine, CA 92717 USA James E. Dunning, Director of Admissions Various fields 1965 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (714) 856-5414 $$ Master of Science in educational administration and Master of Arts in social ecology and in teaching of Spanish available through evening study. There is a combined Bachelor's/Master's in business administration, in which both degrees can be completed in five years. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES 3371 GSM Los Angeles, CA 90024 USA Thomas E. Lifka, Registrar Business administration, engineering 1919 M Residency (310) 825-2032 $$ Master of Business Administration for fully employed persons with a minimum of five to eight years of work experience (two evenings per week for three to four years) and executive M.B.A. for mid-career managers with eight to ten years of experience, five of which must be as managers (alternating Fridays and Saturdays for two years), through the Graduate School of Management. Master of Engineering involves one afternoon and one evening a week, for employed engineers with at least five years' experience, through the Engineering E~ecutive Program. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA B, M SantaBarbara,CA 93106 USA Residency Dr. Charles W. McKinney, Non-profit, state Dean of Admissions (805) 961-2311 1944 $$ Bachelor of Arts in law and society, through evening study in the College of Letters and Science; Master of Science in electrical engineering for advanced students requiring technical upgrading, and for U.S. Navy employees at Point Mugu. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 5801 Ellis Ave. Chicago, IL 60637 USA Maxine Sullivan, Registrar Business administration M Residency Non-profit, independent (312) 753-1234 ~. $$$$$ The Master of Business Administration is offered in two non-traditional modes: entirely through evening study at a down town Chicago location; and in an Executive Program requiring one day on campus every week for two years, plus a five day residential seminar. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Cincinnati, OH 45221 USA Robert W. Neel, Director of Admissions Many fields 1 x19 Residency Non-profit, state (513) 475-8000 _ $$ Bachelor's degrees in natural science, social science, engineering, humanities, arts, and business administration, which may be earned entirely through evening study. There is an e~tensive cooperative education program, a Weekend University, and an innovative Learning at Large program. UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT Stamford, CT 06903 USA Ann G. Quinley, Director of Admissions Many fields Residency Non-profit, state (203) 322-3466 __ $$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of General Studies through evening study. Credit for independent study and by examination. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE Clayton Hall Newark, DE 19716 USA DL N. Bruce Walker, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1883 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (302) 451-8123 $$ Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in chemistry, computer and information services, criminal justice, engineering technology and technical management, English, history, and psychology; M.B.A.; and M.Ed. all available through evening study. UNIVERSITY OF DELHI School of Correspondence Courses,5 Cavaky Lines Delhi, 110007 India Ruddar Datt, Principal Many fields 1962 B, M Non-resident Non-profit, state 725-7600 $ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, and Master of Arts in Hindi, political science, history, and Sanskrit; and Master of Commerce available through correspondence study. All courses are available through correspondence, and some radio courses, for people anywhere in the world. Exarninations must be taken in India (si~c locations), or at foreign centers in Kabul (Afghanistan), Tehran (Iran), Beijing, Moscow, Bonn, London, Jakarta (Indonesia), Sydney, Hong Kong, and Tokyo. UNIVERSITY OF DENVER New College, 2300 S. York St., Denver, CO 80208 USA DL Roger Campbell, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1864 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (303) 871-1200 $$$$ ~ ;nelor o~ ~;eneral Studies in data processing, communications, or liberal arts; Master of Special Studies; Master of Liberal Arts through weekend and evening classes. There is a special Bachelor's in business, for women, given by the Weekend College, which meets every other weekend. UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT 4001 McNichols Rd. Detroit, MI 48221 Robert A. Mitchell, S.J., President Many fields 1877 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (313) 927-1000 $$$ Evening classes leading to a wide variety of Bachelor's and Master's degrees. The Bachelor of Business Administration is offered in accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, and personnel. There is an evening M.B.A. as well. The College of Liberal Arts offers evening programs leading to the Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees in a wide variety of fields. The College of Engineering and Science offers the Bachelor of Science in engineering, the Master of Computer Science, Master of Engineering Management, and Master of Engineering through evenimg study. The School of Education and Human Services offers late afternoon and evening programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts in criminal justice and Bachelor of Science in nursing and human resource development; certification programs in elementary and secondary edu cation; and Master's m criminal justice, education, health services administration, and health care education. UNIVERSITY OF EAST ASIA G.P.O.Box 3001 Macau T. L. Tomaz, Principal, College for Lifelong Education Many fields 19~1 B, M Non-resident Private 27322 _ $$ The College for Lifelong Education offers non-residential external degree programs in the English language. In addition to printed materials, there is use of audio- and videotapes. There is an English language home study program in Chinese law. Programs have been designed with the cooperation of Britain's Open University and Massey University in New Zealand. This is the only university in Macau. Its local name is Universidade da Asia Oriental. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA Athens, GA 30602 USA Dr. Claire Swann, Director of Admissions Business administration, early childhood education, public administration 1785 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (404) 542-2112 $$ Bachelor's degree program offered largely in the evening with independent study available limited to equivalent of one aca demic year. The M.B.A. and Master's degrees in early childhood education and public administration are also available through evening study. UNIVERSITY OF GUAM U.O.G. Station Mangilao, Guam 96923 Kathleen R Owings, Director of Admissions Many fields 1952 B, M Residency Non-profit, state 734-2177 $ Bachelor's degree may be earned through evening and summer programs. Many majors in the colleges of arts and science, education, agriculture and life sciences, and busmess and public administration. UNIVERSITY OF HAWAIIÑMANOA 2444 Dole St. Honolulu, HI 96822 USA Donald R. Fukuda, Director of Admissions Many fields 1907 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (808) 948-8111 ~D~ Bachelor of Arts in history, mathematics, sociology; Bachelor of Business Administration; Master of Arts in educational administration, all through evening study in the College of Continuing Education. Some classes are given at Hickham Air Force Base. UNIVERSITY OF HAWAIIÑWEST OAHU 96-043 Ala Ike Pearl City, HI 96782 Stella L. T. Asahara, Student Services Coordinator Humanities, social science, professional studies 1976 Residency Non-profit, state (808) 456-5921 $ Bachelor's degree programs in humanities (English, history or philosophy), social sciences (including political science and economics), or professional studies (business or public administration) are available through daytime and/or evening classes. All degrees can be earned entirely through evening study. Instead of a major in one of these areas, students may pursue study related to a major theme, such as American studies, Asian studies, justice administration, etc. Courses are also offered on weekends, and at three off-campus locations. UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO ~ M ~Ideo Outreach Program, Janssen Engineering Building Non-resident Moscow, ID 83843 Non-profit, state Matt E. Telin, Director of Admissions (208) 885-6911 Engineering, computer science, psychology (human factors) $$ Master's degrees in electrical, mechanical, civil and computer engineermg, computer science, and psychology (human fac tors) are offered via the Vldeo Outreach program. UNIVERSITY OF INDIANAPOLIS 1400 E. Hanna Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46227 USA Dr. C. R. Stockton, Academic Dean Many fields 1902 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (317) 788-3368 $$$ A variety of Bachelor's and Master's degrees can be earned entirely through evening study. The Executive M.B.A. program meets one Friday and three Saturdays each month. In this program, it is possible to earn the degree in two years (com prising 19 Fridays and 50 Saturdays). Formerly called Indiana Central College. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA ~3 Center for Credit Programs, W400 Seashore Hall IowaCity,IA 52242 USA Susan Beadle, B.L.S. Adviser Liberal studies 1847 Non-resident Non-profit, state (319) 353-4963 $$ The Bachelor of Liberal Studies degree entirely by correspondence from the University of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa. Students must earn 62 semester hours of credit (by correspondence from the University of Iowa or from any other accredited school.) At least 45 semester hours must be earned at the Iowa Regents Universities (University of Iowa, Iowa State University, University of Northern Iowa). No credit for life experience learning. There are no majors in the program, but students must earn 12 credits in three of these five areas: humanities, communication and arts, science and math, social sciences, and professional fields (business, education, etc.). Credits may be earned through correspon dence, Saturday, evening, off-campus, television, or telebridge courses. "Telebridge" is a statewide system of two-way audio conferencing which permits classes to be held at remote locations. The B.L.S. program is only open to people liv ing in the U.S. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS 102 Bailey Hall, School of Education Graduate Division Lawrence, KS 66045 USA Dr. George Woodyatd, Associate Dean, Graduate School Public administration, education 1864 M Residency Non-profit, state (913) 86~2700 $$ Master of Public Administration through evening study, and Master of Science in Education through evening study and at tne Kansas City campus (K.U. Regents Center). UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY 103 Frazee Hall Lexington,KY 40506 USA G. Kendall Rice, Director of Admissions Business, public administration 1865 M Residency Non-profit, state (606) 258-9000 $$ Master of Business Administration and Master of Public Administration may be earned through a combination of week end and evening classes. University of Kentucky also offers television courses and correspondence courses in many fields. UNIVERSITY OF LAVERNE S.C.E., 1950 3rd St., LaVerne,CA 91750 USA Adeline Cardenas-Clagu, Director of Admissions Many fields 1891 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (714) 593-3511, ext. 501 $$$$ Bachelor's or Master's may be eatned through evening, weekend, and summer programs. Fields include liberal atts, gradu ate and professional studies, business, communications, behavioral sciences, education, child development, pre-medicine and pre-law. Residence centers in California, Alaska, Greece, and Italy. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON Senate House, Malet St. London, WClE 7HU England Registrar Many fields 1836 B, M, D, Law Non-resident Non-profit, state (01) 636-8000 London was the world's first external degree program, and after a century and a half, it is still among the best. They do have an annoying policy that only holders of their own Bachelor's could enroll in most Master's programs, but there are a few exceptions. Anyone may apply directly for the Master's in agricultural development, French studies, and classics. Exams may be taken at British embassies and consulates. Degrees are based solely on examinations and a thesis. London gave the exams, but not the coursework to prepare one. That, too is changing. Optional correspondence and audio-visual materials, study courses and informal tutorial assessment have been made available. There are new programs in account ing, banking, management and nursing, with agrarian development and computer science under development. Seventy five percent of students still take law, but only graduates of universities in the U.K. may apply for the external law de gree. . Several correspondence schools offer non-degree preparation for London's exams. One is Wolsey Hall, 66 Banbury, Oxford OX2 6PR, another is Rapid Results College, Tuition House, London SW19 3BR. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE S. 3rd St. Louisville, KY 40292 USA Belinda L. Wyss, Assistant Director, Special Student Services Many fields 1798 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (502) 588-6933 $$ Eighty degree programs at the Bachelor's and Master's level are available through part-time and/or evening studies. Evening and weekend courses on the main campus and at three other sites. Transitions Program offers counseling for adults thinking of entering or returning to college, and evening workshops on topics of relevance. The Adult Commuter Center and Evening Student Services (ACCESS) provides a place for adults to call their own for typing, studying, con versation, as well as university functions (admissions, bookstore, financial aid, etc.). UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Continuing Education, 122 Chadbourne Hall Orono, ME 04469 USA William J. Munsey, Director of Admissions Many fields 1865 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (207) 581-6192 $$ Bachelor of University Studies, Bachelor of Science in elementary education, Master of Arts in English or speech, Master of Science in education, Master of Business Administration, Master in Liberal Studies, Master of Public Administration, Master of Science in medical technology, all of which may be earned through evening courses given at Orono and Portland. UNIVERSITY OF MARY 7500 University Dr. Bismarck,ND 58501 USA Neal Kalberer, Director of Admissions Various fields 1957 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (701) 255-7500 $$$ Business, and accounting programs available through evening study. Some weekend classes. Credit for prior learning, equivalency exams, and independent study. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 15 University College College Park, MD 20742 USA Dr. Paul Hamlin, Dean, Statewide Undergraduate Programs Technology ~ management, behavioral ~ social sciences, humanities, fre science 1856 B Non-resident or short residency Non-profit, state (301) 985-7036 $$ University College, the continuing education campus of the University of Maryland, offers B.A. and B.S. degrees in a flexible format through its Open University. Attendance is optional, but student may attend introductory session and and take examinations on campus. Work is done by correspondence study using audio- and videocassettes, and a computer bul letin board system. There are learning centers throughout the Washington-Baltimore area. A primary concentration in fire science is offered by independent study in a six-state region and the District of Columbia. Credit is available for relevant college-level prior learning. UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTSÑAMHERST ~3 University Without Walls, Montague House Amherst, MA 01003 USA Doris Dickinson, Chair, U.W.W. Admission Committee Humanities, sciences, social sciences, engineering, business, health sciences 1863 B, M Non-resident or Short residency Non-profit, state (413) 595-1378 $5$ University Without Walls program leads to either a B.A. or B.S. degree designed by the student, an advisor, and a faculty sponsor from UMass or one of the four colleges in the Amherst area. Courses involve both independent study and time spent on the main campus and/or at other centers. Students may earn much credit through a narrative prior learning port folio: a written essay and, if relevant, video- and audiotapes, performances, presentations, photographs, etc. The assess ment may be done anytime after enrollment. Late afternoon, evening, and weekend classes offered. The College of Engineering offers an M.S. in engineering management, computer engineering and electrical engineering entirely by videotape or satellite transmission from National Technological University. While occasional appearances are required on carnpus, the requirement is not enforced for out-of-state students. Address: Vldeo Instruction Program, 113 Marcus Hall, UMass, Amherst 01003, (413) 545-0063, Merillee Neunder, Director. UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTSÑBOSTON College of Public and Community Service Boston, MA 02125 USA Ronald E. Ancrum, Director of Admissions Public, community, legal and human service, community development 1964 Residency Non-profit, state (617) 929-7000 $$ Bachelor's degree program in public and community service, human service, legal service and housing, and community development. Many of the required units can come from an assessment of prior learning experienceÑbut there is still the requirement of one year of residency at the university. UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI P.O. Box 248025 Coral Gables, FL 33124 USA Deborah Triol-Perry, Dean of Enrollments Many fields 1925 B, M, D Residency Non-profit, independent (305) 284-2211 $$ M.B.A. with classes held every other weekend, for fully-employed persons sponsored by their employers. Miarni offers an intriguing Honors Program in medicine, law, international studies, and marine and atmospheric science. Well~ualified applicants (mostly high school seniors) are admitted simultaneously to the Bachelor's and the Doctoral programs. Miami also offers a two-year M.D. program for persons with substantial experience in the sciences. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 200 Hill Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA Dr. Clifford F. Sjogren, Director of Admissions Social work, education, library science 1817 M Residency Non-profit, state (313) 764-1817 $$ The University of Michigan offers graduate courses in social work and in education and library science through the off carnpus program, sponsored by the respective departments and by the Extension Service. Independent study courses at the graduate level as well as the undergraduate level are available through the Extension Service. It is not, however, possible to earn an entire degree through either the off-campus program or the independent study program. Students anywhere in the world can take independent study courses. The School of Business Administration has an evening M.B.A. program. UNIVERSITY OF MINDANAO Bolton St. Davao City, Mindanao Island Philippines Paquita Gavino, Dean, College of Education Education 1946 M Non-resident Non-profit, independent 7-54-56 'yhe university's On-the-Air Project offers the Master's degree in education entirely throu~h radio broadcasts. Students ~ubmit term pa~s, prepare workbooks, and tak~aminations at the university. UNIVERS~ II~ES~A ~~~~ I ¥ ~ ProgramforIndi~earning,201W~stbrogkff~,- ~,j Minneapolis, M,l~ 55455 USA / ,~ KentWar~en,A;dmissionsCoordinator / ~J ~ Many fields , ~ ~J J sident ~, B.A. atld B.S. degr~es lor stui~ents\vfillir~g to take responsibility for ,d'esigning an~'implementing theit degree progratns. The pr~grain (formerly called Univ~sity~Without Walls) offers no cq~lrses or e~a~s of their own. Instead, they assist stu dents ~ us~hg resources at the uni~ers~y, at other institutions, and ih the commlmity. Thesb might in~lude local or corre ~ spon~ell~cekourses, ~dependent ~tudy projects, and assessment of ~rior learnii~g. At least ~ year of stqdy is re~ired afte~ adm~ssiot~! Since the~;e are no pr~designed majors or ptescribed c~frricula, eac~ studqnt dqvelops an in~ividualized degree platy. A set of standatds, calle~graduation criteria, prqvide a fr~mework ~/structu~in~ and assessin~ ! d~gr~e programs~ ~duirements include\an ar~a of concentration, broad~learni~ in the liberal arts, a~rd a command ~ ~titten Englis4 Pro~nls~ail~eneral business adminis~accoonting, teaching, engineering, or computer sclenc~ UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIÑCOLUMBIA O 2-64 Agriculture Bldg, College of Agriculture Columbia, MO 65211 USA Dr. Gary L. Smith, Director Admissions and Registrar Agriculture 1839 B ~ ~ ~ -~ Short residency Non-profit, state (314) 882~287 $$ Bachelor of Science in agriculture. Credit is awarded for relevant prior leaming documented by examination, portfolio of prior learning, or other acceptable means and for satisfactorily completing on-campus or extension-taught courses, corre spondence courses, and other independent study. Only students who have not enrolled in any school full time for at least five years are accepted. Prior college-level work not required but preferred. Primarily for those interested in agricultural or agricultulally-related occupations. The program is not available to persons outside the United States. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI AT ST. LOUIS 8001 Natural Bridge Rd. St. Louis, MO 63121 USA Mimi La Marca, Director of Admissions General studies 1963 Residency Non-profit, state (314) 553-5451 $$ The Continuing Education division offers extension courses during the day and evening at various locations. There is a Bachelor of General Studies program. Some credit is given for life experience learning. UNIVERSITY OF NATA L E~ing George V Avenue Durban 4001, South Africa Business administration Qualified persons can earn the MBA based entirely on a thesis in the field. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA College of Continuing Studies Omaha,NE 68182 USA John Flemming, Director of Admissions General studies 1908 M, Equivalent of accreditation Non-profit, state Residency Non-profit, state (402) 554-2393 $$ Courses f£om many sources with credits leading to the student-planned Bachelor of General Studies degree, offered "to es tablished adults only," with credit for life experience and "amnesty for past college failures." Twenty four semester hours of coursework must be earned in residence at University of Nebraska at Omaha. UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND Armidale, N.S.W. 2351 Australia Ian Small, Acting Director, Dept. of External Studies Many fields 1938 B, M Short residency Non-profit, state (067) 73-2999 Bachelor's degrees are offered in arts, economics, social science, and urban and regional planning. Master's degrees are awarded in economics, education, educational administration, and urban and regional planning. The Department of External Studies provides administrative support, but external teaching is the responsibility of the same full-time academ ic staff who teach internal students. Instruction is mostly by correspondence, including printed lecture notes, course out lines, and audiocassettes. Students must also attend residential vacation schools on campus and there are volumtary week end schools, the majority of them held in Sydney. Enrollment in most programs is restricted to full-time residents of Australia, or Australians with resident status who are temporarily overseas. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Division of Continuing Education, 6 Garrison Ave. Durham,NH 03824 USA Stanwood C. Fish, Dean, Admissions Various fields 1866 B, M Short residency Non-profit, state (603) 862-1360 $$ Bachelor of Science in child and family studies, Bachelor of Engineering Technology, Bachelor of Science in nursing, Bachelor of Science in health management and policy (external degree option), Bachelor of Science in medical technology, Bachelor of Arts in psychology, Master of Public Administration, Master of Library Science available through evening and/or external degree programs. Prior learning experiences are assessed in nursing, medical technology, and health man agement programs. Bachelor of General Studies and Bachelor of Professional Studies, with substantial credit for life expe rience, are offered at over fifty centers statewide. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAVEN 300 Orange Ave. B, M WestHaven,CT 06516 USA Dr. Robert Caruso, Dean of Admissions Services Many fields 1920 Residency Non-profit, independent (203) 932-7000 $$$ Bachelor's degrees in all fields except applied mathematics, natural sciences, English, and world music can be earned en tirely through the Division of Evening Studies. More than 50 majors are available. Among the unusual ones are arson investigation, forensic science, dietetic technology, executive housekeeping administration, music and sound recording, and tourism and travel administration. UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN COLORADO College of Continuing Education Greeley, CO 80639 Gary O. Gullickson, Director of Admissions M Non-resident Non-profit, state (303) 351-1890 Education, agency counseling, communication, statistics, operations $$$ research, secondary science teaching 1889 The Master of Arts in education has eight available majors. There is an M.A. in communication, and an M.S. with ma jors in statistics, operations research, and high school science teaching. Instruction is by correspondence study, guided in dependent study, use of audio- and videocassettes, and instruction by telephone, mail, and computer bulletin board service. UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA ~3 1222W. 27th St. CedarFalls,IA 50614 USA Dr. Constantine Curris, President Liberal studies 1876 Non-resident Non-profit, state (319) 273-2311 $$ See University of Iowa for description of a shared non-resident Bachelor's degree program. Instead of filling out my infor mation questionnaire, Nancy Bramhall wrote across it "We do not wish to be included in your package." I'm sorry, Ms. Bramhall, but as long as you offer an accredited non-resident Bachelor's degree, I owe it to my readers to keep you in. This is a perfect example of how schools can vary in the way they present and market their programs. Iowa and Northern Iowa offer the identical program. Iowa cooperates with me totally, and could not be more helpful. Northern Iowa grumpi ly says, "Leave us out." UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA ~3 660 Parrington Oval Norman,OK 73019 USA Dr. Dan A. Davis, Associate Dean, College of Liberal Studies Liberal studies 1890 B, M Short residency Non-profit, state (405) 325-1061 $ Bachelor of Liberal Studies and Master of Liberal Studies with two or three weeks each year on campus, plus directed in dependent study. Bl.S . students work in three areas: humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. It is like a four year degree, each year requiring one seminar session on campus. (Sessions are held at least twice a year.) Three of the four years may be waived, based on prior study, or by passing an equivalency exam. In the fourth year, the student completes a study in depth and attends a mandatory semina~ There is an Upper Division Option for people with two years of college, begimling with a five-day residential seminar, then completion of all three phases in about a year, with one required semi nar. The final seminar is the same as in the four-year Bl.S. There are no majors; students do elective study based on their interests. The Ml.S., largely for people with a specialized Bachelor's who wish a broader education, begins with a two-week seminar on campus. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Credit Programs, College of General Studies, 210 Logan Hall Philadelphia,PA 19104 USA Dr. David Burnett, Director, College of General Studies Many fields 1740 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (215) 898-7326 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts through College of General Studies. Penn's evening division offers the same degrees as traditional resi dential students receive. There is a Master of Arts in gerontology through evening study program, and other graduate courses offered in the evening. No weekend classes, and no credii lor life experience learning. UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX Q Distance Education Program,4615 E. Elwood St., Phoenix, AZ 85040 USA Nina Omelchenko, Acting Admissions Director Business, management, nursing, health services 1976 B, M Non-resident or Residency Pr~prietary (602) 966-7400 $$$ The M.B.A. can be earned entirely "on line" over a home computer network. Bachelor's degree in business administra tion, management, nursing, or health services and the Master of Business Administration or M.A. in Management entire ly through evening study, in a minimum time period of 13 months for the Bachelor's, 14 months for the Master of Arts in Management, and 22 months for the M.B.A. Classes meet one night a week in Phoenix, as well as in Tucson, Salt Lake City, Denver, Albuquerque, and various cities in southern and northern California. Applicants for the Bachelor's de gree must have two years of full-time related work experience and 30 semester credits of college work. Master's applicants must have a Bachelor's and three years of full-time related work experience. UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH ~ External Studies Program, 3808 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA Joanne Ratey-Rosol, Director of Admissions Psychology, economics, public admnistration, many other fields 1787 Short residency Non-profit, state (412) 624-7210 $$$ Bachelor of Arts in psychology, economics, and public administration, as well as all core courses required for any degree offered in the College of General Studies. Students use textbooks and faculty-prepared self-instructional manuals, attend three three-hour Saturday workshops for each course, and take exams at off-campus testing sites. Courses, faculty, and transcript credits are the same as for Pitt's traditional classroom-based programs. The workshops are required for all but handicapped students, inmates in Pennsylvania prisons, and people who were enrolled at Pitt but have been transferred to another location. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO P.O. Box 5000 Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00709 USA Antonio Santes, Director of Admissions Education 1911 Residency Non-profit, state 809) 834-4040 Bachelor's courses in education for employed teachers, through evening, weekend, and summer classes. Offered through the Division of Academic Extension and Community Services which was created to provide educational opportunity for the adult working population, disadvantaged groups, and minorities. UNIVERSITY OF QUEBEC Tele-Universite, 214, Avenue St.-Sacrement, Quebec, GlN 4M6 Canada Jean-Guy Beliveau Many fields 1972 B ~esidency Non-profit 418) 657-2262 Tele-Universite is one of the 11 units of the University of QuebecÑa University Without Walls within the huge univer sity. Prograrns are offered for the training of teachers of French and mathematics, and some general courses for the puWic. Instruction is largely by use of television, videotapes, textbooks, telephone conferences, and experimental kits, all for home study, plus, in the teacher training programs, weekly three-hour group meetings. Instruction in French. UNIVERSITY OF REDLANDS Whitehead Center for Lifelong Learning, P. O. Box 3080 Redlands, CA 92374 USA Stephen Hankins, Dean of Admissions B, M Non-resident or short residency Non-profit, independent Liberal arts, business, information systems (714) 793-2121 1907 $$$$ Whitehead Center offers degree programs for the working adult throughout southern California: B.S. in business and man~n~r ^n: ~total cost $7,907), B.S. in information systems ($10,331), and M.B.A. ($10,825). Forty units may be earned from assessment of prior learning via student-prepared portfolio. At least 40 units from another institution is re quired. Johnston Center offers degree programs for residential undergraduates, allowing them almost total academic free dom to create their own majors. Interdisciplinary and custom-designed traditional majors are available. Students are "grad ed" by narrative evaluations. Students mosdy live in the same dormitory, and are expected to address issues of community and cross-cultural awareness. Although the program can be non-residential, enrollment is limited to people living within 150 miles of the campus. UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND Kingston, RI 02881 USA David G. Taggart, Dean of Admissions English, business, public administration, other fields 1892 B,M Residency Non-profit, state (401) 792-1000 $$ Bachelor of Arts in English (women only), Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts in English, Master of Business Administration, and Master of Public Administration entirely through evening study at six cities around the state. UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND Richmond,VA 23173 USA Thomas N. Pollard Jr., Dean of Admissions Many fields 1830 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (804) 289-8640 $$$$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Master of Commerce, and Master of Humanities, all available entirely through evening study. UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO College of Professional Studies, Ignatian Heights SanFrancisco,CA 94117 USA Patrick M. Woods, Director of Admissions Many fields 1855 B,M Residency Non-profit, church (415) 666-6886 $$$ The College of Professional Studies administers undergraduate and graduate programs for working adults. Through the Experiential Learning Center, the undergraduate programs offer students the opportunity to apply for credit for experien tial learning. Classes are held in the evenings or on the weekend and meet once a week for at least four hours. In addition to class attendance, students are e~pected to spend 15 to 20 hours per week in class preparation. Degrees offered include Bachelor of Public Administration; B.S. in applied economics, organizational behavior, and information systems man agement; Master of Non-profit Administration; Master of Public Administration (also with a concentration in health ser vices administration); Master of Human Resources and Organization Development; M.A. in writing. UNIVERSITY OF SARASOTA 8060 N. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34243 USA Pamela A. Kline, Director of Development Business, education 1969 M, D Short residency Non-profit, independent (813) 355-2906 $$$ Master of Business Administration, Master of Arts in education, and Doctor of Education. Some intensive coursework in Florida is required. Courses are in the summer, with one-week seminars in winter and spring. Total residency may be as short as si~ weeks. The university's programs consist of seminars, supervised individual research and writing, combined with the residential sessions. Master's candidates either write a thesis or complete a directed independent study project. Doctoral students must write a dissertation. Many of the students are teachers and school administrators. Toll-free num ber: (800) 331-5995. (Originally known as Laurence University, the predecessor of the Laurence University that opened in California and is now the University of Santa Barbara.) UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWA N Division of Extension, 109 Kirk Hall Saskatoon,Saskatchewan S7NOW0 Canada Prof. D. Bicknell, Director of Undergraduate Studies Many fields Residency Non-profit, state (306) 343-3313 $$ Wide variety of studies offered through Evening Degree Studies, Independent Degree Studies, and Off-Campus Degree Studies in agriculture, arts and sciences, commerce, education, home economics, and physical education. A Bachelor of Commerce with a major in health care administration has a large element of home study, but one full year must be spent on campus. Five of the si~ full-year classes and 15 of 28 half-year classes are available through home study in this pro gram. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA O P.O. Box 392, Muckleneuk Ridge Pretoria, 00()1 South Africa The Registrar (Academic) Many fields 1960 B, M, D Noq-resident Non-profit (012) 440-3111 $ UNISA offers Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorates entirely by correspondence (with the exception of final examinations, which may be taken at South African embassies and consulates worldwide). Degrees at all levels are offered in a many fields through a technique called "tele-tuition," using course materials, tapes, slides, etc. The cost of the programs, gov ernment subsidized, is very low. A minimum of 10 courses is required for the Bachelor's deBree; minimum time: Three years. Before registering, one must obtain a Certificate of Full or Conditional E~emption from the South African Matriculation E~aminations, obtained from the Matriculation Board, P.O. Box 3854, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001. Ask for a certificate to register at UNISA. People worldwide are admitted, primarily if they can show that is diff1cult or im possible for them to pursue the degree where they are, whether for reasons of isolation, subject matter, time, or money. NOTE: A reader who has mastered the intricacies of dealing with UNISA has written a very helpful, detailed 110-page re port on how to do it. If you're seriously interested, you can purchase the report for $15 (including postage) from Nolan & Kennedy, 23400 Covello St., West Hills, CA 91304. (For non-US shipping, write first for postage information.) UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA University Campus and Continuing Education Columbia, SC 29208 USA l;)eborah Haynes, Director of Admissions Business, library science, engineering 1801 B, M Non-resident or short residency Non-profit, state (803) 777_7700 $$ Bachelor of Science in business administration in the areas of marketing, finance, and management through evening pro grams. Credit for equivalency exams and military courses. No credit for life e~cperience. The non-resident Master of Library Science can be earned by independent study using audio- and videocassettes, guided independent study, and super vised fieldwork as well as television courses. The Master of Engineering or M.S. in science is offered in chemical, civil, electrical, computer, and mechanical engineering by a combination of videotaped courses and closed circuit television courses for people in South Carolina. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA 4202 Fowler Ave. Tampa, FL 33620 USA Dr. Kevin Kearney, Director, BIS 1956 Short residency Non-profit, state (813) 974-4058 $$ The Bachelor of Independent Studies program requires from two to six weeks on campus, spread out over anywhere from 14 to 69 months. All students must have knowledge in three broad areas of study: social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. Each area has an e~tensive program of guided independent study and a two-week on-campus seminar for re search, writing, peer interaction, and when relevant, laboratory e~perience. Up to two areas can be waived for students who have sufficient work and background and who pass an equivalency e~am in the field. All students must write a thesis and defend it orally in a one-day examination on campus. The average student takes more than five years to earn the de gree, but there is a wide range. Applicants with an A.A. degree and those with an A.S. in selected health related fields qualify for a two-area curriculum contract and no thesis is required. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA University Park Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA Joseph Merante, Dean, Admissions Many fields 1880 B, M, D Residency Non-profit, independent (213) 743-2311 $$$$$ Bachelor's degrees are generally offered through evening classes in the Los Angeles area. Their "Flex Ed" system is based on cassettes, workbooks, and a one-on-one tutorial system, with hours set to the students' convenience. A Master of Science in Safety is offered through weekend study in the San Francisco area Graduate degrees in education and public ad ministration are offered in the San Francisco and Sacramento areas. The Doctor of Education for teachers and administra tors is available through summer residency plus independent study. The Doctor of Administration is offered in the District of Columbia. Two Master's degrees are given in Europe: an M.A. in international relations open to anyone in London; and an M.S. in education, an M.S. in systems management, and an M.A. in international relations for the "military com munity" in Germany. American citizens not in said community may obtain special permission to attend. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI Southern Station, P.O. Box 5167 Hattiesburg, MS 39406 USA Danny W. Montgomery, Director of Admissions Education 1910 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (601) 266-5006 $$ The work for several Bachelor's and Master's degrees in education can be completed by evening and weekend study, or over two summer sessions. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE 615 McCallie Ave. Chattanooga, TN 37402 USA Dr. Ray P. Fox, Dean of Admissions ~ Records Many fields 1886 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (615) 755-4141 $$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Business Administration, Master of Science, and Master of Education, all available entirely through evening study. Some credit may be given for prior work and volunteer experience through the Individns~ ed Education Program. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Arlington, TX 76019 USA R.Z. Prince, Director of Admissions ~ , 1895 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (817) 273-2011 Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in many fields, available through evening study. UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Regents College, 1450 Western Ave. Albany, NY 12203 USA C. Wayne Williams, Executive Director Business, nursing, technology, many other fields 784 ~~on-resident Non-profit, state (518) 474-3703 $ ~B.A. and B.S. by non-residential study. Probably the largest and, along with Thomas Edison State College, the most popular non-resident degree program in the U.S. The oldest state educational agency in America has no faculty, no cam pus, and no courses of its own. It evaluates work done elsewhere, and awards its own degrees to persons who have accu mulated sufficient units, by whatever means. Credit for aU prior college courses and many non-college learning experi ences (company courses, military, etc.). The university recognizes many equivalency exams and offers its own, as well, given nationwide and, by atrangement, at foreign locations. Each degree has itS own requirements with regard to areas of emphasis, however they are not restrictive. They require a minimum number of units in the arts and sciences. The pro gram is described in a 24-page viewbook, sent free to all who request it. If non-school learning experiences cannot be as sessed easily at a distance, or by exam, the student may go ~O~R"' York for an oral examination. The University makes available a service called DISTANCELEARN, which is a computer database of courses offered by other schools that can be completed through home study. UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO Adult Liberal Studies, University College Toledo, OH 43606 USA Richard J. Eastop, Dean of Admission Services Liberal studies, many fields 1 Q7') B, M Residency Non-profit, state (419) 537-2051 1~1 $$ Adult Liberal Studies program offers people over 25 the opportunity to earn the Bachelor's degree through a combination of independent study, evening classes, regular coursework, plus a thesis. All students begin with an introductory plan ning seminar. Generous credit is given for CLEP exams. Nine seminars are given in various fields of study, usually one evening a week, for a total of 54 of the required 186 quarter hours. Thirty-five hours of traditional courses must be taken, before writing a thesis in an area of special interest. Toledo also offers 2+2 programs that allow holders of Associate's de grees to complete a Bachelor's in various fields. UNIVERSITY OF TULSA 600 S. College Tulsa, OK 74104 USA John C. Corso, Dean of Admissions Education Residency Non-profit, independent (918) 592-6000 1894 $$$ The Doctor of Education degree may be completed in about two years of evening study, plus writing a dissertation. UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Salt Lake City, UT 84112 USA John S. Landward, Director of Admissions Business, administration, engineering 1 xl;n M Residency Non-profit, state (801) 581-7200 ~_~ $$ Master of Business Administration, Master of Engineering, and Master of Administration may be earned entirely through evening study. UNIVERSITY OF WALES Q University Registry, Cathays Park Cardiff, CF1 3NS Wales The Registrar Many fields M, D Short residency Non-profit, state (0222) 22656 $ External Ph.D.'s may be pursued at any of the campuses of the university. Each candidate works with a director of stud ies, who is a present or former full-time member of the academic staff. An applicant must have an approved Bachelor's degree, demonstrate that there are adequate facilities at the "home base" for pursuing research (library, laboratory, archives, etc.), and be able to pay regular visits to the university (typically three visits a year to meet with the director of studies, or one month a year in continuous work). Initial inquiries to the department head of the relevant department, or the regis trar of the institution chosen. They are: University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 2AX; University College of North Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2UW; University College, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF1 3NR; University College of Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP; Saint David's University College, Lampeter, Dyfed SA48 7ED. Note: at presstime came word that this worthy program may be discontinued. UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK ~3 Warwick Business School, Distance Learning MBA Coventry CV4 7AL, England R~ in~ .c MBA Short residency Non-profit, state __ _ $$$ Students anywhere in the world may register with Warwick, and then pursue the M.B.A. from home, with the aid of a distance learning course developed by Wolsey Hall, a private school that has, for many years, offered distance learning courses for the University of London's external degrees. There is an eight-day residency each year on campus in England or in Hong Kong, Singapore, or Malaysia. The period of study is normally four years, roughly twelve hours a week, but it can be three years if the dissertation is completed during the final year of study. There is direct contact with tutors. Wolsey Hall also offers a free six-lesson course in essential study skills, for those who have been away from learning for a while. Optional weekend seminars are held three times a year in England, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. Access to a personal computer is desirable but not essential. UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO ~3 Correspondence Office Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 Canada B. A. Lumsden, Associate Director, Distance Education Many fields 1957 Non-resident or short residency Non-profit, state (519) 888-4050 $ Bachelor's degrees may be earned entirely by correspondence. They include a non-major B.A., a B.A. with a major in clas sical civilization, economics, English, geography, history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, or social development studies; a Bachelor of Environmental Studies in geography; and a B.S in general science. Credit is given for prior academ ic experience, but no credit is given for experiential learning. The programs are available to people in Canada and the United States, but U.S. students pay three to four times the tuition of Canadians. All courses are offered on a rigid time schedule, in which papers and exams must be done by very specific times. As a result, there have been postal delivery problems with some U.S. students, and so, while they are admitted, the university is not overly enthusiastic about the prospect. (Suggestion: there are six assignments per course; it might well be worth the expense of sending them in via Federal Express.) UNIVERSITY OF WEST LOS ANGELES 10811 Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90230 USA Teri Canon, Dean, School of Paralegal Studies Paralegal 1966 Residency Non-profit, independent (213) 313-1011 $$ Bachelor of Science in paralegal studies can be earned through two years of evening classes. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINÑGREEN BAY Individualized Learning Programs Office Green Bay, WI 54301 USA Myron A. Van de Ven, Director of Admissions General studies 1965 Short residency Non-profit, state (414) 465-2000 $$ Non-traditional program is available primarily for Wisconsin residents. (Persons in other states may enroll provided they can visit campus a minimum of two times for each course.) The Bachelor of Arts in general studies degree begins with structured independent study and becomes more individualized with time. There are self-paced learning guides, radio and television courses, internships, and research projects, based on learning contracts. An entrance seminar is required to pro vide a detailed overview of the program. Credit for prior learning is available. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINÑMADISON ~3 College of Engineering, 432 N. Lake St. Madison, WI 53706 USA Cheri McKentley, P.D. Counselor Engineering 1849 Certificate Non-resident Non-profit, state (608) 262-0133 $$ The Professional Development Degree in engineering may be earned through correspondence and independent study or one can combine them with coursework from local accredited universities. Students select the courses, time, format, and place and pace the study to complete the program from within one to seven years. A guided, independent study project is re quired. A Bachelor of Science in engineering, or comparable degree, is required for admission. The average P.D.D. pro gram costs between $2,500 and $4,500 depending on the courses selected. Correspondence courses are the least expensive but also require the most work. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINÑOSHKOSH 800 Algoma Blvd. B Oshkosh, WI 54901 USA Dr. Robert J. Chaffin, Director, Liberal Studies Degree program IQ71 Residency Non-profit, state Liberal Studies (414) 424-1234 ,~,., $$ A Bachelor of Liberal Studies degree may be earned through a combination of 94 credits of weekend classes and 34 elec tive credits. Students take one course at a time, meeting every third weekend. Credits earned through prior academic expe rience at accredited institutions, evening courses, independent study, experiential learning (a portfolio process) television courses, CLEP examinations, and challenge examinations may be applied to this degree. An Associate's degree (Two years) is also available through this program. A prerequisite course that is offered four times a year must be completed to enter the program. Inexpensive, on-campus housing is available for weekend students. A minimum of 30 credits in resi dency is require(L UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINÑPLATTEVILLE Extended Degree Program, Pioneer Tower 513 Platteville, WI 53818 USA Dr. John C. Adams, Director, Extended Degree Program Business administration 1Q~ Residency Non-profit, state (608) 342-1468 $$ The Extended Degree Program offering the Bachelor's degree in business administration is open to Wisconsin residents only. A minor in accounting is offered. Areas of concentration are finance, marketing, management, and personnel and labor relations. Credit can be earned through independent study and evaluation of prior learning achieved through work and life experience. Some courses are available through teleconferencing. Toll-free number in Wisconsin only: (800) 362-5460. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINÑRIVER FALLS Extended Degree Program, College of Agriculture River Falls, WI 54022 Alan J. Tuchtenhagen, Director of Admissions Agricultural business, agriculture lQ.74 Short residency Non-profit, state (715) 425-3911 ccc ~P~P.P The B.S. in agricultural business and in broad area agriculture can be earned primarily through guided independent study and internships, with occasional visits to campus ranging from half a day to five days. The program is primarily for peo ple in Wisconsin and Minnesota, but students from other states may be considered on a case-by-case basis. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINÑSUPERIOR Extended Degree Program, Old Main 237 Superior,WI 54880 USA Jon Wojciechowski, Director of Admissions 1 Q9~ Short residency Non-profit, state (715) 394-8101 _ _ $$ The Superior campus of the University of Wisconsin system offers a Bachelor of Arts degree which can be completed en tirely through off-campus independent faculty-guided study. However, on-campus conferences with faculty are required. The student designs a major program based on personal or career goals. Competency-based, self-paced courses developed by the university faculty in a wide variety of fields are the primary mode of learning in addition to learning contracts. The student has the option of requesting credit for prior learning through the development of a portfolio. The program is open to Wisconsin residents or Minnesota residents who qualify for reciprocity. UNIVERSITY ON THE AIR Taipei, Taiwan Juang Huai-i, President Many fields 1 ~Q~ B Non-resident Non-profit, state )2) 282-9355 Degree courses are offered entirely by radio and television. Full-time students must be over 20, with a high school diplo ma; anyone can study part time. Sixty of 128 credits must be in one field of study. More than 30,000 students. Instruction in Chinese. School for Lifelong Learning, Dunlap Center Durham, NH 03824 USA Alvin L. Hall, Dean General studies, professional studies (management, behavioral sciences) 1972 Residency Non-profit, state (603) 862-1692 $$ Bachelor of General Studies and Bachelor of Professional Studies degrees may be earned by independent study for adults with at least 60 credit hours. Courses are available evenings, weekends, and through video courses. Learning contracts, and credit for life experience learning. Self-designed degree programs are offered. UPPER IOWA UNIVERSITY ~3 External Degree Program, P.O. Box 1861 Fayette, IA 52142 USA Michelle Rourke, Director of External Programs Public administration, accounting, management, marketing 1857 Short residency Non-profit, independent (319) 425-5251 $$ Upper Iowa's External Degree Program offers the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Science in public administration, management, marketing, or accounting with only two to four weeks of residency. The balance of the program is conduct ed through directed independent study, with learning modules containing assignments and other course material. Frequent interaction with the faculty is encouraged by phone or by mail. Students entering the program with 60 or more semester units must spend one two-week session on campus. Those with fewer than 60 units must attend two two-week sessions. Home study modules are available in a wide variety of fields, from accounting to chemistry, history to fine arts. Previous college work, job training, and other educational experience is evaluated for credit. UPPSALA UNIVERSITY External Study Programme, P.O., Box 256 Uppsala,S-75105 Sweden Birgitta Hyden Many fields 1477 None Non-resident Non-profit, state 46-18-18-77 ... $ Correspondence courses (in Swedish only) in law, business administration, development studies, international relations, political science, and English and French, for Swedes living in other countries. The courses come from the university and from Hermods, the Swedish National Correspondence Institute. Books, tapes, and assignments are mailed to Swedish na tionals worldwide. Examinations may be taken at any Swedish embassy or consulate. Instruction in Swedish. UPSALA COLLEGE Center for Continuing Education EastOrange,NJ 07019 USA Selma Brookman, Director of Continuing Education Many fields 1893 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (201) 266-7000 $$$ Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees can be earned entirely through evening study in the Division of General Studies. Special R.N. programs. Other courses through weekend study. Credit by examination, and for life experience learning. URBANA UNIVERSITY College Way B Urbana, OH 43078 USA Residency Thomas A. Gallagher, Vrce President Non-profit, independent Business, social sciences, education, natural science, (513) 652-1301 pre-professional $$$ 1850 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science through weekend, evening, and summer programs. Credit for independent study, non-academic prior learning, and by exa~nination. Self-designed majors. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY Owen Graduate School of Management Nashville, TN 37203 USA Director, Executive MBA Program Business administration 1873 M Residency Non-profit, independent (615) 322-2513 $$$$$ Designed for mid-career executives and professionals who do not wish to interrupt their career. Courses are offered through weekend study: a Friday and Saturday every other weekend. Toll-free numbers: in Tennessee, (800) 222-6936; elsewhere, (800) 238-6936. VERMONT COLLEGE see: Norwich University VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY University College, Adult Services Vlllanova, PA 19085 USA Rev. Harry J. Erdlen, O.S.A., Dean of Admissions Many fields 1842 Residency Non-profit, church (215) 645-4500 $$$$ Bachelor's may be ea ned through weekend, evening, and summer programs. Fields of study include many majors in liber al arts and sciences, commerce and finance (accountancy, business administration, economics), engineering, and nursing. VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY 910W. Franklin St. Richmond, VA 23284 USA Horace Wooldridge, Acting Director of Admissions General studies, interdisciplinary studies 1837 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (804) 257-1200 $$ Bachelor of General Studies for working adults. Individually developed degree requirements in the form of an individual ized curriculum plan. Encouragement to utilize CLEP, military, and non-college health field education. Some use of courses taught at other institutions of the Capital Consortium for Continuing Higher Education. Program requires mini mum of 30 credits to be completed at V.C.U. in regular day, evening, or weekend classes. Master of Interdisciplinary Studies Program, serving evening and part-time graduate students, enables students to combine studies in three graduate programs into a coherent, individualized, multidisciplinary program. Program is a joint venture with Virginia State University in Petersburg and requires some study at V.S.U. Thesis or final project is required. WALDEN UNIVERSITY ~3 415 First Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA Short residency Kathleen Cornett, Director of Admissions Non-profit, independent Administration/management, educadon, human services, (800) 237-6434 health services $$$$ 1970 Walden serves mid-career professionals with a Master's or equivalent. Doctoral programs (Ed.D. or Ph.D.) can be com pleted through a combination of independent study, intensive weekend sessions held regionally, personal interaction with faculty, and a three-week summer residency in Minnesota Admissions workshops are held in a dozen or more cities in the U.S. and Canada each year. Each student is guided by a faculty advisor, with a reader and external consultant/examiner added at the dissertation stage. Each student completes a series of knowledge area modules, in areas ranging from research methodology to social systems. Ed.D. candidates must complete a 200-hour supervised internship. Walden received its ac creditation in 1990. The academic policy board is chaired by Harold Hodgkinson, former director of the National Institutes of Education. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Extended Academic Programs, 202 Van Doren Pullman, WA 99164 Ms. Terry M. Flynn, Director of Admissions lon-resident Non-profit, state (509) 335-3564 ~ oclal sclence $$$ 1890 The Bachelor of Social Science can be entirely entirely non-residentially, with credit for prior learning, equivalency exam inations, and new instruction through correspondence courses, guided independent study, audio- and videocassettes, televi sion courses, and telephone instruction. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY University CoUege St. Louis, MO 63130 USA Venita Lake Many fields 1853 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (314) 889-6700 $$$$ Bachelor of Science and Master of Liberal Arts, available through evening and weekend study, in the School of Continuing Education of University CoUege. WAYLAND BAPTIST UNIVERSITY 1900W. 7th Plainview, TX 79072 USA Lorraine Nance, Director of Academic Services Occupational education, occupational technology, business, religion 1908 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (806) 296-5521 $$ Bachelor of Science in occupational education in which more than 75% of the necessary units can be earned through an assessment of prior learning experience. Wayland centers are located in Amarillo, Lubbock, Wichita Falls, San Antonio, and Honolulu, Hawaii, as weU as on the main campus in Plainview. A degree plan is prepared upon request either prior to or after enrollment, based on documentation submitted by the student. The assessment generally takes less than one month and is completed without cost to the student. WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY University Studies and Weekend College, 6001 Cass Detroit, MI 48202 USA Ronald C. Hughes, Director of Admissions General studies 1868 Residency Non-profit, state (313) 577-2424 $$ The Bachelor of General Studies and Bachelor of Technical and General Studies degrees are offered through a combination of television courses broadcast in the early morning or late evening, four-hour evening workshops, and a weekend confer ence every few months. Students must complete the equivalent of a year of studies in social science, natural science, and humanities, and a final year of interdisciplinary advanced studies. The residential sessions are held at a variety of loca tions, such as public libraries, union haUs, and in the Jackson State Prison. The Weekend College is a non-traditional, adult-oriented program leading to Bachelor of General Studies or Technical and General Studies degrees. A minimum of 40 semester hours of residency in Detroit is required. WEBSTER UNIVERSITY Q 470 E. Lockwood St. Louis, MO 63119 USA ~r. Leigh Gerdine, ~resident Business, computers, health 1915 M Residency Non-profit, independent (314) 968-6900 $$$$$ Now, here's the problem. Their innovative Master's programs, offered in many locations around the U.S., used to be de scribed in glowing terms in this package. I received quite a few letters from people who enrolled as a result of my report and were happy. Then the coordinator of E~cperiental and Individual Learning wrote and demanded that I stop providing infor mation on their programs. So I left them out of the subsequent edition. Needless to say, I got a bunch of letters from people saying, in effect, '~How come you didn't put anything in on Webster." That is a question that might be well posed to Webster's president, Dr. Leigh Gerdine. I guess a number of readers did, because the University finally responded a short while ago: Director of University Admissions Charles E. Beech wrote to ask me to leave the school out of this package, but he didn't explain why. To learn why, you might wish to write him at the above address. WENTWORTH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 550 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115 USA Robert A Schuiteman, Dean of Admissions Technical, design 1 ~n4 Residency Non-profit, independent (617) 442-9010, e~t. 264 ~. $$$ Weekend College offers Bachelor's degrees in architectural building construction, computer science, construction manage ment, electronics, interior design, and mechanical technical management. WEST COAST UNIVERSITY 440 S. Shatto Place Los Angeles, CA 90020 USA Roger Miller, Director of Admissions Engineering, computers, business, other fields 1 ~n9 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (213) 487-4433 ~ $$$ Bachelor of Science in engineering (mechanical, electrical, electromechanical, industrial), computer science, industrial technology, business administration; Master of Science in engineering (aerospace, electrical, mechanical, systems), com puter science, management information systems, acquisition and contract management, engineering and technical manage n~ent, business administration, and international business administration. All courses available through evening study at locations in Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties. Credit for non-degree courses (busi ness, military). Credit for life experience by challenge examination. WEST LIBERTY STATE COLLEGE see: West Vlrginia Board of Regents B.A. Program WEST VIRGINIA BOARD OF REGENTS B.A. PROGRA~ 203 Student Services Bldg., West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506 USA Dr. Alan W. Jenks, Coordinator, Regents B.A. Program Many fields 1867 Short residency Non-profit, state (304) 293-0111 $$ Bachelor of Arts program, requiring a minimum of 15 semester hours in residence at any of the member schools in the state. "As long as the student can provide evidence that he/she possesses college equivalent knowledge or skills, his/her achievements will be credited and recognized as applicable toward this degree program." The evaluation of life experience costs a modest $50, regardless of the amount of credit granted. The member schools are: Bluefield State College, West Vlrginia State College, Concord College, West Virginia Tech, Fairmont State College, West Virginia University, Shepherd College, West Liberty State College, Marshall University, and Glenville State College. WEST VIRGINIA COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES Sullivan Hall Institute,WV 25112 USA Kenneth O'Neal, Director of Admissions Many fields l 972 M Residency Non-profit, independent (304) 768-9711 $$ Uses the classrooms of other institutions to offer Master's degrees in counseling, humanistic studies, school psychology, business and management, engineering (chemical, civil, industrial, management), environmental studies, and information systems. Classes are offered by late afternoon and evening study at many locations in the 16-county area served, including Institute, Charleston, Bluefield, Beckley, and Lewisburg. There are also intensive short courses throughout the year, and summer sessions. Toll-free number in West Virginia only: (800) 642-2647. WEST VIRGINIA STATE COLLEGE see: West ~Irginia Board of Regents B.A. Program WEST VIRGINIA TECH see: West Virginia Board of Regents B.A. Program WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY 203 Student Services Center Morgantown, WV 26506 USA Dr. Glenn Carter, Director of Admissions Education, business administration 1867 B, M Residency Non-profit, state (304.) 293-0111 $$ Master of Arts in education and M.B.A. available through evening study. "Academic forgiveness" of any less-than-won derful grades more than five years old. See also: West Virginia Board of Regents B.A. Program. WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY ~3 Non-Traditional Programs,309 Sherman Hall Macomb, IL 61455 USA Dr. Hans Moll, Director, Non-Traditional Programs Many fields 1899 Non-resident Non-profit, state (309) 298-1929 The Board of Governors B.A. can be earned entirely by correspondence study. Fifteen of 120 semester hours must be earned at a B.O.G. university, and 40 must be upper division. The 15 units that must be earned after enrolling can be done by correspondence, on campus in Macomb, or through extension courses at locations around the state. Students who did not graduate from an Illinois high school must pass an exam on the U.S. and Illinois state constitution, or take an equivalent course in political science. All students must pass a University Writing Exam. Western Illinois provides a helpful guide to the preparation of a prior learning portfolio. Credit for learning e~periences and many equivalency e~ams. The total cost of the program depends on the number and type of courses taken. The cost of assessing a life experience portfolio is only $30. Students from other countries are admitted, but they must have a U.S. address to which materials can be sent. WESTERN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY 10202 N. l9th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85021 USA Elena Pattison, Director of Admissions B, M Residency Non-profit, independent Business, accounting, computers, management, general studies (602) 943-2311 1978 $$ B.S. in accounting, management, or computer information science; B.A. in general studies; M.B.A.; M.S. in accounting and computer information science, offered by evening study on campuses in Arizona and in London, England. Subject areas include management, accounting, and computer information science. Courses are given in an "accelerated semester" format. Each course takes one month, two evenings a week. The undergraduate programs may be completed in 29 months. The Master's degree is a 12-month program. Advanced standing may be awarded if the student proves to be com petent in and can demonstrate knowledge of course content. Assessment by portfolio and COMP/ACT Composite Examination are two ways of demonstrating this knowledge. WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Westminster, MD 21157 USA Joseph S. Rigell, Director of Admissions Education of the deaf and sensory impairment 1867 M Residency Non-profit, independent (301) 848-7000 $$$$ Master of Education and Master of Science in sensory impairment, two programs to prepare professionals to teach the hearing impaired and to work with the hearing and visually impaired. Courses are conducted during late afternoon and evening hours except in the summer. Programs can also be completed in three consecutive nine-week summer sessions, with provision for independent study at home in between. WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Kalamazoo, MI 49008 USA Robert M. Hedrick, Dean of Admissions Many fields 1903 B, M, D Residency Non-profit, state (616) 383-1600 $$ The following degrees are available through the Office of Evening and Weekend Programs: Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts m ~aucatlon, Master o~ ~oclal wor~, Master OI Arts, and Education Specialist. The following degrees are available entirely through off-campus regional centers: Bachelor of Science in general university studies, mechanical engineering and manufacturing; Master of Arts in many fields; Master of Social Work; Master of Science; and Master and Doctor of Public Administration. Residency requirements can be satisfied through work completed at a W.M.U. regional center. WESTERN NEW ENGLAND COLLEGE School of Continuing Higher Education, 1215 Wilbraham Rd. Springfield,MA 01119 USA Lori-Anne Reidy, Director Admissions 1919 B ~esidency Non-profit, independent (413) 782-3111 $$$ Bachelor of Arts in liberal studies and Bachelor of Science in law enforcement are offered entirely through part-time evening study. WESTFIELD STATE COLLEGE Western Ave. Westfield, MA 01086 USA William M. Crean, Director of Admissions Many fields 1838 B, M Residency Non-profit, state 413) 568-3311 Weekend, evening, and summer classes leading to a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Master of Education. WESTMINSTER COLLEGE (Penn~ylvania) New Wilmington, PA 16172 USA Robert A. Latta, Acting Dean of Admissions Many fields 1852 Residency Non-profit, church (412) 94~8761 $$$$ Up to 75% of the necessary units may be earned by an assessment of prior learning experiences. Assessment is limited to students admitted to degree program, and is combined with minimum of nine course units completed in residence. Cost of assessment is $395, regardless of amount of credit awarded. Completion of assessment portfolio typically requires at least six months. Evening courses and assessment offered through Lifelong Learning Program. See also: East Central College Consortium. WESTMINSTER COLLEGE (Utah) Of fice of Adult and Extended Education, 1840 S. 13th East Salt Lake City, UT 84105 USA Brad Ericson, Association Director of Admissions Many fields 1875 Residency Non-profit, independent (801) 488-4200 $$$ Bachelor's degrees in 25 fields. Up to one third of the necessary units may be earned by an assessment of prior learning experiences. Some degrees in business and the social sciences may be earned through evening programs. Assessment is limited to students admitted to a degree program and is done after enrollment, at a cost of $173 for the class and a $300 assessment fee. WHITWORTH COLLEGE Spokane,WA 99251 USA ~r. Dale E. Soden, Coordinator of Continuing Studies 1890 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (5~9) 466-3222 $$ Bachelor of Arts in accounting, Bachelor of Arts in business management, Bachelor of Science in health management, M.S. in health education/promotion or health administration through evening and summer programs and independent study. The tuition for degrees earned in the evening is one quarter of that for daytime programs. WINONA STATE UNIVERSITY Regional Campus B, M rr ~ , lV~ 70 / ~ Pauline Christensen, Chair, Adult Division Many fields 1858 Residency Non-profit, church (507) 457-5000 $$ Bachelor's degrees in arts, sciences, business, education, nursing, and paralegal; Master of Science degrees in education, counseling and educational administration; and M.B.A. Adult students in undergraduate degrees, except teaching or nurs ing, may qualify for credit for life experience. Many courses available evenings. Minimum of 48 credits required from W.S.U. WITTENBERG UNIVERSITY School of Continuing Education, P.O. Box 720 Springfield, OH 45501 USA Kenneth G. Benne, Director of Admissions Liberal studies, business administIation 1845 Residency Non-profit, church (513) 327-6231 $$$$ The degrees of B.A. in Liberal Studies, B.A. in Business Administration, and a B.A. degree completion program for reg istered nurses can be done entirely through evening study. Credit is given for standard equivalency e~ams, and special e~cams will be devised in areas not covered by standard tests. WORLD COLLEGE 5193 Shore Drive, Suite 113 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 John R. Drinko, President Electronics engineering technology 1992 Non-resident Proprietary (804) 4644600 $$$ The degree of Bachelor in Electronics Engineering Technology is offered entirely by home study by this institutions which is affiliated with the Cleveland Institute of Electronics. Accreditation is from the National Home Study Council. X AVIER EVENING COLLEGE College of Continuing Education Cincinnati, OH 45207 USA Rene A. Durand Jr., Director of Admissions Various fields 1831 B, M Residency Non-profit, church (513) 745-3000 $$$ Xavier offers a Bachelor of General Studies, a Bachelor of Science in business administration, and other Bachelor's degrees in nuclear medical technology, modern foreign languages, computer science, and communication arts, either through weekend study or evening study. Extremely low tuition is available for people over 60. STATE AND FOREIGN AGENCIES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION State Agencies Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education 401 Adams Avenue Montgomery,AL 36105 (205)242-2900 Dr. Fred Gainous, Chancellor Commission on Higher Education 3465 Norman Bridge Road Montgomery,AL 36105 (205)281-1921 Dr. Henry J. Hector, Executive Director Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education, P. O. Box 110505,400 Willoughby Ave. Juneau, AK 99811 (907) 465-2854 Dr. Kerry D. Romesburg Arizona Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education 2020 North Central Avenue Phoenix,AZ 85007 (602)229-2591 Dr. Edward A. Johnson, Executive Director Arkansas Department of Education 114 E. Capital Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201 (501) 324-9300 Dr. Diane Gilleland, Director California Private Postsecondary Education Division P. O. Box 944272 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 322-1855 Ms. Jeanne Bird, Director Postsecondary Education Commission 1303JSt. Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-7933 Dr. Warren H. Fox, Executive Director Colorado Commission on Higher Education 1300 Broadway, 2nd Floor Denver, CO 80203 (303) 866-2723 Mr. Robert J. Moore, Acting Executive Director Connecticut Board of Governors for Higher Education 61 Woodland St. Hartford, CT 06105 (203) 566-5766 Dr. Andrew G. De Rocco, Commissioner of Higher Education Delaware Postsecondary Education Commission Carvel State Office Building 820 N. French St. Wilmington,DE 19801 (302) 571-3862 Dr. John F. Corrozi, Executive Director District of Columbia Office of Postsecondary Education, Research and Assistance 2100 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., Suite 401 Washington, DC 20020 (202) 727-2739 Mrs. Sheila Drews, Acting Chief Florida Postsecondary Education Planning Commission Florida Department of Education Florida Education Center Tallahassee, FL 32399 (904) 488-7894 Mr. William B. Proctor, Executive Director Georgia Board of Regents of the University System 244 Washington St. SW Atlanta, GA 30334 (404) 656-2202 Dr. H. Dean Propst, Chancellor Hawaii Office of (~'onsumer Protection Depar~ment of Commerce and Consumer Affairs 250 S. King St. Honolulu, Hl 96813 (808) 548-2560 Philip Doi, Director Idaho State Board of Education 650 West State St., Room 307 Boise, ID 83720 (208) 334-2270 Dr. Raybum Barton, Executive Director Illinois Illinois Board of Higher Education 500 Reisch Bldg., 4 W. Old Capital Square Springfield, IL 62701 (217) 782-2551 Dr. Richard D. Wagner, Executive Director Indiana Commission for Higher Education 101 West Ohio St., Suite 550 Indianapolis, lN 46204 (317) 232-1900 Dr. Clyde R. Ingle, Commissioner for Higher Education Iowa Board of Regents Old Historical Building Des Moines, IA 50319 (515) 281-3934 Mr. R. Wayne Richey, Executive Secretary Kansas Kansas Board of Regents 700 SW Harrison, Suite 1410 Topeka,KS 66603 (913)296-3421 Dr. Warren Corman, Interim E~cecutive Director Kentucky Council on Higher Education West Frankfort Of fice Complex U.S. 127 South, Suite 101 Frankfort, KY 40601 Dr. Gary S. Cox, Executive Director (502) 564-3553 Louisiana Board of Regents 150 ThW St., Suite 129 Baton Rouge, LA 70801 (504) 342-4253 Dr. Sammie W. Cosper, Commissioner of Higher Education Louisiana Proprietary School Commission P.O. Box 94064 Baton Rouge, LA 70814 (504) 342-3543 Andrew Gasperecz, Director Maine Dept. of Education Division of Higher Education Services State House Sta. #23 Augusta, ME 04333 Mr. Fred Douglas, Director Maryland State Board for Higher Education Jeffery Bldg., 16 Francis St. Annapolis,MD 21401 Dr. Shaila R. Aery, Commissioner of Higher Education Massachusetts Board of Regents (207) 287-5803 (301) 974-2971 1 Ashburton Pl., Room 1401 McCormack Bldg. Boston, MA 02108 (617) 727-7785 Mr. Paul G. Marks, Chancellor Michigan Department of Education Higher Education Management Services P.O. Box 30008 Lansing,MI 48909 (517)373-3820 Ronald L. Root, Director Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board Suite 400, Capitol Square Bldg. 550 Cedar St. St. Paul, MN 55101 (612) 296-3974 Dr. David R. Powers, Executive Director Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning 3825 Ridgewood Road Jackson, MS 39211 (601) 982-6623 Dr. W. Ray Cleere, Commissioner of Higher Education Missouri Department of Higher Education 101 Adams St. Jefferson City, MO 65101 (314) 751-2361 Dr. Charles J. McClain, Commissioner of Higher Educa tion Montana Montana University System 33 S. Last Chance Gulch Helena, MT 59620 (406) 444-6570 Dr. Carol Krause, Commissioner of Higher Education Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education, 6th Floor, Capitol Bldg., Suite 305, P. O. Box 95005 Lincoln,NE 68509 (402)471-2847 Dr. Bruce G. Stahl, Executive Director Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education 1820 E. Sahara, Suite 160 Las Vegas, NV 89104 Mr. John V. Griffin, Administrator New Hampshire Postsecondary Education Commission (702) 486-7330 2 Induslrial Park Drive Concord, NH 03301 (603) 271-2555 Dr. James A. Busselle, Executive Director New Jersey Department of Higher Education 20 W. State St., CN 542 Trenton, NJ 08625 (609) 2924310 Dr. Edward D. Goldberg, Chancellor New Mexico Commission of Higher Education 1068 Cerillos Rd. Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 827-7383 Bruce D. Hamlett, Executive Director New York Board of Regents State Education Department Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12234 Dr. Thomas Sobol, Commissioner (518) 474-5844 North Carolina Commission on Higher Education Facilities UNC General Administration 910 Raleigh Rd., P.O. Box 2688 Chapel Hill, NC 27515 Dr. Charles L. Wheeler, Director North Dakota State Board of Higher Education State Capitol Bldg., 10th Floor Bismarck, ND 58505 (919) 962-1000 (701) 224-2960 Dr. Douglas M. Treadway, Commissioner of Higher Education Ohio Board of Regents 30E.BroadSt. Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 466-6000 Dr. Elaine H. Hairston, Chancellor Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 500 Education Bldg., State Capitol Complex Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 524-9100 Dr. Hans Brisch, Chancellor Oregon Office of Educational Policy and Planning Oregon Educational Coordinating Commission 225 Winter St. NE Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378-3921 Ms. Cam Preus-Braly, Director Pennsylvania Liaison to Postsecondary Services Department of Education, 9th Floor 333 Market St. Harrisburg, PA 17126 (717) 783-6769 Dr. Charles R. Fuget, Commissioner Rhode Island Office of Higher Education 199 Promenade St., Suite 222 Providence,RI 02908 (401)277-6560 Dr. Americo W. Petrocelli, Commissioner of Higher Education South Carolina Commission on Higher Education 1333 Main St., Suite 200 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 253-6260 Mr. Fred R. Sheheen, Commissioner South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs 700 Governors Drive Pierre, SD 57501 (605) 773-3455 Dr. John A. Bonaiuto, Secretary of Education Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Parkway Towers, Suite 1900 404 James Robertson Pkwy. Nashville, TN 37243 (615) 741-3605 Dr. George M. Roberts, Director of Licensure Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board P.O. Bo~ 12788, Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711 (512) 483-6100 Dr. Kenneth H. Ashworth, Commissioner Utah Utah System of Higher Education 355 West North Temple, Suite 560 Salt Lake City, UT 84180 (801) 538-5247 Dr. Sterling R. Provost, Assistant Commissioner Vermont Vermont Higher Education Council Box 70 Hyde Park, VT 05655 (802) 635-9711 Ann Turkle, Executive Director Virginia State Council of Higher Education 101 North 14th St., 9th Floor Richmond, VA 23219 Dr. Gordon K. Davies, Director (804) 225-2137 Washington Council for Postsecondary Education 917 Lakeridge Way Olympia, WA 98504 (206) 753-3241 Dr. Elson S. Floyd, Executive Director West Virginia Board of Trustees 1018 Kanawha Blvd. East, Suite 700 Charleston, WV 25301 (304) 558-0669 Dr. Paul Marion, Chancellor Wisconsin Board of Vocational, Technical & Adult Education P.O.Box7874 Madison, WI 53707 (608) 266-1770 Dwight A. York, Director Wyoming Coordinating Council for Postsecondary Education 122 W.25th St., 1st Floor West Cheyenne WY 82002 (307) m-7763 Russell A. Hansen, Executive Offlcer Guam Pacific Post-Secondary Education Council P. O. Box 23067 G M F Guam 96921 (617) 73~2962 William A. Kinder, Executive Director Puerto Rico Council on Higher Education Univ. of Puerto Rico Station, Box 21876 SanJuan,PR 00931 (809)758-3350 Dr. Ismael Ramirez-Soto, Executive Secretary FOREIGN AGENCIES Australia Department of Education MLC Tower, Keltie St. Phillip, ACT 2606 (062) 891333; telex 62116 Minister for Education Belgium Ministry of National Education (Flemish Sector) Centre Arts Lux., 4th and 5th Floors 58 Ave des Arts, BP5 1040 Brussels (02) 512-66-60 Minister of Education Brazil Ministry of Education and Culture Esplanada dos Ministerios, Bloco L 70.047 Brasilia, DF; (061) 214-8432; telex 2259105 Minister of Education Bulgaria Ministry of Education Blvd A. Stamboliski 18 Sofia 1000 84-81 Minister of Education Cuba Ministry of Higher Education Calle 23y F, Vedado, Havana 3-6655; telex 511253 Minister of Education Denmark Ministry of Education Frederiksholms Kanal 21-25 1220 Copenhagen K. (01) 92-50-00 Minister of Education Egypt Ministry of Education Sharia El Falaky Cairo (02) 27363 Minister of National Education Finland Ministry of Education KirkkokatU3,00170 Helsinki (90) 171636; telex 122079 First Minister of Education for Veterans' Education and Proprietary Schools ~rance Ministry of National Education 110 Rue De Grenelle 75700 Paris (1) 45-50-10-10 Minister of National Education Germany Ministry of Education and Science 5300 Bonn 2, Heinemannstr. 2 (0228) 571; telex 885666 Minister of Education Greece Ministry of Education and Religion Odos Mihalakopoulou 80, Athens (21) 3230461; telex 216059 Minister of Education and Religion Hungary Ministry of Culture and National Education 1055 Budapest, Szalay u. 10/14 530-600 Minister of Culture and National Education India Ministry of Education Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi 110011 (11) 3012380 Minister of Education Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Senayan, Jakarta Pusat (021) 581618 Minister of Education and Culture Ireland Ministry of Education Marlborough St. Dublin 1 (01) 717101; telex 31136 Minister of Education Israel Ministry of Education and Culture Hakirya, 14 Klausner St., Tel Aviv 414155 Minister of Education Italy Ministry of Education Viale Trastevere 76A 00100 Rome Telex 4759841 Minister of Education Japan Ministry of Education 3-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo (3) 581-4211 Minister of Education Mexico Secretariat of State for Public Education Republica de Argentina y Gonzales Obregon 28, 06029 Mexico, DF; 5103029 Secretary of Public Education Netherlands Ministry of Education and Science Europaweg 4, POB 25000 2700 LZ Zoetermeer (079) 531911; telex 32636 Minister of Education and Science New Zealand Department of Education Private Bag Wellington (04) 735499 Minister of Education Norway Ministry of Church and Education POB 8119, Dep., 0520 1 Oslo (2) 11-90-90 Minister of Church and Education Philippines Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports Palacio del Gobernador Gen. Luna St, Cnr Aduana St. Intramuros, Manila (02) 402949 Minister of Education Portugal Ministry of Education Av. 5 de Outubro 107 1000 Lisbon 731291 Minister of Education and Culture Republic of Korea (South Korea) Ministry of Education 77-6 Sejong-no, Chongno-Ku Seoul 720-3315; telex 24758 Minister of Education South Africa Ministry of Home Affairs and National Education Civitas BLDG, Struben St, PAvate Bag X114, Pretoria 282551 Minister of National Education Spain Ministry of Education and Science Ministerios de Educacion y Ciencia, Alcala 34, Madrid 14 2321300 Minister of Education and Science Sweden Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs Mynttorget 1 103 33 Stockholm (8) 736-10-00; telex 13284 Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Turkey Ministry of Education, You~ and Sports Milli Egitim, Genclik ve Spor Bakanligi, Ankara (41) 231160 Minister of Education, Youth and Sports United Kingdom Department of Education and Science Elizabeth House,YorkRd., London SE1 7PH (01) 928-9222; telex 23171 Secretary of State for Education and Science Venezuela Ministry of Education Edif. Educacion, esq. El Conde, Caracas 562-5444 Minister of Education UNACCREDITED SCHOOLS ADAM SMITH UNIVERSITY 5000A West Esplanade, Suite 215 Metarie, LA 70006 Dr. Donald Grunewald, President Many fields 1947 B, M, D Non-resident (800) 732-3796 $$ Degrees based on assessment of work done at accredited schools elsewhere, and on life experience and independent study. The literature indicates President Grunewald has his Doctorate from Harvard, is former president of Mercy College, and lives in New York. Honorary doctorates may be conferred. AMERICAN COASTLINE UNIVERSITY 2200 Veterans Blvd. Kenner, LA 70062 Dr. Raymond Chasse, President Science, technology, business areas, others 1986 B, M, D Non-resident (504) 830-2525 $$ All work may be done over home computers, through participation in one of four international computer services (Compuserve, GEnie, MCI, or Delphi). The university operates its own computer bulletin board in Austria, and has resi dent directors in six nations. AMERICAN COLLEGE OF FINANCE Sunnyvale, CA 94088 Mail returned; apparently out of business. AMERICAN COLLEGE OF OXFORD Warnborough College, Boars Hill Oxford, OXl SED England Humanities, science, social science, business Residency (0865) 730901 Study offered thr~ugh Warnborough College, O~ford. The college was the subject of an unfavorable half-hour program on the BBC. AMERICAN COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY 2801 Camino del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108 USA Dr. Henry W. Gaylor, Jr., President Business, psychology, humanities 1986 B, M, D Non-resident Proprietary (619) 298-9040 $$$ No traditional residency required, but students must meet in person with faculty mentors in their area, for a total of at least 90 hours. Work for the degree involves a learning contract covering method of study (innovative, involving comput ers, videotapes and videodiscs; or traditional), number of sessions, locations, etc. Faculty consist of academic advisors and learning resource specialists. Learning sessions must be preplanned, prescheduled, and done in person with the faculty. No instruction is offered by correspondence. Credit is given for prior learning experiences. The university is approved by the state of California. Former name: William Lyon University. Original name: Lyon International University. AMERICAN GRADUATE UNIVERSITY 733 N. Dodsworth Ave. Covina, CA 91724 USA M Paul R. McDonald, Sr., President Non-resident, proprietary ~ ontractmg Wltn ~e~leral government; (~ 66~576 acquisition management $$$ 1975 M.B.A. in the specific area of contracting with the federal government, and a Master of Acquisition Management. Courses may be taken entirely by correspondence, or by attending seminars given at various locations around the U.S. The university is accredited by the National Association of Private Non-traditional Schools and Colleges, a legitimate but unrecognized accreditor. A Bachelor's degree is required for admission. The 24-person faculty is comprised of accoun tants, lawyers, and business and government executives. Has been authorized to grant degrees by the state of California. AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES B, M 2101 Magnolia Ave., Suite 200 Birmingham, AL 35205 Lloyd Clayton, Jr., President 1989 Non-resident (800) 872-2427 $$ Completion of seven home study courses results in the B.S. in computer programming. No faculty are mentioned in the ten-page catalogue although the school did provide background on three instructors (two had Master's degrees, the third expected to receive a Bachelor's soon.) Same management as three other schools, including Dr. Clayton's School of Natural Healing and Chadwick University. Some credit is offered for life experience, in the form of tuition reduction. AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY see: Clayton University AMERICAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (CA) LaPalma,CA 92041 Mail returned; apparently out of business. AMERICAN PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Mail returned; apparently out of business. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN LONDON Archway Central Hall, Archway Close London, N19 3TD England Khurshid A. Khan, Ph.D, President Liberal arts, business, engineering, sciences 1984 B. M, D, Non-resident Non-profit, independent (071) 263-2986 The university operates under the laws of the state of Iowa (which registers, but does not investigate schools). It was originally established as the London College of Science and Technology, later the American University of London. The catalogue states that full-time undergraduate and graduate courses are offered in London, in addition to totally non-resident degrees at all levels through its Distance Learning Center. Credit is earned through independent study, prior work and ex perience, examinations, and courses offered by the armed forces. Each student works with one or more adjunct faculty through guided independent study. A thesis is required of Master's and Doctoral candidates. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ORIENTAL STUDIES 309 Saltair Los Angeles, CA 90049 USA 1984 (213) 225-0686 Did not respond to three requests for information, nor is information provided in California's state directory, other than the information that the school was authorized to grant degrees. AMERICAN WORLD UNIVERSITY 1028 Franklin St. Gretna, LA 70053 Dr. Ma~ine Asher, President Many fields of study. B, M, D. Non-resident (504) 363-6880 They say they are a global university, operating by fax, phone, videotape, and satellite. The address is a mail forwarding service. Initially Dr. Asher expressed a willingness to cooperate fully in helping me get a picture of the university. However, after I asked many questions about the credentials of faculty and staff, the actual location of the university (Dr. Asher is in California), and so forth, she declined to answer, and threatened legal action if I printed any details about the university. Accreditation is clairned from the World Association of Universities and Colleges, established by Dr. Asher and her colleague Dr. Frank Burroughs. Dr. Asher wrote that "all of our professors have PhD's" but four of the nine facul ty listed in the catalogue do not show a Ph.D. The literature refers to "thousands of students," in 160 countries, a re markable total for nine faculty, and for a school to achieve in a short time, with minimal advertising. The catalogue says degrees can be earned in thirteen subjects, including English, foreign languages, geography, international relations, Islamic studies, and science. The specialties of the nine faculty members are listed; none has a specialty listed in any of these areas. Our polite request for a clarification of these matters was declined. ANDREW JACKSON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 13315 Query Mill Rd., Potomac Gaithersburg, MD 20878 USA Jean-Maximillien De La Croi~ De Lafayette Business, management, economics, human resources management 1980 B, M, D Non-resident Non-profit, independent (301) 990-1426 $$ Established by Dr. Jean-Maximillien De La Croix de Lafayette, lawyer, author, and art patron. Instruction by correspon dence study, or residentially in London through London International College and London College for Electronic Engineering. Many courses on cassette in English, French, Arabic, or Greek. Four years, or three years plus three sum mers, required for a Bachelor's degree. Master's requires two years of study, and Doctorate two years beyond Master's. Credit for life experience lean~ing. Faculty advisor evaluates student's past work, chooses or develops courses to be taken, and works with the student on a one-to-one basis. Each course has an examination every 20 to 40 days, and a final exam. Originally in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (original name: American Community College). Not approved by the Maryland State Board for Higher Education. In a recent letter, Dr. De La Croix de Lafayette indicated he may be retiring. ASIAN AMERICAN UNIVERSITY 2043 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92104 USA William S. H. Yeung, President l9X0 Proprietary (619) 299-0030 $$ Has been authorized to grant degrees by the state of California. Did not respond to three requests for information about their programs. AUGUST VOLLMER UNIVERSITY SantaAna,CA 92701 Apparently out of business; mail not delivered. AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY 245 Broadway Sydney, N.S.W. 2007 Australia Dr. John Castles, Principal ~mln.~f~linu :~n(l ncvchotherapy Diplomas Non-resident or residency (02) 692-0632 The diploma (not degree) course is offered in classes, or by home study. The principal is a pharmacist and clinical psy chologist who has conducted courses in clinical hypnosis, counseling, psychology, and self-awareness. BERKELEY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY 235 Montgomery St., Suite 846 San Francisco, CA 94104 Denis Ol~sahl. President MBA (415) 291-8644 or (800) 398-5132 Apparently non-resident Advertising in The Economist maga~ine described a distance learning MBA. A visit to the San Francisco of fice yielded only the information that the catalogue was not yet ready, and some biographical information on members of "The Berkeley Group," many with degrees listed from various Russian universities. Despite several subsequent requests, no catalogue was ever sent, nor did President Opsahl, an attorney, respond to letters asking for further information. Berkeley International University is not approved by the State of California BERNADEAN UNIVERSITY 13615 Vlctory Blvd., Suite 114 Van Nuys, CA 91401 USA Joseph Kadans, Ph.D. Theoloev. Iaw. reflexology, iridology, naturopathy, etc. D,Law Non-resident Non-profit - - -0~ O~ r~ ~~~- (818) 988Ñ5710 A division of the Church of Universology, they have offered correspondence degrees in everything from theology to as tronutrition to law. The two-room headquarters is in a Los Angeles suburb. Bernadean used to be in Nevada, but lost per mission to operate in that state. Founder and president Joseph Kadans, Ps.D., N.D., Th.D., Ph.D., J.D. is licensed to practice law. At times, Bernadean has been recognized by the Committee of Bar Examiners in California. Also offered have been Doctor of Naturopathy, Doctor of Iridology, Doctor of Preventative Medicine, and Doctor of Reflexology. At one point, Bernadean offered a certificate good for absolution of all sins to its graduates. BERNE UNIVERSITY P. O. Box 1080 Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896 USA Dale L. Berne, Ed.D., Rector 1993 Business, education, psychology, theology, other fields Short residency (603) 569-8648 The doctorate is earned through a combination of independent study and a four-week summer residency on the island of Nevis in the Caribbean. The catalogue states that the University is "chartered by the government of Nevis," and "has at tained candidacy status for accreditation...and is assured of full accreditation after its first class graduates." Presumably the accreditation is from Nevis, as well. Nevis has a population of less than 10,000. The catalogue refers to "the finest in ternational faculty possible..." but none is listed. The doctorate requires 60 credit hours, which can be completed in one year. Financial aid is offered "in the form of low-interest Nevisian government loans when available...." BETA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Chicago, IL 60606 Apparently out of business; mail not delivered. BOULDER GRADUATE SCHOOL 2880 Folson, Suite 104 Boulder, CO 80304 Antonio Nuf~ez, Academic Dean 1979 M Residency Non-profit, independent (303) 4494676 $$$ Master's degrees in psychology and counseling and in health and wellness, emphasizing a balance between traditional aca demic training and experiential learning. Formerly the Colorado Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. BRIGHTON UNIVERSITY 1164 Bishop St., Suite 124 Honolulu, HI 96813 Clif Soares Business, PsYcholo~Y. social work, Biblical studies, etc. B, M, D Non-resident Church (808) 524-5411, ext. 75 Originally in Louisiana, now using a mail service in Hawaii where schools are not licensed. A part of the United Congregational Church; a course in Christian religion is required. All programs completed through independent study projects, with credit for prior experience. CALIFORNIA AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Escondido, CA 92025 Apparently out of business; mail not delivered. CALIFORNIA COAST UNIVERSITY ~3 700 N. Main St. Santa Ana, CA 92701 USA Thomas M. Neal, Jr., President ,~ ~. s ~ -s' ~ ~ -... ,~ B, M, D Non-resident Proprietary Engineering, education, behavioral science, business (714) 547-9625 1974 $$ California Coast University was one of the first of California's non-resident universities. Non-resident degrees are offered at aU academic levels in the above-mentioned fields of study. Credit is given for prior in-school learning experiences, or for equivalency chaUenge examinations prepared and administered by the university. AU department heads and adjunct fac ulty hold degrees from traditional schools. The university operates from its own building in a Los Angeles suburb, and maintains a lending library to ensure availability of textbooks for all students throughout the world. Combined programs are offered for earning the Bachelor's and Master's or the Master's and Doctorate simultaneously. Accreditation is from the National Association of Private Non-traditional Schools and Colleges, a legitimate but unrecognized accrediting age~cy. Former name: California Westem University. CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF COMMERCE LongBeach,CA 90813 Apparently out of business; mail not delivered. CALIFORNIA GRADUATE INSTITUTE 1100 Glendon Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024 USA Marvin Koven Psychology and psychotherapy 1968 M, D Residency Non-profit, independent (213) 208-4240 $$ Established to expand the scope of traditional graduate study in psychology and psychotherapy. Faculty are practicing pro fessionals in the field of mental health. Curriculum includes clinical psychology, behavioral medicine, psychoanalysis, and marriage, family and child counseling. CALIFORNIA GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MARITAL AND FAMILY THERAPY 4340 Redwood Hwy., Bldg. F #220 San Rafael, CA 94903 USA Dr. Martin Kirschenbaum Marital and family therapy, clinical psychology 1976 Residency Non-profit, independent (415) 472-5511 $$$ The Psy.D. in marital and family therapy and the D.M.F.C. (Doctor of Marital, Family and Child Therapy) are approved by the state of California, so graduates can take state licensing examinations. A Psy.D. in clinical psychology is also available. Classes offered evenings and weekends. CALIFORNIA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY 1649 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017 USA Mitsugu Honda, President Business management, international business, accounting 1973 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (213) 381-3719 $$ Specializes in education for international students for whom English is the second language. Evening classes. Has been authorized to grant degrees by the state of California. CALIFORNIA NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY see: Open University of America CALIFORNIA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY ~3 10721 Treena St., Rm. 114, P.O. Box 261387 San Diego, CA 92126 USA N. C. Dalton, Ph.D., President Management and human behavior, business 1976 B, M Non-resident Non-profit, independent (619) 695-3292 $$ M.A. in human behavior, the M.B.A., and the Bachelor's in Business Administration degree programs may be completed entirely by correspondence study. Highly structured programs utilize home study delivery systems. Limited experiential credit is given at undergraduate level only. Students are supplied with study guides written by university faculty, to ac company recognized textbooks in the field. The school is "committed to the training and education of business managers and leaders in the technical, quantitative and theoretical areas of business management (as well as in) interpersonal skills and human resource management." CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY Los Angeles, CA 90019 Apparently out of business; mail is returned. CANADIAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 150 York St., Suite 1804 Toronto,Ontario M5H3S5 Canada Dr. George Korey Business, management 1976 B, M Non-resident Non-profit, independent (416) 960-3805 $$ The Canadian School of Management is a college of advanced management studies offering non-resident self-directed study in business administration, health seNices administration, nursing administration, management, diplomatic and consular studies, and facilities management. There is emphasis on learning through practical experience. Credit is given for prior learning experience as documented in a portfolio. C.S.M. is a member of the International University Without Walls Council. Formerly accredited by the National Home Study Council, but not now. CENTER FOR BUSINESS STUDIES see: ClaytonUniversity CENTER FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES 1398 Solano Ave. Albany, CA 94706 USA Margaret S. Alafi, Ph.D., President Clinical and developmental psychology 1979 Residency Non-profit, independent (510) 524-0291 $$$ The Center serves mature professionals who have completed a Master's degree or its equivalent. Ph.D. degrees are offered in clinical and developmental psychology. Both Doctorates are approved by the California State Department of Education and meet educational requirements for the psychology license. Students are encouraged to pursue their own research inter ests for their dissertations and receive ample faculty support. Students may concentrate their studies in organizational psychology. Part-time study is available; the academic calendar is geared to the needs of working students. Former name: the Graduate School of Human Behavior. CENTER GRADUATE COLLEGE 19225 ~meyard Ln. Saratoga,CA 95070 USA Robert Baratta-Lorton Mathematics 1980 M Residency Non-profit, independent (408) 867-3167 $ The sole offering is a Master of Arts in education with a specialization in elementary mathematics. The course-work is designed for current or prospective mathematics resource elementary school teachers. CENTRO SUPERIOR DE ESTUDIOS EMPRESARIALES M Castellana, 91 Non-resident Madrid 16, Spain 456 00 05 Business $$ (P.O. Box 010113, Miami, FL 33101), Mexico City, and Bogota. The literature (all in Spanish) states that they have been authorized by the Ministry of Education to grant degrees. The Master's requires two semesters. The cost is $1,600 if done with textbooks alone, or $2,400 if you are also sent cassette tapes of lectures. A thesis of 80 to 150 pages is re quired. I am concerned that the U.S. address is given as "CESEM (the school's acronym) USA & Intern. University." If this refers to "International University" it may mean an affiliation with one of the existing International Universities (some okay, some less than wonderful), but my letters have not been answered. CENTURY UNIVERSITY ~3 2155 Louisiana Blvd. N.E., #8600 Albuquerque, NM 87110 Donald Breslow, President Many fields 197X B, M, D Non-resident Proprietary (213) 645-3636 ._ $$$ Organized primarily for professional administrators with extensive experience. Tuition is by guided independent study, which involves no classes, one-on-one faculty counseling, and credit for life experience learning. Degrees take a mini mum of nine months to complete. The university was authorized to grant degrees by the state of California. The pro gram is viewed by Century as the final year of traditional study for each degree, so candidates are expected to have sub stantial experience in their field. Century claims accreditation from an unrecognized accrediting agency. Like many other schools, Century misrepresents the findings of a study on the acceptance of non-traditional degrees (see page 17). In 1990, Century moved its offices from Los Angeles to Albuquerque. 12 of the 32 faculty have their own doctorates from Century. CHADWICK UNIVERSITY 1037 S. 22nd St. Birmingham, AL 35205 Tavia Sorrell Business 19Q9 B, M Non-resident Proprietary (205) 933-5680 or (800) 729-2423 $$ Completion of twelve home study courses is required for the Bachelor's and eight for the M.B.A. One of four schools es tablished by Dr. Lloyd Clayton, Jr. (see also: Dr. Clayton's School of Natural Healing, American Institute of Computer Science). Chadwick claims accreditation from the World Association of Universities and Colleges, an unrecognized accred iting agency established by the founders of American World University. CITY UNIVERSITY LOS ANGELES 3%0 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90010 USA Dr. Henry L. N. Anderson, President Arts & Sciences, law, life science/nahlral hygiene B, M, D, Law Non-resident or residency Non-profit, independent (213) 382-3801 $$ City University Los Angeles regards itself as "a finishing school" for students whose studies were interrupted earlier in life. Students should have at least two years of college credits before applying. Little credit for experiential learning. There is a three-day "Bachelor Challenge" Exam for those who have elsewhere completed 75% of the work for a Bachelois. More than one hundred degree titles are available. The university is approved by the State of California Law students qualify to take the California bar exams. Doctoral programs require an oral defense.The catalogue reports that Johnny Carson, Muhammad Ali, Ethel Kennedy, and Coretta King are alumni. CLAYTON UNIVERSITY C3 Clayton, MO 63105 Mail not deliverable in Missouri, but several correspondents report that Clayton is still active in Europe, Asia, and Africa Originally called Open University, and later American International Open University. CLINICAL PSYCHOTHERAPY INSTITUTE San Rafael, CA 94903 Apparently out of business; mail not deliverable. COLUMBIA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY ~3 1415 3rd St. San Rafael, CA 94901 USA Richard L. Crews, M.D., President Many fields 1 q7Q B, M, D, Law Non-resident P~prietary (800) 227~119 - ~ $$$$ Non-resident degrees in many fields through schools of Arts and Sciences, Health and Human Services, International Law and Business, and Administration and Management. The university is approved by the state of California. More than 5,000 students enrolled. Degrees are based on credit for prior learning, completion of a core curriculum normally requir ing 9 to 12 months, and a major project, thesis, or dissertation. A quarterly surcharge is added for persons who do not finish within one year. There is a graduation fee of $25 to $235. The university has two locations: its own building in San Rafael and a retreat center in Petaluma. I served as a consultant to Columbia Pacific in its early years, but not since 1984. Toll-free phone number within California (800) 552-5522. COLUMBIA STATE UNIVERSITY 3925 N. I- 10 Service Rd., #117 Metairie,LA 70002 USA Ronald Tellar Many fields 1976 B, M, D Non-resident Proprietary (504) 889-8831 $$ The address is a mail-forwarding service which sends mail to Mr. Tellar in southern California. Mr. Tellar (who also uses the names Douglas Ford and Herald Crenshaw) refuses to say where the university is actually located. They claim to be accredited by the International Accreditation Association, but they will not say where this alleged accreditor is located. They claim that Jonas Salk and several Nobel laureates hold degrees from this school, which is simply not so. As Herald Crenshaw, Mr. Tellar has published a book which looks somewhat like this one, called University Degrees by Mail, which identifies his own school as "the best university in America," and Greenwich University, with which I used to be affiliated, as "The worst university in America." Mr. Tellar, as Mr. Ford, has claimed that I do not give his school a good writeup because they refuse to pay the bribes that I demand for a good writeup. (This is not true; no school has ever paid a cent to be in this package.) COOK' S INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING ~:3 Hwy. 18, P.O. Box 20345 B Jackson, MS 39029 USA Wallace L. Cook, Director Electronics engineering 1945 Non-resident Propriet~ry (601) 371-1351 $$$$ Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering, entirely by correspondence study, involving completion of 36 courses. Advanced placement is available for experienced electronic technicians having satisfactory prior schooling. The tuition is as low as $3410 in such cases. At least 15 of the 36 courses must be completed after enrolling. The school literature explains in great detail why they are not accredited (no home study engineering program is), and makes clear the distinc tion between their B.S.EE. and the correspondence B.S. in Engineering Technology offered by their chief competitor, Grantham. Wallace Cook, the owner, established this school more than 40 years ago. EUBANKS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AND ARTS 4928 S. Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90043 USA Rachel A. Eubanks, President Music and arts 1951 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (213) 291-7821 $$ The Bachelor's and Master's degrees are offered in performance (classical or jazz), theory and composition, accompanying, and church music. Courses are offered evenings and on weekends. There are a few correspondence courses, and limited credit is given for life experience learning. The conservatory was authorized to grant degrees by the state of California EULA WESLEY UNIVERSITY 900 E. Cornell Ruston, LA 71270 USA Dr. Samuel Wesley, President Business, sociology, religious studies B, M, D Non-resident (318) 255~396 $$ Established in Phoenix, in founder Samuel Wesley's home. Wesley told an Arizona Republic reporter his Doctorate was earned from Eula Wesley "after his thesis...was reviewed by members of the...board of directors," whom he identified as two local educators. Both denied they were on the board, or had conferred the degree. "They're lying," Wesley told the re porter. The article says "Wesley later admitted...his degree was an honorary one, and had been awarded by... James Jenkins, an unemployed janitor and Eula Wesley, Wesley's mother. . ." In Arizona, E.W.U. was accredited by the unrecog nized International Accrediting Commission for Schools, Colleges and Theological Seminaries whose founder, George lnclrla~s scnools aLLr~a~t~a by l~nr~cogni~d accr~diting a~nci~s ¥ Seepage75forexp~anatlono~al~brev~atLonsan~syml~ols Reuter, according to the Republic, came to Phoenix but never visited the "campus." Wesley said Reuter also arranged for five Nigerians to become correspondence students. EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY Amerikalei 131 Antwerp, 2000 Belgium Various fields Residency (021) 631167 $$ The literature is impressive looking and in full color. But I remain confused, and letters to President Nieberdine have not been answered. To their credit, they reproduce "affiliation agreements" between Troy State and Central State University (both accredited), in which those schools agree to accept E.U.'s students into their M.B.A. program. Membership is claimed in the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business. I cannot locate such an organization. There is an American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, but E.U. is not a member. The literature states that more than 1,500 students are enrolled in the residential Bachelor's program in language, business, information systems, hotel ad ministration, or public relations, and that the university operates its own radio station in Antwerp. Courses also given in Brussels and in Montreux, Switzerland. EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA 2130 Fulton St. SanFrancisco,CA 94117 USA Business administration M Residency Non-profit, independent (415) 668-0964 $$ The focus is on international business. Students take courses in theory and method, and then work on a personaVprofes sional project that serves as a framework for in-depth research and the development of practical skills. The program re quires 10 to 14 months of full-time attendance to complete. EUROTECHNICAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 516 Hilo, HI 96721 USA Science, engineering, and karate 1983 B, M, D Non-resident Proprietary (808) 935-6424 $$$ Established in California in 1983 and moved permanently to Hawaii in 1989, where it operated from the bedroom of President Holbrook's rented home. Professor Holbrook died in early 1994, and it is unclear what path, if any, the University will take, since he was the sole proprietor and staff member. At one time, I respected the quality and integrity of Eurotech's aclivities, awarding doctorates based on research performed by the student in non-academic settings, normal ly an industrial or governmental laboratory. In 1990, Eurotech affiliated with the Rockwell College of Applied Arts and Science, an Ohio karate school with no listed phone, run by Harold Mayle, a man whose only degrees were purchased from the Universal Life Church. Eurotech awarded Mayle a Ph.D. and a D.Sc. based on his karate skills, and has awarded other doctorates to Rockwell personnel based on their karate achievements. Rockwell has claimed that Eurotech is fully accredited, a claim later withdrawn. I had counted Professor Holbrook as a friend, but he refused to communicate with me after I expressed amazement at this turn in the life of his school. A diploma mill called Leiland College of Arts and Science, selling degrees for under $ 100, operates from a Hawaiian post of fice box. Holbrook told a Hawaiian reporter he knew nothing about Leiland, but the reporter determined that Holbrook had rented the box, and later turned it over to a colleague, Brett Brady. Neither Holbrook nor Brady ever commented on this matter. FAIRFAX UNIVERSITY ~3 2900 West Fork Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70827 USA Malcolm Large, The Administrator Many fields 1986 B, M, D Non-resident Non-profit, independent (504) 292-3496 "Programme Participants" (students) work at their own pace, assisted by a "Programme Supervisor" (faculty), to com plete work required by a "Study Plan" (learning contract). On completion of this work plus a paper, thesis, or disserta tion, and the approval of an external assessor, deBree is awarded. My wife and I were two of the four founders of Fairfax; we resigned two months after the first enrollment in 1986. We thought we had parted company with Mr. Large and President Alan Jones amicably, but soon after, Ml: Jones attempted (unsuccessfully) to persuade authorities in California to prevent me from selling this package, because he didn't like some things I said in it, and he later sued my wife and me in an unsuccessful attempt to involve us in a lawsuit between Fairfax and Columbia Pacific (for whom he used to work). When I visited the address, I found no Fairfax office, but a secretarial service, that apparently forwards mail and messages to The Administrator and the President who live in England. FEATHER RIVER UNIVERSITY B P. O. Box 1900 (916) 8724404 Paradise, CA 95969 W. Jay Murphy Offers an external degree in martial arts and physical education, allowing recognized practitioners to combine verifiable Eastern training and rank with previously earned college credit. The ultimate goal of FRU is to establish a new school of medicine. FREIE UND PRIVATE UNIVERSITAT Degersheimerstrasse 29 Herisau AR,9100 Switzerland L. Mattei, President V ~ c fi.o1A~ Non-resident (071) 52 35 25 The university is apparently legitimate, but not recognized by the Swiss Central Of fice for Higher Education, and the de grees are not recognized in Germany. Degrees offered in behavioral science, arts and humanities, social science, and liber al studies. They also use the French (Universite Libre et Prive) and Italian (Universita Libera e Privata) versions of their GESTALT INSTITUTE OF NEW ORLEANS 3500 St. Charles Ave., Suite 208 New Orleans, LA 70115 USA Ann Teachworth, Director Gestalt therapy, neurolinguistic programming 197~ Diplomas Non-resident Proprietary (504) 891-1212 ._ $$ Registered with the Louisiana Board of Regents, an automatic, non-evaluative process. Evening and weekend courses leading to two levels of diploma. GOLDEN STATE UNIVERSITY (CA) see Honolulu University GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT San Diego, CA 92101 Apparently out of business; mail not deliverable. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF AMERICA 3033 E~celsior Blvd., Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Linda Lucas, Admissions Counselor Education, human services, organi~ation & management, interdisciplinary studies 1993 M, D Unaccredited, state-approved Short residency Proprietary (612) 924-2374 or (800) 987-1133 $$$$ The Graduate School of America is a major, well-funded, and ambitious new effort to create a non-traditional institution along the lines of Walden University and the Union Institute: long periods of guided independent study and research, with an intensive summer residency. President Harold Abel was formerly president of three accredited universities, including Central Michigan and Walden. Vice President Donald Crawford was vice president and dean of the Union Institute. Board chairman Stephen Shank is an attorney who was President and CEO of Tonka Corporation. TGSA, as they call them selves, was approved in late 1993 by the Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board. The approval was unanimous, despile vigorous opposition by traditionalists such as the chancellor of the State University System who went "on record as strenuously opposing" TGSA, as a "mail order school." TGSA is actively pursuing accreditation with the North Central Association. Since NCA is the agency that accredited Walden and Union, the TGSA prospects are good. The school's catalogue and other materials are comprehensive and well-designed. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR see: Center for Psychological Studies GREENWICH UNIVERSITY 6 100 Kamehameha Avenue Hilo, HI 96720 Dr. Stuart Johnson, President Most academic fields, plus law, theology 1972 B,M,D,Law Una~dited Non-resident (800) FOR HILO (US and Canada) (808) 935-9934 (elsewhere) $$ Greenwich University evolved from the International Institute for Advanced Studies, one of the oldest non-traditional graduate schools in the U.S. I was the full-time president of Greenwich (and its predecessor) from 1986 to 1991, but am no longer involved. The model is one of "filling in gaps." A student's learning (however it occurred) is matched against standards for what a degree-holder should know. Any gaps are filled in through guided independent study, based on a learn ing contract developed by student and faculty mentors. A major paper, thesis or dissertation is required, but it may be based on work previously completed. The adjunct faculty of 150 include many well known scholars and authors. The Greenwich University School of Theology operates from of fices in England and Scotland; there is an affiliation with an accredited school of art in New Zealand, and an office in Australia. The university operates from its own building in Hawaii's second largest city, and has initiated the accreditation process with the unrecognized but legitimate Pacific Association of Schools and Colleges HAWTHORNE UNIVERSITY (California) Cotati, CA 94952 USA General studies 19~2 B, M, D Residency (707) 795-7168 Hawthorne opened in the fall of 1982, offering degrees at all levels in general studies, with an emphasis at the Master's level in humanistic computer studies. In 1988, the university was still in operation, although apparently no longer au thorized by the state of California. (The Bachelor's is offered as a convenience for those going on to higher degrees.) Hawthorne evolved from a formerly-state-approved school named Paideia, now apparently alive but dormant in Berkeley. Indeed, 7 of the 10 Hawthorne faculty have their highest degree from Paideia They utilize the "Paideian process" in which interdisciplinary groups of 12 or so meet each week and the entire school meets one Saturday a month. HAWTHORNE UNIVERSITY (Utah) They threatened with such vigor to sue me into oblivion if I said anything whatsoever about their school, so I won't at this time. HEED UNIVERSITY Alumni and Information Center, P.O. Box 311 Hollywood,FL 33022 USA Dr. Marvin Hirsch, President Psychology, philosophy, education, business administration, law 197n B, M, D, Law Non-resident Non-profit, independent (305) 925-1600 $$$ Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Business Administration, Ph.D., Doctor of Education, Doctor of Business Administration, Doctor of Arts, and Doctor of Psychology. The Ph.D. and S.J.D. degrees require a dissertation, the other Doctorates do not. In 1986, Heed moved from Florida, where they had been 16 years, to the U.S. Virgin Islands. The phone above is their Florida information center. Heed had been granted approval to conduct courses and confer degrees by the Department of Education of the Virgin Islands, but this may be in doubt. Heed also operates the Thomas Jefferson College of Law in California, which is recognized by the Committee of Bar E~aminers, and awat~s law degrees thrwgh correspondence study, including a four-year J.D. whose graduates may take the California bar, an S.J.D. (juridical science), and a non-bar-qualifying J.D. that may be completed in as little as six months. There are combined M.B.A~.D. and D.B.A./J.D. programs. HISPANIC UNIVERSITY 255 E. 14th St. B, M, D Oakland, CA 94606 USA Residency B. Roberto Cruz, President Education, business, health care 1981 Non-profit, independent (510) 451-0511 $$ A multilingual, multicultural approach to higher education. There is a contract with Northrop University, Los Angeles, to enroll Hispanics in their school of engineering. HONOLULU UNIVERSITY OF ARTS, SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES ~3 500 Ala Moana Blvd, Suite 7-400 Honolulu, Hl 96814 Dr. Warren Walker, President 1978 B, M, D Non-resident Independent (808) 955-7333 Degrees at all levels can be earned through correspondence courses, a great many of which are listed in the catalogue, in dozens of fields of study. Formerly Golden State University, which operated from four cities in California. HOUSTON INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Houston, TX 77001 Apparently out of business; mail not deliverable. HUMAN RELATIONS INSTITUTE 5200 Hollister Ave. Santa Barbara, CA 93111 USA Counseling psychology Residency Non-profit, independent (805) 967-4557 $$$ The degree is available through weekend courses held once a month. The institute is approved by the state of California, so graduates are eligible for the M F.C.C. Iicense exam. INNER CITY CULTURAL CENTER 1605 N. Ivar St. Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA C. Bernard Jackson, Director 1966 (213) 962-2102 $1,600/year Has been authorized to grant degrees by the state of California. Did not respond to three requests for information on their programs. INSl'ITUTE FOR INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 510 Oakmead Pkwy. Sunnyvale, CA 94026 USA Proprietary 1983 (408) 749-0133 Has been authorized to grant degrees by the state of California. Did not respond to three requests for information on their programs. INSTITUTE FOR THE ADVANCED STUDY OF HUMAN SEXUALITY 13 1523 Franklin St. SanFrancisco,CA 94109 USA Robert T. McIlvenna, M.Div., Ph.D., President Human sexuality 1976 M, D Short residency Proprietary (415) 928-1133 $$$ Master of Human Sexuality, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Education, and Doctor of Human Sexuality. Minimum of nine weeks of residency for the Master's, and 15 weeks for the Doctorates, although additional residency is encouraged. The Master's requires three trimesters of enrollment, and the Doctorate programs require S trimesters each, with a mini mum of three weeks' residency each trimester. Founders include prominent sexologists, such as Kinsey's coauthor, Wardell Pomeroy. They believe there is a "woeful lack of professionals who are academically prepared in the study of human sexuality." The Institute's intention is to rectify this lack by training professionals as sexologists. Many lectures available on videocassette. A comprehensive exam and a basic research project are required. Each Doctorate has a different emphasis: one in scientific inquiry, one in academic skills, and one in therapy and counseling. The Institute is approved by lhe state of California. INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS 1212 Roxas Blvd., Ermita, Manila, Philippines Emmanuel T. Santos, Ph.D. Business administration and international management M, D Non-resident 57-39-81 The Master of Business Administration, Master of International Management, and Doctor of Business Administration of fered residentially and by correspondence. The academy (formerly called International University) had considerable difficul ties with authorities, more for political than academic reaions, during the Marcos regime. After Marcos' departure, the academy was issued a special permit by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, "to offer and conduct on an ex perimental basis, the graduate course in business administration leading to the degree of Master of Arts in Business Administration and the Ph.D. in Management." Accreditation was claimed from an unrecognized and now defunct accred iting agency. INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE (Santa Monica) see: SierraUniversity INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES see: Greenwich University INTERNATIONAL JAPAN UNIVERSITY Orange, CA 92666 Apparently out of business; mail not deliverable. INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CENTRE, BUCKINGHAM see: Northland Open University INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND LEGAL STUDIES London, England Apparently out of business; mail not deliverable. \ INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (Missouri)' 1301 S. Noland Rd., Independence, MO 64055 USA ~ Dr. John W. Johnston, Chancellor Many fields 1973 B, M, D Non-resident Non-profit, independent (816) 461-3633 .,~ Degrees at all levels offered through correspondence~tudy. Claims accreditation, but not from any recognized agency. The catalogue indicates that there are campuses all over the world: Japan, Mexico, India, Australia, etc. No faculty are named in the literature, nor is the source of the degrees of the staff members given. There is, or has been, an affiliation with the Sussex College of Technology, which has been identified as a degree mill by every major British newspaper and educa tional authority. This affiliation is vigorously defended by International University's vice president and dean of faculties, P~fessor Dr. Marcel Dingli-Attard de'baroni Inguanez, Ph.D. as being "legal" and "valid" since the Sussex degrees "are definitely accepted in many countries." (I am not aware of any.) International University absorbed Mayer University in the late 1970s. See also: Marquis Guiseppe Scicluna International University Foundation. In 1993, in some literature, ac creditation was still being claimed from the International Accrediting Commission, which was shut down by the Missouri Attorney General several years ago. INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (New York) New York, NY Apparently out of business; mail not deliverable. INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (Philippines) see: International Academy of Management and Economics IRVINE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS 16591 Noyes Ave. Irvine, CA 92714 USA Presumably business (714) 556-8890 1985 Has been authorized by the state of California to grant degrees. Despite three requests, no information was sent on their programs. JOHN RENNIE UNIVERSITY 4 Ross Irvine, CA 92664 USA 1984 (714) 834-9070 Has been authorized by the state of California to grant degrees. Did not respond to three requests for information about their programs. KENNEDY WESTERN UNIVERSITY 1459 Tyrell Lane Boise, ID 83706 USA Paul Saltman, President Business administration and management, criminal justice, education, engineering, psychology 1984 B, M, D, Law Non-resident Proprietary (208) 375-5402 or (800) 635-2900 $$$ Courses based on achieving specific behavioral objectives. Credit for prior college work, work and life experience, and challenge exams. Students work with an academic support team: resident faculty advisor, adjunct faculty mentor in the student's vicinity, and work site evaluator (a senior employee at the student's place of work). Admission requires evalua tion of a portfolio of work, life and educational experience, and five years of degree-related work experience. Study in volves challenge exams, independent study and writing and defending a thesis or dissertation. The university offers a "cur riculum comparability guarantee: which "allows for a 100% refund if a graduate can show that the courses, texts, and pro fessors were any different from a traditional university." Kennedy-Western will reimburse the airfare for any student who wishes to visit the school's California office. There is also an of fice in Honolulu, Hawaii and in several international lo cations. KENSINGTON UNIVERSITY ~3 124 S. Isabel St. Glendale, CA 91206 USA Alfred A. Calabro, J.D., President Business, engineering, social sciences, education, law 1976 B, M, D, Law Non-resident Proprietary (818) 240-9166 or (800) 423-2495 The programs are designed for the mature adult student who is capable of self-directed study. All coursework is accom plished by home study, with guidance and instruction provided by faculty advisors. Most coursework consists of guided self-paced reading of assigned texts, and completion of a final project. Non-required seminars are offered periodically in Italy, Thailand, Japan, and England (where residential programs are available at the Bachelor's and Master's level through the facilities of City Commercial College in London). The Kensington School of Law is registered with the Committee of Bar Examiners, and its students qualify to take the California bar exam, where they have had considerable success. Toll-free number in California (800) 421-9115. KENT COLLEGE see: LaSalle University (Louisiana) KNIGHTSBRIDGE UNIVERSITY A heavily-advertised new "university" whose address in Copenhagen, Denmark is a private apartment, the occupant of which forwards the mail to the same man who has run the equally elusive University de la Romande (see listing in this section). KOH-E-NOR UNIVERSITY see: University of Santa Monica L A FAYETTE UNI VERSITY 10730 E. Bethany Drive, Suite 102 Aurora, CO 80014 Ms~r. John Thompson, Vlce President B, M, D Non-resident Non-profit, church ~, ~ _ , _~ __... (303) 368-5541 Degrees in divinity studies, religious education, pastoral wellness, psychotherapy, theology, counseling, and pastoral psy chotherapy. The 1989 catalogue states that Lafayette is "the only accredited institution in the U.S." offering degree cours es in nutrimedical arts and sciences. No nutrimedicine courses are offered, and Lafayette's accreditation comes from the Department of Education and Academic Affairs which "has the authority within our own church to charter and accredit..." The university is affiliated with the Mercian Rite (Orthodox) Catholic Church. No names appear in the catalogues. Father Thompson writes, "Please know that Lafayette University is state accredited." However the Colorado Commission on Higher Education does not accredit schools, and has written that Lafayette "marginally qualifies'' for state authori~ation. LA JOLLA UNIVERSITY 5005 Texas St., 4th floor San Diego, CA 92108 USA Dr. Kamal L. Ranasinghe, President Business administration, health services administration, behavioral studies 1977 B, M, D Short residency Proprietary (619) 293-3760 $$ Learners participate in defining their needs, goals, and aspirations, then attend small evening/weekend classes and semi nars. Some students can study independently, providing they keep pace with the resident programs. All students must come to San Diego for initial counseling, oral discussions, and dissertation defense. Bachelor's students must have equiv alent of two years of college before admission. LASALLE UNIVERSITY (Louisiana) P. O. Box 4000 Mandeville, LA 70470 P. A. Zar, Executive Director Many fields of study 1986 B, M, D, Law Non-resident Non-profit, church (504) 624-8932/(800) 283-0017 Degrees are offered in many fields of study entirely by correspondence study. The university's literature states that "The purpose and mission of LaSalle University is to provide Biblical studies, theology; and in theocentric (God-centered) studies in applied fields" such as holistic health care, theocentfic psychology, management degrees in business and public administration, criminal justice management, health services management, hotel and restaurant man agement, computer science, and engineering. "The Biblical Christian perspective serves as the framework and intertwin ing basis for the conduct of all educational programs at LaSalle." All programs are offered through the education ministry of the World Christian Church, and are denominational, theocentric, and non-secular. Acceptance as a student is acceptance into the church's education ministry. (There is no connection with the traditional LaSalle University in Philadelphia, or the defunct LaSalle Extension University, formerly in Chicago. To my knowledge, LaSalle has never attempted to mis lead the public by implying or stating that there was any connection with any other LaSalle.) Same management as Kent College of Louisiana LAURENCE UNIVERSITY (California) see: University of Santa Barbara LONDON COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY see: American University of London LONDON INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE 67/83 Seven Sisters Rd. London, N7 6BU England Dr. N. Zaffiris, Course Advisor Business, marketing B, M Residency (01) 263~464 The degrees are offered in cooperation with Andrew Jackson University College of Maryland, USA. The program requires a year of study, a thesis, and two sets of formal written examinations. The most recent literature I have seen does not re flecl the fact that Andrew Jackson University is now Andrew Jackson University College, and has moved from Louisiana to Maryland. LOS ANGELES INSTITUTE AND SOCIETY FOR PSYCHOANALYTIC STUDIES 1100 Glendon Ave., Suite 933 Los Angeles, CA 90024 USA Milton J. Horowitz, Dean Psychoanalytic training. 1970 M, D Residency Non-profit, independent (213) 208-3090 $ Systematic training for mental health professionals. A program of coursework, personal analysis, supervised analyses, and a case presentation. Students must already have a license to practice in the state of Califomia LOS ANGELES PSYCHOANALYTIC SOCIETY AND INSTITUTE Los Angeles,CA 90025 Apparently out of business; mail is undeliverable. LOS ANGELES PSYCHOSOCIAL CENTER 6380 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1110 Los Angeles, CA 90048 USA Melanie K. Moran, Director 1963 Non-profit, independent (213) 652-4666 Has been authorized to grant degrees by the state of Califomia. Did not respond to three requests for information on their programs. LOS ANGELES UNIVERSITY 6862 Vanscoy Ave. North Hollywood, CA 91605 USA D. E. Brimm, Director 1964 M, D Non-profit, independent (213) 875-0792 Was authorized to grant degrees by the state of California Address appears to be a private home; there are no signs to in dicate it is a university. Did not respond to three requests for information on their programs. MELLEN UNIVERSITY Box 450 Lewiston, NY 14092 Herbert Richardson, President 1993 B, M, D Non-resident or short residency Proprietary (800) 635-5368 The University is an outgrowth of the Edwin Mellen Press, which apparently one of the largest academic publishing houses in the world, specializing in short-run editions of very specialized academic texts. In a long cover story, the re spectable academic magazine Lingua Franca called the press ~'a quasi-vanity press cunningly disguised as an academic publishing house...the brainchild of Herbert Richardson, a former University of Toronto professor of religion and one time Moonie apologist with a Ph.D. in the sociology of religion from Harvard..." Richardson says he is going to sue the magazine because of this article, published in the September 1993 edition (and available from LinguaFranca, 172 E. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10643 for $6). In their advertising in the Toronto Globe and Mail, Mellen University has offered "a fully accredited British MPhil or PhD by writing a thesis for external examination." Mellen claims to be accredited, because they are chartered on the commonwealth island of Turks and Caicos, and follow the British system of "quality control (accreditation)." The catalogue says "Mellen University has received a license from the government of the Turks and Caicos Islands and, virtually, the British government." The "virtually" presumably is be cause Turks is a Commonwealth country. Lingua Franca claims Mellen's first graduating class consisted of 11 ministers from North Carolina who "were interviewed for half an hour each by Frederic Will (whose field is comparative literature), after which Will deemed all eleven candidates qualified for Ph.D.'s. A long page-one article in the Toronto Globe and Mail suggests that the University of Toronto, where Professor Richardson has tenure, is considering dismissing him, and that Richardson plans to contest this, should it happen. Mellen heavily advertises a Bachelor's degree based on life expe rience for under $1,000. My first awareness of Mellen came when a friend with two earned doctorates left a message on their answering machine asking for a catalogue. He received a letter saying, "Based on our conversation, achieving the de gree you so richly deserve is well within your grasp. It is amazing how many are like yourself, with all the knowledge and experience and without the recognition and credentials." Dr. Richardson has also announced his intent to acquire the campus of a defunct college in Dodge City, Kansas and open the University of Western Kansas on the site. Stay tuned for further details in this most intriguing set of developments. MORE UNIVERSITY 3237 Deerhill Rd. Lafayette, CA 94549 USA Carol Bussen, Registrar and professor of basic sensuality 1978 (510) 930-6972 In a Playboy interview, founder Victor Baranco said, "We have 21 acres...we have the best sex information in the world...we have jealousy handled. We have the 72-hour orgasm handled. We have the how to have children and still be happy problem solved...and we have just applied to be a university." They did, and they were authorized to grant degrees by the state of California, but they have not responded to three requests for information on their programs. N ATIONAL SCHOOLS 292 S. La Cienega Blvd., Suite 100 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA Len Nelson, President 1984 M Proprietary (213) 854-0380 Has been authorized to grant degrees by the state of California. Did not respond to three requests for information on their programs. NEW WORLD CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDIES 3154B College Drive, # 546 Baton Rouge, LA 70808 USA DL Robert F. Kephart, President Fire science, safety and health services 1988 B, M, D Proprietary No listed phone Purpose is to offer non-residential degree programs to fire and life safety professionals. NEWPORT UNIVERSITY 6 3720 Campus Dr. Newport Beach, CA 92660 USA Dr. Ted Dalton, President Business, education, psychology, human behavior, law, engineering and religion 1976 B, M, D, Law Non-resident Proprietary (714) 756-8297 $$ Students are offered a variety of methods to obtain their degrees: directed independent study, classroom lectures, practicums, seminars, and workshops. Life and experiential credit is given at the undergraduate level only. An educational facilitator is assigned to each student for each course. Branch of fices are maintained in England, Holland, Switzerland, India, and Japan. Newport's 15 programs are approved by the state of California. They are offered through the schools of business administration, education, professional psychology, human behavior, religion, and law. Originally known as Newport International University. NOMAD UNIVERSITY P. O. Box 2128 Seattle, WA 98111 No degrees Residency Non-profit, independent Nomad University presents public classes for groups of 500 or more in cities worldwide. The lovely little catalogue says, "Not all that we call education is to found within the ivy-covered walls of Academic. Nomad University pitches its all-en compassing tent under the open sky wherever the conditions for learning are good.... There are great teachers all around us. Nomad University has assembled in our movable camp the best guides, storytellers, wizards, bards, enchantresses, seers, adventurers, old ones, healers, clowns, warriors, and adepts.... Because we learn from our colleagues, we are a true college. Because the walls move with the wind, we remember where the true university is." The first three courses are $25 each, and you are not told what they will be; you simply pay and then go. It is all rather charming. NORTHLAND OPEN UNIVERSITY 7475 Sherbrooke Ave. West, Dept. 1111 Montreal,Quebec H4B lS4 Canada Dr. Donald Gyallay, President Management, health services administration, business administration 1976 B, M Short residency ~514) 482-6951 Programs can be completed at a distance with only one or two full weeks of residence required. Each learner communi cates directly with faculty members and works closely with a specially appointed local faculty advisor. Northland Open University is a member of the International University Without Walls Council and International Council on Distance Education. Management programs combine theory and practice in an '~action learning" self-directed approach. Professional training, management experience, and formal study at other colleges and universities are evaluated and assessed for credits. Northland was started by the founder of the Canadian School of Management, and was affiliated with them until 1984. Doctoral programs have been offered in the past. Originally established in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories (school laws are different in the territories than in the provinces). Degrees were offered in England through International Management Centre in Buckingham. NORTHWESTERN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY 4378 Enterprise St. Fremont, CA 94539 USA Barbara Brown, President Electrical engineering, computer systems engineering 1984 B, M Residency Non-profit, independent (510) 657-5911 $$$ The program offers the last two years of a four-year course of studies. All accepted students must have completed 50-60 semester hours of general studies before enrolling. Credit for documented life work experience, military, and equivalency exams. Students may request a "challenging exam" in any course, given during the frst two weeks. If passed, credit for that course is given. The degrees can be earned in 15 to 19 months of evening study. NOVA COLLEGE P.O. Box 492, Station G Calgary, Alberta T3A 2G4 Canada Reg. P. Farley, President Any field 1977 B,M,D Non-resident Non-profit, independent No listed phone $ Nova awards degrees based entirely on work students completed before admission. Although founder Farley lives in Canada, Nova is not registered or licensed there, having fought and lost legal battles with the Canadian government, which does not encourage alternative educational approaches. Degree-granting authority is claimed because of registration on the Isle of Man, off the coast of England. Professor Farley has written to express annoyance that I have written that prospective students formerly were warned that they must ask any questions in advance, since "we will not enter into any correspondence concerning Nova subsequent to registration." This policy is no longer in effect. Farley has responded to my questions about Nova in great detail, in a cooperative manner. He has even offered to instaU a telephone for Nova if I think it would help his credibility. (Perhaps.) Since he does not accept students from Canada, he seems not to worry the Canadian authorities any more. Degrees cost from $650 to $3,000 and honorary doctorates are awarded for a minimum fee of $400. Also operates as Nova International College. Not to be confused with the accredited Nova University (which actually as a component unit called Nova College). OC CIDENTAL UNIVERSITY Original name of International Institute for Advanced Studies; see: Greenwich University ONE INSTITUTE OF HOMOPHILE STUDIES 3340 Country Club Dr. LosAngeles,CA 90019 USA David G. Cameron, President Homophile studies 1956 M, D Residency Non-profit, independent (213) 735-5252 $100/unit Interdisciplinary curricula in anthropology, biology, sociology, history, literature, psychology, etc., of male and female homosexuality. Some credit for life experience learning. Some courses by evening and weekend study. Has been autho rized to grant degrees by the state of California. OPEN UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA 3916 Commander Dr Hyattsville, MD 20782 USA Many fields (301) 779-0220 B, M, D Non-resident Non-profit, independent $$ Established in 1968 by Dr's. Daniel and Mary Rodgers. Degrees can be awarded entirely on the basis of prior achieve ments. The catalogue is large and, at first glance, impressive. The Open University of America System included California National Open University and Nevada National Open University. In response to my routine request for infor mation, Chancellor Mary Rodgers, who apparently runs the university from the basement of her home, wrote to me as follows: "Your attempt to extort data from me by blackmail method [sic] is reprehensible... Be advised that you are not at liberty to criticize, extol, describe, interpret or represent knowledge about the Open University of America in any way." I can't determine if they are still operating, but there is a listed phone. Not approved by the Maryland Board for Higher Education. I shall say no more, then. OXFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL American Institute of Ministry, P. O. Box 515 Dayton, TN 37321 Hollis L. Green, President 1 ~Q~ M, D Residency Non-profit, non-sectarian (615) 775-6597 $$$ I had better let the catalogue speak for itself: 'Plexible residency through the concept of reading for a degree. Qualifying examinations make Oxford available to worthy students and exit examinations validate the quality of education.... The...program accepts only experienced Christian scholars who are qualified by academic stand and practical experience. The program requires an evident balance between orthodoxy and orthopraxis (and is) primarily an andragogic educational model with synergogic learning designs." The DPhil. program is structured "to develop distinct patterns of expectations regarding the understandings, knowledge, skills and competencies expected of D.Phil. candidates...(and) develop and im plement a basic strategy for translating programmatically projected expectations into actual patterns of student progress." PACIFIC INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES 12750 W. Hortense St. Studio City, CA 916(~4 USA Mason Rose, Chancellor 1940 Non-profit, independent (818) 7614506 No listed phone Has been authorized by the state of California to grant degrees. No response to three requests for information on their pro grams. PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY 5318 Middleton Dr. San Diego, CA 92109 USA Abbas Aryanpur Kashani, President 1984 (619) 272 6605 Has been authorized to grant degrees by the state of California Did not respond to three requests for information about their programs. Almost certainly unrelated to the Pacific International University that operated from Hollywood, California, at least through 1964, offering correspondence and residential degrees in science and engineering. PACIFIC SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY 9581 N. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035 USA Javad J. KhazIai, President Business, education, engineering, human behavior 1978 B, M, D Non-resident Proprietary (213) 276-3425 $$ Degrees by correspondence study in a wide range of subjects through their schools of business and management, educa tion, engineering, and human behavior. PACIFIC STATES UNIVERSITY 1516 S. Western Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90006 USA Steven Kase, President Many fields 1928 M, D Non-profit, independent (213) 731-2383 $$ Master of Arts, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Product Development, and Ph.D. programs, primarily through non-resi dential independent study. A six-week summer session, either in Los Angeles or in London, England, is required. The university was founded in 1928 as an engineering school, and still offers residential programs in various fields. The grad uate degrees are offered with a specialty in administration, general education, or psychology and counseling. They can be completed in less then a year. PACIFIC WESTERN UNIVERSITY ~3 600 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90049 USA Philip Forte, President Many fields 1977 B, M, D Non-resident Proprietary (213) 471-0306 or (800) 423-3244 a~ The degrees can be completed either through correspondence study . Professional and career-oriented off-campus indepen dent study programs leading to degrees in business, management science, engineering, physical and natural science, social science, education, and the helping professions. Through its Career Training Institute, Pacific Western offers vocational training leading to certificates in various fields. Doctoral programs are handled through Pacific Western's office at 7 Waterfront Plaza, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. PALO ALTO SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY see: Western Graduate School of Psychology REID COLLEGE OF DETECTION OF DECEPTION 250 S. Wacker Chicago, IL 60606 USA Brian C. Jayne, Dean Polygraph techniques 1971 M Residency Proprietary (800) 255-5747 $$ The college began as a school in the polygraph laboratories of John Reid, a prominent polygraph specialist. Now a Master of Science in the Detection of Deception is offered through a six-month course in Chicago, and the writing of a thesis, which may be done at a distance. Applicants must have an accredited Bachelor's degree. The program consists of lectures, laboratory work, and an internship. There is a final written exam, and each student must conduct two polygraph examinations under the scrutiny of the Degree Granting Board. Six-month programs begin each January and July. The college is authorized to grant the M.S.D.D. degree by the superintendent of public instruction. ROCKWELL COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES See:EurotechnicalResearchUniversity. RUDOLF STEINER COLLEGE 9200 Fair Oaks Blvd. Fair Oaks, CA 95628 USA Judith Blatchford, Registrar Education and arts 1976 Non-profit, independent (916) 961-8727 ~d ~D~ A foundation year, an arts program, and Waldorf training based on the insights of Rudolf Steiner and others. If general ed ucation requirements have been met elsewhere, the B.A. may be earned through this study. The school was authorized by the state of California to grant degrees. RYOKAN COLLEGE 12581 Venice Blvd., Suite 304 Venice, CA 90066 USA Alvin P. Ross, President B, M, D Residency Non-profit, independent Human behavior, counseling psychology, clinical psychology (310) 390-7560 1979 $$ The programs are for mature career-oriented people with at least two years of undergraduate coUege work. Classes are held in supportive small group settings. The college is approved by the state of California and accredited by the Pacific Association of Schools and CoUeges, an unrecognized but legitimate accreditor. SAINT GEORGE CENTER FOR TRAINING 1515 Arch St. Berkeley, CA 94708 USA Dorothea Romanikiw, President 1975 M Residency Non-profit, independent (510) 848-2393 Has been authorized to grant degrees by the state of California. No response to three requests asking for information on their programs. SAINT JOHN'S UNIVERSITY 31916 Pat's Lane Springfield, LA 70462 Many fields B, M, D Non-resident Non-profit, church (504) 294-2129 Variable costs Saint John's University of Practical Theology offers degrees in religion and theology, metaphysics, psychology, addic tionology, hypnotherapy, parapsychology, business, police science, social justice, security and private investigation, so cial services, education, and journalism. There is also a high school equivalency program which has been accepted by some traditional colleges. Hundreds of home study classes, ranging from foot refle~cology to The Confidence Man to "Creating a Succe$$ful Hypnotherapy Center." There is free tuition for prisoners and half price for members of the AARP. Accreditation has been claimed from two unrecognized agencies. Tvo-part catalogue is sold for $4. The American Counselors Society and the National Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists operate from the same address. Neither has a listed telephone number. Former names: Eastern Nebraska Christian College, Midwestern University. Former locations: South Dakota, Nebraska, Missouri, and Ponchatoula, Louisiana Unrelated to another unaccredited St. John's University that operated from New Orleans in the 1980s. SAINT MARTIN'S COLLEGE AND SEMINARY P.O.Box 12455 Milwaukee, WI 53212 Evelyn Pumphrey, Registrar Business, divinity, ministry B, M, D Residency or colrespondence Non-profit, church (414) 264-2455 $$$ Bachelor's or Master's in business, Master of Divinity, and Doctor of Ministry offered residentiaUy. Students unable to pursue regular classes may work dlrough dhe Department of Extension Studies. Certificate programs avaiLable in Black Theology, thanatology Christian education, pastoral education. SEATTLE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FederalWay,WA 98003 Apparently out of business; mail is undeliverable. SIERRA UNIVERSITY Santa Monica, CA Apparendy out of business; mail returned as undeliverable. SOMERSET UNIVERSITY Dilton Street Ilminster, Somerset, England TA19 OBQ David J. Rogers, Director of Studies Arts, science, business, law, music, dheology 19~2 B, M, D Non-resident P~prietary (0460) 57255 $$ Degrees at all levels are through correspondence study. Degree granting audhority comes from dhe Louisiana Board of Regents (an automatic, non-evaluative process). The Somerset catalogue (which is sold for $9) lists a number of officers and faculty with traditional British credentials and a duke as the chancellor. Graduate deglees are based on faculty-guided re search leading to writing and presenting a thesis. Higher Doctorates (Doctor of Literature, Science, Laws or Divinity) are awarded entirely based on prior work. Somerset's address in New Orleans is a mail forwarding service. Proprietor Raymond Clark formerly operated Harley University and St. Giles University College. See also: Vlllarreal National University. SOUTHEAST ASIA INTERDISCIPLINARY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE Taktak Dr. M, D Antipolo, Rizal Philippines Residency Msgr. Patricio R. Getigan, Ph.D., President Non-profit, independent Organizational development ~ planning; instructional 695~791 development ~ technology $$$ The M.A. and Ph.D. are offered by S.A.I.D.I. in organizational development and planning. Students work with a faculty committee to plan an independent study program, including Socratic and practicum conferences. Programs offered using a modular system, offering an integrative and e~periential approach to learning. The courses are self-paced; the student may take 15 to 32 months to complete the modules. SOUTHEASTERN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 200 Sparkman Drive HuntsviUe, AL 35807 Applied science, engineering, management Raymond C. Watson, Jr., President 1976 B, M,D Residency Non-profit, independent $$ Residential courses for the MS., M.S. in engineering, M.S. in management, MBA, and Doctor of Engineering, Management, or Science. Bachelor's degrees are not offered separately, but may be combined with a Master's program. All faculty are professional practitioners. Students may complete their Doctorate away from Huntsville if they begin the program there, and then leave. The programs are licensed and approved by the State of Alabama SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY FOR PROFESSIONAL STUDIES 202 Fashion Lane, Suite 218 Tustin, CA 92680 USA Business management (714) 832-0456 B, M Non-resident Non-profit, independent $$ The degrees offered by correspondence study are the Bachelor of Business Management in either marketing or manage ment, and the Master of Business Management. Courses are offered by mail, phone, and the use of audio- or videotape. Each course may be completed in 4 to 12 weeks. For the Master's,50 units of work (10 courses) must be completed after enrolling. Credit is given for other college work, prior learning, and life e~perience assessment. Challenge e~ams may be taken in the various courses and if passed, credit is awarded. Accreditation is from the unrecognized by legitimate Pacific Association of Schools and Colleges. SOUTHWEST UNIVERSITY ~3 2200 Veteran's Blvd. Kenner, LA 70062 USA Reg Sheldrick, Ph.D., Administrator Various fields 1982 B, M, D Non-resident Pr~prietary (504) 468-2900 $$ Southwest University was established in 1982 by its president, Dr. Grayce Lee, and Dr. Reg Sheldrick. (Sheldrick also established the school now called Newport University.) Southwest University maintains a curriculum development office in Omaha, Nebraska. Originally established in Phoenix, Arizona. Degrees at all levels in business administration, educa tion, counseling and psychology, hospital and public administration, holistic health sciences, engineering, criminal jus tice, and entrepreneurship. Credit for e~periential learning, and by correspondence courses, research projects, and a thesis or dissertation. Southwest is appropriately registered with the Board of Regents of Louisiana, which acknowledges schools but does not evaluate them. SUMMIT UNIVERSITY 7508 Hayne Blvd. New Orleans, LA 70126 B, M, D Non-resident Non-profit, independent Mel Suhd, Administrative Director Many fields 1988 (504) 241-0227 $$ Each learner (student) creates a learning portfolio. He or she works with an RF/AAC (Resource Faculty/Administrative Academic Counselor) to develop a study plan. Credit is earned through writing course essays/documents, and completion of a major study which adds to human knowledge. After one has paid tuition for three years (two at the Master's level), no further tuition is required. The l l-page Bulletin states that Summit University has "more educational leaders with longer tenure in alternative education than any university in the United States." (None is listed in the Bulletin, however.) No connection with the Summit University that operated from California and Idaho, nor the seminary in Indiana. SUSAN B. ANTHONY UNIVERSITY 6890 St-Denis St. Montreal, Quebec H2S 2S2 Canada President Education, environmental studies, naturopathy, "peace and freedom" mid-1970s B, M, D Non-resident Non-profit, independent No listed telephone $ Established in the mid-1970s by Dr. Albert Schatz, discoverer of streptomycin, who was president and is now a member of the board of directors. The catalogue also mentions a College of Naturopathy in Montreal, Canada. The letterhead states that the university is "chartered by the state of Missouri" which presumably refers to having incorporated there, since Missouri's Department of Education does not charter schools. The address in Canada is that of Dr. Jean-Marc Brunet, former president of the universit~-. UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATES GRADUATE SCHOOL 8517 Production Ave. San Diego, CA 92121 USA J. W. Pfeiffer, President Human resource development 1979 M Residency Proprietary (619) 578-5900 The Master's program is intended for people already working in human resource development. It is a self-paced program permitting them to earn the degree while remaining fully employed. UNIVERSITY DE LA ROMANDE c/o Neil Gibson and Co., P.O. Box 3 Sudbury, SuffoL~, CO10 6DW England Many fields B, M, D Non-resident Proprietary (0787) 278478 $$ Pay attention, this is complex. U.D.L.R. was established in Sudbury, England, by Neil Gibson ~ Company. The spokesman for Neil Gibson was John Courage. Then a book was published on non-traditional degrees, by William Ebbs, which called U.D.L.R. the best non-traditional school in the world. John Courage and William Ebbs do not exist but are, in fact, the same person, Raymond Seldis of Neil Gibson and Company. Early advertising identified U.D.L.R. as a pri vate and fully accredited Swiss university. The accrediting agency turned out to be non-existent. The university later ad vertised from a post office box on the Isle of Man, clearly stating that it is not accredited. But the mail goes to Sudbury, as it always has. This is all legal under British law. Degrees are earned by writing a thesis, which can be quite short. (Seldis has apparently left, and UDLR is in new hands. Neil Gibson and Company also used to sell degrees that even they admitted were fake from the University del Puerto Monico, Panama.) See also: Knightsbridge University. UNIVERSITY FOR HUMANISTIC STUDIES 2002 Jimmy Durante Blvd. Del Mar, CA 92014 USA Alison Brown, Director of Admissions Many fields 1977 B, M, D Short residency Proprietary (619) 296-7204 $$ Degrees in psychology, including marriage, family, and child counseling and transpersonal studies; clinical health educa tion; clinical nutrition; body therapy; body psychology; specialized studies (individualized studies); and corporate fitness administration. Coursework is primarily classroom based, evening and weekend. Options for out-of-town students in ~ .-uu~. -U-~ U .~u~ JtillU~illl :ilUUy. ~ ~IWLIUII 1~4Ull~iU Ul all JJU~Ulal ~IUU~II~ .UIII~JI~ill~ll.~lV~ examination required of all Master's students. Some programs require an oral exam as well. Mwster's degrees take at least 12 to 15 months to complete; Doctoral degrees take at least two-and-a-half to three years to complete. Bachelor's degrees take 9 to 12 months for every 45 quarter units of study needed (180 units needed to graduate). Up to 70 units of docu mented life/work experience may be applied toward undergraduate admission. No life/work experience is accepted at the graduate level. ~ka dinka doo. UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA One Canal Place, Suite 2300 NewOrleans,LA 70130 USA James W. Benton, President Many fields 1987 B, M, D Non-resident Proprietary (504) 521-8658 $$ Degrees in almost any field can be earned through independent study. Students without Bachelor's or Master's but with sufficient career experience may enroll in Doctoral programs. Students with sufficient work experience may be awarded the degrees upon completion of an acceptwble essay and a "strategic outline for their future career goals and projected ad vances." Same management as the Theological University of America. President Benton, who lives in Arkansas, chooses not to reveal the source of his own doctorate. Accreditation has been claimed from the American Education Association for the Accreditation of Schools, Colleges and Universities, an organization with which I am not familiar. UNIVERSITY OF BERKELEY 19785 Twelve Mile Road West, Suite 324 Southfield, MI 48076 Rev. Dr. ~Ictor J. Pancerev, Director, Public Affairs 199~ B, M, D. Non-resident Non-profit (814) 825-6604 $$ Although the address is in Michigan, the telphone is in Erie, Pennsylvania, as is the postmark on the catalogue enve lope. Degrees are offered in virtually any subject from parapsychology to dance, computer engineering to hypnosis. No faculty or staff are listed in the catalogue. The University is a part of the Society of God and Pantheistic Philosophy. Dr. Pancerev did not respond to several letters asking about the faculty, the Erie, Pennsylvania connection, the location of the campus, etc. No connection, needless to say, with the University of California at Berkeley. UNIVERSITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES B, M, D. P. O. Box 1154 Non-resident Fairhope, AL 36553 (205) 928-5377 Thomas Cooley, Registrar $$ 1993 This new university offers degrees at all levels and certificates of compliance in the areas of environmental compliance management. While the program content looks comprehensive and impressive, I am concerned that the University claims accreditation from the unrecognized and controversial Accrediting Commission Intemational. I am also concerned that Richard Hoyer, Ph.D., Dean of the University and Professor of Environmental Science has his own doctorate from an unaccredited religious school, Meridian University, and serves as a mentor for Chadwick University. Finally, I am con cerned because the University uses the Sosdian and Sharp study to imply its degrees will be widely accepted, when the Sosdian study dealt only with accredited Bachelor's and Associate's degrees, and quotes census data on the increased earn ings a doctorate will produce, when those data also are based only on accredited degrees. UNIVERSITY OF SANTA BARBARA 4050 Calle Real, #200 SantaBarbara,CA 93110 USA Julia Reinhart Coburn, President Education, business/finance 1973 M, D Short residency Non-profit, independent (805) 569-1024 $$ U.S.B. offers the M.A. and the Ph.D. in education and the Doctor of Education, with emphasis in education, counseling psychology, business and finance, or international studies, as they relate to the field of education. The programs require a minimum of three weeks of residency in Santa Barbara. The degree programs have been approved by the state of California and are pursuing accreditation with the Pacific Association of Schools and Colleges, a legitimate but unrecog nized agency. They require from one to three years to complete. The 12 resident faculty and more than 50 non-resident ad visors all have traditional Doctorates. U.S.B. offers both independent study and correspondence study in many aspects of the field of education including counseling psychology. Candidates for the degree must complete courses and independent study work, and pass an examination in each study area. Originally established in Florida as Laurence University. UNIVERSITY OF SANTA MONICA 2107 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90403 USA H. Ronald Hulnick, President Applied human relationships 1976 M Residency Non-profit, independent (213) 454-755g $$ Competency-based curricula in which students earn the degree by demonstrating knowledgte, skills, and qualities of effi ciently relating with themselves and others. Started by John-Roger, and based in part on the "practical applications of the Traveler's teachings." John-Roger says that "through Koh-E-Nor University, a Wisdom School will effect realization of truth beyond the verbal level. Each student and teacher will become truth.. . We shall bring in students. . .who will finally answer that inner call that shall evoke their beingness." Formerly called Koh-E-Nor University. VILLARREAL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY 3925 N. I-10 Service Rd., #117 Metairie, LA 70002 Dr. Raymond Young Many fields 1962 B, M, D Non-resident Non-profit (504) 8354196 $$$ In 1988, this large Peruvian university (30,000 residential students) began offering completely non-resident Master's and Doctoral programs, in English, to people living in the U.S. From 1988 to 1991, there may have been certain irregulari ties, both in the U.S. and in Peru, which may affect the validity of degrees earned during that period. I have been in formed that the American Council on Education in Washington, the U.S. Information Agency in Lima, the Council of Europe in France, and the FBI may all be looking into these matters. In February, 1991, Vlllarreal entered into an affilia tion agreement with Somerset University, an unaccredited school using an address in Louisiana (see them in this chapter), whereby Somerset is handling Villarreal matters in the U.S. Dr. Raymond Young, Chairman of Somerset, has made it clear that Somerset has neither involvement nor responsibility for any Villarreal matters occurring prior to February, 1991, but he is helping to resolve some of the problems that may have occurred. Until learning of the pre-February-1991 problems, I had highly recommended the V~larreal program. The ongoing investigations and letters from aggrieved pre 1991 Villarreal students have persuaded me that my recommendation was inappropriate. Dr. Young assures me that all Vlllarreal matters will be handled promptly and responsibly. WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF LAW Washington Institute for Graduate Studies 2268 E. Newcastle Drive Sandy (Salt Lake City), UT 84093 USA Gary James Joslin, Director Taxation 1976 M, D Non-resident Non-profit, independent (801) 943-2440 $$$ Lawyers and CPAs may earn the Master's degree in taxation (LL.M. Tax for lawyers, M.Ta~. for CPAs). Four hundred hours of class is required, in residence or through home study video tapes. Most students take two years complete the program. The colleges uses what they identify as the most advanced integrated system of textbooks on taxation of any graduate tax program. The doctorate (J.S.D. for lawyers, Ph.D. for CPAs) requires the Master's in taxation, and a book length dissertation of publishable quality, which must be defended before a specialist panel. The school is accepted for CPE credit by the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service for Enrolled Agents, and by the state boards of accountancy of vir tually all states requiring such approval. The college is registered with the Utah Board of Regents. The college is a divi sion of Washington Institute for Graduate Studies, a Utah educational corporation. Accreditation is from an unrecognized agency, which the catalogue does not mention is unrecognized. WEIMAR COLLEGE 20601 W. Paoli Ln. Weimar, CA 95736 USA Herbert E. Douglass, President Non-profit, independent (916) 637-4111 1978 $$ Has been authorized to grant degrees by the state of California. Did not respond to three requests for inforrnation on their programs. WEST LONDON UNIVERSITY 16 Gloucester Place London, WlH 3AW England Dr. George Prior, Director Many fields B, M, D Non-resident (01) 486-0390 The university first came to my attention in 1988. Accreditation is claimed from the European Accreditation Association, an organization I have been unable to locate. Although the well-designed catalogue discusses certain work that may be re quired, it also states that in certain cases, the Ph.D. may be awarded based entirely on prior experience. The main of fice appears to be in Dublin, Ireland (120-121 Lower Baggot St.), with the London address used for the College of Distance Learning. The only name given in the literature is that of George Prior, director. WESTERN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY 575 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94301 USA John Emanuele, President Clinical psychology 1978 M, D Residency Non-profit, independent (415)493 6433 $$$ The Ph.D. in clinical psychology is offered to working professionals, through classes offered in the late afternoon and evening. Normally, two years of classes plus a lengthy period of supervised fieldwork are required. Students who have knowledge in a specific subject area may take challenge e~caminations, rather than the entire course. The program is ap proved by the state of California, and thus graduates can take the state licensing exams without further qualification. Former name: Palo Alto School of Professional Psychology. WESTERN INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH 3220 Sacramento St. Berkeley, CA 94702 USA Dr. John Bilorusky Psychology, education, social sciences, human services/ community development 1975 B, M, Residency Non-profit, independent (510) 655-2830 $$ Degrees at all levels, primarily for people concerned with educational innovation and/or community and social change, through a combination of residential and independent study. The typical student is enrolled for two to three years, which must include two months per year residency or several days every couple of months. The approach involves intensive study with a faculty advisor and in small seminars, and projects combining practical and intellectual approaches to com munity and educational problems. The school has been approved by the state of California. Former name: Western Regional Learning Center. WESTERN STATES UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 430 Doniphan,MO 63935 USA Dr. Zdena Hudson-Zajickova, President Many fields B, M, D Non-resident (314) 996-7388 Founded by Dr. Glenn E. Hudson, whose Doctorate is from the University of England at Oxford, a diploma mill whose proprietors were sentenced to federal prison in 1987 for selling degrees for $200 each. Dr. Hudson's Bachelor's and Master's are from Metropolitan Collegiate Institute, a non-existent school that sells degrees for $ 100. Western States has used addresses in Yuma, Arizona, and Salt Lake City. A recent publication refers to the headquarters in the Philippines. They claimed to be "licensed in the state of Missouri" at a time when Missouri did not license schools. Their materials include information photocopied (without credit) from another school's catalogue. Degrees based entirely on life experi ence plus a project, which can be an account of how one planned and started a business. They were accredited by the International Accrediting Commission for Schools, Colleges and Theological Seminaries, which was shut down by Missouri authorities in 1989. SCHOOLS COMMONLY KNOWN AS DIPLOMA MILLS Accademia Universitaria Internazionale Rome, Italy. Identified as a degree mill by E&T. Adams Institute of Technology See: National Certificate Company Addison State University Ottawa, Canada. Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorates in almost any field but medical or dental are sold for about $30. A1abama Christian College See: R/G Enterprises. No connection with a legitimate school of this name in Montgomery, _ Alabama ~,~AIbany Educational Services Northampton, England. Offers to act as an agent to obtain American Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorates for a fee of $150 to $250. Letters to the director, L.W. Carroll, asking which schools he represents, have not ~n answered. Albert Einstein Institut Zurich, Switzerland. Sells the phony degrees of Oxford Collegiate Institute (of the International University). One of the many fake degree operations of Karl Xavier Bleisch. ~merican College in Switzerland Berne, Switzerland. Totally phony Doctorates are offered by yet another of "Professor Doctor" Karl Xavier Bleisch's degree mills. Affiliations with Georgetown University and with the University of Florida are falsely claimed in the literature. Am~ican E~xtension School of Law Chicago, Illinois. Identified as a degree mill by COE. American Institute of Science Indianapolis, Indiana Identified as a degree mill by COE. American Institute of Technology See: Bureau for Degree Promotions. American International Academy New York and Washington. Identified as a degree mill by COE. American International University Established in California in the 1970s by Edward Reddeck (who was convicted of mail fraud for a previous diploma mill operation, and currently operates the University of North America using a Missouri address). His employee, Clarence Franklin, left to establish American National University, and was later indicted by a federal grand jury. Degrees of all kinds were sold for $ 1,600 to $2,500, whether or not the required eight-page dissertation was written. No longer in operation. American International resurfaced briefly in 1987, using a Kansas City, Missouri, address which was a mail forwarding service. American Legion University U.S. Iocation unknown. Identified as a degree mill by E&T. American Management Institute See: International Universities Consortium. American Medical College (Burma) Rangoon, Burma. Mentified as a degree mill by COE. American Medical College (Idaho) Nampa, Idaho. Doctor of Medicine degrees have been awarded by this apparently non existent school. A student there (with a diploma mill undergraduate degree) provided what appears to be a letter from the Idaho superintendent of public instruction confirming that the school is appropriately registered with his of fice. There is no listed telephone for them in Nampa American National University (AZ) Phoenix, Arizona The university was established by Dr. Clarence Franklin, a California chiropractor formerly associated with American International University, and who was subsequently indicted by a federal grand jury for operating this school. Degrees were offered on payment of fees in the vicinity of $2,000. Accreditation was claimed from the National Accreditation Association, which had been establishedby Franklin and a colleague in Maryland. Apparently stopped operations in 1983 or 1984. Franklin was convicted of violation of federal law a few years later. A new and unrelated American National University was authorized in California in 1987. American School of Metaphysics Location unknown. Identified as a degree mill by COE. American University (CA) San Diego, California. Degrees of all kinds were offered on payment of a fee of $ 1,500 to $2,500. The claim was made that all degrees were "registered with the government" in Me~ico, where the school was allegedly located. No longer in business. American West University See: California Pacifica University. One of the many fake schools of Ernest Sinclair. American Western Universily Operated from a mail drop in Tulsa~ Oklahoma, in the early 1980s by Anthony Geruntino of Columbus, Ohio, who later went to federal prison for this school and his next venture, Southwestern University. Arnerican Western's mail delivery was stopped in late 1981 by the U.S. Postal Service, at which time a new address was utilized. Affiliated schools included the National College of Arts and Sciences, Northwestern College of Allied Science, Regency College, and Saint Paul's Seminary. Amritsar University Amritsar, India. Identified as a degree mill by COE. Anglo-American College of Medicine See: National College Anglo-American Institute of Drugless Medicine See: National College Aquinas Uni~ersity of Scholastic Philosophy New York. Iden~fied as a deBree mill by E&T. Argus University Fairplay, Colorado. A fictitious university formed apparently just for fun in 1977. Its stated purpose is selling Doctorates to dogs and their humans. The founder writes that Argus "will confer a degree to any dog whose owner sends a check for $5 to Argus University." Same fee for humans, apparently. Arya University Srinigar, India Identified as a degree mill by COE. AtlantaSouthernUniversity Atlanta,Georgia.AnotherofErnestSinclair'sdegreemills.SeeCaliforniaPacificaUniversity. The president of a large respectable university used to tell people his degree was from Atlanta Southern; he doesn't any more. Atlantic Northeastern University Their address in New York was a mail forwarding service. They offered all degrees, using well-designed and printed promotional materials, almost identical to those used by Pacific Northwestern and Atlantic Southern universities. Fake (but realistic-looking) transcripts were available for an additional fee. Apparently no longer in business. Atlantic Southern University Operated briefly from addresses in Atlanta, Georgia, and Seattle, Washington. The materials look identical to those of Pacific Northwestern University. Newspaper publicity in 1980 apparently caused them to cease operations. Atlantic University (NY) New York. As a promotional gimmick once, Atlantic Monthly magazine offered an honorary Doctorate from Atlantic University to new subscribers. A harmless gag, perhaps, but I have now seen two instances in which Atl~ntic University appeared on a job application resume. Australian Institu~e See Bureau for Degree Promotions Avatar Episcopal University London, England. Identified as a degree mill by E&T. Avatar International University London, England. Identified as a degree mill by COE. Ben Franklin Academy andlnstitute ForAdvanced Studies Washington, District of Columbia They offered Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorates through correspondence study. "Deserving Americans" could request honorary Doctorates, which required a donation. They claimed to be "not just another degree mill, but a fully accredited degree-granting institution." The accreditation was from the American Association of Accredited Colleges and Universities which I could never locate. The former address (P.O. Box 1776) and former phone number (USA-1776) were the best part; at least it shows they had influence somewhere in Washington. Benchley State University See: LTD Documents Benson Unlversity Same management as Laurence University (Hawaii). Bettis Christian University Arkansas. In the mid 1980s, Ph.D.'s were sold for $800 by two inmates of the Arkansas State Prison. Another instance of a "University Behind Walls." Beulah College of Nigeria and Texas, in 1990, offered to award an honorary Doctor of Humanities to anyone sending them $500. Bible University Ambuhr, North Arcot, India. Identified as a degree mill by COE. Bonavista University Douglas, Wyoming. All degrees were sold for a fee of $500 to $700. Other Bonavista literature had been mailed from Sandy, Utah, and Wilmington, Delaware. No longer in business, at least at those locations. Bosdon Academy of Music See: ORB Boston City College See: Regency Enterprises Bradford University Same management as Laurence University (Hawaii). Brantridge Forest School See: Sussex College of Technology Bretton Woods University New Hampshire. Diplomas of this alleged institution have been sold for $15 by a "collector of elite unitmilitaria" who says they were "obtainedthrough various unknown thirdparties . . . Some are original unawarded certificates, while others could be reproductions." British College of Soma-Therapy England. Identified as a degree mill by E&T. British Collegiate Institute London, England. They used to sell degrees of all kinds for a fee of $ 100 to $300, through the London address, and an agent in Inman, Kansas. The provost was listed as Sir Bernard Waley, O.B.E., M.A., D.Litt. See also: College of Applied Science, London. Broadhurst University See: West London College of Technology Brownell Universi~y Degrees of this "University that does not now exist" were sold for $10, both by Associated Enterprises of Jacksonville, Florida, and Universal Data Systems of Tustin, California. An extra $5 bought a "professional lettering kit" so you can add any name and date you wish. School rings, decals, and stationery were sold as well. Since the sellers in Tustin (apparently two schoolteachers) slammed the door on a "60 Minutes" crew some years ago, the degrees have apparently not been sold. Brundage Forms Georgia. Brundage sells blanlc forms for all purposes. His college degree form, which you can fill in yourself, costs less than a dollar. His motto is 'No advice, just forms." My motto is: "You can get in just as much trouble with a phony 50¢ Doctorate as with a phony $3,000 Doctorate." Buckner University Texas. All degrees, including some in medicine, were sold for $45 each. They claim there is a real Buckner in Te~as. There isn't. The literature says, "We believe thiS modestly-priced yet extremely impressive document will give you great enjoyment, prestige, and potential profitability." It is also likely to give you the opportunity to meet some nice people from your district attorney's office. The degrees were sold by University Press of Houston, and by Universal Data Systems of Tustin, California (which also sold Brownell and other fake diplomas). Bureaufor Degree Promotions in Holland is selling the fake degrees of Addison State University, Atlantic Southeastern Un*ersity, the Australian Institute, American Institute of Technology, and International University of India for $50 to $100, and knighthoods at $500. Calgary College of Technology Calgary, Alberta, Canada. One of Canada's most ambitious degree mills offered the Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate for fees up to $275. The literature included a lengthy profile of the dean, Colonel R. Alan Munro, "Canada's premier Aeronaut." A recent book of heraldry lists "Colonel the Chevalier Raymond Allen Zebulon Leigh Munro, C.M., G.C.L.J., C.L., K.M.L.J., S.M.LJ., A.D.C., C.O.I., C.O.F., M.OP., B.S.W., M.H.F., LL.B., M.A., LL.D., D.Sc.A., C.D.A.S., F.R.S.A., F.S.A. Scot, A.F.C.A.S.I., C.R.Ae.S., A F.A.I.A.A., M.A.H.S., M.C.I.M., M.C.I.ME." Could this be the same person? The Calgary catalogue even included a telephone number. That phone was answered, "Spiro's Pizza Parlor." Truly. Could "Ph.D." stand for "Pizza, Home Delivery"? CaliJornia Christian College See: R/G Enterprises California Institute of BehaviorSciences California. Humorous but well-designed Doctorates were awarded, at least in the 1960s, with the title of Doctor of Image Dynamics, citing "mastery of Machiavelian Manipulations . . . discovery of the failsafe Success Mechanism, and the fail un-safe Failure Mechanism ...." California Institute of Higher Learning See: London Institute for Applied Research California Pacifica University Hollywood, California Widely advertised degree mill, operated by Ernest Sinclair. Degrees were sold for $3,500, from California Pacifica or almost any other school one wanted. The slick catalogue showed photos of faculty and staff, all fictitious. Sinclair was the main subject of a CBS "60 Minutes" expose in April 1978. He pleaded guilty to 3 of the 36 counts on which he was alrested. While his trial was on, he opened yet another fake school, Hollywood Southern University. Sinclair's advertising was regularly accepted by the New York Times and other major publications. Twoyearsafterhewasarrested,CaliforniaPacificawasstilllistedintheofficialCaliforniadirectoryofauthorizedschools! Mr. Sinclair once sued me for $4 million for calling his degree mill a degree mill, but he went to prison before we went to trial. One report had it that he continued to sell degrees while in federal prisonÑif true, the first known instance of a "University Behind Walls" program. Canadian Temple College of Life of the International Academy Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Identified as a degree mill by COE. Capital College See: National Certificate Company Cardinal Publishing Company Florida. They publish a variety of fake diploma forms and blanks. Carlton Uni~ersity Same management as Laurence University (Hawaii). Carnegie Institute of Engineering See: Regency Enterprises Carolina Inshtute of Numan Relations Sumter, South Carolina. Identified as a degree mill by COE. CarrollStudios Illinois. In 1988, they were selling "College Diploma" forms for $2 each, in which the buyer must letter not only his or her own name but the name of the school and degree earned. Two dollars also buys you a marriage certificate, a birth certificate, a divorce certificate, and, if devastated by all of the above, a last will and testament. CentralBoard of HigherEducation India Identified as a degree mill by COE. Central School of Religion England, the U.S., Australia. Mentified as a degree mill by E&T. CentralStates Research Center Ontario, Canada They sold well-printed fake diplomas "in memory of famous names." The samples they sent out included Christian College, the Ohio Psychological Association, and Sussex College of Technology. Another address in Columbus, Ohio. Central University See: National Certificate Company Charitable University of Delaware Identified as a degree mill by E&T. Chartered University of Huron Identified as a degree mill by COE. Chicago Medi~l College ~ort Pierce, Florida. Their literature says that "Your beautiful 11 x 15 graudate (sic) diploma is printed on the ~'~,st~d~\ parchtone .... It will add prestige and beauty to your office." Or cell. The price of their medical degree is a mer~$4~0. \ ; J ChiUicothe Business College~Ohio. Identified as a degree mill by E&T. Chirological College of California Identified as a degree mill by COE. Christian College See: Central State Research Center Christian Fellowship Foundation See: Lawford State University City Medical Correspondence College London, England. Identified as a degree mill by E&T. Clayton Theological Institu* California (the address appears to be a private home). Their Doctorate was awarded on completionofadissertationofatleast25wordsandafeeof$3.Whenthiswasdone(mydissertationwas27words;Iworked e~tra hard), I got a nice letter saying that I have indeed been awarded their Doctorate, but if I wanted the actual diploma, it would cost $50 more. Recent letters to the institute have been returned as undeliverable. Clemson College See: R/G Enterprises Clinton University Livonia, Michigan. For years, they sold fake degrees of all kinds for $25 and up, offering "a masterpiece so perfect, it absolutely defies detection." Mail to their address is now returned as undeliverable. Coast University Another name for Gold Coast University; see them later in this chapter. Colga* College See: R/G Enterprises College of AppliedScience London London, England. The college exists on paper only, but, like Brigadoon, it was real (well, almost real) for one day. As reported by a German magazine, a wealthy German industrialist bought a fake Doctorate from this place, and insisted that it be presented in person. The president, "Commander Sir" Sidney Lawrence enlisted the aid of his friend, "Archbishop" Charles Brearly, who runs several universities in Sheffield. They rented a fancy girls' school for the day, installed carpets and candelabra, and rented costumes for their friends, who dressed up as "counts hung around with medals, an abbess in a trailing robe . . . and the knights of the Holy Grail." The German arrived in a Rolls Royce, and received his degree in an impressive ceremony, which only cost him $15,000. Sir Sidney, incidentally, appends a rubber stamp to his letters saying, "Hon. Attorney General U.S.A." College of Divine Metaphysics England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. College of Franklin and Marshall See: Regency Enterprises College of Hilton Head See: University of East Georgia College of Homeopathy Missouri. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. College of Journalism West Virginia. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. College of Life Florida. Honorary Doctorates were sold for $2, but they went away. College of Natural Therapeutics See: International University Co71ege of Naturatrics Missouri. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. College of Nonsense Nevada. "You can fool your friends and tell them you have a Doctorate degree. If they don't believe you, you can show your friends your Doctor degree." I bought a Doctor of Politics for $2. A Doctor of Martyrism, Cheerleading, or Nose Blowing would have been 50¢ extra. Silly stuff, but a better-printed diploma than many legitimate schools provide. CoRege of Spiritual Sciences England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. College of Universal Truth Chicago, Illinois. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Collegii Romanii See: International Honorary Awards Committee Collegium Technologicum Sussexensis Britannia See: Sussex College of Technology Colorado Christian University Subject of a landmark court case in which the state of New York successfully sued to prevent them from sellmg their degrees to New Yorkers, or to advertise in publications distributed from New York. No connection whatever with the accredited Rockmont College which changed its name in 1989 to Colorado Christian University. Columbia School Unknown U.S. Iocation. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Commercial University Delhi, India. Listed as a degree mill by COE. The Ministry of Education writes that it is a "coaching institution"whosedegreesare"notrecognisedforanypurpose."HoweverareaderinMalaysiamaintainsthattheirB.Com. degree exam is comparable to those of University of London, and that at least one graduate has had his degree accepted by the Malaysian government. Commonwealth School of Law Washington. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Commonwealth University California. Degrees of this non-existent school were sold by mail for $40. Also sold by the same firm: Eastern State University. Constantinia University In 1989,amailingwentouttoItalianbusinessmen,offeringthemtheopportunitytoearnadoctorate from this apparently non-existent school, in association with the accredited Johnson & Wales University (which denied any knowledge of the scheme). For $3,000, they would spend a week in New York, see Niagara Falls, and go home with a doctorate. According to one source in Italy, more than 100 people signed up. Continental University In 1990, a reader in Japan sent me a copy of a diploma (dated 1989) from the non-eixtent school, allegedly in Los Angeles. Cranmer Hall Theological College Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Creative University of Southeast London London, England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Cromwell Universi~ London, England. This diploma mill was one of many run for years by the Fowler family of Chicago, fiveofwhomweresentencedtoprisoninlate 1987fortheseactivities.Cromwellsolddegreesofallkindsfor$730,through a mail forwarding service. Accreditation was claimed from the non-existent Western European Accrediting Society of Liederbach, West Germany. Dallas State College Dallas, Texas. One of the earliest heavily advertised diploma mills, Dallas State flourished in the early 1970sundertheguidanceofatleastoneoftheFowlerfamilyofChicago.In 1975,theattorneygeneralofTexaspermanently enjoined Dallas State from operating in that state. Darthmouth College See: Regency Enterprises De Paul Universi~y (France) Paris, France. A diploma mill operated for years by the Fowler family, from a mail forwarding service in Paris. Operations ceased following five Fowlers' sentencing to prison in 1987. Degrees of all kinds were sold for $550, and accreditation was claimed from the Worldwide Accrediting Commission, allegedly of Cannes, France. Other addresses used in Clemson, South Carolina and Santa Monica, California. DelawaK Law School Identified as a diploma mill by E&T and I'm sorry the people at the genuine Delaware Law School of Widener University are upset, but don't blame me if some diploma mill operators choose to use the same name. Diplomatic State University See: RIG Enterprises Diplomatic University See: National Certificate Company EarlJames National University CoUege Toronto, Canada. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Eastern Missouri Business CoUege The non-existent school established by the Attorney General of Missouri, in a 'sting' operation. During its one day of existence, the headof the International Accrediting Commision for Schools, Colleges and Theological Seminaries visited the one-room of fice in St. Louis, overlooked the school of ficers named Peelsburi Doobuoy and Wonarrmed Mann, overlooked the fact that the marine biology te~t was The Little Golden Book of Fishes, but did not overlook the accreditation 'fee' he was handed, and duly accredited the school. Eastern Orthodox Universtiy India. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Eastern State University See: Commonwealth University Eastern University See: National Certificate Company Ecclesiastical University of Sheffield See: University of Sheffield Elysion CoUege They used to offer degrees from various addresses in California, although the proprietor was in Mexico. Several bookreports oressays and $500 wererequired to earn thedegree. When theproprietordied, his daughtercontinued the operation from her home in San Francisco. She told authorities she was not operating the school, but an FBI analysis of her garbage revealed that she was, and after her indictment by a federal grand jury, and her guilty plea, Elysion College faded away. Emerson University California. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Empire College of Ophthabnology Canada. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Episcopal University of London London, England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Episcopal University of SaintPeterPort Frankfurt, Germany. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Etudes Universitaires Internationales Leichtenstein, Luxembourg. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Eugenia Inshtute of Metaphysics See: ORB European College of Science and Man Sheffield, England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Evaluation andManagementlnternational Inglewood, California. These folks have sent out a three-page, unsigned letter saying that on receipt of $2,100 they will a~range for the degree of your choice to be issued to you. They require 50% down before they reveal the name of the school that is to be your alma mater. Can anyone ever have fallen for this? Evergreen University In 1989, large ads appeared in civil service and other newspapers, offering the degrees of this school, allegedly in Los Angeles. By the time I learned of it, just a month after the ads ran, the three phone numbers had all been disconnected, and mail was returned as undeliverable. Faraday CoUege England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Felix Adler Memorial University Charlotte, North Carolina. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Florida State Chrishan College Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They used to advertise nationaUy the availability of Bachelor's, Master's, Doctortes,and honorary Doctortes,until both the postalservice and the state of Florida acted toshut them down. They also opened Alpha Psi Omega, a professional society for psychological counselors. Forest Park University Chicago, Illinois. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Four States Cooperative University Texas. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Franklin Vniversity Same management as Laurence University (Hawaii). Geo-Metaphysical Institute New York. "Here's a great way to get instant status," said their national advertising, offering an ornate personalized and totally phony honoMry DoctoMte in geo-metaphysics for $5. Georgia Christian University Georgia. The first pyramid scheme diploma miU. When you "graduate" (buy a degree), you become a professor and can sell degrees to others. When your students buy degrees and become professors, you become a dean and share in their profits, and so on, up the academic ladder. Ger nan-American Dental College Chicago, Illinois. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Gold Coast University Hawaii. Opened by Edward Reddeck, previously imprisoned for operating other diploma mills. Later changed to Coast University. Although Hawaii authorities showed no interest, Federal authorities closed the "school" in 1992 after Reddeck was indicted on many counts of mail fraud and conspiracy. He was convicted on all 22 counts in early 1993, and retumed to prison. GoldenState University(CA,CO) OpeMtedfromCalifomiaandColoradointhe 1950sand 1960s.Exposedasadegreemill on Paul Coates ' television program in 1958. No connection with the legitimate school of the same name that opened in 1979. Gordon Arlen CoUege England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Gottbourg University of Switzerland See: ORB Graduate University See: National Certificate Company GnatLakes University Higgins Lake, Michigan. One of seveMI degree mills operated by W. (for Wiley!) Gordon Bennett. Degrees were sold for $200. Also used addresses in Chicago; Dearborn and Berkley, Michigan. Gulf Sout~tern University Louisiana. The liteMture is identical to that used by several other mills, such as Pacific Northwestern and Atlantic Northeastern. Degrees were sold for $45 to anyone but Louisiana residents. Hamburger University This is the training school for McDonalds, and they award the Doctor of Hamburgerology to graduates. Of course it's not a diploma mill; in fact, it has even been licensed to grant real Associate's degrees. But I am mentioning it here, because I am convinced that anything that can be misused will be misused (see Atlantic University. above, for instance). Hamilton State University Arizona. Sold degreesfor $50 or less. The fake diploma says they are in Clinton, New York, home of the old and respectable Hamilton College. See also: Regency Enterprises and R/G Enterprises. Harley Universit~ London, England. When I visited the university, I found it in a tiny corner of the London College of Beauty Therapy. The receptionist for the beauty salon was the registrar of the university. Ph.D. degrees were awarded for completion of a few home study courses and a dissertation of less than 20 pages. After an earlier edition of this package appeared, the co-proprietor of Harley U. (who had previously refused to tell me the source of his own Ph.D.) wrote to me that "the details in your booklet are totally untrue in every respect. The content of the study, cost and proprietors are not as you state." The detailed questions I put to him in my reply to that letter were never answered. Harley University apparently is no more. Its proprietor later established Saint Giles University College and Somerset University. Hartford Technical Institute See: Regency Enterprises His Majesty's University of Polytechnics Sacramento, California. Used to sell honorary Doctorates in all subjects (but "no profanities or obscenities") for all of $5. But the "university" closed down many years ago, so please stop trying to write to them, so the former proprietor won't have to write me any more annoyed letters. Hollywood College California Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Hollywood Southern University See: California Pacifica University Holy Toledo Universi~y American Educational Publishers has offered the delightful and humorous Doctorates of Holy Toledo U., offering the Doctor of Philosophy in Adorableness, Defrosting, Worrying, and other fields. They are nicely designed (the gold seal says, in small type, "My goodness how impressive!") and sold for $12 a dozen. Honore College See: ORB Humberman Unlversity College Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Idaho College of Commerce See International Universities Consortium. Illinois State University See: Regency Enterprises Imperial Philo-Byzantine University Madrid, Spain. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Independence University Missouri. Flourished in the late 1970s, offering degrees by correspondence, until an expose in the Chronicle of Higher Education and a Chicago newspaper, helped close them down. The Tribune reported that the headmaster of a prestigious Chicago private school resigned "after disclosures that he was using the offlce there as a center of activity for the diploma mill." A community college president in Chicago subse~uently lost his job for using an Independence Doctorate. There apparently is also a humorous and unrelated Tndependence University, offering realistic looking diplomas from its school of hard knocks, and signed by "A. Halry World." Independent Study Programs, Inc. Missouri. Degrees of all kinds sold in the late 1970s.No longer there. Independent Universal Academy See: Independent University of Australia Independent University of Australia Morwell, Victoria, Australia. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. However, I am persuaded by material sent by persons familiar with the school that it was a legitimate and sincere attempt to establish an alternative university, over the constant objections of the educational establishment. It survived from its founding in 1972 until the death of founder Ivan Maddern. Name changed to Independent Universal Academy after the government forbade use of the word 'university.' Indiana State Universi~y See: Regency Enterprises Inshtut Patriarcal Saint Irenee Beziers, France. Granted honorary Doctorates to the founder's American colleagues and perhaps others. See: Inter-State College, this chapter. Institute of F~xcellence Florida. All degrees, including medical and dental, at $10 each. The fake diplomas are very poorly printed, and say, in small type, "for novelty purposes only." Inter-American University (Italy) Rome, Italy. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Inter-State College England, France. Established by Karl Josef Werres, granting honorary Doctorates from England. One of the recipients claims that the college is "legally chartered" to do this, but all that means is that in their corporate charter, they give themselves the right. See also: Institut Patriarcal Saint Irenee. IntercoUegiate University Incorporated in Kansas before World War II. As American Mercury reported, "Intercollegiate specializedinhangingitsM.A.onsomeofEngland'sminormenofGodÑfor$50;andforafewdollarsmore,itwaswilling to bestow a dazzling D.C.L. Before the war this had grown into a roaring and profitable trade, but when wartilne law prohibited sending money out of England, the Intercollegiate professors were obliged to suspend their work of international enlightenment." Internation University USA. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. International Academyfor Planetary Planning See: International Honorary Awards Committee International American Unlversity Rome, Italy. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. International College of Associates in Medicine Texas. Used to offer a Ph.D. and a Doctor of Medical Letters on payment of modest fees. InternationalHonoraryAwards Committee California. They sold a wide range of Doctorates and other awards, mostly for $100 or less. The well-designed Doctoral diplomas come from Collegii Romanii, the International Academy for Planetary Planning,TwoDragonUniversity,andtheSiberianInstitute.Onecanalsobuydiplomaticregaliaincluding theGrandCross of the Imperial Order of Constantine and the Sovereign Order of Leichtenstein, complete with rosettes, medals, and sashes. The late Francis X. Gordon, founder of all these establishments, had a delightful sense of humor about his work. His widow apparently carried it on. International Protestant Birk~est College England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. International Universities Consortium Missouri. In 1989, help wanted ads appeared in the academic press, soliciting faculty for a consortium of non-traditional schools. Being of the suspicious sort, I fabricated a resume of the most outrageous sort, under an assumed name, and submitted it. Shortly thereafter, my nom deplume was appointed to the faculty of what was alleged to be a group of eight 'universities'Ñone a long-established diploma mill (London School for Social Research), one a school I have been suspicious about for years (Northern Utah University), and six new ones, characterized by the common theme that they do not appear to exist (no listed phones). They are Southwestern University (allegedly in New Mexico), St. Andrews University (allegedly in Baha [sic] California, Mexico), Northwestern Graduate Institute (allegedly Montana), University of the West (allegedly Wyoming), Idaho College of Commerce (allegedly Idaho), and American Management Institute (no location given). Northern Utah actually issued a catalogue, complete with the 'faculty' names of all those boobs who answered the ad and signed up to be on the staff, no questions asked. But the address and phone numbers in the catalogue are not working.Consortium president Warren H. Green writes that the whole scheme, which he defends as completely legitimate, has been cancelled. International University (Greece) Athens, Greece. The literature claims that the Doctorates are non-academic, but nonetheless fully recognized as educational and professional degrees by the republic of Greece. The embassy of Greece has written to me that this is not a correct statement. The president is listed as a "Right Reverend Bishop Doctor." There apparently was an affiliation with International University (Missouri). InternationalUniversity(lndia) Degreesofthisinstitutionaresoldfor$50to$100eachbytheBureauforDegreePromotion in Holland. International University (Louisiana) Louisiana Opened in the early 1980S, offering degrees of all kinds. Accreditation was claimed from the North American Regional Accrediting Commission, which I have never been able to locate. Following a stern letter from the Louisiana Proprietary School Commission, International University apparently faded away. It was incorporated by relatives of a man who has run several large correspondence law schools. International University (Switzerland) Zurich, Switzerland. One of the many diploma mill operations of Karl Xavier Bleisch, this one selling Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorates for $500 to $1,000. The literature has a photocopy of a San Jose State College diploma awarded to Celia Ann Bleisch in 1967. What can this mean? Jackson State Universi~ Los Angeles, Nashville, Reno, Chicago. Sold degrees of all kinds for $200. The postal service issued "falserepresentation orders" and stopped theirmail years ago, and theperpetrators finally were sentenced to federal prison in 1987. No connection whatsoever with the legitimate school of this name in Mississippi. Janta Engineering College Karnal, India Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Japan Christian College Tokyo, Japan. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Jerusalem University Tel Aviv, Israel. Degrees of all kinds are sold for $ 10 to $40 from this non-existent university. Buyers must sign a statement that they will not use the degrees for any phony purpose. Johann Keppler School of Medicine There are very few people daring or stupid enough to start a fake medical school. This was one of the most ambitious, complete with catalogues, and an alleged faculty in Switzerland, Canada, and Mexico. The claim was made that the degrees were recognized in many countries. When I asked their representative (who telephoned to make sure I would put them in this package) which countries, he thought a while and then said, "Well, Mauritius for one." All addresses used were mail forwarding services. Accreditation was claimed from the American Coordinated Medical Society, a fake organization started by L. Mitchell Weinberg, who has been to prison several times for fake medical school operations, and who was involved with Keppler as well. Operations ceased in the wake of the FBI DipScam operation in 1983. Weinberg was indicted and sentenced to prison again. John Quincy Adams CoUege Portland, Oregon. A totally phony school, selling any degree for $250. Later used addresses in Illinois and Nevada Operated by the Fowler family, five of whom were sentenced to prison in 1987. Kentucky Christian Universit~ Ashland, Kentucky. They offered degrees in everything from chemical engineering to law at all levels for a $300 fee. Same auspices as Ohio Christian and Florida State Christian, all now defunct. Kentucky Military Institute See: Bretton Woods University KenwoodAssociates Long Green (honestly!), Maryland. For $15 each or three for $30, they will sell Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorates, in the name of any school, with any degree and any date. Then you can buy, for $12, a Jiu Jitsu Master Instructor certificate to flash when the authorities come to take you away. Kingsley University See: Bradford University Lafayette University Amsterdam, Netherlands, through a mail forwarding service. One of many fake schools operated by the Fowler family, five of whom were sentenced to prison for operating diploma mills, in late 1987. Degrees of any sort, with any date, were sold for $725. Accreditation was claimed from an equally fake accrediting agency, the WestEuropean Accrediting Society of Liederbach, West Germany. Lamp Beacon University See: California Pacifica University Laurence University (HI) Hawaii. All degrees in all fields except medicine and law, for a fee of $45. The literature says, "We are confident you will find the benefits you can obtain with a degree from Laurence University are very valuable indeed." The main benefit I can think of is a period of room and board at government expense. The same seller, Associated Enterprises, also issues the fake degrees of Benson University, Carlton University, Kingsley University, Buckner University, Franklin University, and Bradford University. There is, of course, no connection with the legitimate school fonnerly called Laurence University (now University of Santa Barbara) in California Lawford State University Maryland. They used to sell degrees of all kinds for $6.99 from apost of fice box in Baltimore, now close~ The other school names were Universite de Commerce de (sic) Canada and the Christian Fellowship Foundation. The hard-to-decipher signatures on the quite realistic-looking certificates were "Thoroughly Fake, Ph.D." and "Too Much Fun, Jr." Leila~d College of Arts and Sciences (Hawaii). Arose in 1992, offering degrees to martial artists for under $100. Diploma identical to that of Eurotechnical Research University whose president originally opened the P.O. box used but later turned it over to a colleague, and denies any knowledge of Leiland. Libera Universita di Psico-Biofisica Trieste, Yugoslavia (that's what their literature says, even though Trieste is now in Italy). Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Life Science College California and Oklahoma The proprietors were arrested in 1981 for an array of charges, including selling Doctor of Divinity degrees, and income tax evasion through the operation of the college and the associated Life Science Church. Lincoln-Jefferson University See: California Pacifica University London College of Physiology England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. London College of Theology England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. London Educational College England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. London InstituteforAppliedResearch London, England. All right, I did it (as I've been saying in this package for 17 years). In 1972, while living in England, I was involved with fund-raising for a legitimate school. I figured that since major universities were "selling" their honorary degrees for millions, why not use the same approach on a small scale. We created L I.A.R. andranadsintheU.S.: "PhonyhonoraryDoctoratesforsale,$25."Severalhundredweresold,butwealsoseemed to upset half the world's educational establishment. (The other half thought it was a good gag.) So L.I.AR. was retired. Then an offer came from a Dutchman living in Ethiopia (You must believe this; I mean, who would make up such a story.) who wanted to trade 100 pounds of Ethiopian ear pickers and Coptic crosses for our remaining L.I.A.R certificates. Now he'ssellingthem(fromHolland)for$100,withouthumor,andhasaddedabunchmorefakeschoolnames.Andifanyone would like some Ethiopian ear pickers and crosses, have I got a deal for you! (Honestly.) London SchoolforSocialResearch London, England. The well-prepared literature offers degrees of all kinds for fees of up to $2,000. The address is in a dingy little building offLeicester Square. I climbed five flights of stairs so narrow I had to go up sideways, and at the top found the little one-room of fice of Archangel Services, a mail forwarding service that told me they forward the London School mail to Miami. Some literature has been mailed from Phoenix. See also: International Universities Consortium. London Tottenham International Christian University England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Loyola University (~rance) Paris, France. Using a mail forwarding service, degrees of all kinds were sold for a payment of up to $650. The brochure claimed that "Many of our successful graduates have used their transcripts to transfer to other colleges and universities in the U.S.A." If this happened, it is only because of confusion of name with the four legitimate Loyolas in the U.S. The perpetrators of this Loyola were sentenced to federal prison in l9B7; _~ LTD Documents New York. Extremely well-done, thus especially dangerous, fake diplomas, with t~he name of any school ~'\ whatsoever and any degree imprinted, for $69.50. Also the preprinted degrees of the non-existent San Miguel College and Benchley State University for $49.50. They even explain how to "age" a certificate to make it look older. Lyne College England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Madrson State Uni~ers~y See: R/G Enterpnses Marcus Tullius Cicero University San Francisco, California A Swiss company advertised in the International Herald Tribune that they could provide the "registered legal degree" of this so-called university for a mere $3,000. The~diploma indicates that the university is "officially registered" with the secretary of state which, if true, simply means it is aCalifornia corporation. Checks are to be made payable to The Knights of Humanity. There is, of course, no such university in California or, presumably, anywhere else. MarloweUniversity NewJerseyandFlorida.Activeduringthe 1960sandl970s,sellingallkindsofdegreesfor$150Orless. Marmaduke University California. Degrees of all kinds were sold for $1,000 and up. The literature reports that "usually the student qualifies for more advanced study than he initialy [sic] expected." Mention was made of a 30-day resident course in the use of lie detectors, but the voice on the phone (answered, "Hello") said it has been cancelled "because of the building program." Marmaduke was once actually authorized by the state of California, back in the days (late 1970s) when such things were vastly easier. Martin CoUege Florida They used to sell degrees of all kinds for $200. Graduates were required to pass some tough exams. They even gave an example in their literature: "True or falseÑthe Declaration of Independence was signed on the 4th of July 1776 by British Royalty." Meta CoUegia e ~xtension Chartered in Nevadabefore World War II, they sold the Ph.D. degree for $50, less 20% for cash. Metropol~tanCoUegiate Theysellalldegrees,includingmedicalanddental,for$100Orless.Theaddressisamailforwarding service which told me they forward the mail to Yorkshire. It is hard to imagine that such things can be tolerated, but this place has been going for years. (I have a little fantasy, in which the prime minister becomes gravely ill on a trip abroad, and the doctor who is summoned has his M.D. from Metropolitan Collegiate.) MiUardFiUmoreInstitute Inl966,theyearIearnedmyrealDoctorate(fromMichiganStateUniversity),BobHopereceived one of his first honora[y Doctorates, after making a large gift to Southern Methodist University. I was aware that Millard Fillmore, our great 13th president, was the only president who routinely turned down offers of honorary degrees, including one from Oxford. That was the inspiration for creating the fictitious Millard Fillmore Institute, to poke fun at the way universities trade honorary degrees for money. The ornate diploma read, "By virtue of powers which we have invented . . . the honorary and meretricious" title was awarded, "magna cum grano salis" (with a big grain of salt). Many were given away, and some were sold, complete with a cheap plastic frame, for five bucks. Most people thought it was amusing, but a few saw it as a threat to civilization as we know it, and so, after a few years, the fictitious gates of the institute were closed, perhaps forever. MiUer University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Milton University Maryland and New York. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Ministerial Training College Sheffield, England. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Montserrat University California. Degrees of all kinds were sold for $10 or $20 from aPost Office Bo~ in San Francisco in this name and the equally fake Stanton University and Rochfort College. Morston-Colwyn University England and Canada. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Mount Sinai University USA Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Nassau State Teachers Colleges See: Regency Enterprises ,~,~nalCert~cateCompanyNewYork.Thesepeoplesoldthedegreesofeightnon-existentuniversitiesat$20to$30each, and~also sold a "make your own" kit consisting of a blank diploma and press-on letters. The eight fake schools are ~'~\\~ Diplomatic University, Central University, Capital College, Adams Institute of Technology, Eastern University, Western ~I College, Graduate University, and the Southem Institute of Technology. Buyers must sign a statement saying they will not use them for any educational purpose. Suuuuure. National College Kansas and Oklahoma. Doctorates of all kinds, including medical, were sold by "Dr." Charles E. Downs. Accreditationclaimedfromabogusaccreditingassociationestablishedby"Dr."Weinberg,founderofseveralfakemedical schools himself. See also: East Coast University. NationalCollegeofArtsandSciences Onceaveryactivemill,finallycloseddownbyauthoritiesinOklahomain 1982. Sa ne ownership as American Westem, Northwestern College of Allied Science, and other fake schools. A quite wonderful event in the annals of degree mills occurred when a state official in New York innocently wrote to National College to verify a Master's degree claimed by a job applicant. National College misinterpreted the letter, and sent a Master's degree to the state official, in his own name, complete with a transcript listing all the courses taken and grades received! NationalEcclesiastical University Sheffield, England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. National Stevens University California. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. National University (Can~ daJ Toronto, Canada. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. National University (India) Nagpur, India. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. National University of Colorado Denver, Colorado. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. National University of Dakota South Dakota. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. National University of Sheffield Sheffield, England. Identified as a diploma mill by COE and E&T. Nebraska College of Physical Mediclne England, Degrees in chiropractic and osteopathy are sold to people who, according to newspaper articles, are said to use them to practice medicine. New C4ristian Institl~te of New England See: ORB New York State College See: R/G Enterprises Newcastle University England. Not to be confused with the legitimate University of Newcastle. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. North American College of the Artsy With the purchase of the Complete Conductor Kit, the Portable Maestro of St. Paul, Minnesota, awards a Master's degree from the North American College of the Artsy and Somewhat Musically Inclined. North American University Utah. Formerly University of North America. Degree mill, run by Edward Reddeck, who has twice gone to prison for educational frauds. A great many people were defrauded by this "school" largely because national publications like USA Today kept accepting his advertising. Formerly calledUniversity of North America. Enjoined from operating by Utah in 1989, but the order was ignored. Reddeck was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury in 1992 for mail fraud and conspiracy, cconvicted in 1993, and imprisoned. Northern Utah UniversitylNorthern U~ah ManagementInstitute They have been around for years, but now are apparently a part of the International Universities Consortium, described earlier in this chapter. The phone listed in Salt Lake City is not in service, and mail was returned as undeliverable in 1990. NorthwestLondon College of AppliedScience London, England. Same location as the College of Applied Science, London. Also known as Northwest London University. Links with several medical degree mills, including Keppler and the Chicago Medical School. The signature of Karl Josef Werres, founder of Inter-State College and Institut Patriarcal Saint Irenee (described in this chapter), and past officer of two large American non-traditional schools, appears on their diploma. Professor Werres wishes people to know that he has nothing to do with this school, and that his name has been forged. Done. Northwest London University See: Northwest London College of Applied Science No.rth~westernCoUegeofAlliedSciences OklahomaCity,Oklahoma.AuthoritiesinOklahomaclosedthismilldownin 1982. Under the same management as American Western, National College, and several other fake schools, operated under the cloak of the Disciples of Truth. They were operated by James Caffey from Springfield, Missouri. Caffey was indicted by a federal grand jury in 1985, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to prison. Northwestern Graduate School Allegedly in Montana. See: International Universities Consortium. Obura University London, England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Ohio Central College See: Regency Enterprises Ohio Christian College One of the more active degree mills in the 1960s and 1970s, they sold degrees of all kinds for fees of $200 and up. Literature identical to that of Florida State Christian University, which was closed by authorities in that state. They claimed to be a part of Calvary Grace Christian Churches of Faith, Inc. Ohio Saint Mathew University Columbus, Ohio. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Open University (Switzerland) Zurich, Switzerland. One of the many diploma mills operated by Karl Xavier Bleisch. ORB Virginia. A supermarket of phony degrees, which offered diplomas from eight non-existent institutions at fees of $5 to $65 each. The more authentic-sounding, the more expensive. They include Bosdon Academy of Music, Eugenia Institute of Metaphysics, Gottbourg University of Switzerland, Honore College of France, New Christian Institute of New England, Royal Academy of Science and Art, Taylor College of England, and Weinberg University of Germany. ORB (other literature reveals that it stands for Occult Research Bureau) has been operated by Mr. Raymond Buckland, author and former curator of the Buckland Museum of Magick. Oriental University Washington, District of Columbia Identified as a diploma mill by COE. OxfordCollegeofAppliedScience Oxford,England.Adiplomamill,sellingdegreesofallkinds.Apparentlyoperatedfrom Switzerland by Karl Xavier Bleisch, who has been involved with many other degree mills. Oxford College of Arts and Sciences Canada. Identified as a diploma mill by E~cT. OxfordlnstltuteforAppliedResearch London, England. Fake honorary Doctorates sold for $250. Pac~qc College They sold everything from high school diplomas to Doctorates for $75 because they believe that "everyone has the right to live and e~perience life according to his or her own convictions." This presumably includes convictions for fraud. Pac~flc Southern University (NJ, CA) New Jersey and California. No connection whatsoever with the legitimate, state authorized school of the same name in Los Angeles; this Pacific Southern operated from various Post Office boxes, and offered "degrees you can be pround [sic] of' at $250 each. Pac j~ic States College Degrees of this non-existent school have recently been sold for $5 if blank, and $15 if professionally lettered. The literature describes them as "some of the finest, most authentic looking college degrees on the market. It is almost impossible to distinguish them from the real thing." Palm Beach Psychotherapy Training Center See: Thomas A. Edison College (FL) Pensacola Trade School See: Regency Enterprises People's National University USA. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. PhUo Byzantine Uni~ersity Madrid, Spain. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Phoenix University (Italy) See: Accademia di Studi Superiori Phoenix RIG Enterprises Florida. They sold degrees from 10 schools with almost-real names atprices up to $37.50. Colgate College, Clemson College, Tulsa College, New York State College, California Christian College, Alabama Christian College, Hamilton Institute of Technology, Hamilton State University, Madison State University, and Diplomatic State University. The literature says, 'Yhis offer not valid in states where prohibited by law." That doubtless means all 50 of them. Regency College See: American Western University Regency Enterprises Missouri. They used to sell degrees with the names of real schools, often slightly changed, such as Stamford (not Stanford) University, and Texas University (not the University of Texas). Others included Cormell University, Indiana State University, Boston City College, the University of Pittsburg, Illinois State University, Rockford Community College, Hartford Technical Institute, Carnegie Institute of Engineering, Stetson College, Nassau State Teachers College, Darthmouth College, Ohio Central College, College of Franklin & Marshall, and Pensacola Trade School. A blank diploma with a lettering kit was also sold for $20. Buyers were asked to sign a statement that they will not use these phony documents for any fraudulent purposes. It is hard to imagine any others to which they could be put. Don L. Piccolo of Anaheim, California, was indicted by a federal grand july in 1985 for running Regency, and entered a guilty plea Rhode Island School of Law Identified as a diploma mill by E&T, which believed it to be in Wyoming. Rochfor~ CoUege See: Montserrat University Rockford Community CoUege See: Regency Enterprises RooseveltUniversity(Belgium) Degreesofanykindweresoldfora"tuition"of$400to$600.AlsousedanaddressinZurich, Switzerland. Five of the proprietors of this enterprise were sentenced to federal prison in late 1987. Royal Academy of Science and Art See: ORB Royal College of Science Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Apparently affiliated with, or the same as, Empire College of Ophthalmology. SaintAndrews Correspondence Co71ege Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. SaintAndrews Ecumenical Foundation University Intercollegiate Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. SaintAndrews University Allegedly in Mexico. See: International Universities Consortium. Saint John Chrysostom College London, England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Saint John's University (India) Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Saint Joseph University New York. They offered Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorates, and law degrees. Some of the literature was well done; some of it was ludicrous, in which the name "Saint Joseph" had been inserted in gaps where clearly some other school name once appeared. The location was variously given as New York, Louisiana, and Colorado, even in the same catalogue. Degrees cost from $2,000 to $3,000. Saint Stephens Educational Bible College Los Angeles, California. The president of this institution, a Baptist minister, pleaded guilty to forgery and grand theft for issuing illegal credentials. He was fined $5,000 and placed on probation for five years, and Saint Stephens is no more. San Francisco College of Music and TheaterArts In 1987, a San Francisco man began advertising this apparently non existent school in Chinese and African newspapers. Somehow, it was certified as legitimate by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The San Francisco Chronicle reports that three Chinese dancers came to San Francisco to train at the school, and ended up being forced to work as senants for its founder. San Miguel College See: LTD Documents Sands University Yuma, Arizona They sold degrees of all kinds in the mid-1980s. Its proprietor, Wiley Gordon Bennett, operating from Tennessee, was convicted and sentenced to prison, thanks to the FBI DipScam operation. School of Applied Sciences London and New York. Mentified as a diploma mill by E&T. School of Psychology and Psychotherapy England. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Self-Culture University India. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Siberian Institute See: International Honorary Awards Committee SirEdwardHeyzer'sFreeTechnicalCollege HongKong.AnassociationwiththeNationalUniversityofCanada.Identified as a diploma mill by COE. South China University Hong Kong, Macau. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. South Eastern Extension College Essex, England. All degrees but medicine or law, at £20 for one, or £45 for three. "Our degrees are indistinguishable from degrees issued by other colleges in the traditional way," the sales letter says. Same ownership as Whitby Hall College. Southern California University California. One of many fake school names used by the Fowler family, five of whom were sentenced to prison in 1987 for their part in running diploma mills worldwide. Degrees of all kinds were sold for $200 and up. Southern Eastern University London, England. A diploma mill operated by "Professor Swann-Grimaldi" and claiming the late Princess Grace of Monaco as patron. The address used was that of the prestigious Royal Commonwealth Society, whose members can collect their mail there. Degrees were sold for fees of about $1,000 and up. Application forms were to be sent to the professor's parent's home in Essex. Southern /nstitute of Technology See: National Certificate Company Southwestern University Tucson, Arizona, and St. George, Utah. The university had its own impressive building in Tucson, with many of the trappings of a real school. But after they sold degrees to an FBI agent, several administrators were indicted by a federal grand jury, as part of the FBI's DipScam operation. President Geruntino pleaded guilty, and served a term in federal prison. The names of more than a thousand Southwestern "alumni" were made public, and a many jobs were lost as a result, including some in NASA and the Pentagon. Many students enrolled foUowing a glowing recommendation of Southwestern by an educational guidance service in Columbus, Ohio, run also by Geruntino. Southwestern University Allegedly in Albuquerque, New Mexico. See: International Universities Consortium. Specialty Document Company California. In 1988, they were seUing fake diplomas for a Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Bachelor's, and Ph.D. certificates (no school specified) at $1 each, or 100 for $15. Imagine that, a medical degree for 15¢! Spicer Memorial College India Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Stanton University See: Montserrat University Staton University In the early 1980s, music teachers in North America received an invitation to join the American Guild of Teachers of Singing, upon which they would be awarded an honorary Doctorate from this non-existent school, which was supposed to be in Ohio. Stetson College See: Regency Enterprises Sussex College of Technology Sussex, England. Perhaps the oldest of Britain's degree mills, Sussex is run by "Dr." Bruce Copenfromhishome,southofLondon.Atthesameaddress,butwithdifferentcatalogues,aretheBrantridgeForestSchool and the University of the Science of Man. Each offer "earned" degrees for which a few correspondence courses are required, and "extension awards" which are the same degrees and diplomas for no work at all. Honorary Doctorates are offered free, but there is a $ 100 engraving charge. "Professor Emeritas" [sic] status costs another $ 100. A recent flyer admits Susse~ is not "accrediated" [sic] but goes on to say that "No student who has taken our courses and awards have to date had problems." This statement would not be accepted by, among many others, a former high-level state of ficial in Colorado who lost his job when the source of his Doctorate was discovered. Susse~ continues to advertise extensively in newspapers and magazines in the U.S. and worldwide. In 1988, a new British law came into effect, forbidding such 'schools' to accept students who enroUed after May 1st. Sussex's solution to this minor annoyance was to offer to back-date all applications to April 30th, 1988Ña creative response that British law apparently hasn't caught up with yet. Taurus International University California. The claim is that the Taurus International Society was established in 1764 by James BosweU. The Ph.D. is sold for aU of $2, and the Doctor of Whimsey for $ 1. TaylorCollegeofEngland See:ORB Taylor University of Bio-Psycho-Dynamic Sciences was estaWished in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in the early 1920s by some of that city's"most respected citizens,including a philanthropiccapitalist, merchant prince,a dentist. . .and a woman of high intelligence." The Doctorate sold for $115, or $103.50 cash in advance. Temple Bar College Identified as a diploma miU by E&T. Tennessee Christian University Tennessee. Affiliated with Ohio and Florida State Christian in the sale of fake degrees. Texas Theological University Texas. Identified as a diploma miU by E&T. Texas University See: Regency Enterprises ThomasA. Edison College (FL, AR) Totally fake school run by the Rt. Rev. Dr. George C. Lyon, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D., D.D. After twice being fined heavily and sentenced to prison for running fake schools in Florida, he moved to Arkansas, alriving with an entourage in are Mercedes and a greenRolls-Royce,and bought a vacant church for cash.But theFBI'sDipScam operation caught up with him again, and Lyon, now in his 80s, went off to federal prison once again. Thomas A. Edison College managed to fool an awful lot of people over the years, and not just because it sounds like the legitimate non traditional Edison in New Jersey. This Edison was listed in many otherwise reputable college guides (like Lovejoy's) as a real school for years. Lyon's other nefarious enterprises have included the Palm Beach Pychotherapy Training Center, the Florida Analytic Institute, and an involvement with two phony medical schools, United American Medical College and the Keppler School of Medicine. ThomasJefferson University (Missouri) In the early 1980s, catalogues were mailed from this school, allegedly in St. Louis (the address was a private home), but there was never a listed phone, and the postmark was Denver. Degrees at aU levels were offered for $1,500 on up. The cat~logue was almost identical to that used by a legitimate California school. Letters were never answered. With the catalogue came a Servicemen's Allotment Account form, for military people to have the "university" paid directly each month from their paycheck, into a bank account in New York. Thomas University Pennsylvania They used to sell fake degrees for up to $1,000. They claimed accreditation from the fake Middle States Accrediting Board. Trinity CoUegiate Institute England, Switzerland. The London mail service forwards the mail to Karl Bleisch, an operator of many diploma mills in Switzerland. According to an expose in the Times of London, Bleisch told the forwarding service that Trinity was a language school only, with "no question of awarding degrees." Within two months, he was handing out degrees in subjects from beer marketing to scientific massage.(One alumnus went on to start lnter-State Collegeand Institut Patriarcal Saint Irenee.) Tuit University Georgia. The Doctorates, sold for $ 10, are amusing when you read the small print, which says, for instance, that the recipient "has not had the time to do the necessary work leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy .... " Tulsa College See: RIG Enterprises Two Dragon University See: International Honorary Awards Committee United American Medical College A medical degree miU, operated from the apartment of its founder in Louisiana, and from a mail forwarding service in Canada. The approach was almost identical to that of the Johann Keppler School of Medicine, described earlier. When owner L. Mitchell Weinberg was first arrested (1977) for violating Louisiana school laws, he maintained the school was fully accredited by the American Coordinated Medical Society in California. Indeed, said society wrote that "we of the accreditation committee feel that U.A.M.C. has the highest admission requirements of any medical college in the world . . . due to the great leadership of it's [sic] President, L. MitcheU Weinberg." The founder and proprietor of the American Coordinated Medical Society is L. MitcheU Weinberg. In 1982, Weinberg pleaded guilty to charges of seUing medical degrees and was sentenced to three years in federal prison. United Free University of England Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. United States University of America Washington, Florida. The l l-page typewritten catalogue actually listed names of some legitimate faculty who hadbeen duped into doing some work for "Dr." Frank Pany and the school he ran from his Florida home, using a Washington, DC mail forwarding service. One of the faculty, the "Chairman of the Marriage Counseling Department," whose Doctorate was from U.S.U.A. was more candid. "You're in California," he said on the phone. "Why not deal with a degree service closer to home?" In the wake of an FBI visit, and a grand jury indictment in February l 986, "Dr." Pany departed suddenly for Italy. UniversalBibleInstitute(AL) Birmingham,AlabamaThestatedeclareditwasadiplomamill,andordereditclosed,because Doctoraldegreescouldbeacquiredinlessthantwomonthsonpaymentofappropriatefees,andtheschoolwasnotaffiliated with any religious organization. According to Alabama authorities, the institute's president moved to Florida, taking all the records with him, as the Alabama investigation began. UniversalEcclesiastical University Their Doctorates were offered in any field but law or medicine fora 10-page dissertation, and honorary Doctorates to anyone with "good moral character" plus $200 to spend. My last letter to Professor Gilbert at the university's address in Manchester, England, was returned with the word "Demolished" written in big blue crayon letters across the front. Let us hope they were referring to the building, not the professor. Universidad Brasileira Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Universidad Indigenista Moctezuma Andorra's only diploma millÑidentified as such by COE. Universidad Latino-Americana de La Habana Havana, Cuba Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Universidad Sintetica Latina y Americana El Salvador. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Universidad Tecnol~gica Nacional Havana Cuba Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Universitaires Internationales Liechtenstein, India Sudan, Morocco, Japan, etc., etc. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Universitas lltiensis England, Switzerland. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. Universitas Internationalis Studiorum Superiorium Pro Deo In 1989, they began offering 'honoris causa' doctorates trom an address in New York, under the imprimatur of the Titular Archbishop of Ephesus. Universitates Sheffieldensis See: University of Sheffield Universite de Commerce de Canada See: Lawford State University Universite'desSciencedel'Homme France.SameasUniversityoftheScienceofMan.See:SussexCollegeofTechnology. Universite International de Paris Paris, France. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Universite Nouvelle de Paris Paris, France. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Universit~ Philotechnique Brussels, Belgium, and Paris, France. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Universit~ Voltaire de France Marseilles, France. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. University College of Nottingham See: Whitby Hall College University del Puerto Monico Panama Degrees of this non-existent institution were sold by Neil Gibson & Company in England, who also represent University de la Romande. They say that "the degree certificates are excellently presented and make a superb and unusual waU decoration. They are for self-esteem only but remain very popular indeed." University in London Same as Obura University. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. University of Cape Cod A school of this name was promoted in eastern Massachusetts in the early 1980s. University of Corpus Christi Reno, Nevada. Affiliated with the Society of Academic Recognition. Identified as a diploma mill by E~T. No connection with the legitimate school formerly known as University of Corpus Christi but now a part of Te~cas A & I University. University of Coventry E3ngland. Identified as a diploma mill by E~T. University of East Carolina See: University of East Georgia University of EastGeorgia Georgia Degrees in all fields, including medicine, psychiatry, surgery, and neurology sold for $500 and completion of a thesis on "a subject and length of your own choosing." I am embarrassed that I was duped by the first literature I received from proprietor John Blazer in 1975, but his game soon became clear. He also operated the Unhersity of the Bahama Islands, the College of Hilton head, the University of East Carolina, and the University of Middle Tennessee.In 1984,BlazerwasindictedbyafederalgrandjuryasaresultoftheFBI's,DipScamoperation,pleadedguilty to a charge of mail fraud, and was sentenced to prison. University of Eastern Florida Chicago, Illinois. Degrees of all kinds except medicine and law were sold for $40 each. They claimed to be a "state chartered university" in Florida (not true) whose purpose is "to grant degrees to persons with actual experience." No new-born babies need apply. University of England See: University of England at Oxford UniversityofEnglandatOxford London,England.AlsoknownastheUniversityofEngland.Degreesofanykindweresold for about $200. In 1987, the American proprietors were indicted by a federal grand jury. Five of them were found guilty, and sentenced to prison . The founder of Western States University claims a degree from this institution (the university, not the prison). University of Independence A realistic-looking diploma was given or sold as a promotional piece to independent businesspeople. The Ph.D. came from the "university's" School of Hard Knocks. A reader sent a photo of a weU-known author and lecturer, that appeared in a national magazine, with the diploma prominently on his wall. Only the school narne, the man's name, and "Doctorof Philosophy" are readable. This is one way that even "gag" fake diplomas can be misused. University of Man * Best ~riend A lovely $2 Ph.D. in Love and Loyalty, with paw prints as signatures. University of Middle Tennessee See: University of East Georgia University of North America Diploma mill operated by Edward Reddeck from a mail forwarding service in Missouri in the late 1980s. After he was fined $2,500,000 for this operation, he fled to Utah, changing the name of the school slightly, to become North American University (see separate listing). He was indicted for mail fraud and conspiracy in the spring of 1992, found guilty on all 22 counts in 1993, and sent back to prison. University of Pittsburg See: Regency Enterprises University of Rarotonga Fictitious university whose paraphernalia are sold on this South Seas island. University of SaintBartholomew After I gave some talks on diploma mills on Australian radio, a number of people called or wrote to mention a school of this name, in Oodnadatta, Australia that mer ily sold its fake product to Europeans. University of Sealand Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. UniversityofSheffield Sheffield,England.ThereisalegitimateandtraditionalUniversityofSheffield,andthenthereisthis fake one, run (according to an article in the Times of London) by Charles Brearly, an auto mechanic who caUs himself Ignatius Carelus, successor to Cardinal Barberini of Rheims. Alternate names: Universitates Sheffieldensis, or Ecclesias tical University of Sheffield. He is a sometime associate of "Sir" Sidney Lawrence, proprietor of the College of Applied Science, London. I have received a stern letter from the academic registrar of the real University of Sheffield, suggesting that "in order that our academic standing should not be endangered, I would ask that your publication make it quite clear in future that the college mentioned has no connection whatsoever with this institution." Done, and thanks for thinking that my little package could endanger your large, old, and well-established university. University of Sulgrave England. Identified as a diploma mill by E~T. University of the Bahama Islands See: University of East Georgia University of the Eastern United States Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. University of the New World Arizona, Europe. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. University of the Old Catholic Church Sheffield, England. Presumably the same management as the fake University of Sheffield. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. University of the President Utah. They have sold honorary Doctorates in iridology, psionics, macrobiotics, endogenous endocrinotherapy, and dozens more, in exchange for a $25 "donation." University of the Republic A fictitious school, started by Arizona Republic newspaper reporters Jerry Seper and Rich Robertson, as part of a series of articles on degree mills, to prove how easy it was to do such things in that state. Public outrage led to a tough new school-regulating law being passed. University of the Science of Man See: Susse~ College of Technology University of the West See: International Universities Consortium University of Walla Walla California. Advertising in a national women's magazine offered a Doctor of anything ending in "ologist" for $18.90. University of Winchester London, England. Same address as the London School of Social Research. The $15 diplomas have been widely advertised as "completely spurious, nonetheless as impressive as genuine." University of Wyoming Of course there is a real one in Laramie, but there is also a fake one. A man named Cunning, using an address in London, England, and literature printed in German, has been selling Ph.D.'s, law degrees, and, alarmingly, M.D. degrees of the University of Wyoming, for about $500. I wrote to the general counsel of the real University of Wyoming, thinking they might have interest, but no response.(Since another purveyor of fake degrees, such as Great Lakes University, is Wiley Bennett, one wonders if these two will ever get together, and form a Wiley and Cunning partnership.) Vocational Universlty India. Identified as a diploma mill by COE. Washington International Academy New York. Identified as a diploma mill by E&T. AND AS A BONUS, HERE IS A LIST OF OTHER DIPLOMA MILLS-MOSTLY CHRISTIAL AND SOME MAY BE DUPLICATED: ADAM SMITH UNIVERSITY 2200 West Main Street, Suite 500 Wailuku, Hawaii 96793 (800) 732-3796 This eleven-page catalog of this degree mill, which "grew out of the Adam Smith Career Institute, which was founded in 1986 in New York State" and purports to grant bachelor's and master's degrees, does not list majors in religion but notes that students can develop majors in specific fields in the humanities (which normally includes religion) and self-designed majors. The catalog states, "Adam Smith University was founded in 1991. As a new institution of higher education it is not yet eligible to apply for accreditation." This statement, however, gives no indication that they would qualify for accreditation further down the road. According to the catalog, the university "maintains a library of more than 2200 academic and professional books." (To give an indication of how small this is, call the library of a legitimately accredited college near you and ask how many books they have in their holdings. Then compare it with the holdings of Adam Smith University and have a laugh or two.) Adam Smith University's toll-free number is located in North Tarrytown, New York (even the informational package I received had a New York postmark), which indicates that the university's address may be a mail forwarding service. (They formerly used a mail forwarding address in Metairie, Louisiana, which was strikingly similar to that of Columbia State University, also listed in this chapter.) The university purports to grant credit only for legitimate learning experiences such as course transfers from regionally accredited colleges and examinations such as the CLEP, TECEP, and Regents College Examinations of the University of the State of New York. Bottom line: their degree is unaccredited and not worth much. If you want to earn a degree through course transfers, credit by examination, and life experience credit, you're better off with one of the legitimately accredited undergraduate schools listed in Chapter 9. AGAPE' SCHOOL OF MINISTRY P.O. Box 6707 Ocala, Florida 34478 (904) 351-2883 Affiliated with Christian Fellowship International, a Pentecostal ordination, Agape' [sic] purports to offer "several Bachelors [sic] of Arts Programs, Masters Degree Programs, and Doctoral Programs." Only a few paragraphs on them appear in the information package of Christian Fellowship International, listed separately in Chapter 13. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma. Both Agape' and CFI are run by Michael Lowery, in whose name the post office box is registered, who claims to have a "Doctor of Divinity (earned)," though he does not reveal its source. (Keep in mind that the Doctor of Divinity is usually an honorary doctorate. Lowery's resume notes that he was born in 1957, thus by the time he allegedly received his D.D. it was generally an honorary degree.) The school is also associated with Agape' [sic] School of Ministry, listed separately in Chapter 12. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma. AGAPE SEMINARY Fort Myers, Florida 33919 (May be out of business.) Also known as Agape of Jesus Seminary, this degree mill purported to be affiliated with the Religious Order of Franciscan Servants and the Old Catholic Church in North America. (This is not the traditional Franciscan Order of the Roman Catholic Church). Their four-page catalog (yes, count 'em - *four* pages) had no course listings, descriptions, or sources of faculty credentials. In a different twist, Agape offered *honorary* Bachelor of Divinity, Master of Divinity, Doctor of Divinity, and Doctor of Theology degrees for donations ranging from $50 to $200. Remember, while the Doctor of Divinity is generally an honorary degree, the other three titles are *always* earned degrees.) Thus, the seminary was offering credentials which people can use to imply an earned degree. Bottom line: this one's an absolute sham. A routine follow-up call to them indicated that their listed phone number was disconnected, so they may be out of business. ALABAMA BIBLE COLLEGE & THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY P.O. Box 480776 Linden, Alabama 36748 (205) 295-0030 Affiliated with Glen Savell Ministries, Inc. (to which all checks must be addressed), their six-page typed catalog lists no faculty, credentials, or course descriptions. (Their post office box is registered to the Linden Baptist Church.) They state, "We believe that the quality of an institution is known not by approval of an investigative committee but by the quality of its students. However, we do intend to seek accreditation with a creditable [sic] commission," a meaningless statement since they will not qualify for legitimate accreditation. Their ads in Pulpit Helps proclaim, "We offer valid degrees for valid course work," which simply means that one must complete *their* courses to earn a degree. The quality of their courses, however, is minimal. AMERICAN BIBLE COLLEGE P.O. Box 331 Pineland, Florida 33945 (813) 283-0519 Operated as a denominational training school by the American Evangelical Christian Churches, a small interdoctrinal denomination that combines Calvinist and Arminian doctrines and has 200 ministers, of whom about half serve as pastors. (The denominational headquarters recently moved to Indianapolis, Indiana.) The school does not purport to be accredited and is up front about not preparing persons for a secular field. Nine instructors are listed in their 15-page catalog, but there is no reference to their own educational credentials. Degrees, which include the Th.B. and B.R.E., are only awarded to students who have completed 90 semester hours prior to admission; others earn a diploma. Students who already hold a bachelor's degree can earn a Th.M. degree with only nine courses. *Caveat:* At accredited schools, a Master of Divinity degree is a prerequisite for a Th.M. This is specified, among other places, in the accreditation standards of the Association of Theological Schools (the only legitimate accreditor for seminaries in the United States and Canada). Therefore, American Bible College's Th.M. is, by comparison, a worthless degree. The college's parent denomination is listed in the Handbook of Denominations in the United States and the Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches, which are legitimate resources that list all recognized denominations in the United States and Canada; I'm not quite sure how it got there, because they appear to have many characteristics of an ordination mill. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps and The Biblical Evangelist. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOLISTIC THEOLOGY 6714-VID Market Street, Suite 5 Youngstown, Ohio 44512 (216) 758-8541 This new age diploma mill purports to offer "college degree programs in religion and the health sciences" through the doctorate level, but does not purport to be accredited because "theology, like religion, is recognized and protected under the first amendment of The United States constitution [sic], which guarantees any citizen the right to practice it and teach it to others. That is exactly what you can do with our type of degrees." Their metaphysics degrees, for example, require five courses for a bachelor's, five for a master's, and five for a Doctor of Philosophy, which makes their program a joke. (In other words, on a scale of one to ten, they show up as minus one.) They do, however, require a dissertation for the Ph.D. - a whopping twenty pages long (also a joke). The American Institute's president, Chester P. Yozwick (who does not reveal the source of his alleged Ph.D. or list any other credentials), claims to be listed in "Who's Who in America," but a computer search of the entire "Who's Who" database turned up no one named Yozwick at all. At one time, the school also offered degrees in parapsychology, but include a notice in their literature packet that this program has been changed to "parapsychic sciences." (This change may have been made for legal reasons considering that all states require licensure for the practice of psychology.) Their telephone number is registered to "Advanced Holistic Health Services." Advertises or has advertised in Visions Magazine, a new age publication. AMERICAN SEMINARY 2435 East North Street, Box 255 Greenville, South Carolina 29615 (803) 255-9901 The Rev. Norman Mathers, who holds a legitimate Th.M. degree from Dallas Theological Seminary as well as two non-traditional graduate degrees (one of which is an unaccredited doctorate), started American Theological Seminary in Garner, North Carolina in 1991 and offered a "seminary credential" through the school. While he included in his typed marketing package a disclosure statement that the seminary is not accredited and did not grant degrees, he advertised, "A Seminary credential -- churches and groups of churches expect it! Seminary graduation can be a door opener . . . American Seminary makes seminary education by home study convenient, accessible and affordable." What he didn't state is that the certificate hardly qualified as a degree and would be totally worthless as a professional credential. In 1992, surprise! The school had changed its name to American Seminary and moved across the state line to South Carolina, where Mathers began to offer Master of Ministry and Doctor of Ministry "degrees," which he couldn't do in North Carolina. The seminary materials consisted of several typed sheets, all of which were original word processing printouts (not photocopies), indicating a small demand for their "catalog." Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps and Voice (the bi-monthly magazine of Independent Fundamental Churches of America). ANCHOR THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 2802 Jefferson Avenue Texarkana, Arkansas 75502 (501) 772-7773 Anchor Theological Seminary is essentially a new name for the New World Theological Seminary and Bible Institute, listed separately in this chapter and discussed further in Chapter 5. Their address is the site of the First Congregational Methodist Church, a small church located in Texarkana whose pastor is listed as Chairman of the Board of New World. Even though advertising as Anchor, their telephone message still reflects the New World name. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. ANDERSONVILLE BAPTIST COLLEGE P.O. Box 545 Camilla, Georgia 31730 (911) 336-5550 Based at the Grace Baptist Church of Ellaville, Georgia, the president of the college is also the church's pastor. Charging only $450, $500, and $550 for a bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degree respectively, the school claims accreditation by the unrecognized Sowega Accrediting Association of Christian Schools and Colleges and the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions. No faculty or credentials are listed in their catalog, which consists of only seven typewritten pages. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. ANDREW JACKSON UNIVERSITY 10 Old Montgomery Highway Birmingham, Alabama 35209 (205) 871-9288 If I could ever be snowed by a degree mill, this is the one. AJU has one of the most well-produced catalogs I've seen, even surpassing those of many legitimately accredited schools - 172 pages, perfect binding, color photo cover, with most pages printed in two colors. AJU purports to offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in several fields, including business, environmental studies, government, and religion. Since I would rather not critique their secular programs, I'll stick to the religious degrees - they're not worth it, and there are enough red flags in their catalog that I feel comfortable placing them in the degree mill category. First, the school's president, who apparently holds a legitimate law degree from Samford University, also claims a Ph.D. in religion from Bethany Theological Seminary (listed in this chapter). Of three deans listed in their school of religion, two hold credentials from Carolina School of Theology (also listed in this chapter) and Trinity Theological Seminary (ditto). The catalog lists several faculty members for the school, but does not specify the subject areas in which each person teaches or whether he or she is full time or part time. Nonetheless, even in this list the same three schools are represented. In short, while some of their officials and faculty appear to have legitimate degrees, there are too many degree mills listed in their credentials for my taste. Next, the cost of AJU's master's and doctoral programs is less than $3,000, more expensive than some degree mills but far too inexpensive for any legitimate program. AJU also purports to offer master's and doctoral programs in Christian counseling, and their counseling studies are based on those of the National Christian Counselors Association (see listing in Chapter 11), one of the most notorious credential mills in this area. (Their catalog even announces that their honors include the Richard G. Arno Award. Arno is the head of the NCCA.) While AJU states that their program "does not propose to make students professional psychologists," they make the following misleading statement regarding counseling licensure: "Regulations governing independent licensed professional counselors vary from state to state. Students who desire state licensing as independent counselors outside traditional church or church-agency settings [italics in the original] are strongly urged to consult with their appropriate state regulatory agency prior to enrollment." While not a blatant lie, they avoid the bottom line: NCCA coursework or licensure will not make a person eligible for licensure as a professional counselor in *any* state with a licensure requirement. Therefore, AJU commits a "sin of omission" that will have negative repercussions on *any* counseling student seeking licensure through their program. AJU operates "under the auspices of University Church, Inc., a not-for-profit Alabama corporation organized for ministry in the development of quality, Christian education." In short, this is an unaccredited correspondence school that is run by a law school graduate who is hip enough to operate under Alabama's religious school exemption. For better or worse, I consider AJU a degree mill. Advertises or has advertised in Christianity Today and Pulpit Helps. ANGLICAN INSTITUTE FOR AFFIRMATIVE CHRISTIAN STUDIES 2401 Artesia Boulevard, Suite 106-213 Redondo Beach, California 90278 (No Listed Phone) This is an unaccredited correspondence school formed to train clergy for the Evangelical Anglican Church in America, a newly formed gay and lesbian denomination with a liturgical leaning (see listing in Chapter 13). Its courses were allegedly developed by the St. Alban Theological Seminary in San Diego, California, for which Directory Assistance has no listing. Advertises or has advertised in The Advocate, a national gay magazine. ARIZONA GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 700 Rosser Street Prescott, Arizona 86301 (602) 445-0616 This degree mill notes that they are not accredited, but spends two pages attempting to justify why accreditation isn't important. Only two administrators are pictured; the catalog lists neither faculty members nor anyone's academic credentials. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. ARMOUR BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE 603 South 13th Avenue P.O. Box 8321 Yakima, Washington 98902 (509) 962-2286 Offering a myriad of degree titles, this diploma mill is run by "Dr. Bob Anstine," who lists his credentials as "Ph.D., Psy.D., L.P.C., C.P.C., C.C.C., L.T.T., C.T.T., C.C.C.M.F.T., P.F.C.:D." 'Nuff said? Anstine doesn't reveal the source of his degrees, but the most unusual one, "PFC:D," stands for "Professional Family Counselor: Diplomate," and is granted by the American Association of Family Counselors, a credential mill specializing in bogus certifications in Graham, Texas, and listed in Chapter 11. Armour Baptist College is not registered with the state of Washington at all. ASPEN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE & THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Lakewood, Colorado (No longer in business, but see: Rocky Mountain School of Theology, also in this chapter.) Aspen Christian College advertised in Christianity Today back in early 1992, but numerous inquiries went unanswered due to frequent address and phone number changes on the part of this alleged school. In March 1993, they released an informational package in which they purported to offer degrees through the doctorate level. Though the school had a Lakewood address, all inquiries were to be addressed to their academic dean, one "Rev. Reo N. Leslie, Jr., D.Min., Ph.D." at his home telephone number in Aurora. Their informational package included things unheard of for a legitimate school such as press releases and Leslie's personal four-page resume. Aspen purported to offer traditional academic degrees (B.A., M.A., and Ph.D.) and may have been operating in violation of Colorado law. This is one of the schools that was exposed by KUSA-TV, the ABC affiliate in Denver, in their November 1993 series dealing with degree mills in Colorado, after they granted a counseling degree to one news reporter's cat (literally). Shortly after the series aired, Aspen closed. As for Dr. Reo N. Leslie, surprise! As this edition of "Name It and Frame It" goes to press, it turns out that Reo has just started a correspondence school of his own, in which he plans to grant degrees through the doctoral level. For more on this developing saga, see the listing for Rocky Mountain School of Theology, later in this very chapter! ATLANTIC BAPTIST COLLEGE 7040 U.S. 1 North St. Augustine, Florida 32095 (904) 829-0425 Claiming accreditation from the National Association of Christian Education, an unrecognized agency, the school is affiliated with the White Castle Baptist Church. Operating under a religious exemption, Atlantic Baptist is a good example of a school that offers too many degrees to be legitimate: Bible Diploma, Associate in Theology, Graduate of Theology, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Ministry, Bachelor of Biblical Studies, Bachelor of Religious Education, Master of Arts, Master of Biblical Studies, Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Christian Counseling, Master of Religious Education, Master of Theology, Doctor of Biblical Studies, Doctor of Ministry, Doctor of Religious Education, and Doctor of Theology. (Remember, any school that offers that many degrees is generally a sham.) Their catalog contains no faculty listing, and their academic requirements are far below those of legitimate schools. The total cost of their degrees, none of which exceeds $600 in total, affirms that you get what you pay for - not much. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. BAPTIST CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY See: Louisiana Baptist University, in this chapter. BEACON BIBLE COLLEGE 6900 - 142d Avenue North Largo, Florida 34631-4793 (813) 531-4498 Formerly known as Florida Beacon Bible College, this Pentecostal Bible college offers both residential and external programs. Their typed catalog claims that they are accredited by the Southern Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges, which they identify as "a regional association located in Atlanta, Georgia." However, they do not note that his is not *the* regional association authorized by the U.S. Department of Education and CORPA; it's an accreditation mill. Most of the faculty hold their own degrees from unaccredited institutions. A recent mailing from them stated, "The administration and accreditation responsibilities are being transferred to Christian Life School of Theology and Seminary in Columbus, Georgia." CSLOT was formerly the correspondence affiliate of Florida Beacon, and is listed separately in this chapter. See also Manna Missions Institute in this chapter. BETHANY BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY 2311 Hodgesville Road P.O. Box 1944 Dothan, Alabama 36302 (206) 793-3189 Bethany's 82-page catalog, which lists a multitude of undergraduate and graduate degrees, initially makes them appear impressive. However, they show many signs of being a degree mill. Sources of faculty credentials are not listed, the chancellor and president appear to be father and son, and their degree requirements are far short of those at accredited institutions. A listing of adjunct faculty includes, "via video," Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost of Dallas Theological Seminary and evangelist Zola Levitt. However, this is a technique one should be discerning about. I can buy a video cassette of Billy Graham, use it to teach a course, then claim that Billy Graham is on my "adjunct faculty." Definitely questionable. Their catalog also notes, "While Bethany is continuing to build its library, the Houston-Love Memorial Library, which is located in downtown Dothan and houses over 100,000 volumes of books, is available for Bethany students for research. The director of the library has given permission for Bethany students to use the library for their research projects." This claim has several fallacies that demonstrate the need for discernment. First, the Houston-Love Memorial Library is the public library for the city of Dothan. Second, as a public library, its 100,000-volume collection is general in nature and not geared toward the specific needs of theological students. Third, students don't need special permission to use public library facilities for research; by nature, a public library is open to *anyone* in the public. Finally, students in external programs normally don't use libraries located near the school in which they're enrolled, they use local libraries near their home. A Bethany student in Kansas, for example, might use a library in Wichita or Kansas City; there's no need to use the Dothan library at all, especially one that has a minimal amount of theological works. Bethany claims to be accredited by the American Educational Accrediting Association of Christian Schools (headquartered at the same address as the school itself), and, in an earlier catalog, the Southeast Accrediting Association of Christian Schools, Colleges, and Seminaries, Inc.; the school admits that neither agency is recognized by the Department of Education or CORPA. They note that they are "chartered under the laws of the State of Alabama as a degree granting institution" (which simply means that they're incorporated) and that they are "registered with the Alabama State Board of Education and operates under an exempt status for religious institutions in regards to State license." Other than being grammatically poor, the latter statement simply means that since they are a religious institution, they are exempt from other laws that impact educational institutions and can get away with more than secular schools. Bethany's chancellor, H.D. Shuemake, with whom I've enjoyed an ongoing and somewhat off-the-wall correspondence, notified me about three months after "Name It and Frame It" was released that his association, the American Educational Accrediting Association of Christian Schools, has changed its name to the American Educational Association of Non-Traditional Christian Schools. Shuemake wrote to assure me that the name change was not a result of this book, but because "the name would be more in keeping with their goals and objectives." As Dana Carvey would say as "The Church Lady" on "Saturday Night Live," "How conveeeenient." Bethany advertises or has advertised in Christianity Today, Pulpit Helps, The Biblical Evangelist (no longer published), The Searchlight (the newspaper of the Independent Baptist Fellowship International), and Target (a national newspaper published by Tim Lee Ministries in Garland, Texas, which replaced The Biblical Evangelist). BETHEL BAPTIST COLLEGE 3301 North First Street Jacksonville, Arkansas 72076 (501) 985-2317 The external studies catalog is photocopied and bound with a plastic spiral binding. No credentials are listed for their faculty, nor are course descriptions included for their programs, which purport to offer degrees through the doctoral level. The pre-requisite for their D.Min. program is an M.A. degree, which conflicts with legitimately accredited schools that require a pre-requisite M.Div. Their telephone number is registered to the Bible Baptist Church. They have no relation to the accredited Bethel Theological Seminary listed in Chapter 8. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. BLUE MOUNTAIN BAPTIST COLLEGE P.O. Drawer 160 - Hwy. 103 Claudville, Virginia 24076 (703) 251-5591 Proclaiming to be a ministry of the Trinity Baptist Church, Blue Mountain's photocopied brochure is a myriad of fundamentalist buzz words - "Old fashioned, evangelistic, premillenial, baptistic, fundamental, independent, missionary, local church oriented." Their catalog is photocopied and spiral-bound; it contains no faculty listing but shows a "committee for degree approval," though there is no indication of where the committee members earned any credentials. The best way to describe their below-standard requirements is simply to relay to you the course description for their course titled "New Testament Introduction": "This is an introduction course of study covering the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. Using the Syllabus of the New Testament by W. Melvin Aiken, D.D. [Blue Mountain's president - note the honorary doctorate title], and any other New Testament source, you will write a page per book giving the author, date, theme, purpose, key word, key phrase, important doctrines, important characters, and important events." 'Nuff said, campers? Blue Mountain now purports to grant bachelor's degrees (at $20 per semester hour), masters ($25 per s.h.) and doctorates ($30 per s.h.), far too cheap to be legitimate. Advertises or has advertised in The Biblical Evangelist and The Searchlight. *N.B.* Actually, folks, there's enough said - *NOT!* Here's a red flag to pick up in case you're not familiar with the nomenclature used in biblical courses. Notwithstanding the minimal requirements of Blue Mountain's "New Testament Introduction" course, the description itself is more applicable to a course that would normally be titled "New Testament Survey." In Bible colleges and seminaries, a biblical *survey* course covers the text of the Bible itself. On the other hand, a biblical *introduction* course normally covers theoretical issues such as biblical inspiration, general versus revealed revelation, determination of canonicity, manuscript transmission and translation, and forms of interpretation and criticism. It seems that not only do the folks at Blue Mountain *not* know how to design a college-level course, they also don't know what to call it. BRIGHTON UNIVERSITY 3154B College Drive, Dept. 521 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 (504) 346-4230 A two-page flyer labeled the "Official Catalog of Brighton University" advertises bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degrees for $550, $650, and $800 respectively. The school claims to be affiliated with the United Congregational Church, which does not appear in either the Handbook of Denominations or the Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches. Their address appears to be a mail forwarding service, as the "catalog" was mailed from Corpus Christi, Texas. Advertises or has advertised in Guidepost, the newspaper of the American Counseling Association. *N.B.* A follow-up inquiry sent to Brighton was returned as undeliverable, and their phone number is reported as not being in service. It appears that they may have flown the coop, but I've retained the listing here in case they show up elsewhere. CALIFORNIA BIBLE INSTITUTE AND SEMINARY 303 Hackamore Lane Fremont, California 94539 (510) 438-0715 "Owned and operated by The Baptist Missionary Association of California," according to their photocopied catalog, the California Bible Institute and Seminary (CBIS) grants degrees through the doctorate level and claims accreditation from everyone's favorite accrediting mill, the Accrediting Commission International of Schools. The school also claims to be a "certified licenser college" of the National Christian Counselors Association (a credential mill listed in Chapter 11), and NCCA's president is listed as an adjunct faculty member. Many CBIS faculty members hold questionable credentials themselves, and school president Richard Hyde's profile indicates that he received both a Th.D. and Ph.D. in the same year (which, at least in terms of legitimate degrees, would be a highly unlikely feat). Under the category of Visiting and Adjunct Faculty they generically list "Dallas Theological Seminary Professors" through the use of video course presentations, a definite degree mill indicator. Finally, believe it or not, the school was also granted associate status by TRACS. (I do try to be nice to the folks at TRACS, but they never cease to amaze me in terms of some of the schools to which they will grant recognition.) CALIFORNIA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE 4881 East University Avenue Fresno, California 93703 (209) 251-4215 Holding candidate status with TRACS, California Christian College claims to have an "Alternative Education Program" in which students take their first three years of study in residence at California Christian, then transfer to "the sister college" where they complete their degree studies. Despite their use of the phrase "sister college" seven times on the single page of their catalog that describes this program, they never name the sister college. (Can you feel your discernment level going up?) Moreover their use of the phrase "alternative education" is a misrepresentation, as alternative education normally signifies non-traditional or non-resident studies. California Christian is a Free Will Baptist school, with many homegrown faculty credentials evident in their catalog. CANYONVIEW BIBLE COLLEGE & SEMINARY 12730 Finlay Road N.E. Silverton, Oregon 97381 (503) 873-8296 Though they do not purport to be accredited, Canyonview nonetheless raises questions by including a full catalog page on "faculty credentials." They take pains to note that academic credentials were irrelevant to the twelve disciples of Jesus and the nine disciples associated with Paul and add, "Canyonview Bible Seminary does not laud degrees as the ultimate credential. Degrees have value only to the extent that they symbolize the completion of a course of study which is pertinent to and in alignment with what one is teaching." But from where did half of their eight-member faculty earn one or more of their own credentials? You guessed it - Canyonview Bible Seminary. Canyonview entered the correspondence course market in late 1991. In addition to Christianity Today, Moody Magazine, and Pulpit Helps, they advertise in The Great Commission Handbook and The Seminary & Graduate School Handbook, guidebooks published by Berry Publications and widely distributed through churches and Christian schools. CARIBBEAN COLLEGE OF THE BIBLE INTERNATIONAL CUMBERLAND CENTER FOR BIBLICAL STUDIES P.O. Box 125 Sunbright, Tennessee 37872 (615) 628-2568 The Cumberland Center for Biblical Studies is the American division of the Caribbean College of the Bible, which is allegedly incorporated in Belize, Central America. The American program claims accreditation from the Transworld Accrediting Commission, an accrediting mill formerly located at the same address as Evangel Christian University (also listed in this chapter). The entire executive staff and many of the faculty hold credentials from other degree mills listed in this book. A marketing letter sent out with their catalog, which is photocopied and stapled together, states, "The entire program is accredited in the U.S. and we have never has any problem with transferring credits to other Bible Colleges." Don't believe it. CAROLINA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Route 2, Box 455 Linwood, North Carolina 27299 (704) 956-6705 Much of this school's original thirty-page catalog consisted of their doctrinal statement and church constitution. Claiming to be affiliated with the United Full Gospel Chapel of Theology (see the profile for the World Council of Independent Christian Churches in Chapter 13) and accredited by the unrecognized American Federation of Christian Colleges and Schools, the university purports to offer graduate degrees in both religion and psychology. Also affiliated with the American Board of Christian Psychology, a certification mill. Their psychology programs are unrecognized by the American Psychological Association and will not qualify a person to take state psychological board exams. In plain words, if you want to become a psychologist, a profession that requires licensure in all fifty states, avoid this school like the plague. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. CAROLINA UNIVERSITY OF THEOLOGY P.O. Box 167 Belmont, North Carolina 28012 (704) 827-1742 Accredited by the unrecognized Accrediting Commission International and operating under a religious exemption from licensure in North Carolina, this school's degree requirements are far below those of legitimate schools. Their catalog includes no information on the source of faculty credentials (though the president claims to have three academic doctorates, the source of which he also doesn't identify). They are affiliated with the National Christian Counselors Association, a counseling certification mill listed in Chapter 11. The school, which is located in the fellowship hall of a Baptist church, was the subject of an expose in the respected Chronicle of Higher Education, which noted that the school is under investigation by the North Carolina Attorney General's office. In 1992, the schools' founder and president, Gene Norman Thompson, was also charged was unemployment fraud in Kentucky. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. CATHEDRAL BIBLE COLLEGE P.O. Box 2160 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29578 (803) 946-9134 Affiliated with Tabernacle Baptist Church, a small Full Gospel Charismatic church, Cathedral's original information package sent to us consisted of only four photocopied sheets of paper. The school purports to be the official training center for The Apostolic Christian Churches, International, of which the senior pastor of Tabernacle and president of the college is listed as "our bishop." In 1993 they changed their name from Gloryland Bible College, and president R. Wayne Miller (sorry, that's *Bishop* Miller) wrote me that they are planning to move to a new "campus" in South Carolina. Miller wrote at the time, "The School is only operating a night school this year which is a year of transition, while our Director is away completing his Graduate work at Regent University." (Think about that one - shutting an entire college down because its dean moves on for further study elsewhere.) Their 1994-96 catalog is an improvement, some sixty pages long, but still makes the program look like a joke. While they offer undergraduate degrees in residence, they purport to offer two types of correspondence certificates: the first is the Diploma in Biblical Studies, for persons who complete the "Dancing Heart Correspondence Course." (Sorry, kids, but with that one, I'm "ROFL." That's a computer hacker's abbreviation for "rolling on the floor laughing.") They also offer a Ministerial Diploma in Biblical Studies to persons who complete the "Charismatic Ministry Correspondence Course." Their catalog lists ten faculty persons, including Miller and his wife; every one of them holds at least one credential from the school itself, and many of them hold their only credentials from the school. If I could hand out a "Dancing Heart Diploma Mill Award," this is the school that would get it. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma. CHRISTIAN BIBLE COLLEGE Station Square Suite 227 Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 (919) 442-1211 The president of Christian Bible College, Cecil Johnson, lists his credentials as the "D.D.; D.R.E.; Lit.D.; Th.D.; Ph.D." With all of these doctorates either there's something fishy here, or he's been in school longer than most of us have been alive. The school claims accreditation by the Eastern Accrediting Association of Colleges, Universities, and Seminaries; the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions (of which, conveniently enough, the executive director is also Cecil Johnson); and the Southern Accrediting Association of Christian Schools, none of which are legitimate agencies. They operate under a standard exemption that frees them from state licensure. Their 12-page brochure includes an endorsement from evangelist Jack Van Impe ("LL.D.; D.D.; Th.D.; Ph.D."), which shows that even the endorsement of well-known persons in ministry don't attest to the credibility of an institution. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps, Charisma, The Biblical Evangelist, The Christian Advocate (a non-denominational newspaper published in Texas), Guidepost, Partners in Ministry magazine, The Baptist Bible Tribune (monthly magazine of the Baptist Bible Fellowship), Target, World magazine, several local Christian publications, and, believe it or not, The Old Farmer's Almanac. CHRISTIAN BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY 9603 E. Truman Road Independence, Missouri 64052 (816) 254-3720 This school claims accreditation by the Accrediting Commission International, and that all licensure programs are accredited by the National Christian Counselors Association. Remember, however, that schools and professional organizations do not have the authority to *license* counselors, only states do. Their catalog lists over thirty available degree titles and "licensure programs," but provides minimal information on their requirements. Nonetheless, they do list reading requirements for their courses (which are minimal), though the catalog implies that the well-known textbook authors are actually on their faculty (a common degree mill tactic). The *total* charges for their counseling degrees range from $450 to $1,300, too outrageously low to be legitimate. Their latest ads state that even their faculty is accredited. However, there's no such thing as an "accredited faculty" - only institutions can be accredited. I'll go on the line with this one and say that it's a sham. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE OF BIBLICAL STUDIES P.O. Box 9168 Louisville, Kentucky 40209-9168 (502) 367-2445 Offering associate's, bachelor's, and masters degree programs, the Christian Institute of Biblical Studies (CIBS) claims accreditation from the Accrediting Commission International and the "Library of Congress #TX 2-243-709." They also claim, under the accreditation heading, to be "recognized as a non-profit corporation in good standing in the state of Kentucky" and "recognized as a non-profit 509(a)(2) organization by the Internal Revenue Service." However, neither the state nor the I.R.S. accredits educational institutions, nor does the Library of Congress. The number they cite is from a standard publication copyright form and has nothing to do with accreditation. The only faculty listing they publish appears in a brochure for their master's program. None of the six persons listed holds an earned doctorate degree, and several hold their only credentials from CIBS itself. Pure and simple, this one's a sham. Their tuition is as low as $12.50 per credit hour - an amount so outrageously cheap that it proves the old adage, "You get what you pay for." And that's not much. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. CHRISTIAN INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 90000 Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459 (904) 231-5308 Founded by evangelist Wilford S. Hamon, this school lists neither its faculty or their credentials by name. In addition to student testimonials, their strongest selling point appears to be that, "Christian International courses are presented in professionally printed 3/4," three-ring, vinyl notebooks with gold lettering for your convenience." (Your Christian International degree may be worthless, but at least your notes will be in nice books!) CHRISTIAN LIBERTY ACADEMY, BIBLE COLLEGE, AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 5915 Hayes Street Hollywood, Florida 33021 (305) 961-1217 In their poorly typed and photocopied catalog, "Doctor" Charles Schmitz (who even lists his beeper number on the school's letterhead) states that the school is accredited by the Accrediting Commission International, for which "acceptance by sate [sic] agencies, church organizations, and businesses has been relatively good." (I'd like to know which "sates" [sic] he's talking about. Purporting to grant degrees through the doctorate, the school lists only seven faculty members (without indicating their degrees or whether they are full time). The school appears to be a ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church of Hollywood, no relation to the traditional Bible Fellowship denomination. In a testimony to their academic excellence (note tongue-in-cheek) their ads tout, among other things, that by signing up for one of their degree programs (B.A. at $1,200, M.A. $1,500, or doctorate $2,000), you can earn a free fax machine or study for a week in Israel for only $500. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. CHRISTIAN LIFE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY & SEMINARY P.O. Box 8786 Columbus, Georgia 31908 (706) 323-0847 A division of Christian Life Ministries, this degree mill claims accreditation from the Accrediting Commission International. Purporting to offer degrees through the doctoral level, their informational package literally consists of *half* a brochure (the other half is an application). Why do I base my evaluation on a mere brochure? Because they state that their catalog "will be sent to you when you have applied and been enrolled as a student" - another degree mill indicator. Needless to say, we got hold of their catalog (without enrolling, of course), and guess what, campers . . . The Christian Life School of Theology turns out to be the external program of Beacon Bible College (formerly Florida Beacon Bible College), another school listed in this chapter that holds Associate status with the Transnational Association of Christian Schools. (That's one more mark against the friendly folks at TRACS.) In addition to their TRACS affiliation through Beacon, they also claim accreditation through two accrediting mills, the Southern Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges, and the Accrediting Commission International. Several of their faculty members hold one or more of their credentials from degree mills. They are also affiliated with Christian Life Ministries, directed by "Ronald E. Cottle, Ph.D., Ed.D." (who doesn't list the source of his credentials). Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. CHRISTIAN TRAINING MINISTRATION Kelowna, British Columbia (May Be Out of Business) It's difficult to pull off the operation of a diploma mill in Canada, where colleges and universities must be chartered by their provincial governments, but CTM managed to do it. Formerly known as Counselor Training Ministration and claiming to be "a private Christian training institution offering non-traditional religious education through non- residency programs" (translation: they didn't have any residential programs), they did not offer degrees themselves but *repeatedly* noted in their literature that their course work was approved for transfer to Trinity Evangelical Seminary of Florida - a degree mill listed in this chapter. Even their articulation letter with Trinity was printed in the CTM catalog: you did the work through CTM, but got your degree through Trinity. The catalog indicated that they belonged to several professional associations, but readers should remember that association membership is *not* the same as accreditation. Apparently into outward signs and wonders, they also printed samples of their transcript and certificates. A division of Whole Life Ministries, they also served as a counselor credentialing mill under the names Christian Workers Ministerial. Mail sent to them in August 1995 was returned, indicting that they had moved; attempts to contact them through their old telephone number were not successful, but the number appeared to have been disconnected by 1994. Advertised in Christianity Today. CITY UNIVERSITY LOS ANGELES 3960 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90010 (213) 382-3801 This degree mill lists the credential sources of only part of its administration (which indicates that they have something to hide with regard to its other administrators), including multiple honorary doctorate titles for an administrator called the "Spiritual Advisor to the Chancellor" (that's a new twist). Proclaiming that the service they provide is "membership in a heretofore exclusive club," the university notes that it is a *former* member in good standing of the International Accrediting Commission for Schools, Colleges and Theological Seminaries (an accreditation mill discussed in Chapter 4). They also claim, "City University Los Angeles and School of Law is internationally accredited by agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education," but they do not mention which ones. Their 1990-2000 catalog (think about that one . . . a ten-year catalog) also proclaims, "The university is located in the mid-Wilshire District of Los Angeles, approximately halfway between the University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of Southern California." That's like saying the Playboy Mansion is legitimate because it's located halfway between two churches. They claim that their *honorary* alumni include Ethel Kennedy, Coretta Scott King, Johnny Carson, and Muhammad Ali, but be discerning about the statement. It doesn't indicate that these luminaries showed up to receive their honorary degrees, and it gives no indication of the caliber of people who earned non-honorary degrees from them. Remember my hypothetical degree mill, discussed in Chapter 4? Theoretically, I can mail an "honorary" degree to the White House, then claim that President Bill Clinton is an honorary alumnus of my school. Don't buy into this trick. (Incidentally, John Bear notes that the "Who's Who" listings for Kennedy, King, Carson, and Ali contain no mention of their alleged honorary degrees from the school.) Their catalog is loaded with indicators that this school is a sham. City University also operates under the name Louisa College. CLARKSVILLE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Clarksville, Tennessee (Out of Business) This is the only case where I've decided to mention a degree mill that has long been out of business. In their last year of operation, Clarksville had 80 students and was charging only $375 for a Bachelor of Theology degree. They also offered master's and doctorate degrees in both religion and education. Claiming state interference with their free exercise of religion, the school flouted the law and wound up in the Tennessee Supreme Court, which ruled, "It is the inescapable conclusion of the court that these [Clarksville degrees] are false or misleading educational credentials." I've mentioned them here because many faculty members from *other* degree mills hold their "credentials" from Clarksville. If you have an opportunity to visit a law library, the court's opinion provides a fascinating look at a well-known degree mill. You'll find the opinion in 636 S.W.2d 706 (Tenn. 1982). For the lay reader, that means volume 636 of the Southwestern Reporter, second series, beginning on page 706 (issued in 1982 by the Tennessee Supreme Court). COLUMBIA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY 1415 Third Street San Raphael, California 94901 (415) 459-1650 This is one of many schools in California that have "full institutional approval" status from the State of California. Nonetheless, their degrees are not generally recognized by regionally accredited institutions and are far from universally accepted. I've listed them here because they offer programs in religion and advertise in Pulpit Helps, a Christian publication for pastors, as well as the national newspaper USA Today. Despite their state approval, they exhibit several qualities of a degree mill. COLUMBIA STATE UNIVERSITY 5000 W. Esplanade, #231 Metairie, Louisiana 70006 (504) 455-1409 Guess what, kids! If you enroll in this degree mill within 30 days of receiving your application package, they'll toss in one of their college rings free of charge! ("These elegant rings usually sell for $495.00!") Their catalog stresses such academic accomplishments as a diploma printed on a standard stock and bond certificate, a student I.D. card, and even an alumni I.D. card. Claiming accreditation by the unrecognized International Accreditation Association of Universities and Colleges, they attempt to imply that regional accreditation (the type recognized by the Department of Education) is nothing compared to their international accreditation. Nonsense. They also state that they are a member of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education along with eighteen other luminary institutions (which they list), which means simply that *any* school can join the organization. They indicate that in lieu of a thesis or dissertation, they will accept a previously published book (no legitimate school would allow this). The real danger in this degree mill is that they use the word "State" in their name, which implies that they are a state-affiliated institution. Not true; they're just another rip-off. Incidentally, note the similarity between their address and the address of Adam Smith University (also listed in this chapter) - likely a mail forwarding service. CONSERVATIVE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 12021 Old St. Augustine Road P.O. Box 24299 Jacksonville, Florida 32241-4299 (904) 262-8275 Formerly known as Gulf Shore Baptist Seminary, Cornerstone states that their doctoral degree programs "are competency based and require the completion of six submissions of work or the equivalent semester hour credit." Six submissions? As one general replied when presented with a demand for unconditional American surrender in World War II, "Nuts." The seminary brochure states, "CTS currently holds Associate Status with TRACS, an independent Christian accrediting organization recognized by the US Department of Education," but doesn't bother to note that Associate Status with TRACS is not a membership category and does not indicate accreditation. (For more on TRACS, see Chapter 3.) The brochure also claims that their faculty members hold "appropriate earned degrees from accredited institutions, including Doctorates," but does not indicate whether these institutions are *legitimately* accredited. In fact, there is no list of faculty provided at all. In response to a request for their full catalog, I was informed that they have none. How convenient. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. CORNERSTONE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 730 730 Sawyer Road Marietta, Georgia 30062 (404) 422-3579 Claiming accreditation from the Accrediting Commission International, Cornerstone purports to grant degrees through the doctoral level. Their Th.M. program consists of only 36 credits, an absurdity when you consider that a Th.M. normally follows a Master of Divinity degree - which Cornerstone neither offers nor requires. At only $30.00 a credit, their brief catalog is another reminder that you get what you pay for, which isn't much. Many of their faculty holds their credentials from unaccredited schools. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. CORNERSTONE UNIVERSITY 601 Ryan Street Lake Charles, Louisiana 70601 (318) 497-1871 Claiming accreditation from the Accrediting Commission International, Cornerstone's catalog includes an extensive list of executive administration, staff, divisional deans, advisory board members, board of regents, but - you guessed it - no faculty. Cornerstone also uses an address in Pasadena, Texas, and operates under several names including Calvary Bible Institute, Cornerstone Theological Seminary, and The Learning Center. The correspondence catalog of The Learning Center states, "The Learning Center is now able to offer the advanced series of studies developed by International Correspondence Institute. The ICI is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education Training Council. The Accrediting Commission of DETC is listed by the U.S. Office of Education as a national recognized accrediting agency. DETC is a member of the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation (CORPA). ICI is also a member of the Association of Christian Continuing Education Schools and Seminaries (ACCESS) . . . " All of these facts about ICI are true (see the listing for ICI in Chapter 7). But what has The Learning Center told you about itself? Nothing, except that they're purporting to use ICI's courses. As a division of Cornerstone, however, The Learning Center is part of a blatant degree mill. Incidentally, Cornerstone stated in its registration form submitted in December 1992 to the Board of Regents of the State of Louisiana that it was seeking accreditation by the Distance Education Training Council (then the National Home Study Council). In response to our inquiry, however, DETC indicated that they had never heard of Cornerstone. COUNSELOR TRAINING MINISTRATION See: Christian Training Ministration, in this chapter. COVINGTON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY & BIBLE INSTITUTE P.O. Box 176 Rossville, Georgia 30741 (404) 866-4694 Claiming accreditation by the unrecognized Accrediting Commission International, Covington offers degrees through the doctoral level at prices too cheap to be legitimate. Nonetheless, faculty listings in other degree mill catalogs include Covington as a common source of "credentials." They state up front, "The degrees granted by the Seminary or Institute will not qualify the holder to teach in State supported schools under the current law. However, it will aid the student in preparing to teach in Christian schools." But, be discerning about the language in this statement. First, they purport that their degrees will *aid* the student in preparing to teach, not that the degrees will *qualify* the student to teach. Compare the language in the two sentences, and you'll have an idea of how degree mills mislead people in carefully crafted ways. Also, most Christian schools require traditional or accredited degrees and, depending on where the school is located, state certification as a teacher. Your best bet: take nothing for granted, and avoid this degree mill entirely. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. DAYSPRING THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY P.O. Box 745 Elberton, Georgia 30635 (800) 253-5417 Advertising "fully accredited home video programs for Bachelor, Masters, Doctorate, and PH.D. [sic] degrees," Dayspring Seminary's catalog reads like a how-to of degree mills. All eight faculty members hold at least one credential from Gulf Coast Seminary (also a degree mill listed in this chapter); of the administrative board, the president and treasurer appear to be husband and wife, and the vice- president and secretary appear to be husband and wife. In short, this school is more home grown than the backwoods characters in "Deliverance." Their courses carry up to eight credits each (way too high for a legitimate school), and they value their doctoral dissertation at 32 credits (legitimate dissertations usually carry between six and twelve credits). Their 23-page catalog is typed and photocopied, and their letterhead identifies the school as "a ministry of Dayspring Ministries Association." However, neither the seminary nor the ministry association are listed with Directory Assistance. When I called them to request information on their program, a crying baby could be heard in the background, indicating that the phone was being answered in a private home. This was confirmed by another call to them late on a Sunday evening, when the phone was simply answered, "Hello." (Here is an example of the fact that anyone can get an "800" number these days.) In short, whether the administrators' motivation is sincere or not, the school is a joke. Their post office box, for which application was made in 1991, is registered to "Cornerstone Christian College" (which is probably as credible as Dayspring Seminary). Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. DAYSPRING UNIVERSITY 3501 Mount Diablo Boulevard, Suite 1 Lafayette, California 94549 (510) 284-1221 Dayspring is both a degree mill and a counseling credential mill, currently holding associate status with TRACS. However, they misrepresent TRACS by noting that the accreditor "is recognized by COPA (Council on Postacademy [sic] Accreditation) and the U.S. Department of Education." In addition to omitting TRACS' required disclaimer about the nature of associate status, Dayspring is providing misleading information; TRACS is recognized by the Department of Education, but was never recognized by COPA. Purporting to grant degrees through the doctoral level, Dayspring claims that their curriculum will make you eligible for "Biblical and Clinical Counselor Licensure" through the National Association of Biblical and Clinical Counselors (NABCC). What they don't tell you is that private organizations may certify counselors, but they may not license counselors at all. As it happens, the State of California has a licensure requirement for marriage, family, and child counselors, but not for counselors in general. Therefore, Dayspring's claims about licensure as a "clinical counselor" are a pure hoax. Dayspring also claims to use the courses of the legitimate International Correspondence Institute (now ICI University; see listing in Chapter 7); however, students interested in these courses are better off taking them directly from ICI or through an ICI-affiliated college that's legitimately accredited (see, for example, the listings for Berean College and Trinity Bible College in Chapter 7). Their faculty listings do not include the sources of any credentials. DAYSTAR THEOLOGICAL TRAINING CENTER 70 Pine Ridge Road Lemont Furnace, Pennsylvania 15456 (412) 437-5250 A division of DayStar Ministries, this "theological training center" does not grant degrees on its own, but acts as an extension of both the Carolina University of Theology (a degree mill listed in Chapter 12 which has been under investigation by the North Carolina Attorney- General's office) and the National Christian Counselors Association (a counseling credential mill listed in Chapter 11). The only name that appears in their two catalogs (one representing each of the C.U.T. and N.C.C.A. affiliations) is "Dr. Rebecca A. Reed, Ph.D.," who does not list the source of her alleged credentials. Their own catalogs reflect both counselor licensure and ordination through N.C.C.A. and degrees through the doctorate level through C.U.T., including degrees allegedly in "Christian counseling psychology." (Remember that these degrees will *not* qualify a person to sit for state licensure boards for psychology.) They state, "Our training center does not degree each student, but only assists in the supervision need [sic] to acquire each degree," but all checks are to be made payable to DayStar. Membership in known accreditation mills is indicated in both catalogs, though the language of the catalogs is non-specific and alternates between representation by DayStar and by C.U.T./N.C.C.A. Their literature package also includes a brochure for the American Society of Christian Therapists, a credential mill affiliated with the Carolina University of Theology. Pennsylvania has some of the most stringent regulations in the country regarding the ability of institutions to grant degrees, and it's virtually impossible for a degree mill to become established in the state. DayStar, however, latched onto a more recent concept to get around this: not directly purporting to grant degrees themselves, but affiliating with a school that will essentially grant degrees for them. Like Counseling Training Ministration in British Columbia (also listed in this book), they did it by affiliating with another school in a state which does not regulate degree-granting institutions as efficiently. DayStar advertises or has advertised in Expression, a legitimate monthly Christian newspaper published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. *N.B.* Rebecca Reed, director of DayStar, has stated that since we first published information on DayStar, they have dropped their affiliation with both Carolina University of Theology and the National Christian Counselors Association, and are no longer offering any degrees or credentials. DayStar has recently been advertising in Expression solely as a counseling center. Additionally, Reed has changed the listing of her credentials in the counseling ad from "Ph.D." to "DC/PSY," which she notes stands for "Doctor of Christian Psychology." The source of her doctorate? The same Carolina University of Theology, listed in this chapter, which has been under investigation by the North Carolina attorney-general's office. Reed admits that none of her own "degrees" are from legitimate institutions, and told me that as far as DayStar's offering of degrees, "We're out of the business." However, in light of the fact that Reed is still marketing herself with a doctoral title, I take her alleged withdrawal from the CUT and NCCA affiliations with a grain of salt. One of the early theological truths I learned is that there's no such thing as "slightly pregnant." Or, as Paul put it, "A little leaven leavens the whole lump" (1 Cor. 5:6). THE DISPENSATIONAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY P.O. Box 99 Gaston, Oregon 97119 No Listed Phone This residential program affiliated with the Valley Baptist Church of Gaston does not claim accreditation, but the seminary's catalog lists only three faculty members (two of whom have the same last name). While degree titles are listed for the faculty, the source of their degrees is not included. The seminary, which offers a Master of Divinity degree, purports to teach a Dispensationalist theology consistent with the Scofield Reference Bible and Chafer's Systematic Theology. Advertises or has advertised in The Biblical Evangelist and Target. EMMANUEL BAPTIST UNIVERSITY 8123 George Hildebrand School Road Connelley Springs, North Carolina 28612 (704) 879-2236 Trading under several names that include Emmanuel School of Religion, Emmanuel Baptist Seminary, Emmanuel Bible College, and Emmanuel Baptist College, this Fundamentalist degree mill claims membership in four (count 'em, four) accreditation and certification mills: the American Association of Theological Institutions, the American Accrediting Educational Association of Christian Schools, the Accrediting Commission International, and the National Christian Counselors Association. Their catalog does not list the school's faculty, though it does include an undated copy of their Articles of Incorporation, a legal document that establishes their corporate status. (This is an interesting inclusion that you won't find in the catalog of any legitimate college or university. Written in "legalese," it's the type of document that may impress people but provides no indication of their academic or institutional integrity. In other words, nice try, but no cigar.) EVANGEL BIBLE INSTITUTE EVANGEL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA 909 North 18th Street, Suite 123 Monroe, Louisiana 71201 (318) 325-1324 A degree mill all the way, the Evangel Bible Institute (which is also known as Evangel Christian University of America) purports to be "accredited by the Transworld Accrediting Commission (TAC), the highest rating." What they don't tell you is that the Transworld Commission was, at one time, headquartered at the same address as the school itself. Also at this address is Evangelical Gospel Assemblies, Inc., a known ordination mill (also known as AEGA Ministries International). There are no faculty listings in their brochure. This is a classic example of a degree mill that formed a second organization to accredit itself. In 1992 Evangel announced the "Degree by Thesis" program in which a bachelor's degree could be earned, without any course work and for a *total* tuition of $960.00, by writing two 10,000-word papers or four 20,000-word papers. According to their own calculations, that's a total of about eighty pages for a four-year degree, less writing than is required in many individual three-credit courses at accredited colleges. Similarly low requirements qualify students to earn their master's and doctorate degrees. In plain words, this school is a joke. Also known as Evangel Christian University & Seminary and Evangel Bible Institute. Advertises or has advertised in Ministries Today, Pulpit Helps and The Christian Advocate. *N.B.* Here's some additional background on the Transworld Accrediting Commission . . . This accrediting mill, which was located at the same address in Monroe, Louisiana, as Evangel Christian University of America and the Association of Evangelical Gospel Assemblies, has moved to 509 E. Ashley Street, Siloam Springs, AR 72761-2747, tel. (501) 524-8661. The new president of TAC is Dalton Weber, who has taken over from Henry A. Harbuck, who is also president of EUCA and AEGA. In response to an inquiry, Transworld noted that they do not release a list of their accredited institutions, but provided the names of Evangel Christian University and the Southern California Theological Seminary (also listed in this chapter). Keep in mind that any accrediting association that refuses to release a list of the schools they accredit is a sham. EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY P.O. Box 559 Dixon, Missouri 65459 (314) 759-6238 Christians may be all things to all people, but this degree mill carries it a bit far, proclaiming to have four divisions: Calvinistic, Wesleyan, Baptist, and Full Gospel. Operating under Missouri's religious exemption laws, Evangelical Theological Seminary is stacked with faculty from the National Christian Counselors Association (a credential mill profiled in Chapter 11). In fact, several credential mill operators claim to hold one or more of their own credentials from this alleged school. Most of Evangelical's faculty hold their terminal degrees from unaccredited schools and degree mills. The school claims to be accredited by the American Federation of Christian Colleges and Schools, which, according to their catalog, is "not currently recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation." This statement requires discernment, as the word "currently" implied that the American Federation may become recognized by the Department of Education or CORPA. The Federation, however, has blatantly stated that it has no intention of even applying for such recognition. (It's notable that the American Federation's prospectus uses virtually the same layout as the National Christian Counselors Association, several board members of which serve on Evangelical's faculty. Oh, what a tangled web we weave . . .) *N.B.* ETS recently sent out a marketing letter offering a 25% discount on all undergraduate programs, 35% on masters programs, and 45% on all doctoral programs. This provides a good opportunity to reiterate two suggestions. First, beware of any school that gives a discount on its tuition is the entire program fee is paid up front (especially a discount as outrageously high as 45%); no legitimate school would do this. Second, you should *never* pay your entire program's tuition up front; if you decide you don't like the school in which you're enrolled, you're either stuck with it or you've lost a lot of money. Spread your tuition payments as far as possible, and don't be deceived by discount offers that sound too good to be true - they usually are too good . . . to be true. EZRA INSTITUTE FOR BIBLICAL STUDIES 1091 74th Street West Des Moines, Iowa 50266 (515) 225-6000 Affiliated with Christ Church, an independent congregation, EIBS recently announced a "Masters Program" with no residency requirement. Their literature package was mailed from Indianola, Iowa, and indicates that the total charge for the degree is $1,024. However, their brochure notes that at the completion of your program, "you will be issued your Masters Diploma." (Activate your discernment, folks - nowhere in the brochure do they use the word "degree.") For admission, they require only that the student attach a transcript or diploma of B.A. or B.S. completion. (Remember, legitimate schools require that transcripts be sent directly by the school from which you graduated. No legitimate institution would accept only a diploma copy or a transcript submitted directly by the student.) Their program was announced in a recent issue of Restoration Herald, a Christian Churches/Churches of Christ publication. *N.B.* Students should be discerning about programs which claim to be affiliated with the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ. These are denominations that are autonomous in nature, having independent churches that are governed at the congregational level. (In fact, they don't even like to call themselves a denomination, even though they're listed in the Handbook of Denominations and the Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches.) Based on the doctrinal teachings of Alexander Campbell and Barton Stone, they are also known as "Restoration Movement" churches. There are actually three "branches" in the fellowship: the Disciples of Christ (the liberal branch), the Christian Churches (an evangelical fellowship which uses instruments in their worship services), and the Churches of Christ (the most conservative branch, which does not use instruments in their worship). Within evangelicalism on the whole, they are controversial insofar as they stress the doctrine of "baptismal regeneration" (in other words, if you're not dunked you're not saved), though they hold an orthodox Christology. Because of the independent/autonomous nature of the fellowship, it is easy for a degree mill to claim a Christian Churches/Churches of Christ affiliation. If you are looking for a school affiliated with these fellowships, there are a few *legitimate* institutions that have led the way in non-traditional Christian education at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Those listed in this book include Johnson Bible College, Kentucky Christian College, and Lincoln Christian College & Seminary, all of which have outstanding programs. Schools to avoid that claim a Christian Churches/Churches of Christ affiliation are Ezra Institute for Biblical Studies and Summit Theological Seminary (both of which are in this chapter). There is also an ordination mill that has misappropriated the Disciples name; see the listing for Association of Churches of Christ (Disciples of Christ) International in Chapter 13. FAIRFAX UNIVERSITY 2900 West Fork Drive New Orleans, Louisiana 70827 (504) 292-3496 An unaccredited institution offering degrees in a variety of fields, Fairfax's Division of Theology and Religious Studies offers "professional and academic programs to the ordained, lay persons, and others who may not be committed to a particular religious creed but who wish to extend their knowledge of religion and its practices." The division head, whose listed credentials include degrees from accredited institutions, has majored in "Buddhist Studies, Indian Studies, Philosophy of Religion, History of Religions, Biblical Studies and Sanskrit." John Bear notes that their address is a "headquarters company," or mail forwarding service. Also known as the Fairfax School of Theology and Religious Studies. FAITH BAPTIST COLLEGE AND SEMINARY P.O. Box 3005 Anderson, South Carolina 29624-3005 (803) 226-5239 One of the older degree mills in existence, the institution was founded as Faith Evangelistic Christian Schools in Morgantown, Kentucky, in 1969. After the death of founder James Bishop, the school moved to South Carolina and ownership was transferred to Michael A. Smith, who purports to have six degrees, four of which come from this unaccredited school itself. They claim accreditation by the American Educational Accrediting Association of Christian Schools (located at the same address as Bethany Bible College and Seminary, also listed in this chapter) and the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, neither of which are legitimate agencies. Advertises or has advertised in The Seminary & Graduate School Handbook and The Great Commission Handbook. FAITH CHRISTIAN BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY P.O. Box 44 Jackson, Nebraska 68743 (800) 539-3603 Offering degrees at the low cost of $4.00 per undergraduate credit (yes, that's *four* dollars), Faith charges a *total* of $256 and $512 for an associates and bachelor's degree, respectively (with a 10% discount if prepaid!). Ditto for their graduate programs, which cost $6.00 per credit, or a total of $240 for *either* the master's or doctorate. Unlike other degree mills, they do not even specify what type of master's or doctorate they offer, merely using the master's and doctorate titles generically. This is one of the few diploma mills I've found that lists a toll-free phone number but *not* a local telephone number; in fact, Directory Assistance had no local telephone number listed for Faith Christian Bible College and Seminary. Their 18-page catalog lists no administration or faculty at all; however, our investigation indicates that their post office box is registered to Larry Madsen of Sioux City, Nebraska, who also trades under the name LLM, Inc. Advertises or have advertised in Pulpit Helps. FAITH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 920 Spring Avenue Elkins Park, Pennsylvania 19117 (215) 635-3300 Founded in 1937 by the Bible Presbyterian Church, Faith Theological Seminary is a traditional residential school headed by Fundamentalist preacher Carl McIntire, founder and president of the International Council of Christian Churches (ICCC). The seminary claims to be accredited by the unrecognized International Accrediting Agency of Colleges and Schools (IAACS), established by ICCC in 1979 to accredit "separated colleges and schools throughout the world." Think about the connection: McIntire is the founder of both the seminary and ICCC, whose accrediting agency just happens to accredit the seminary. McIntire also serves as Chancellor of Shelton College in Cape May, New Jersey, which also claims IAACS accreditation but in the early 1980's lost its right to legally grant degrees in the state of New Jersey. FAITH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY & CHRISTIAN COLLEGE 7607 Sheldon Road Tampa, Florida 33615 (813) 886-8492 This degree mill charges between $800 and $2,400 for degrees ranging from the associate's through doctorate. They have a comprehensive 78- page catalog which includes full information on their programs and course descriptions (appropriate, since they charge five bucks for the catalog). However, most of the twelve persons listed as "faculty and advisory board" (a combined list) hold their credentials from other schools listed in this chapter, including many from Faith itself. They claim accreditation from the "Florida Federation of Christian Colleges and Schools, which is a member of the American Federation of Christian Colleges and Schools," an accrediting mill closely related to the National Association of Christian Counselors (see Chapter 11). Advertises or has advertised in Charisma. FAMILY BIBLE INSTITUTE, COLLEGE & SEMINARY 5300 Edmonson Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21229 (410) 0678 Run by "Doctors" Eddie and Alverta Montgomery (who do not indicate the source of their alleged degrees), Family Bible Institute is an affiliate of the National Christian Counselors Association, listed in Chapter 11. They purport to offer degrees through the doctoral level, list no faculty except themselves, are accredited by everyone's favorite scam organization, the Accrediting Commission International. The school itself advertises or has advertised in Charisma. FARASTON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY P.O. Box 847 Longview, Washington 98632 (360) 577-8039 The good news: Rick L. Josh Walston, the president of Faraston, freely admits that the seminary is not accredited and that it operates under a "religious exempt status" in Washington. Faraston's catalog is open about the nature of accreditation, and the school includes a summary of the ramifications of enrolling in a school accredited by a bogus association. On the down side, many on the seminary's faculty hold their credentials from other unaccredited schools. Their tuition for each thirty-two semester hours is far less than at accredited schools. Unfortunately, you also get what you pay for - also far less than at accredited schools. Their course descriptions include a list of "suggested textbooks" used, and most of these are credible. However, Faraston is granting far more credit than is normally given for graduate courses that require minimal work. For example, three- semester hour independent study courses at the graduate level generally require as much as 1,500 pages of reading. Faraston offers a *four*-semester course titled "Apologetics I" for which the suggested text is Paul Little's well-known book "Know Why You Believe," a 150-page pocket-size paperback. A course titled "Apologetics II," which carries an *additional* four semester hours credit, uses Henry Morris' "Many Infallible Proofs," which is 381 pages long. No Faraston course is worth less than four semester hours, yet several of their recommended texts are even shorter than these. Additionally, the catalog indicates a heavy potential for "double dipping," that is, using the same work to earn credit in more than one course. For example, Norman Geisler's book "Christian Apologetics" is used as the text for two separate four-credit courses titled "Philosophical Apologetics" and "The Apologetics of Geisler," which means that a student could earn *eight* credits for reading one book. (This practice is universally frowned upon. It would be similar to doing the same work to earn credit for one course titled "Nineteenth Century American History" and another course titled "American History 1800-1900." Cute, but no cigar.) Walston is a former educational consultant and served for eight years as an Assemblies of God pastor, and much of his faculty appears to be evangelical in orientation. However, several of the school's faculty members hold or are currently pursuing degrees through the seminary itself and from Walston's own doctoral alma mater, Greenwich University (also listed in this chapter). Walston has sought "mentors" for his faculty by advertising in Christian publications, and a few credible scholars have joined the school in an adjunct capacity. (Paradoxically, Walston has required that Faraston's mentors have degrees from accredited schools, and makes it clear that he considers "accreditation" to be from a legitimate agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and CORPA.) Faraston Theological Seminary may have been a sincere effort at creating a credible non- traditional education program, but at this point in the game it's a degree mill, period. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma, Christianity Today, and Pulpit Helps. *N.B.* A few additional comments are in order regarding Faraston Theological Seminary. Rick Walston is the co-author of "Walston & Bear's Guide to Earning Religious Degrees Non-Traditionally" (adapted largely from John bear's previous books). Because his book is, for all intent and purpose, "Name It and Frame It's" competition, I've tried to be fair in the past to my fellow traveler in the wacky world of non-traditional education. At this point, however, there are several factors that concern me. First, Rick holds unaccredited degrees himself, including doctorates from Bethany Theological Seminary and Greenwich University (of which John Bear is a former president), both of which are listed in this chapter. This indicates that he, like Bear, would tend to value unaccredited degrees more than I do (actually, I don't value them at all). In fact, of the eight institutions they've recommended as the best unaccredited schools, seven of them are listed in this edition of "Name It and Frame It" as degree mills. Second, because Walston serves as president of Faraston Theological Seminary, there is a potential conflict of interest vis-a- vis his impartiality. Now, lest I sound like I'm attempting to "trash the competition," here's the other side of the coin. I recommend Walston and Bear's book, though with *many* reservations (for more information on how to get a copy, see Chapter 16) because a person's choice of higher education is such an important item that I encourage you to get a perspective in addition to my own. Walston's collaboration with Bear is worth reading, though with *lots* of discernment. When it comes his school, however, I believe that Faraston is a Mickey Mouse school all the way (with apologies to Mickey Mouse). FLORIDA BEACON BIBLE COLLEGE See: Beacon Bible College, in this chapter. FLORIDA RELIGIOUS UNIVERSITY 16666 N.E. 19th Avenue, Suite 101 North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 (305) 949-1103 Advertising itself as "a school of life-long learning founded 1989," this degree mill operates under Florida's regulatory exemption for religious schools. They purport to offer degrees through the doctoral level, and all of their programs "are carefully designed for completion in 9 to 12 months." FRU is a non-sectarian school, offering curricula in subjects that include transpersonal and parapsychologies, and several of their faculty claim to have rabbinical credentials. However, despite an impressively produced 92- page catalog, their faculty listings are both incomplete and deceptive. When providing biographies of their "deans," for example - all of whom have doctorates - the catalog lists the source of their bachelor's and master's credentials (many of which are legitimate), but not their doctorates. (This provides a good example of the principle that you should not only look at what a catalog says, but what it *doesn't* say.) Their presentation is impressive, but the bottom line is that they're a rip-off. FREEDOM UNIVERSITY & SEMINARY 8723 Salamander Road North Charleston, South Carolina 29418 (803) 572-9365 Founded by the late George Robert Overby in 1973, this degree mill was previously located in Indianapolis, Indiana, then Maitland, Florida, before moving to South Carolina in 1992. Freedom claims accreditation by the unrecognized International Association for Christian Education. Eighty-one of ninety-eight faculty listed in their catalog (83%) hold one or more credentials from Freedom University itself, and several other unaccredited schools and degree mills are represented in the faculty listings. FREELANDIA BIBLE COLLEGE & SEMINARY Route HC 81, Box 145 Cassville, Missouri 65625-9209 (417) 271-3627 The school's 24-page catalog states, "The quality of Freelandia's faculty and Bible centered program has gained the respect and accreditation of leading Bible colleges, seminaries and a multitude of evangelical churches across the U.S.A." Other than the fact that they do not list the institutions which have allegedly endorsed them, remember that a school cannot be accredited by another school. Most of the faculty hold degrees from unaccredited institutions. They appear to be fundamental in nature and base their curriculum on the King James Version. Advertises or has advertised in The Christian Herald (which ceased publication in 1992) and Pulpit Helps. FULL GOSPEL BIBLE INSTITUTE P.O. Box 1230 Coatesville, Pennsylvania 19320 (215) 857-2357 Though they do not grant degrees (Pennsylvania law is strict in this area), this Charismatic school claims accreditation from the Accrediting Commission International for Schools, Colleges, and Theological Seminaries, a known accreditation mill. Affiliated with Full Gospel Assemblies International, which offers "ministerial licenses" and ordinations by mail. Advertises or has advertised in Ministries Today. FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 2007 S. Schenley Youngstown, Ohio 44511 (216) 799-9976 Their 20-page typed catalog claims that the school is accredited by the unrecognized American Educational Accrediting Association of Christian Schools (at the same address as Bethany Bible College and Seminary, also listed in this chapter). No faculty are listed except for the President, who holds his degrees from unaccredited institutions. However, it's notable that the president is Ronald E. Shipley, the registrar is Glenda K. Shipley, and the bursar is Tracy W. Shipley. All three are also listed trustees, along with Tracy W. Shipley, Jr. Purporting to grant degrees through the doctorate level, their catalog states, "The Fundamental Baptist Theological Seminary is incorporated out of the state of North Carolina from where our degrees are given. At this time our temporary address is listed in Ohio for mailing purposes only." In plain words, everyone associated with this little family operation lives in Ohio, which doesn't let them get away with what North Carolina lets them get away with. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. GLORYLAND BIBLE COLLEGE: See Cathedral Bible College, in this chapter. GOLDEN GRAIN BIBLE COLLEGE & SEMINARY P.O. Box 4249 Ventura, Callifornia 93004 (805) 647-1607 Golden Grain's photocopied, spiral-bound catalog lists no faculty at all, only two administrators and a few board members with no credentials noted. Their course requirements are absurdly minimal. For example, they use Henry Thiessen's classic book "Lectures in Systematic Theology" as the text for Systematic Theology I, II, III, and IV, as well as a course titled "Healing and Miracles." Therefore, Thiessen's text can be used to earn a whopping fifteen credits. Claiming recognition by the Accrediting Commission International, they purport to offer degrees through the doctoral level. Advertises or has advertised in Ministries Today. GRACE BIBLE COLLEGE P.O. Box 3114 Cary, North Carolina 27513 (919) 380-0691 Founded in 1992, Grace began offering a 52-week course (which, they said, could be completed in as little as 90 days). The cost was only $50.00, and upon completion of the course, they said, "You will receive a College Degree which entitles you to register with your state for a license in ministry, or if you prefer, simply use your degree to teach, preach, or disciple as God leads." Their promotional literature was full of misleading implications, since one year of study using a single textbook hardly qualifies a person to receive a college degree (nor to teach), and licenses for ministry are not issued by states. In 1993 they released a new informational package in which they purport to offer a two-year associate's degree. Their former 52-week program, which resulted in the granting of an unnamed "college degree," is now $75.00 ($99.00 for a couple) and results in the granting of a diploma only. Those who take additional courses taken over the following year will earn the associate's degree. Their one-year diploma program is based solely on one book, Henrietta Mears' "What the Bible Is All About." Grace's brochure claims, "Dr. Mears who compiled the materials has created a great program." They imply, of course, that Mears created *their* program. However, Grace Bible College has only been around since 1992, and Henrietta Mears died in 1963. (I know that "all things are possible to those who believe," but this seems to be stretching it a bit.) Their brochure also claims that they are "License [sic] in the State of North Carolina," but, according to the North Carolina Commission on Higher Education, the only Grace Bible College registered in the state is located in a different city and has no affiliation with Grace Bible College in Cary. The "college" recently became a "certified extension center for advanced studies" through I.M.I. Bible College & Seminary (see listing in this chapter under "Interdenominational Ministries, Inc.") for students who wish to pursue a degree at the bachelors through doctorate levels. There appears to be only one person running this operation, Lawrence Cracium, who does not indicate any credentials. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma. THE GRADUATE THEOLOGICAL FOUNDATION P.O. Box 5 Donaldson, Indiana 46513 (219) 848-7920 Offering the Master of Business Administration in Church Management, Doctor of Ministry, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees with limited residencies and specializations available in spiritual direction, pastoral counseling, applied ministries, and theological studies, the unaccredited Graduate Theological Foundation has a credible teaching faculty representing several main line seminaries and universities. They are also up front about their lack of accreditation and openly note that they operate under a religious exemption from Indiana licensure laws. (They do, however, devote much space to defending their lack of regional accreditation. My own opinion is that they'd have some trouble qualifying for regional accreditation in the first place.) Students attend two Monday-to-Friday workshops at the Foundation (at the somewhat outrageous cost of $1,500 per session) plus two sessions at one of several universities or theological seminaries around the country (at additional cost). While the foundation states that their doctorate degrees are equivalent to thirty credits, however, the residency requirements amount to only four course equivalences, far less than required for a legitimate doctorate. They are open in noting that their D.Min. program is collegial rather than academic in its orientation, but the Ph.D. is presented as an research-based degree. However, due to its lack of accreditation *and* its minimal requirements, it is unlikely to qualify a person to teach at a legitimate school. Geared primarily toward Christians in main line denominations, much of their theology also appears to be somewhat New Age in orientation, with an emphasis on the "Cosmic Christ" teachings of the so-called Creation Spirituality school of thought developed by renegade Catholic theologian Matthew Fox. Advertises or has advertised in The Christian Century and The Clergy Journal. GREENWICH UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 1717 Hilo, Hawaii 96721 (808) 935-9934 Originally founded in 1972 as the International Institute for Advanced Studies in Clayton, Missouri, the school changed its name in 1990 to Greenwich University after the appointment of Dr. John Bear, the well- known expert in non-traditional education, as its president in 1987. (Dr. Bear is no longer affiliated with Greenwich.) Keeping in mind that I think highly of John Bear (whose work I discuss in detail in Chapter 15), I find that Greenwich University qualifies as a degree mill as defined in this book. First, the Greenwich School of Theology is based in England, which has a reputation for granting questionable institutions the right to grant theological degrees. While the Greenwich catalog states that the School of Theology has operated since 1958 prior to becoming affiliated with Greenwich in 1990, no additional information is provided on the background of the school. Second, the Greenwich catalog notes that their theological degrees are "done to British university standards," which result in the granting of an M.Phil. or D.Phil., degrees which are not generally recognized in the United States. Finally, Greenwich has an Office of Writing Support Services, which, among other services, provides "heavy editing" for spelling, grammar, content, style, meaning and comprehension, and adherence to proper academic format. They note that they won't write your papers for you, but it sounds like they come awfully close. As any graduate professor will tell you, the ability to write well is one of the most important skills to develop, especially at the graduate level. Greenwich makes life *too* easy, and their degrees don't have much value in the world of accredited academic institutions. GULF COAST BIBLE INSTITUTE & SEMINARY P.O. Box 1451 Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32549 (904) 862-1802 A division of Foundation Ministries and affiliated with Gulf Coast Baptist Church, the school emphasizes the work of president/founder Dr. M.H. Tabb, who did his post-graduate work at Covington Seminary (see listing in this chapter). They claim that they are not accredited because, "Our sanction for existence is the King James Bible (AV 1611). We know of no agency that accepts the King James Bible as the absolute authority in all matters. Hence, there is no agency to approve our objectives nor our methodology." This should be taken with tongue-in-cheek, since there are many Bible colleges and seminaries that use the King James Bible as a norm and *are* legitimately accredited. Their post office box, for which the application was filed by Louise Tabb, is registered in the name of the B&L Bible Book Store. Advertises or has advertised in The Biblical Evangelist and Target. GULF COAST SEMINARY 4101 West 21st Street, Box B Panama City, Florida 32405 (904) 872-9308 This school, which is apparently unrelated to the school of the same name listed above, claims to be accredited by the American Educational Accrediting Association of Christian Schools, an unrecognized agency. Their catalog includes a "Statement on Tongues Speaking" that is copied verbatim from the catalog of the accredited Moody Bible Institute. The catalog states, "Gulf Coast Seminary uses some materials from outstanding educational programs such as: Institute of Biblical Studies, Wheaton Graduate School, Columbia Seminary, and the Ockenga Institute of Gordon-Conwell Seminary." However, these courses are available to students directly from the accredited institutions. Under the accreditation heading, they also list the Association of Christian Continuing Education Schools and Seminaries (ACCESS, profiled in Chapter 15); however, implying that ACCESS is an accrediting body is a violation of ACCESS's code of ethics. (I've spoken to more than one institutional administrator who has told me that Gulf Coast is not authorized to use their materials *or* their names in the school's catalog.) Under the heading "Adjunct Faculty," they refer to a list of audio and video tapes available from professors at several accredited schools, which gives the impression that the lecturers are on their own faculty. In short, their catalog is loaded with misleading implications, and on more than one occasion the legitimate institutions they have mentioned in their catalog have demanded that Gulf Coast cease to use their names. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. HARMONY COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCE 1434 Fremont Avenue Los Altos, California 94024 (415) 967-1232 Affiliated with the Harmony of Life Fellowship, this New Age degree mill has purported to offer degrees through the doctorate level in psychology, philosophy, natural nutrition, spiritual science, and healing. Also known as the International Society of Naturopathy. In 1993, the California Department of Education revoked their religious exemption because they were purporting to grant secular as well as religious degrees; their business status is unknown, but I recently came across a case in which a politician was using one of their doctorates in his election literature, and their credentials are still in the marketplace. HARVEST CHRISTIAN COLLEGE 31912 Lake Elsie Drive Tavares, Florida 32278 (904) 343-5164 Operating under a religious exemption in Florida, Harvest claims to be accredited by the unrecognized Florida Federation of Christian Colleges and Universities. Their catalog includes neither course descriptions nor faculty credentials. Harvest sends out a regular newsletter which consists of short typed poems and articles sloppily pasted up from other publications; the production quality of their literature is such a joke that it's a wonder anyone would enroll. In a recent newsletter, however, Harvest announced an affiliation that provides a new twist in degree mills which is so off the wall, the best thing to do is reprint it here in full . . . NOW YOU CAN EARN YOUR DEGREE IN ANY AREA EXCEPT MEDICAL Harvest Christian College/Harvest Seminary has been extended the opportunity to be an accepted institution under Summit University's "Community Learning Validation Division." This means that in the areas of study where Harvest Christian College/Harvest Seminary does not offer degrees, Summit University will not only elevate the institution by affording the opportunity to offer these degrees (in every area of study except Medical) but they will also provide the degrees to Harvest Christian College/Harvest Seminary's Students in areas of study where necessary. In the case where Summit University is the degree granting University, harvest [sic] Christian College/Harvest Seminary will act as the learner's "Provost," (Tutor) and will receive stipends accordingly. How should one interpret Harvest's "schtick?" Simple: two degree mills getting into bed with each other. By the way, the exclusion of medical degrees is based on regulations coming out of "Dipscam," the FBI's investigation of medical degree mills a few years back. Summit University, based in Louisiana, is also profiled in this chapter. Harvest Christian College advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. HARVEST CHRISTIAN COLLEGE School of Ministry and Counseling 9402 Pennsylvania Avenue [and] 5587 Guinea Road Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772 Fairfax, Virginia 22032 (301) 599-9177 (703) 239-1437 This Pentecostal degree mill which operates in two states has covered its tracks by becoming accredited by three (count 'em, three) accreditation mills: The American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, the American Educational Accrediting Association of Christian Colleges, and the Southeast Accrediting Association of Christian Colleges and Seminaries. They have also been admitted to candidate status in the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (well, so much for any remnant of TRACS' credibility). Their correspondence exams are non-proctored, and they offer to license and ordain ministry candidates who take their program. No sources of faculty credentials are provided in their catalog, and their 66-credit requirement for a Master of Divinity degree is far short of legitimate programs. Has advertised in The Christian Herald (which ceased publication in 1992). HARVESTERS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP P.O. Box 87 Chelsea, Oklahoma 74016 (918) 789-3786 Proclaiming itself a "Full Gospel/Word of Faith/Charismatic Ministry," Harvester's School of Ministry is the correspondence arm of an ordination mill listed in Chapter 13. They offer an Associate of Ministry *diploma* (Oklahoma law precludes them from offering degrees) on the completion of only 24 three-hour lessons and 15 clock hours of "in-service work," a joke considering that the word "associate" can imply a two-year degree. Their general literature focuses on their provision of ministerial credentials and benefits such as hotel and travel discounts. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma. HOLY FAMILY INSTITUTE Church of Good Appleton, Washington 98602 (209) 538-6979 This degree mill, based on the Universal Life Church Model, offers the B.A. degree for a $35 donation or the A.S. or B.S. degree for a $22.00 donation. Their brochure states that the A.S. qualifies a person "to be able to take the Certified Religious Family Education Counselor Course," thus they are also advertising a worthless counseling certification. IMMANUEL BAPTIST COLLEGE & SEMINARY P.O. Box 2667 Peachtree City, Georgia 30269 (404) 253-1671 Affiliated with the Immanuel Baptist Church, their typed catalog states that the school is authorized to operate "by the State Board of Education through the doctrine of separation of Church and State." That's a fancy way of saying that they're neither accredited nor licensed because, as a religious institution, they don't have to be. The school is fundamental, premillenial, and Baptistic, and purports to offer degrees through the doctoral level. In November 1991, The Chronicle of Higher Education reported that they were sued by two foreign students for fraud and breach of contract, saying that Immanuel officials falsely led them to believe the school was accredited and required them to perform manual labor once they had arrived on campus. Formerly located in Atlanta, where it was founded as Immanuel Baptist Schools, the seminary advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. INTERDENOMINATIONAL MINISTRIES I.M.I. BIBLE COLLEGE & SEMINARY Correspondence School of Ministry P.O. Box 2107 Vista, California 92085 (619) 727-3998 The I.M.I. Bible College & Seminary, formerly known as the ICI Correspondence School of Ministry, claims accreditation from the Transworld Accrediting Commission (an accreditation mill located at the same address as Evangel Christian University, a degree mill listed in this chapter) and offers a two-year "Minister's (bachelor's) Program" for persons seeking ministerial credentials. Their literature indicates that a new catalog will be printed "with details for the upcoming Master's program." However, while they use the terms "bachelor's" and "master's," they do not use the word "degree." The only faculty name listed is that of Dr. Mary A. Bruno, who purports to have a Doctor of Ministry and Doctor of Divinity degrees, but does not reveal the source of those degrees. Their program is poorly developed, and the catalog is photocopied with a plastic spiral binding. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma. INTERNATIONAL BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY 1301 South Noland Road Independence, Missouri 64055 (816) 461-3633 Claiming accreditation by the Accrediting Commission International, this school lists over thirty-three different degrees (including twelve different master's degree titles), more than any legitimate school would list. No faculty credentials are listed in their catalog, though Dr. George Reuter, founder of the International Accrediting Commission who was convicted of running a fraudulent accrediting agency (see Chapter 4), is listed as a member of their advisory board. In 1992, Reuter was appointed president of the school, carrying on a grand tradition in questionable education. Advertises or has advertised in Christianity Today and Pulpit Helps. INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE AND GRADUATE SCHOOL 11931 Seventh Street Houston, Texas 77072 (713) 561-0809 This degree and counseling certification mill (also listed in Chapter 11) purports to offer several correspondence courses in which you can enroll at the bachelor's, master's, or doctorate level. (The notion of that is ridiculous, since legitimate schools have separate courses for each degree level.) My favorite course title in their brochure is "English Grammer" [sic]. Believe it or not, they have been granted associate status by the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS, discussed in Chapter 3), which shows why I do not consider TRACS to be a legitimate accreditor despite their recognition by the U.S. Department of Education. INTERNATIONAL REFORM UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 1044 Garden Grove, California 92642 (714) 5737-6262 An interdenominational school that proclaims to be conservative and avoids "the teachings of all liberal or modern theological views," International Reform University nonetheless purports to offer degrees through the doctoral level to students who are "Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Pentecostal, Reformed, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Orthodox Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and others." In other words, they may purport to be conservative, but if you're liberal and are willing to pay, they'll take you. Their "catalog" consists of twelve photocopied, typewritten pages. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY P.O. Box 338 Monroe, Virginia 24574 (804) 528-0325 Owned and operated by Family Fellowship Ministries and Fellowship Community Church, this degree mill purports to offer degrees through the doctoral level. In addition to offering credit for life experience at all levels (which no legitimate school would do), their prices alone indicate their lack of credibility: $350 for a bachelor's, master's *or* doctorate degree. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. Naturally. INTERNATIONAL SEMINARY P.O. Box 1208 Plymouth, Florida 32768-1208 (407) 886-3619 Formerly known as International Bible Institute and Seminary and affiliated with Tyler Crusades, Inc., the school purports to be "fully accredited by an agency which is not listed by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency." However, they note in a marketing letter that they are accredited by the Accrediting Commission International for Schools, Colleges, and Theological Seminaries, "which is recognized by some as being the same as regional accreditation." That, of course, is a misleading statement, since some people will recognize *anything* if it's convenient. Of thirty-three faculty members, thirty-one have one or more of their own degrees from International (a whopping 94%), and twelve have their *only* degrees from International. This fact itself damages their credibility. In their catalog, a sample diploma dated March 1989 includes the signature of founder Glenn E. Tyler. The problem: Tyler died in August 1988. Since diplomas are a representation by *living* administrators of a person's successful graduation from a program, this makes them even more questionable. Advertises or has advertised in Christianity Today, Ministries Today, Pulpit Helps, and The Seminary & Graduate School Handbook. INTERNATIONAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF CALIFORNIA P.O. Box 73 Van Nuys, California 91408 (818) 989-5942 A division of International Evangelism Crusades (listed in Chapter 13), this degree mill offers the bachelor's ($600), master's ($800), Th.D. ($1,000), and Ph.D. ($1,200) degrees. Other than a short dissertation, their Ph.D. consists of only five courses, and a Th.D. with a "sacred music" major consists of only *two* courses. ITSC claims accreditation from the Association of Fundamental Institutions of Religious Education and the International Accrediting Association of Ministerial Education, both of which are unrecognized agencies. Only seven faculty names are listed (including two married couples), but no sources of credentials are identified. The biographical sketch of president Frank E. Stranges is notable, not for what it says, but for what it *doesn't* say: "He attended Eastern Bible College and North Central Bible College. He holds Degrees [sic] in Theology, Psychology, Criminology, and International Law." Note that while it identifies two schools Stranges attended, the schools from which he allegedly earned his "degrees" are *not* identified. ITSC claims to have five "official branches" in New York, one of which is the New York City Full Gospel Theological Seminary (also listed in this chapter). JACKSONVILLE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 3536 University Blvd. North, Suite 184 Jacksonville, Florida 32211 (904) 781-9250 JTS is open about declaring that their degrees "are of an ecclesiastical nature . . . and are not designed to be used in general academic circles." Also in their favor, the school does not purport to be accredited by a questionable, or any other, association. However, their degree requirements alone are a sham, and they make some claims which are downright fraudulent. The catalog states, "Each course consists of eight, one-hour lessons; and awards the student, who passes, three quarter hours credit." (Keep in mind that one quarter-hour generally equals ten classroom hours plus twenty study hours, for a total of thirty clock hours per credit.) Their doctorate programs require sixty quarter-hour credits, which normally translates to forty semester hours - too low to be legitimate. However, when you consider that JTS considers a credit to be only eight clock hours, that means you can earn a doctorate degree with only 480 clock hours of work. In plain words, this school is a joke. A recent advertisement for the school claims that they are a state licensed seminary" - also nonsense, since Florida exempts religious schools from licensure. JTS claims accreditation from the unrecognized National Accrediting Agency for Private Schools and candidacy status from the Accrediting Commission International. They note that accreditation with ACI "allows graduating students with Education Degrees to apply for teacher certification through them." However, no state would certify a teacher based on a JTS degree *or* ACI accreditation. Also claiming to be an affiliate of the National Christian Counselors Association (see listing in Chapter 11), they state, "Our students with Christian Psychology degrees are allowed to apply for and receive a Christian Counselor's license." However, this refers to NCCA's "licensure," not a legitimately recognized state license. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma and Pulpit Helps. KINGSWAY CHRISTIAN COLLEGE & THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 19th & Crocker Des Moines, Iowa 50314 (515) 288-2852 Purporting to offer associates through doctorate degrees, in an attractively printed brochure and catalog loaded with typographical errors this degree mill claims to be accredited by the Accrediting Commission International, affiliated with the National Association of Evangelicals, and registered with "the Library of Congress #TX1-575- 310." What they don't mention is that *any* individual or organization can join the National Association of Evangelicals and that the neither N.A.E. nor the Library of Congress accredit academic institutions. The number they reference is from a standard copyright application form for a printed publication and has nothing to do with accreditation. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. KOINONIA BIBLE COLLEGE 816 Fifth Avenue Harvey, Louisiana 70058 (504) 340-6739 "Koinonia Bible College," according to its nine-page photocopied catalog, "offers its students three degree programs to choose from." These are the Bible Foundation Diploma, the Christian Worker's Diploma, and the Ministerial Diploma (though they do not purport, at least in the catalog, to offer ordination itself). According to the school's president and a review of both their resident and non- resident program materials, Koinonia is a cooperative of several local churches with about 100 residential students; their catalog indicates the availability of seven correspondence courses, each of which costs $69.95 and includes twenty cassette tapes and notes. Faculty consists of both degreed and non-degreed individuals; though some degrees represented include other schools listed in this chapter, they are at least up front about their faculty's qualifications. The good news, of course, is that Koinonia is not purporting to offer actual degrees; the bad news is that they're calling their diplomas degrees. Their courses appear to be well-produced and a reasonable value, but there are some drawbacks in their approach. First, they are using the word "degrees" to describe their diplomas; second, they are granting "credits" (calculated on a quarter-hour basis) for their courses; third, their exams for the granting of credit are unproctored; and, finally, they include their diploma program information with the external studies package but do not clearly indicate that the diplomas are not available on a totally external basis. These appear to be uninformed errors on their part, but are enough to get the school listed in this chapter. In short, Koinonia appears to be a sincere and legitimate ministry meeting the needs of local churches that has begun to offer correspondence courses, but it is hardly a "college" at all. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. LA SALLE UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 4000 Mandeville, Louisiana 70470-4000 (504) 624-8932 Affiliated with the World Christian Church and claiming to be accredited by the Council on Postsecondary Christian Education, an unrecognized agency founded by the school itself, this degree mill also purports to grant professional certifications to persons as Certified Theocentric Psychological Counselors and Certified Holistic Health Care Practitioners, neither of which are recognized as legitimate certifications. Their brochure notes, "Graduates are eligible for ordination and certification by the National Association of Theocentric Therapists and Practitioners (NATTP)," an unrecognized organization. Many of their "degrees" appear to be New Age in orientation and include alleged credentials in subjects such as hypnotherapy, holistic health care, and naturopathy. Their catalog is produced in the form of a cassette tape (they now also send out promotional videos), and misrepresents the acceptability of La Salle's degrees by accredited institutions. The school also purports to offer a Juris Doctorate (law) degree, but this does *not* qualify a person to sit for state bar examinations. The school has been under investigation by both state and federal agencies, has been the subject of several legal actions by disgruntled former students and graduates, and has been the subject of several exposes in the New Orleans Times Picayune (the largest daily newspaper in New Orleans). Not to be confused with the more traditional and regionally accredited La Salle University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Advertises or has advertised in, among others, USA Today, On Line Today (a magazine produced by CompuServe Information Service), TV Guide, and several airline magazines. LAEL COLLEGE & GRADUATE SCHOOL 3721 St. Bridget Lane St. Ann, Missouri 63074 (314) 426-7000 Formerly claiming accreditation by the unrecognized Accrediting Commission International, this school advertises degrees from the associate's through doctoral levels. Formerly located in a small strip shopping center next to a locksmith and an insurance agency (truly making them a "store-front university"), they claim that you can, "Study to become a biblical counselor, a licensed pastoral counselor, or a ordained minister." What they don't tell you is pastoral counseling is largely unregulated by the government and that you don't need a license to be a pastoral counselor. They state up front, "Most courses can be completed in a few days. Send the answers in, we will mark your papers and mail your grade back to you." This, of course, would never be acceptable to a legitimate accreditor since the exams are not proctored. Bottom line: their degrees are worthless. In September 1992, Lael was granted candidacy status by the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS); the school used to be called Lael University, but recently changed their name to Lael College & Graduate School, perhaps because they were required to do so by TRACS. In a new catalog that is photocopied and stapled and, for the first time, does not mention any accreditation with the Accrediting Commission International, Lael also offers both masters and doctorates in "psychological services," but they do not mention that their degrees will not qualify a person for licensure as a psychologist. Their faculty listings indicate only three full-time faculty and ten part-timers; for an allegedly comprehensive university granting degrees at the bachelor's through doctoral levels, this is absurd. Despite their continuing recognition by TRACS (which of course, doesn't say too much for TRACS), I'll go on the line here: they're still a degree mill. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. LAKE CHARLES BIBLE COLLEGE P.O. Box 16284 Lake Charles, Louisiana 70616 No Listed Phone Lake Charles advertises a Doctor of Ministry degree that's available in thirty-six weeks for a total cost of $400.00. Their informational package consists of a one-page letter on a poorly photocopied letterhead, no faculty listings, and no curricular information. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. LANDMARK UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 757 Bristol, Tennessee 37621 (615) 968-4321 Formerly located in Lancaster, California, Landmark claims to be a KJV-only school that not only shuns accreditation, they are a "charter member of the League of Fundamentalist Schools Renouncing Accreditation." Their catalog received in March 1993 is over three years old, and the school claims that they do not accept on-campus students. Students are credited with sixteen semester hours for each year of field experience, but no standards are indicated for how the credits are evaluated. Since field experience is treated as half of each student's credits, they claim that students should be able to complete an associate's degree in one year, bachelor's in two years, etc. Their catalog, which is commercially printed and well designed from a graphic standpoint, has no faculty listings at all. Keeping in mind that there are some legitimate Fundamentalist schools that avoid accreditation for legitimate doctrinal reasons, Landmark isn't one of them. They are not affiliated with Landmark Baptist College in Haines City, Florida, which is profiled in Chapter 10. LIBERTY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 20200 Eastway Village Drive, Suite 300 Humble, Texas 77338 (713) 548-7770 Also trading as the Liberty Ministry Training Institute and offering certificates through doctorate degrees, their brochure states, "LTS intends to apply to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools for accreditation as an institution offering graduate professional degrees for Christian ministry. This is the highest accrediting agency in the region." Remember, however, that this is a common technique of degree mills that requires discernment on the part of the reader. The statement that a school *intends* to apply for legitimate accreditation gives no indication that they'll actually *achieve* it. While they claim, "The faculty of LTS is academically accredited (Master's Degrees or higher from fully accredited institutions) and ministerially experienced," they provide no list of their faculty or its credentials. A Charismatic institution that moved from Pensacola, Florida, in 1992, they are not related to the regionally accredited Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, or its affiliated Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma and The Seminary & Graduate School Handbook. LIFEGATE COLLEGE R.R. 3, Box 98 Galesburg, Illinois 61401 (309) 343-6002 Lifegate College is a residential program operating on a modular basis (in which each course is taken as a two-week module). Co-founded by James Wang and Larry Pahl (who holds his own master's degree from Christian Bible College, a degree mill profiled this chapter), the college purports to hold to a Seventh Day Adventist theology and stresses missionary preparation for "anyone serious about the dangers of the last days." They do not claim to be accredited (though they feel the need to defend their lack of accreditation), are not registered with the State of Illinois at all, and do not purport to grant degrees. According to co-founder Pahl, "We are using the name 'college' in the title Lifegate College as a term meaning gathering of scholars (collegiality) and a center of learning." Unfortunately, they do not communicate this in their literature, and students who are not discerning may feel that the college offers degrees like any other college. *N.B.* Here's a new twist on a degree mill defending its operation. Larry Pahl recently wrote me and stated, "By the way, the brochure I sent about the college, which you may be using in your article, was largely a desktop publishing assignment. We have never enrolled any students in the school described there!" Believe me, however, their brochure is a *real* brochure that contains all of the "ingredients" to indicate that they are actively seeking students. Moreover, Mr. Pahl ordered a copy of "Name It and Frame It" and paid for it with - you guessed it - a check from the bank account of Lifegate College. Since an imaginary school he allegedly dreamed up as an assignment for a desktop publishing class would hardly have an active bank account, it's clear that Pahl *is* representing Lifegate to the public as a real school. The phone number on their checks, incidentally, is hooked up in Larry Pahl's home. Pahl also runs Lifegate Academy, a Seventh Day Adventist secondary school which claims that "a limited enrollment is being sought for the second semester beginning January 27, 1993," with plans to open completely in September 1993. As best I can interpret their operation, Pahl intended to open Lifegate College and is using his brochure to solicit students now. Both the College and Academy brochures indicate that their facilities include "Bethel Chapel which houses several classrooms, conference rooms, and a sanctuary seating over 100. Philadelphia Hall is the residence hall, with twenty-five dorm rooms, a large modern kitchen, a spacious cafeteria, and large lecture hall. There is also a large pond on the campus." Apparently, Pahl got a deal on a property that was formerly used as a retreat and conference center by the Good Samaritan Sanitarium and Hospital in Knoxville, Illinois, about six miles south of Galesburg. THE LIGHTHOUSE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE AND ACADEMY P.O. Drawer C Beebe, Arkansas 72012-1003 (501) 882-3933 Beebe, Arkansas, of course, is the home of the world's most notorious accreditation mill, the Accrediting Commission International, run by John Scheel. Now, it's also the home of Lighthouse Christian College and Academy, which purports to grant high school diplomas through doctorate degrees and is run by . . . John Scheel. (Somehow, I'm reminded of Dana Carvey as "The Church Lady" saying, "How conveeeeeeenient!") Needless to say, Lighthouse claims accreditation by ACI; their letterhead reflects both the ACI seal and the seal of the "Pentecostal Jesus Name Church, Inc. School and College," the school's parent organization. While they have their own post office box and telephone number, their fax number is the same as ACI's. Scheel claims in a marketing letter that the school was consolidated with Faith Heritage College, a degree mill which was located in Lamont, California, and which closed after the death of its president. (Perhaps there should be another criterion for degree mills - schools that close after the death of one person.) According to the Lighthouse catalog, Lighthouse's "board of instructors and academic advisors" includes George Reuter, who ran ACI's predecessor organization IAC (see Chapter 4 for a history of how IAC was run out of Missouri by the state's attorney-general and ultimately ended up in Scheel's hands). LIVING WORD COLLEGE 5343 Botanical Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63110 (314) 772-4442 Based at the Living Word Church, a Charismatic fellowship, the college offers an Associate of Arts in Ministry degree by correspondence. They do not claim accreditation, but state that they are a member of the International Conference of Word Ministries (see Chapter 13). Their catalog includes a section on "faculty qualifications" but doesn't list their faculty, which raises a red flag. Charismatic in doctrine, Living Word claims to use courses written by the International Correspondence Institute (see Chapter 7). However, students would be better off taking courses directly through ICI or one of the legitimately accredited colleges using ICI courses. Advertises or has advertised in Christianity Today. LOUISIANA BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY P.O. Box 503 Aurora, Missouri 65805 (417) 678-0644 A division of Baptist Christian Schools in Shreveport, Louisiana (see listing in this chapter), this degree mill's catalog states, "It is the Seminary's intention to pursue regional or professional accreditation. Customarily, a new school must operate for 5 years before applying for candidate status. The full accreditation process then takes 2 or 3 years of further evaluation." Yet the catalog cover indicates that the seminary has been around since 1961. (Of course, if they're speaking in terms of *dog* years, they should get around to applying for accreditation soon.) The seminary answers this charge by explaining that even though Baptist Christian Schools has been in existence since 1961, the seminary itself has established in 1989 (which makes them guilty of misrepresenting their founding date in their own catalog). Their parent institution, Baptist Christian Schools, claims accreditation from the unrecognized Accrediting Commission International. See also the listing for Louisiana Baptist University in this chapter, as well as the listing for the National Association of Marriage and Family Counselors in Chapter 11 for information on their alleged counseling certifications. Advertises or has advertised in The Sword of the Lord. LOUISIANA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY 2835 Hollywood, Suite 310 Shreveport, Louisiana 71108 (318) 635-5110 Under the umbrella name of Baptist Christian Schools, the university grants degrees through the doctorate level, as well as a phony certification in marriage and family counseling (see Chapter 11 under "National Association of Marriage and Family Counselors"). Claiming accreditation by the unrecognized Accrediting Commission International, the university is affiliated with the Louisiana Baptist Theological Seminary (also listed in this chapter). They have also been granted candidacy status by the Transnational Association of Christian Schools (TRACS; see discussion at the beginning of this chapter and in Chapter 3), which lists them as "Baptist Christian College." Formerly known as Baptist Christian University, the school is wholly owned by the Baptist Tabernacle of Shreveport. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. MANNA MISSIONS INSTITUTE P.O. Box 2248 Bonita Springs, Florida 33959 (813) 992-1211 A one-year diploma program that offers a "Missions-Leadership Diploma" rather than a degree, the Manna Missions Institute states that it's an extension campus of Beacon Bible College (formerly Florida Beacon Bible College), "a member in good standing with the Southern Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Colleges." However, this is *not* the regional accrediting association, but an accreditation mill with a similar name. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma; see also Beacon Bible College in this chapter. MARYLAND BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE P.O. Box 66 Elkton, Maryland 21921 (301) 398-6667 This separatist Baptist school which does not purport to be accredited recently began to offer both graduate degrees and extension courses. The school is a ministry of the Maranatha Baptist Church, an independent Fundamentalist fellowship (which I mention because many churches with the Maranatha name tend to be Charismatic); on the far right of the conservative scale, divorced persons may attend MBBC but may not earn diplomas or degrees there. Two primary factors make them a degree mill. First, their size: an MBBC newsletter states that during a recent semester, the college had "9 students in the dormitory. In addition we have 3 commuting full-time students, 8 part-time undergraduate students, and 3 master's level students. This gives us a total of 23 on-campus students." Second, their faculty: some of their faculty holds degrees from the unaccredited but legitimate Bob Jones University, but several of them only have bachelor's degrees. (In higher education, those who teach students pursuing a bachelor's degree should have at least a master's; those who teach master's-level students should generally have a doctorate or, at the least, be one master's-level degree higher than their students.) Additionally, their president and academic dean holds three degree mill credentials, including a doctorate from the Clarksville School of Theology (which the Tennessee Supreme Court held was a sham; see the listing for Clarksville in this chapter), and their chancellor holds a doctorate from Fundamental Baptist Theological Seminary, a degree mill that operates in Ohio but grants its "degrees" from North Carolina (also listed in this chapter). However, even though the chancellor lists a Doctor of Ministry degree, his listing contains no undergraduate credentials. With a full range of residential classes, they appear to be sincere about their mission, but they have no business granting degrees. Advertises or has advertised in The Sword of the Lord. MELLEN UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 450 Lewiston, New York 14092 (416) 374-0057 This is the North American address of a degree mill that purports to be modeled on the British system (right down to the degree titles) and offers degrees through the doctorate level. Their telephone number is in Ontario, so the New York address is fronting for a Canadian operation. Their degree requirements are a joke, and I feel comfortable in calling Mellon a sham. (Only one project is required for their bachelor's degree, which can be earned in as little as three months.) Discernment is required, however, as they purport to be affiliated with the Mellen Research University Press, a well-known academic subsidy publisher that engages in questionable tactics and regularly advertises in The Chronicle of Higher Education. Their appropriation of the British style is impressive, but means absolutely nothing, as their degrees are worthless. Advertises or has advertised in USA Today. MERIDIAN UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL Lafayette, Louisiana (May Be Out of Business) Proclaiming that the university "was founded under the constitutional doctrine of separation of Church and State, and the universal doctrine of freedom of choice in the pursuit of education" (which simply means that they operated under a state exemption for religious institutions in Louisiana), Meridian's catalog listed no faulty credentials or accreditation. They noted that the university was "voluntarily seeking accreditation from an agency or agencies which meets Meridian's high standards, and which holds as a priority academic excellence," but didn't bother to name such agencies. Sponsored by the Buddhist Theosophical Society, their religious degrees were oriented toward Buddhist studies and Theosophy (a metaphysical religious system). A follow-up inquiry sent to them in August 1995 was returned unopened, and their phone number was disconnected. MIDWEST COLLEGE AND SEMINARY 8909 Bunkum Road P.O. Box 2078 Fairview Heights, Illinois 62208 (618) 397-3111 Accredited by the unrecognized "World Accrediting Commission for Schools, Colleges, Theological Seminarys [sic], Inc.," Midwest claims to maintain campuses in both Fairview Heights, Illinois, and St. Louis, Missouri. Their college seal reflects a St. Louis location, where diploma mills have traditionally operated more easily than in Illinois, where the school is authorized by the state "to be a non- profit institution offering courses on the Diploma Level" (which simply means that Illinois doesn't let them grant degrees, while Missouri does). They are affiliated with the International Evangelism Association and purport to offer degrees through the doctorate level. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. MINNESOTA GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY SAN ANTONIO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY P.O. Box 29365 Brooklyn Center, Minnesota 55429 (612) 560-9610 These two schools, founded in 1985 and 1983 respectively, merged in 1990 and offer degrees through the doctoral level. (Undergraduate programs are through San Antonio Theological Seminary, graduate programs through the Minnesota Graduate School of Theology.) They also purport that their graduates can become "licensed and or [sic] ordained in the Evangelical Ministry or the Counseling Ministry." The schools claim accreditation through the Accrediting Commission International, and recognition by the American Academy of Clinical Family Therapists (a counseling credential mill) and the Library of Congress (through the bogus use of a copyright registration number). Their combined catalog, which is only twenty-eight pages long, contains no faculty listings at all. Side note: Several of the staff and board members of the Academy of Professional Marriage and Family Therapists, the Academy of Professional Clinical Therapists, and the National Christian Counselors Association - all of which are listed as counseling credential mills in Chapter 11 - claim to hold academic credentials from these two schools. The findings on these schools helps confirm the bogus nature of the other three organizations. MOODY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY P.O. Box 413 Locust Grove, Georgia 30248 (404) 954-8264 Founded in 1977 as the Gateway School of the Bible, this degree mill allegedly changed its name to Moody Theological Seminary because they identified with the ministry of D.L. Moody, the famous Chicago evangelist. Purporting to grant degrees from the associate's through doctoral levels, they claim accreditation from the American Federation of Christian Colleges and Schools, a Florida accrediting mill. There is, of course, no association between this degree mill and the legitimate Moody Bible Institute in Chicago (nor the Moody Graduate School, the graduate program of MBI). Their name, however, further illustrates the need for discernment: when someone tells you, "I graduated from Moody," perhaps you should ask *which* Moody they graduated from. MORE THAN CONQUERORS BIBLE INSTITUTE MORE THAN CONQUERORS SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY P.O. Box 4018 Cleveland, Tennessee 3730 (615) 336-1434 A division of the Evangelistic Messenger's Association, an ordination mill listed in Chapter 13, the More Than Conquerors School of Theology and Bible Institute claims to be accredited by the unrecognized American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions (located at the same address as Christian Bible College in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, a degree mill listed in this chapter from which the president of More Than Conquerors claims to have graduated). They purport to offer degrees through the doctorate level, though their seventeen-page photocopied catalog lists no course descriptions or faculty credentials. Their parent organization, the Evangelistic Messengers' Association, advertises or has advertised in Charisma and Pulpit Helps. MOUNT SINAI INTERNATIONAL BIBLE COLLEGE & SEMINARY The only reference I've seen to Mount Sinai is in the January 1994 newsletter of the World Council of Independent Christian Churches, which we receive in July 1994. Additional information was not available at press time for this edition of "Name It & Frame It." However, the World Council is an ordination mill that is affiliated with, among others, Maranatha Ministries, the National Christian Counselors Association, and the World Federation of Christian Counselors (all of which are listed in Chapter 11), as well as Carolina Christian University (listed in Chapter 12). The interlocking relationships between all of these organizations is an indication that since Mount Sinai is advertised in their newsletter, it should be noted here. NATIONAL CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY 1620 Pinn Road San Antonio, Texas 78227 (512) 673-4943 A primarily residential program, NCU claims to have "integrated study and examination courses" for off-campus learning and offers credit for life experience. Their brochure claims that NCU is "an Associate Member" of the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS), a misleading statement since Associate status in TRACS is not a membership category. They have also stated, "We do not have our new catalog completed," and repeated requests have produced the same response. Their brochure contains no faculty listings, and their letterhead is photocopied rather than printed, which raises further questions about their credibility. Finally, in their "Assessment of Career Experiential Learning - Student Manual," they state, "Your Experiential Learning Portfolio and related documents become part of your permanent file and are property of NCU. Access to student files is limited to NCU administration and faculty. In some circumstances limited student access to the student's file may be permitted." This is an absurdity, since students at legitimate schools have the legal right to examine their files in full (except for any application recommendation letters to which they have previously waived their right of review). NEW COVENANT INTERNATIONAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY P.O. Box 37451 Honolulu, Hawaii 96837 (808) 528-3393 Claiming accreditation from such luminary (see "tongue-in-cheek") agencies as the Accrediting Commission International, the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions (affiliated with Christian Bible College in North Carolina, listed in this chapter), and the National Christian Counselors Association (listed in Chapter 11), New Covenant races its alleged history to New Covenant International Bible College in Auckland, New Zealand, which expanded to Hawaii. In 1990, according to their catalog, the school divided into separate organizations, "with undergraduate studies being conducted at N.C.I.B.C. in New Zealand and all degree programs originating out of N.C.I.T.S., Hawaii, U.S.A." Each course is completed by reading a book and writing a "text resume," essentially a book report, to earn four credits, too low a requirement for four credits from a legitimate school. Their catalog does not include a list of faculty, nor does it reveal the source of the administrative officers' degrees. Advertises or has advertised in a card pack (set of index-size advertising cards mailed to subscribers) distributed by Strang Communications, which publishes Charisma and Ministries Today. NEW WORLD THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY & BIBLE INSTITUTE 2802 Jefferson Avenue Texarkana, Arkansas 75502 (501) 772-7773 Founded in 1968 as the Universal Bible Institute and later called the Worldwide Bible Institute, New World claims accreditation by the Accrediting Commission International. They were headquartered in Tennessee, Alabama, and Missouri prior to finally moving to Arkansas. (It may or may not be coincidental that the other states have all tightened their institutional requirements for colleges.) No faculty credentials are listed in their catalog, which advertises associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degrees for $300, $500, $750, and $1,000 respectively. Their degree requirements, which are listed openly in the catalog, are far below normal academic standards. The school was prominently featured in a recent news story about a graduate who used his degrees from New World to attain a legitimate pastorate in the Philadelphia area before the church investigated his "credentials." Their "corporate office" address listed here is the site of the First Congregational Methodist Church, a small church located in Texarkana whose pastor is listed as Chairman of the Board of the school; they also have an "administrative office" address in McAllen, Texas. In 1995, they began advertising as Anchor Theological Seminary, but their telephone message at press time still indicated the New World name. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. NEW YORK BIBLICAL INSTITUTE AND SEMINARY P.O. Box 1971 New York, New York 10025 (610) 346-8797 This degree mill is trading under several names including New York Biblical Institute and Seminary at New York University, The Campus Forum at New York University, Century of Recovery, and The Christian Church of New York City. All of these entities are run by Joe O'Neal, in whose name their telephone number is listed. The number itself is a residential telephone, registered to O'Neal's home in Coopersburg, Pennsylvania. There appears to be no relationship with the actual New York University, a regionally accredited institution in New York City. NYC FULL GOSPEL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 6905 Eighth Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11226 (718) 745-0516 Listing affiliations with the National Christian Counselors Association (see Chapter 11) and other degree mills, this school operates under a religious exemption from the State of New York. In addition to offering NCCA "licensure" courses, they note that persons can earn degrees through "our affiliate, Christian SeminarieS" [sic]. They also offer a "creation therapist" course (you've got me on the meaning of that one) which leads to "certificate and membership with the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling." (Sarasota, incidentally, is the home base of NCCA.) According to president Frank Garofalo, the school grants its degrees through International Theological Seminary of California (listed in this chapter), from which Garofalo earned his own "doctorate." Advertises or has advertised in Christianity Today and Pulpit Helps. NORTH CENTRAL BIBLE INSTITUTE P.O. Box 119 Merrill, Wisconsin 54452 (715) 536-6855 A Charismatic degree mill, North Central is affiliated with Vision Christian University (see Chapter 12). Of thirteen faculty members profiled (without any listed specializations), only five indicate degrees at all, and most of these are from degree mills. North Central purports to offer degrees through the bachelor's level and, through their affiliation with Vision, claims accreditation by the unrecognized Southeast Accrediting Association of Christian Schools, Colleges, and Seminaries. There is no relation between this degree mill and the regionally accredited North Central Bible College, an Assemblies of God-affiliated college in Minneapolis, Minnesota, listed in Chapter 7. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma. NORTH FLORIDA BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 4545 Wesconnett Blvd. Jacksonville, Florida 32210 (904) 779-5095 Purporting to offer degrees through the doctorate level, the seminary claims accreditation from the International Accrediting Commission. No faculty credentials are listed in their catalog. However, several independent Baptist churches have yearbook-style advertisements in the catalog - unheard of for any legitimate college or seminary. The school also offers "Seminary CLEP Examination for Undergraduate Degrees," in which up to 30 credits may be earned in such areas as Baptist distinctives, biblical theology, and history of Christianity. However, the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) does not offer testing in these areas. Therefore, the seminary is misrepresenting its own alleged examinations as CLEP exams. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA BIBLE COLLEGE 1523 McLaughlin Avenue San Jose, California 95122 (408) 279-3354 The classification of NCBC is a toss-up, since they appear to have a faculty with valid qualifications. (Of eight faculty and administration persons listed, one holds only a bachelor's degree from Christian International, a degree mill, and two hold one of their multiple credentials from NCBC itself. The rest hold regionally accredited degrees.) The school is authorized by the California State Department of Education to offer associate and bachelor's degrees in biblical studies. NCBC is sponsored by four local churches in Modesto, Pleasanton, Redwood City, and San Jose, and is Charismatic in doctrine. The reason I've decided to list them as a degree mill is that their catalog states, "NCBC units transfer to most private colleges." While their California authorization is considered a legitimate form of accreditation, albeit only in California, the implication that "most" private colleges will accept their degrees is nonsense. Unless a school has a legitimately recognized regional or national accreditation, their credits will *not* be universally accepted. Be discerning about this one. NOTRE DAME DE LAFAYETTE UNIVERSITY Formerly at: 941 South Havana Aurora, Colorado 80012 Originally known as Lafayette University and offering external degrees through the doctorate level, this school claimed to be "currently engaged in dialogue with other accrediting agencies for colleges and universities . . . NDLU is accredited by the accreditation department of the Mercian Orthodox Catholic Church." This is an example of the "meaningless statement" technique; whether or not there is such a dialogue, no legitimate accrediting agency would recognize the school. The Mercian Orthodox Catholic Church is an unrecognized denomination, listed in neither the Handbook of Denominations nor the Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches. The school also made misleading claims, purporting to be in the process of accreditation by the legitimate Association of Theological Schools and referring to a scheduled evaluation by ATS. However, ATS reported that Lafayette is "nowhere in our process," that the school submitted an application for accreditation but that ATS returned Lafayette's check because the school did not meet ATS qualifications. ATS also stated that, despite the school's claims in their literature, Lafayette University had *never* been scheduled for an accreditation review. The Colorado Commission on Higher Education also reported problems with Lafayette University, and a few years ago ordered the school to cease offering secular degrees such as the M.B.A. (In Colorado, schools offering only religious degrees are exempt from licensing laws. Apparently, Lafayette had a problem discerning which degrees are religious and which are secular.) They also operated an affiliated school, St. Anthony of Padua Seminary, and claimed affiliated with the American Society of Pastoral Care Professionals, a counseling credential mill (see Chapter 11). Their degree requirements were significantly less than those of legitimately accredited schools. I was pleased to assist KUSA-TV, Denver's ABC affiliate, in an expose of NDLU in late 1993, in which a KUSA reporter's pet cat (literally) was awarded a degree in Christian Counseling by NDLU. After the story aired, the Colorado Attorney General ordered them to "get out of town," and the school's officials moved to Long Prairie, Minnesota, where they set up shop as the Occidental Orthodox Catholic Church. Prior to moving from Colorado, they ordered $20,000 in computer equipment from an office supply company then filed a report declaring the equipment stolen, after which all of the equipment was found at their new headquarters in Minnesota. Their current whereabouts, as they say, are unknown. (What a shame; I had so much fun with them in 1993, I was hoping to send them a Christmas card again in '94. C'est la vie.) NDLU advertised in The Spotlight, a conservative newspaper published by the Liberty Library. OXFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL 500 Oxford Drive Dayton, Tennessee 37321 (615) 775-6596 Licensed by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission but not regionally accredited, Oxford offers the D.Phil. degree (the British title of the Ph.D.) in Religion and Society with limited residency consisting of one-week sessions in Tennessee and a mandatory session at the University of Oxford in England. Though much of the institution appears steeped in the ceremonial aspects of British higher education, they appear to have a qualified faculty which holds most of their own degrees from regionally accredited institutions (though several have their doctorates from Oxford itself, indicating a homegrown institution). The Tennessee Higher Education Commission reports that in a recent site visit students spoke well of the institution. However, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools noted that Oxford is a "former applicant," i.e., they applied for accreditation but the application was later withdrawn. (Potential students should be aware of this since Oxford's catalog indicates that "a public commitment has been made to seek regional accreditation" through SACS and that an accrediting team from SACS has already made a site visit to the school.) The lack of regional accreditation will prevent universal acceptance of their degrees and potential students should remain cognizant that the degree is granted by an unaccredited American institution, not from the University of Oxford itself. After receiving their initial information package and catalog, I was literally bombarded with six follow-up marketing letters and additional literature over the course of a month (including a "tuition voucher scholarship" offer which raised questions about their credibility). Bottom line: if you're looking for a credible American doctorate, don't go for a school that feels the need to steep itself in British tradition, degree titles and all. Despite the qualifications of their faculty, I'm left with the impression that this school is a degree mill. Be discerning. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. PACIFIC COAST BIBLE COLLEGE 7285 - 25th Street Sacramento, California 95822 (916) 422-7915 Affiliated with the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, Pacific Coast Bible College offers an Associate of Theology degree for $350 in which the student is simply required to complete a four-volume workbook based on the Dickson Analytical Study Bible. A Bachelor of Theology (Th.B.) degree is available for $695, and consists of the Dickson workbooks plus several correspondence courses. The college claims to be accredited by the unrecognized American Educational Accrediting Association of Christian Schools. Of nine persons listed as faculty or administration, seven have one or more of their "degrees" from Pacific Coast Bible College. PATRIOT UNIVERSITY 6915 Palmer Park Boulevard Colorado Springs, Colorado 80915 (719) 597-7512 Claiming to be a ministry of Hilltop Baptist Church, the college charges between $15 and $32 per credit and offers degrees through the doctoral level. Their catalog contains no information on the school's faculty or their credentials. Patriot claims accreditation by the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions (see Chapter 3), an accrediting mill associated with Christian Bible College in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. PHOENIX EVANGELICAL BIBLE INSTITUTE 1035 East Turney Phoenix, Arizona 85014 (602) 265-2831 Founded in 1991, their catalog notes that the Phoenix Evangelical Bible Institute ("PHEBI") "is presently not accredited, however it operates on a college level." Claiming to follow the historical Bible institute model, they offer a three-year, 96-credit hour Bachelor of Ministry degree. However, traditional Bible institutes with three- year programs offer *diplomas*, not *degrees*. (PHEBI is also developing an "Advanced Biblical Ministry" program, which they state will be "on the level of a seminary program.") The school appears to have only two academic advisors, but no academic credentials are listed for them. They do, however, spend over a page discussing the biblical principles of academic credentials in what appears to be a defense for their lack of them. A residential school, their catalog lists seven reasonably priced courses available by correspondence. Do I recommend their courses? Yes, but not for the reasons you might expect. So, campers, in the spirit of Paul Harvey, here's the rest of the story. PHEBI is affiliated with The Evangelical Network ("T-E- N"), a fellowship of gay Christian churches, and with the Casa de Christo Church in Phoenix, a gay congregation formerly associated with the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (a gay denomination recently denied observer status with the National Council of Churches). Unlike the MCC denomination, which is theologically liberal, churches in the T-E-N network claim to be evangelical, conservative, Bible-believing, and reformed, welcoming both charismatic and non-charismatic Christians (though they lean toward the charismatic side). Their catalog and doctrinal statement read like they come from any conservative Christian institution with one exception: they include sexual orientation in their non-discrimination statement and openly accept the concept of gay Christians. Think about the paradox: conservative churches are normally anti-homosexual, while homosexual churches are normally very liberal. T-E-N proclaims to be both pro-gay *and* a Bible-believing, conservative fellowship. (Tony Campolo would love them . . . but I digress.) While they speak out against "serial monogamy and promiscuous behavior," they openly accept monogamous homosexual relationships. Nonetheless, they proclaim a conservative theology, to the point of rejecting the gender-language trends of liberal churches since, "In the gay community the great danger in desexing God is that the door is being opened to the introduction of pagan goddess worship." Now, why would I actually suggest that their courses might have value? Because in most Bible colleges and seminaries, when the subject of homosexuality is studied from a biblical perspective we tend to neglect the primary source research that comes from the movements we are studying. (That's why Christian courses on cults usually include an examination of the cults' writings.) If you want to do some primary source research, an appropriate study method (especially at the graduate level), PHEBI offers two reasonably priced correspondence courses (titled "Christian Gay Ministry" and "Homosexuality and Christianity") that appear to synthesize the "gay Christian" position taught in homosexual churches and fellowships. I don't recommend this if you haven't done a biblical study on the homosexuality issue, but if you have, this is a good opportunity to study this movement in their own words. As always, be discerning. THE PILLSBURY INSTITUTE OF APPLIED CHRISTIANITY 3426 Bridgeland Drive Bridgeton, Missouri 63044 (314) 739-1121 Owned and operated by the Christian Civic Foundation, the Pillsbury Institute purports to grant degrees through the doctoral level. In September 1993, they were granted Associate Status by TRACS (as usual, there's no accounting for taste). Pillsbury places a great deal of emphasis on portfolio development, and appears to take a wholesale approach to granting credit for life experience. Their catalog is an unbound photocopy, and appears to place great emphasis on elaborating on their logo, motto, and school colors - truly important facets of the academic world. (Okay, still tongue-in-cheek.) The degrees they grant are the B.A.C. (Bachelor of Applied Christianity), M.A.C. (Master of Applied Christianity), and D.A.C. (you guessed it). Their course titles tend to be practical rather than academic (the list even includes 2-credit courses called "Wine in the Bible" and "Networking and Lobbying"); the catalog contains no indication of the academic requirements for these courses, and many of the courses appear to be two-day seminars. Their faculty represents a mixture of credentials ranging from legitimate to questionable institutions, but the catalog notes that they have only four full-time faculty; the rest of the list they provide consists of adjunct teachers (part-timers). Even assuming that their motivation may be sound (I'm not one to speculate), the size of the faculty alone is not credible for a doctorate-granting institution. Motivation aside, this one's a joke. PORTLAND BIBLE COLLEGE Church Leadership Training Institute 9200 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97220 (503) 255-3540 Claiming that it has not pursued accreditation because of its conviction that it must remain a ministry of a local church, this Pentecostal school does not offer academic degrees. However, they note that their course credits are transferable and that "Students who desire to pursue a Bachelor of Theology degree may apply for advanced transfer standing with Christian International upon graduation from Portland Bible College." (Of course, they don't mention that Christian International, also listed in this chapter, is a degree mill.) They also state, "The college is establishing a growing number of formal transfer agreements with fully accredited colleges and universities," but do not specify which ones. This statement requires discernment, as one may ask, "Fully accredited by whom?" Chances are that their so-called formal transfer agreements are not with schools that hold legitimate accreditation, but are accredited by questionable agencies. REEVES CHRISTIAN COLLEGE AND SEMINARY P.O. Box 6899 Stockton, California 95206 (209) 464-2621 Pure and simple, this one's a sham. Affiliated with the San Jose Evening Bible Institute, the Full Gospel Biblio Counseling Ministry Society (a counseling credential mill listed in Chapter 11), and the Full Gospel Church in Christ (an ordination mill listed in Chapter 13), this degree mill purports to be recognized by so many bogus accreditors I can only list a few here. One is their own "National Professionalism/Accreditation Standards Board of Advisors" (on which sits one H. Donald Skelton, founder of Victory New Testament Fellowship International, another ordination mill listed in Chapter 13); they also claim to be accredited by the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, an accreditation mill located at the same address as Christian Bible College in Rocky Mount, North Carolina (see listing in this chapter). Their photocopied catalog is a joke; purporting to grant degrees through the doctoral level, their telephone number belongs to the Full Gospel Church in Christ. Likewise, their post office box is also in the church's name and the application was filed by seminary president Arthur F. Reeves. (Don't you love it when someone names a school after himself? After all, look at what it did for Jimmy Swaggart. But I digress . . . ) Advertises or has advertised in Charisma. RICHMOND VIRGINIA SEMINARY 2318-20 "N" Street Richmond, Virginia 23223 (804) 780-0103 Glory to God and Benjamin William Robertson! Now, you may ask, "Who???" (Or, if you're a bit more formal, "Whom???") Well, campers, Benjamin William Robertson is the founder of Richmond Virginia Seminary, which holds associate status with TRACS. A prominently featured profile of "The Founder" reads, "Being a man of faith, a dynamic, fearless, and eloquent leader, Dr. Robertson founded the Richmond Virginia Seminary . . . The late Dr. M.C. Allen, former president of the Virginia Seminary and College, speaking of the meaning of 'Benjamin' stated, 'Benjamin, the Son of my right hand, because he is the solution of the preservation of the people' (The Expected, Volume 33, Number 5), and this founder is true to the meaning of his name." Now, it's one thing to praise the founder of a great institution. After all, Christians are grateful for the influence of such great preachers as Moody, Scofield, and Spurgeon. The difference between Mr. Robertson and these great preachers, however, is that Robertson is very much alive and still serving as president of the Richmond Virginia Seminary. It's also reasonable for an institution to have some pride in its leadership, but this seminary lays it on a bit thick, to say the least. (In religious broadcasting, we used to call this the "God's Anointed Prophet" syndrome.) Purporting to have an off-campus study program about which they provide few details in their photocopied catalog, the seminary also provides limited details regarding its faculty credentials and lists numerous honorary degrees without noting their honorary nature. In a profile of the city of Richmond, they go so far as to state that among the fine institutions of higher learning in the area is the Virginia Union University, "the university in which the President and most of the faculty members have matriculated." (Get your discernment in gear, kids. Note that they use the word "matriculated," not "graduated." Matriculation simply means *entry* into a program, and gives no indication of whether a person completed that program.) In a section of the catalog that brings standards of conduct to the point of absurdity, students are prohibited from, among other things, "Acts of forgery or falsification of documents, records, and negotiable instruments . . . Violations of the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, willful damage to the property of the Seminary or to the property of a member of the Seminary community or a campus visitor, unlawful use of the Seminary's facilities . . . Disorderly behavior or willful obstruction or interference with any authorized activity of the Seminary, trespassing after being asked to leave by an official of the Seminary, [and] any activity which threatens the safety of the Richmond Virginia Seminary." Now, I have no problem with a written code of conduct for Christian institutions of higher education, but it seems to me that if someone is prone to trashing the facilities of a seminary they shouldn't be admitted in the first place. Finally, the catalog claims that the school is supported by churches, associations, and pastors "which are members of the Virginia Baptist State Convention and the Baptist General Convention of Virginia along with Churches and Pastors throughout the United States." Notwithstanding the fact that they do not name any of the churches, the fact that they claim a Baptist affiliation means nothing in this case. *N.B.* Lest I seem a bit too flippant in my profile of Richmond Virginia Seminary, a word or two on a more serious note might be in order. Whether or not I agree with them in all circumstances, a code of conduct or "standards of behavior" are normative for Bible colleges and some Christian liberal arts colleges. These range from a simple statement urging students to conform their conduct to biblical standards, to a list of "do's and don't's" that reads like a good ol' litany (common to both Fundamentalists and Pentecostals) that addresses drinking, smoking, chewing, dancing, card playing, gambling, sexual immorality, movie and theater attendance, television viewing, the type of music to which one should or shouldn't listen, style of attire, length of hair, prohibition of beards or other facial hair, length of skirts in relation to the knee, ad infinitum. College-age students who grew up in a Christian home may be comfortable with such specific standards and, in fact, may need to be reminded of biblical standards when they first move on to campus life following high school. However - and it's a *big* however - there has to come a time in everyone's lives when they must develop the spiritual maturity to make their own decisions, and that stage should surely come by the time a student graduates from college at the latest. If a student can't conform to a biblical lifestyle, he or she probably doesn't belong in a seminary program in the first place. (And, since all have sinned and *fall* short of the glory of God - note the present tense used in Romans 3:23 - I have to admit that I've never met a student who could conform totally.) Both educational administrators and students must realize that once students reach the point of graduate- level education, they're being groomed as leaders in their field. At that point, behavioral statements such as the one exhibited by Richmond Virginia Seminary, and a host of other conservative Christian institutions, shouldn't have to be stated. The fact that we should strive to a biblical standard is a given assumption, and if Richmond Seminary is dumb enough to admit students that are prone to "willful destruction" of their school, maybe God's attempting to send them a message. ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 3140-K South Peoria Avenue Aurora, Colorado 80014 (303) 755-3239 When last we left our friend, academic dean Rev. Reo N. Leslie, Jr., D.Min., Ph.D., Aspen Christian College had closed after it granted a degree in counseling to the pet cat of a newscaster from KUSA-TV, Denver's ABC affiliate. (See the listing for Aspen Christian College earlier in this chapter). Speaking with him recently by phone, I learned that good ol' Reo has started his own correspondence school in Aurora, the Rocky Mountain School of Theology (of which, this time around, he will serve as President), and plans to offer degrees from the associate's through doctorate level, including a Ph.D. in religion. He stated that Rocky Mountain had just received degree granting authority from the State of Colorado (which has an exemption for religious schools), therefore he had not yet produced a catalog or promotional materials for the school. He also added that he was planning to apply for accreditation by the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges. (Needless to say, fat chance that he'll get it.) So, you heard it here first . . . Stay tuned, folks. Now, for more on the adventures of Reo Leslie, continue on to the listing for Survine Ministries Bible College and Theological Seminary, later in this chapter. SAINT JAMES SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 1410 Lake Tarpon Avenue Tarpon Springs, Florida 34689 (813) 938-5924 Unlike most degree mills, all of the faculty listed in their brochure holds their doctorate degrees from regionally accredited universities and seminaries (though one person listed as a board member *and* faculty member told me he had not been in contact with the school for "several months," which raises a question as to the legitimacy of their listings). However, they exhibit several indicators of a degree mill, including a claim of accreditation by the unrecognized Southeast Accrediting Association and the granting of life experience credits for master's and doctorate degrees. (Remember, while life experience is common at the undergraduate level, it is generally not accepted in graduate programs.) Operating under a religious exemption in the state of Florida, they require no residency at all (again, accepted for undergraduate degrees but questionable at the graduate level). The school claims to be an outreach of the "Christian Episcopal Church, an Utrecht Succession Old Catholic Church," which indicates that they are not affiliated with the traditional Episcopal denomination. At the undergraduate level, they list a number of correspondence courses they will accept in transfer from the legitimately accredited Moody Bible Institute (see listing in Chapter 7). However, students are better off going for credit directly from Moody or from another accredited school listed in Chapter 7 than they would be to transfer Moody credits to this questionable program. Advertises or has advertised in Christianity Today. SAINT JOHN'S UNIVERSITY 31916 Pat's Lane Springfield, Louisiana 70462 (504) 294-2129 This long-established degree mill is "an instrument of The Congregational Church of Practical Theology," a non-Christian ordination mill. The university claims accreditation by two unrecognized agencies, the Accrediting Commission International and the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions. No degree sources are listed for their faculty. Other organizations related to them include the National Association of Clinical Hypnotherapists and the American Counselors Society (see listing in Chapter 11). A regular advertiser in Guidepost, the newspaper of the legitimate American Counseling Association. SAINT MARTIN'S COLLEGE AND SEMINARY P.O. Box 12455 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 (414) 264-2455 Sponsored by the Interdenominational Churches, Inc. and offering bachelor's through doctorate degrees, the seminary claims to be approved by the International Council of Community Churches; the National Association of College Deans, Registrars and Admissions Officers; the International St. Martin de Porres Society, and the National Association of Private Nontraditional Schools & Colleges, none of which are recognized accreditors. However, they imply additional approvals by using course and credit resources from institutions accredited by other agencies such as the Southern Association (through their use of courses developed by Columbia Bible College), the Middle States Association (through their use of the portfolio assessment program of Thomas Edison State College), and through their use of standardized Bible content tests developed by the American Association of Bible Colleges. However, none of these legitimate associations actually accredits St. Martin's College & Seminary itself. The source of the administration's credentials are not listed, and credentials listed for "part-time and visiting instructors" include several known degree mills, including one that was closed down after an expose was written on them in the respected Chronicle of Higher Education. Advertises or has advertised in Christianity Today. SAN DIEGO BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY 5954 Alta Mesa Way San Diego, California 92115 (619) 286-4362 In an unusual twist, they state, "By the grace of God, no tuition is charged but students are requested to give a gift of $50.00 for each 3-unit course they complete to offset the expense of operation." This amount, coincidentally, is comparable to the regular tuition rate charged by some other degree mills. No faculty or course descriptions are included in the brief brochures which describe their undergraduate and graduate programs. Advertises or has advertised in The Biblical Evangelist. SCHOOL OF BIBLE THEOLOGY P.O. Box 517 San Jacinto, California 92581 (909) 654-9283 Charging a total tuition of $600 to $1,000 for their degrees, which are offered through the doctoral level, this degree mill claims to be chartered by the Pentecostal Church of God. Their eighteen-page catalog lists neither course descriptions nor the source of their faculty's credentials, and they claim accreditation from two bogus accreditors, the Accrediting Commission International *and* the Transworld Accrediting Commission. SOPHIA DIVINITY SCHOOL Jasper, Georgia (May Be Out of Business) Formerly located in Mountain View, California, this degree mill moved in September 1992 when "Bishop" Joseph P. Sousa relocated to Georgia. The Sophia Divinity School was one of the few degree mills to market itself to main line churches. Purporting to be affiliated with the Church of Antioch (still located in Mountain View, California), an independent Catholic rite that is listed in neither the Handbook of Denominations nor Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches, the seminary included metaphysical and mystical courses in their master's degree curriculum; for all intent and purpose, they were a front for New Age teachings. Their California post office box was applied for by H.A. Spruit, the church's "Archbishop-Patriarch," and our investigation indicated that the box was assigned to "Eronetics" (which sounds a bit too similar to the Church of Scientology's "Dianetics" for my taste). A routine follow-up letter was returned by the post office in August 1995 indicating no forwarding address, and their phone in Georgia has been disconnected. Advertises or has advertised in The Christian Century. *N.B.* Regarding Sophia's post office box registration, I received a letter from The Most Rev. Joseph P. Sousa, who identified himself as Dean of the Sophia Divinity School and Bishop of the Church of Antioch, disclaiming any association with Eronetics on their part. Another letter arrived a few days later from Rev. Mother Shane Dugan, who also had no idea of the meaning of Eronetics. She also wrote, "Sophia Divinity School is not a front for New Age teachings although we do embrace similar points of view on a few issues . . . I do not believe that having similar viewpoints with the New Age categories qualifies us as being labeled a New Age church!" It seems that Ms. Dugan believes that even if something looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck . . . Well, you get the picture. Anyway, the mystery of Eronetics was finally answered, or so it seems, in yet another letter I received from The Most Rev. Richard Gundrey, another Church of Antioch "bishop." Gundrey wrote, "I called our Matriarch and asked her about this name. She checked it out right away. It *is* true that the box is in that name, much to *all* our amazements [sic]. The history is this. H.A. Spruit, our patriarch emeritus (who is now in a nursing home), opened that box years ago when he was not involved with the Church of Antioch in any way. This was some project of his which I am not clear as to what it was. However, he started to use the same box for Church of Antioch without changing the name. Meri Spruit [presumably their "matriarch"] is in the process of doing that now, as soon as possible. We are in *no way* connected with Dianetics . . ." They didn't know about the registration of their own post office box? Well, as Dana Carvey would say, "How conveeeeenient." SOUTHERN BAPTIST SCHOOL FOR BIBLICAL STUDIES 5238 San Juan Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32210 (904) 384-8440 Claiming associate membership in the unrecognized Florida Federation of Christian Colleges and Universities, the school's catalog purports, "No school offering only external degree programs has ever received candidate status, not to mention accreditation, with any association holding membership in COPA [now CORPA]." (Try telling that to Charter Oak College, Edison State College, and the University of the State of New York, all of which are listed in Chapter 9 and all of which are accredited by their respective regional associations.) Offering degrees through the doctoral level, the school's faculty is loaded with graduates of Luther Rice Seminary (see listing in Chapter 10). They also operate under the names Southern Baptist Center for Biblical Studies and Trinity Bible College and Seminary (listed separately in this chapter), under which they grant degrees to persons "who, for their own reasons, do not wish to be identified as students or graduates of a Baptist school." Think about the ramifications of that one. It would be like Bob Jones University, a Fundamentalist School, granting a degree under the alternative name Glossolalia College to appease any Chamatic students that might walk in. Cute, but no cigar. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 5588 North Palm Avenue Fresno, California 93704 (209) 229-9144 Sponsored by the "United Congregational Church," the Southern California Graduate School of Theology falsely states, "Seminaries are not accredited by University Associations since Biblical or religious beliefs are frequently antithetic [sic] to scientific views such as the theory of evolution, etc. There is not one seminary in the country with a secular accreditation to our knowledge." (Try telling that to all of the seminaries that are accredited by their respective regional associations!) The big selling point of this degree mill, however, is more down to earth: "If you have earned the Doctor's degree at our school, you may use it in yellow page or newspaper advertising, since the degree is legal and the school is authorized by law to grant it. You will be entitled to the title Dr. (doctor) before your name." Pure and simple, this one's a rip-off. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 7272 Cerritos Avenue Stanton, California 90680 (714) 828-5004 Claiming accreditation from the bogus Transworld Accrediting Commission, SCTS provided pages from an "office work-copy" of their catalog and stated that their new catalog was in the process of being printed. No faculty listing was provided. SCTS is apparently unrelated to the Southern California Graduate School of Theology in Fresno, another degree mill listed in this chapter. STURGIS BIBLE INSTITUTE P.O. Box 844 Sturgis, Michigan 49091 (616) 651-4227 A traditional school affiliated with the Sturgis Baptist Church, the institute purports to offer a degree called the Graduate of Theology (Th.G.). However, there is no such recognized degree. In some states, it's common for theological schools to offer diplomas rather than degrees until they receive state approval, but to call the Th.G. a "degree" is misleading, to say the least. There are five instructors listed in their catalog, but no degrees or sources of credentials for any of them. SUMMIT THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 6211 Constitution Drive Fort Wayne, Indiana 46804 (219) 436-1079 Summit states, "We have nineteen professors with earned accredited doctorates," but they do not list the faculty members or their credentials. According to a conversation I had with Summit president George Faull, who holds an unaccredited doctorate himself, all faculty members serve in an adjunct mentor capacity; there are no full-time professors. However, this is not reflected in their catalog. Faull wrote in a letter to me that between 1984 and November 1992, the school has graduated a total of 29 students (think about it - that's less than four students per year). However, based on updated literature received in January 1993 he claims that the school has over 600 students. Faull also sent me a list he compiled in which he attempted to demonstrate that Summit is not a degree mill. He referred several times to the school's "church fellowship," but neglected to name the fellowship. Responding to a follow-up letter I sent him, he called to inform me that he is affiliated with the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, a major evangelical denomination (even though they don't use the term "denomination"). Nonetheless, the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ have several regionally accredited colleges, universities, and seminaries of their own, some of which have non-traditional programs and are listed in this book as legitimate schools (see the listings in Chapters 7 and 8 for Johnson Bible College, Kentucky Christian College, and Lincoln Christian College and Seminary). Much of their catalog is devoted to explaining why they feel their degrees are legitimate, which indicates that they spend a lot of time defending their own program. At the same time, however, the catalog misrepresents several major studies that have been done on legitimately accredited non-traditional programs. Not to be confused with the former Summit Christian College, an accredited school which is now part of Taylor University in Indiana. SUMMIT UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA 7508 Hayne Boulevard New Orleans, Louisiana 70126 (504) 241-0227 The unaccredited Summit University claims that it was established in the same spirit of its predecessors, Oxford, Cambridge, the Sorbonne, and various University Without Walls programs, and stresses that their program design is "similar to the accredited University of the State of New York Regents College Degrees program." There's just one question they don't answer: if their model is so similar, why shouldn't students seeking a credible degree simply apply to the accredited Regents Degree Program (listed in Chapter 9 under "University of the State of New York"), much more reasonably priced than this degree mill? (Another way of putting it: why buy into a counterfeit when you can have the original?) Their eighteen-page catalog includes enough degree mill indicators that I feel comfortable in calling this one a rip-off. How do they get away with it? They are organized as a non-sectarian religious institution, which makes them exempt from state licensure laws. (How a state with great jazz and Cajun cooking can have such sloppy education laws is beyond me, but the evidence is right here.) For an unusual twist on degree mills operating in tandem, see the listing for Harvest Christian College in Tavares, Florida, also in this chapter. SURVINE MINISTRIES BIBLE COLLEGE AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 2364 Oswego Street Aurora, Colorado 80010 (303) 363-6745 When last we left our friend Rev. Reo N. Leslie, Jr., D.Min., Ph.D., he had left the closed Aspen Christian College and founded Rocky Mountain School of Theology (both listed separately in this chapter). It turns out that in addition to these affiliations, Leslie is also the Dean of Special Studies (and his wife Evelyn is the Assistant Dean of Special Studies) for the Survine Ministries Bible College and Theological Seminary, yet *another* Colorado degree mill. This one is run by D.M. Survine, Jr., Ph.D. (source unknown), and their telephone number is a residential listing at Survine's home. They note that "SMBC is a non-accredited Christian school . . . Accreditation is being sought through AABC" - a claim similar to the one made by Leslie for Rocky Mountain. Through their Department of Special Studies, Survine offers off-campus degrees through the doctoral level based on evaluation of life experience. Inquiries for this program are to be addressed to Reo Leslie at his home address. In an unusual claim that could only be made by a degree mill, they note, "There are no required courses at SMBC. All courses being offered during any particular semester will be credited toward any degree the student is pursuing. All students take the same courses, which are numbered to account for the year of study each student is currently taking (e.g., B101-501)." Think about that claim - you can take an introductory course and it would be numbered 101 or 501, depending on what year you were in. (As a frame of reference, at legitimate colleges courses numbered in the 100 series are freshman level, 200 series are sophomore, 400 numbers are senior level, and so on, and the 500 series and above are graduate level.) Survine's informational package consists of three photocopied pages. Needless to say, this one's a sham. THE THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION CENTER P.O. Box 41554 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70835 (No listed phone) As I learned when doing research for "Name It and Frame It," you can do a lot with a laser printer, including the creation of any image you wish to communicate. In the case of the Theological Education Center, president Roy L. Parker does much with a color inkjet printer. Their "catalog" consists of seventeen sheets of paper printed with four ink colors, all of which arrived as an original printout (that is, they were not commercially printed, but were the sheets actually produced on his printer). Essentially, they appear to be printing this "catalog" on an as-needed basis, which indicates a low demand for their materials. Their latest literature lists no phone number at all, and their post office box application was filed by Liz Parker, indicating a small, family-affiliated operation. The Center's June 1995 newsletter (which was also an original printout) indicates that they are seeking accreditation with the Accreditation Commission International and touts that their final reports to ACI will be "put on file with the Library of Congress, Washington, DC." (Keep in mind that *any* copyrighted material is filed with the Library of Congress, so their claim means nothing.) Like Trinity Seminary in Newburgh, Indiana (also listed in this chapter), Parker also boasts that his school "is now part of the information superhighway," and is able to accept lessons via CompuServe. However, this also means nothing, since *anyone* who owns a computer with a modem can have an account on CompuServe or another service such as Prodigy or American On Line. In short, this is a Mickey Mouse operation purporting to grant even doctorate degrees (which cost only $1,200), and their degrees are not even worth the paper on which they're printed by Roy Parker's color inkjet printer. I engaged in a dialogue with Ray Parker via CompuServe, and he did not respond to a request for additional information on the school's faculty. In TEC's July 1995 newsletter, however, he wrote that after consultation with "Rich Walston" [sic] (see listing for Faraston Theological Seminary in this chapter) and me (news to me; I was not aware of any official "consultation"), he had decided *not* to pursue ACI accreditation. However, he did list his faculty in the newsletter, and the lists consists of only three names: his own, Elizabeth S. Parker, and Rebecca England. Ms. England is purported to hold bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Florida; Ray Parker claims to have a B.A. from Bryan College, M.R.E. from Tennessee Temple University (a legitimate school accredited at the undergraduate level by AABC, but not regionally accredited), and Ed.D. from Luther Rice Seminary (see listing in Chapter 10). Elizabeth Parker is purported to hold a diploma from the Center for Degree Studies, better known as the International Correspondence Schools in Scranton, Pennsylvania (remember their television ads with Sally Struthers?). The problem here is that the Center for Degree Studies does not grant diplomas, only degrees, which are accredited by the National Association of Trade & Technical Schools (a legitimate agency). If Ms. Parker holds a *diploma*, it would have to be from the ICS division, not the Center for Degree Studies. Keeping in mind that regardless of Ray Parker's sincerity (which has neither been established nor is being refuted here), TEC still purports to grant degrees through the doctoral level. Therefore, it's still a sham; avoid it like the plague. Advertises or has advertised in Christianity Today. THE THEOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA Canal Place One, Suite 2300 New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 (504) 521-8658 Also known as The University of America, they spend a page and a half in a 15-page catalog justifying why they are not accredited, then state, "Your professor's letters of reference, your transcript and your diploma will testify to your achievements and preparation. They are your accreditation. They are the things that count." Thirteen "deans" are listed, but no teaching faculty. In a more recent catalog, they state "The Theological University of America has begun the procedures to apply for regional accreditation during 1992." However, as of November 1992 the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools has no record of having received an application from them. (Even if they were to apply, it's unlikely that they would qualify for accreditation.) Advertises or has advertised in Pulpit Helps. TRINITY BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY 5238 San Juan Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32210 (904) 384-8440 This is simply another name for the Southern Baptist Center for Biblical Studies, whose catalog states, "The Trinity Bible College and Seminary is a subsidiary corporation of the Southern Baptist Center for Biblical Studies. It exists as the degree granting entity for individuals in other countries and/or in other denominations in the United States who, for their own reasons, do not wish to be identified as students or graduates of a Baptist school." (Now, doesn't that just spell loads of pride in their own status as Baptists?) For more information, see the listing for the Southern Baptist Center in this chapter. TRINITY COLLEGE OF THE BIBLE & THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 4233 Medwel Drive P.O. Box 717 Newburgh, Indiana 47629-0717 (812) 853-0611 Trinity's catalog package is an impressive presentation. Rather than claiming accreditation, they used to prominently note that the school is a member of the Association of European Correspondence Schools and the International Council for Distance Education. Of fifty-six people listed as "extension studies faculty" forty-eight (or 86%) hold one or more of their own degrees from the school, making them outrageously home grown. Their catalog consists of five well-produced booklets, one of which is devoted to presenting some fifty "testimonials" to the school. (Remember that testimonials do not speak accurately to the quality of an educational program.) Trinity, which had claimed questionable accreditations in the past, was granted candidacy status by the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS), but they voluntarily pulled out of consideration after TRACS found several shortcomings. Ultimately, they were accredited by the National Association for Private Nontraditional Schools and Colleges of Grand Junction, Colorado, an accreditor which has tried and failed several times to gain approval from the United States Department of Education. (Side note: John Bear considers NAPNSC a legitimate accreditor even though they are not recognized by the Department of Education. I disagree. If they do not have DOE recognition, no regionally accredited school will consider NAPNSC a legitimate accreditor, nor will they consider Trinity's degrees accredited.) Trinity's latest advertising campaign indicates that they have established a hook-up with CompuServe, the nation's largest computer network service (similar to Prodigy and America on Line). However, this is no indicator of their program quality, and many legitimate colleges are establishing computer-assisted learning options through the Internet or their own networks. (Even the Theological Education Center, another degree mill listed in this chapter, is advertising a CompuServe learning option.) A recent controversy erupted between Trinity and the Biblical Archaeology Society after Trinity implied "special relationships" with BAS. (For more information, see the September-October 1995 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review, a legitimate publication, pages 82-85.) Notwithstanding that Trinity's presentation is well produced, they exhibit many signs of being a degree mill and almost everyone I have spoken to in the educational community considers their degrees inferior to normative standards. Advertises or has advertised in, among others, The Biblical Evangelist, Christianity Today, Partners in Ministry magazine, and Pulpit Helps. TRINITY EVANGELICAL SEMINARY 1460 Golden Gate Parkway, Suite 103/300 Naples, Florida 33942 (813) 434-2726 Claiming accreditation from the unrecognized Alternative Education Association, Trinity's original catalog was actually a six-page printout from a word processor. (The "catalog" I received was also an original printout from the printer, not a photocopy. An indication, perhaps, of little demand for their catalog.) Each of their "courses" is worth ten traditional semester hours of credit, yet they proclaim that their courses do not require textbooks or examinations. Needless to say, no faculty credentials are listed in their literature. Formerly known as Trinity Theological Seminary, they changed their name to Trinity Evangelical Seminary in January 1992. At that point, they had a new "catalog" commercially printed, but it is only eight pages in length and also provides no information on their faculty. Their course requirements consist solely of a "student written five page typed Research Paper, using at least two resources." They are not related to the accredited Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. Their new name, however, is an example of a common degree mill tactic - to use a name that is close to that of an established, accredited institution. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma, Christianity Today, and World magazines. TRINITY VALLEY BAPTIST SEMINARY P.O. Box 445 Kennedale, Texas 76060 (817) 478-7672 Purporting to offer degrees through the doctoral level, Trinity Valley's faculty is almost entirely home grown, with many faculty holding their only degrees from the school. However, their president, Billy Beck, holds all of his degrees from the World Wide Bible Institute, the forerunner of New World Theological Seminary (a degree mill listed in Chapter 12). Trinity Valley purports to be a KJV-only school in the fundamental Baptist tradition, but its degrees are virtually worthless. TRISMITH COLLEGE 907 Hay Street P.O. Box 90 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28305 (919) 323-8840 "Become a Licensed Practical Nurse at Home," proclaims the advertising of TriSmith College (pronounced "Try-Smith"), which offers an external program designed to prepare students for the national NCLEX-PN examination, used by several states as a requirement for licensed practical nurses (LPN's). They claim, "We offer students a self-paced flexible program of study toward a diploma as a graduate Practical Nurse. YOU can achieve you [sic] aspiration of becoming a nurse, without leaving your present job or home responsibilities." The thirty-nine credit program appears comprehensive and has been approved by the North Carolina Department of Community Colleges and the North Carolina Board of Nursing (though the school itself is unaccredited). There are, however, several questionable factors which lead me to advise against pursuing the program. First, TriSmith College isn't a college at all, but a proprietary, profit-making trade school (just like the tractor trailer and other vocational schools you see advertised on daytime television). Since the word "college" normally implies a degree-granting institution, their name is misleading, to say the least. (TriSmith, which was founded in 1990, grants *only* diplomas, not degrees.) Second, their print ads are national in scope, implying that *any* student can become a licensed practical nurse regardless of where he or she lives. Nursing credential requirements are set on a state-by-state basis, and their diploma is not likely to be recognized on a national scale. (Another way of putting it: if you graduate from their program but do not live in North Carolina, you may not be allowed to sit for the NCLEX-PN exam in your state.) Third, the program is not totally external, requiring eighty laboratory hours *plus* a clinical internship before graduation; their admissions representative told me that an out-of- state student would have to come to North Carolina to fulfill these requirements. If you live nearby, this may be a viable option if you are seeking LPN credentials (at least as long as they continue to be recognized by the North Carolina Board of Nursing). On a wider scale, however, TriSmith appears to misrepresent the character of their institution, the nature of the program, and the value of their diploma. Advertises or has advertised in The Great Commission Handbook, a guide to missions and educational organizations published by Berry Publications. TRIUNE BIBLICAL UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 912 Kelso, Washington 98626 (206) 577-0586 While not claiming to be accredited, Triune's "catalog" consists of fifteen photocopied pages printed on a dot matrix printer. They purport to grant degrees from the associate's through doctoral levels. An interesting side note: they offer five different doctoral titles, all of which are religious in nature. Several of their faculty claim to have earned a Ph.D. from Triune. In their "catalog," however, Triune doesn't purport to offer a Ph.D. (Discernment lesson coming up . . .) That indicates that the State of Washington, which Triune claims has exempted them from licensure, may have told them they could no longer offer secular degree titles such as the Ph.D. They claim to have several extension campuses, the faculty for which is almost entirely homegrown (meaning that they received one or more of their own degrees from Triune), and they do not distinguish between earned and honorary degrees. Despite their lack of an accreditation claim (a refreshing change for a degree mill), this school is Mickey Mouse all the way. (With apologies to the *real* Mickey Mouse.) TYNDALE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AND BIBLE INSTITUTE 6800 Brentwood Stair, Suite 102 Fort Worth, Texas 76112 (817) 446-1415 Purportedly named after William Tyndale, who published an English Bible in the sixteenth century, Tyndale Seminary advertises a "European/English graduate program." They publish a 33-page "External Studies Prospectus," but when I requested a copy of their residential catalog they merely sent another copy of the external catalog. A division of H-E-B Ministries, the school has "been granted the privilege of the use of the Library of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary." Remember, however, that this is often a meaningless statement, since theological students can usually use the library of *any* seminary. They cite the accomplishments of "outstanding Tyndale students" (who received their only degrees from Tyndale), but the only faculty name that appears in their catalog is their president, "Dr. Mal Couch, Ph.D." Not only does Couch not list where he received his credentials, he commits what any reputable scholar would immediately recognize as a faux pax - using the titles "Dr." *and* "Ph.D." together. The proper protocol is to use one *or* the other. The use of both titles together generally indicates someone with an inflated ego. Take it from me, Dr. Steve Levicoff, Ph.D. (Just joking, campers.) They purport to offer associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctorate-level *diplomas* (they do not use the word "degree," which indicates that they may not have degree- granting authority). Their advertising is a class act and their catalog initially seems impressive through its creative use of scholarly quotes, but the program is a sham. Advertises or has advertised in The Great Commission Handbook and The Seminary and Graduate School Handbook. *N.B.* In 1993, Tyndale has released an impressive looking four-color brochure touting it as "One of the most respected new schools in America." There are two items of note in the brochure that further illustrate the need for discernment by prospective students. First, like many degree mills, the school misrepresents their faculty by including well-known persons whose books they use. The problem is that several of them are dead. If you find that hard to believe, I'll quote the exact wording they use in the brochure (emphasis added) - "The following men help us explain Scripture at Tyndale because they are part of our faculty and teach here through their writings and books: Calvin, Luther, Spurgeon, Hodge, Warfield, C.I. Scofield, J. Vernon McGee, Criswell, Walvoord, Pentecost, Hal Lindsey, Charles Stanley, John McArthur [sic], Ryrie, and many, many others." (Notwithstanding the fact that they misspell John MacArthur's name, everyone on the list from Calvin through McGee have gone on to a better place than the Tyndale Biblical Institute and Seminary. Second problem: their brochure contains the most blatant misrepresentation I've seen of the Sosdian-Sharp study, the 1978 government report that affirmed the effectiveness of non-traditional degree programs). Tyndale's brochure states, "Did you know that, according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, that [sic] 90% of graduates of non-regionally accredited schools, felt that their degrees were better than from traditional schools? And, 94% experienced no problems in graduate school admission." Unfortunately for Tyndale, the Sosdian- Sharp study compared traditional versus non-traditional programs, *not* traditional versus non-regionally accredited programs. Virtually *every* non-traditional program considered by researchers Sosdian and Sharp *was*, in fact, regionally accredited. UNITED CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Riverside, California (May Be Out of Business) UCA may have flown the coop, as a recent follow-up inquiry was returned with the note "addressee unknown." In response to a previous request, UCA's informational package consisted of three typed pages that did not identify any program requirements, faculty, or even a set tuition. They claimed accreditation from the unrecognized N.E.A.A., but did not identify the organization. They purported to offer - I kid you not - credentials from the *kindergarten* through doctorate levels. UNIVERSITY OF BIBLICAL STUDIES 7045 N.W. 16th Bethany, Oklahoma 73008 (405) 789-8450 Claiming recognition by the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions and the American Accrediting Educational Association of Christian Schools, neither of which are legitimate agencies, the University of Biblical Studies (UBS) was originally founded in 1955 as "Modular Education." Their 22-page catalog states, "Participating colleges award Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctor of Ministry Degrees," but they do not name the participating colleges. In response to my inquiry, their academic dean wrote, "Presently we are using schools in California and Hawaii as educational institutions to graduate our students. Students may also be graduated from Baptist Christian College or University in Shreveport, Louisiana [see listing in this chapter]. If graduated through schools in California or Hawaii, the degree will read the University of Biblical Studies with the address of either California or Hawaii." Think about it: UBS is located in Oklahoma, but they can't even grant degrees in their own state. Instead, they use schools in California, Hawaii, and Louisiana, which have traditionally had some of the loosest standards in the nation regarding academic institutions. The dean's response indicated that they use this set-up because the state of Oklahoma requires residency in order for a college to graduate students. (He neglected to mention, however, that one of the most respected non-resident secular programs in the nation is the Competency-Based Degree Program based at the regionally accredited Oklahoma City University.) There is no list of teaching faculty in the UBS catalog, but there are eleven "administrative staff" members listed with multiple degree titles, the source of which are not identified. In February 1992 they were granted Candidate for Accreditation status by the Transnational Association of Christian Schools, a questionable accreditor recognized at this point by the U.S. Department of Education but not by the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation (see discussion at the beginning of this chapter and in Chapter 3). Unfortunately, this tends to speak poorly of TRACS rather than positively of UBS. (Why TRACS has granted candidacy to a school that can't even grant degrees in its home state is beyond me.) Advertises or has advertised in Charisma, Christianity Today, Ministries Today, and Moody Magazine. UNIVERSITY OF HEALING 1101 Far Valley Road Campo, California 92006 (619) 478-5111 A metaphysical institution founded upon "good words, good thoughts, and good deeds," the University of Healing claims to be accredited by "God Unlimited." Each of their degrees requires a thesis or dissertation of ten typewritten pages (a length that hardly qualifies as a term paper in accredited schools, let alone a thesis or dissertation). Not only a degree mill, they are also a theological cult that purports, "You may train yourself to state confidently and definitely that I AM GOD, GOD I AM!" Shirley MacLaine would love them; Christians should avoid them for obvious reasons. VISION CHRISTIAN COLLEGE 940 Montecito Way Ramona, California 92065 (619) 789-4700 Vision Christian College, which has also called itself Vision Christian University, is the successor institution to the Logos Bible College and Graduate School, another degree mill that operated in the Southern California area. Vision purports to offer degrees through the doctorate level. While they indicate no accreditation in their most recent catalog, they used to claim accreditation from the unrecognized Southeast Accrediting Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Seminaries, as well as applicant status with the unrecognized Accrediting Commission International. They are registered to grant degrees under Hawaii law, which is less restrictive than California law for unaccredited schools. Interestingly enough, Vision also holds associate status with the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS), providing yet another example of TRACS recognizing a school that isn't authorized to grant degrees in its home state (the other is the University of Biblical Studies, also listed in this chapter). Many of the faculty hold their own degrees from Vision or its predecessor, Logos Graduate School, and their advisory board includes persons who direct other known diploma mills. Vision's degree requirements are far below the normal requirements of legitimately accredited institutions. Their latest catalog is a great improvement over their previous mailings and consists of 106 perfect-bound and offset-printed pages - impressive for a degree mill. However, the red flags are still there, including claims of affiliation with both the American Association of Family Counselors and the American Society of Christian Therapists, both of which are credential mills listed in Chapter 13. A follow-up letter also offers "a special additional 10% tuition reduction for students who enroll within the next 30 days," a sure sign of a degree mill. In short, they're starting to do an impressive production, but they're still a rip-off whose credentials will not be recognized by any legitimately accredited institution. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma, Christianity Today, and Ministries Today. *N.B.* It appears that Vision has gotten into the franchising business, so to speak. (No, they don't call it that, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck . . . well, you get the picture.) An astute "Name It and Frame It" reader sent in some materials from "Vision Christian Bible College," operating from two "campuses" in Montpelier, Ohio, and Strongsville, Ohio, and offering degrees through the doctoral level via our friends at Vision Christian University in Ramona, California. This seems to be a trend - degree mills operating through "extension centers" or alleged field campuses in other states that regulate higher education more stringently (also see the listing for DayStar Theological Training Center in this chapter for another example of this tactic). Follow-up research reveals that the Strongsville address and phone number used by the school is also the headquarters of John Knight Ministries, run by "Dr. John L. Knight, Ph.D." (While Knight doesn't identify the source of his own credentials, or those of any other faculty member listed in the catalog used by both Ohio "campuses," keep in mind that the use of "Dr." and "Ph.D." in the same breath signifies an inflated ego, a degree mill credential, or both. Knight uses both titles on both his business card and the signature line on his letters.) The Montpelier address is registered to the Soul's Harbor Church. Notwithstanding that Vision Christian University itself holds Associate status in TRACS, and seems to be "pushing the edge of the envelope" through this new venture, the Ohio schools also claim that they are "further accredited by the American Association of Theological Institutions," an accreditation mill associated with Christian Bible College in Rocky Mount, North Carolina (listed in this chapter). WESTBROOK UNIVERSITY 404 North Mesa Verde Aztec, New Mexico 87410 (505) 334-1115 Formerly located in Phoenix, Arizona, and purporting to grant degrees through the doctorate level in several subject areas related to psychology and religion, this school claims accreditation from a number of unrecognized agencies including the Association of Fundamental Institutions of Religious Education, International Accrediting Association of Ministerial Accreditation, Southern Accrediting Commission of Theological Seminaries and Schools, International Association of Pastoral Psychologists, American Institute of Clinical Psychotherapists, and World Institute of Parapsychology (think about that one, folks). Unlike many degree mills which claim to have a Christian doctrinal position, Westbrook is a humanistic and New Age degree mill whose "degrees" include transpersonal psychology, parapsychology, herbology, and nutrition. Therefore, even their religious offerings do not represent a Christian perspective. Moreover, Westbrook has included a liability disclaimer in their catalog to the extent that they do not assume any responsibility "for the results of a student's voluntary participation in self-guided meditation, self-guided yoga, self-guided imagery, self-guided relaxation or any other form of self-directed participation in the course of their studies . . . It is recommended that a student check with their physician before engaging in any of the above mentioned activities." In March 1992, the Arizona State Board of Private Postsecondary Education advised the university that they were operating illegally in Arizona. When the Board asked the Arizona Attorney-General's office to seek an injunction against the school, Westbrook president Loel L. Resler (who holds three unaccredited and degree mill doctorates himself) picked the operation up and moved across the state line to New Mexico, where they continue to offer degrees by correspondence. ZOE COLLEGE 1211 Lee Road Jacksonville, Florida 32225 (904) 725-0400 Purporting in their advertisements to be an "accredited" institution, Zoe College proclaims that its graduates include "Doctors" Kenneth & Gloria Copeland and Benny Hinn. Their list of "visiting special assignment faculty" reads like a Who's Who of the Charismatic movement and includes the Copelands and Hinn, Charles and Frances Hunter, T.L. Osborn, Derek Prince, and Robert Tilton. However, their courses are based on videotaped lessons. About half of their faculty holds one or more unaccredited credentials, and the college's catalog does not include any detailed information on its programs or degree requirements. Their accreditation is from the unrecognized Accrediting Commission International. Persons seeking a legitimate degree should be careful with this one, as Zoe emphasizes the well- known Charismatic superstars that have allegedly been affiliated with them. The success of televangelists rarely depends upon where they received their degrees, and their endorsement does not necessarily speak to the quality of an academic institution. Advertises or has advertised in Charisma and Ministries Today.