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2001-2002 Committees Chairpersons

Please share your questions and comments with us. Click on the underscored names, to send us an e-mail. The committee chairperson will respond to your request as soon as possible. All telephone numbers within the 305 area code, unless noted otherwise.

Committee Date Needed Chairperson Phone Number
A.C.T. All year Madeline Auerbach 666-2447
American Heritage November Joy Anna Duffie 378-8608
Black History 2/27 Elizabeth Johnson 255-6249
Book Fair 3 x a year

Oct. - June

Regine Cambronne (Oct. only)

Erica Moore (June)


348-2447 (w)


Box Tops All year Debbie Orta 380-8778
Career Day 3/28 Carol Raiford 234-5702
Citizens Advisory Council All year Linda Dunlap 255-0812
Computer Cartridge Recycling All year Monica Vaca 274-4093
Cultural Arts All year Marilyn Patterson 522-3908
Dads Committee All year Paul Herdsman 278-3898
Entertainment Books Sept. - Oct. Dori Kaplan 235-1121
Environmental / Volunteers Day Nov. & Mar. Jenny Martinez 385-3170
Field Days 3/18-22 Tanya Jules 378-9944
Fifth Grade 2002 All year Cheryl Winchester 233-5470
Fun Fair Day Planning Nov. - Feb. Cheryl Winchester 233-5470
Gift Wrap Sally Foster Sept. - Nov. Jenny Guthery 383-7193
Grandparents Committee All year Mrs. Kendrick 235-5837
Grants & Awards All year Twila Payne 252-3949
Health All year Zee Philips 378-0032
Hispanic Heritage   Sylvia Vargas 259-0012
Historian All year Renee Yousefi 378-0032
Holiday Gift Shop 12/10-14 Kim Cobaugh 234-5112
Honor Roll 3x a year Tina Marshall 251-3330
Hospitality All year Rhonda Lewis 253-9951
International Summit 4/26    
Lunch Bunch All year Flavia Grant 233-6289
Math Superstars All year Marilyn Patterson 517-9850
Media Center All year Marienela Ferris 232-7396
Membership All year Wendy Neumann 388-7541
Memory Wall All year    
Newsletter / Publicity All year Isabel del Pino-Allen 448-4833
Parade Committee - MLK January Mary Alexander 242-9282
Pizza Sales All year Beth Halasz 252-8223
Publicity / Communication All year Claudia Nickerborker 971-9218
Reading Under the Stars 3/7 Mary Avalos 969-3830
Red Ribbon Rally 10/26 Lisa Saluja 234-7200
Room Parents All year Piedad Sanches 256-1556
School Store All year Kimberly Nuzifora 242-0065
Silent Auction November Beth Halasz 252-8223
Student Directory Sept. - Nov. Carline Gauchier 388-3193
Students of the Month All year Marianela Ferris 232-7396
Teacher Appreciation May Cathy Smith 270-8045
Toy Drive 11/30 - 12/21 Tina Marshall 251-3330
Traffic & Safety All year Lorraine Perriere 971-8158
T-Shirts Environmental Spring Renee Yousefi 251-7147
Uniforms All year Herminia Arguelles 233-8518
Valentine's Dance 2/13 Maria Marling 270-1449
Walk-a-Thon 9/28 Jacqueline Quinones 786-293-8655
Website All year Hilton Palma-Lima 279-2466
Weekly Calendars All year Linda Dunlap 255-0812
Yearbook   Silvia Vargas 259-0012


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Last modified: May 06, 2002