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Equine Excellence Welcome to the site that is totally dedicated to Equine Excellence. I would appreciate if you bookmarked this site. We are always updating and changing. Please sign my guestbook when you get a chance. Remember, this site is totally dedicated to horses and horses alone. This page was created March 10, 2000. So we don't have much yet. We hope to get as much as possible done though. If you have any ideas or would like something posted of yours, email me. Also please post a link on your webpage linking back to us. Thank you so much! Break Out Break Out of someone else's frames.
Equine Equine is a great sim game for horse lovers of all ages! Breed of the Month A photo gallery of our special breed for this month. Adoption Agency Adopt a little cyber horse for your web site. Pony Express Send a horsey online postcard to someone you know. It's all free! Horse Quiz Take the ultimate online quiz. Horse Poll Take our free and east poll. We have a new one every 2 months. Horse Sounds Here are some excellent Horsey sounds that I have searched high and low for. I hope you like. Horse Treats I have looked all over the net for these. Bon Appetite! Caption Contest You'll like this one! Dear Arab... If you need some horse advice, come here. Horsey Contests Check out these 3 horsey contests. Non-Horse Related Games Check out these 5 non-horse related java games. HTML Helper This HTML generator will help you build the perfect web site. Free Laughing Horse Email Get your own free email with our own email service. My Awards Check out all the awards that different sites gave me. Win My Award Is your horse site top of the line? Well apply for the Equine Excellence Award. The Equine Excellence WebRing Join our webring! Participating WebRings See the webrings we are in. Banner Exchange Free publicity for your site on ours!
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