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Birthday Exhibit in SUB
(Munich Gay Community Center)

SUB is the name of the Munich Gay Community Center. The ground floor has a coffee bar. Upstairs is the lounge and library.

The Ulrichs' Exhibit covered all four walls of the upstairs lounge.

Photo by Praunheim: Hasel as Ulrichs Photo by Praunheim: Harald as Karl A television set ran Schwuler Mut (Gay Courage), the 1997 German film by Rosa von Praunheim -- at least a nine-minute loop of it, the part depicting Harald Hasel playing the role of Ulrichs.

Harald Hasel also played the role of Ulrichs at the birthday bash on Karl-Heinrich-Ulrichs-Platz on August 26.

At the Gay center exhibit, there were many, many pictures to look at: the house Ulrichs occupied in Burgdorf in 1867 when he was arrested (twice!) by Prussian Army guards for having supported the King of Hanover; the building in Minden in which Ulrichs was incarcerated.

Photo of August Tewes courtesy Graz Pink Panthers There was a photo of Heinrich August Tewes, who co-sponsored Ulrichs' proposal to the Association of German Jurists. Tewes (1831-1913) was a non-Gay lawyer from Graz, Austria. The photo was provided by the Pink & Lavender Panthers (Austria).

Wolfgang Böker There was a photograph of a plaque commemorating Ulrichs' sojourn in Göttingen. On January 17, 1997, the plaque was affixed to a house on Am Markt Street, number 5, one of Ulrichs' addresses when he was a student at the University of Göttingen from 1844 to 1846. Jochen Engling Jochen Engling and Wolfgang Böker, who were responsible for having the plaque affixed to the building, attended the ceremony at Ulrichs' grave. In 1995, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Ulrichs' death, Jochen and Wolfgang, as members of the Göttingen Gay Center, got authorization to repair and clean Ulrichs' gravestone. Jochen also participated in the jubilee celebration by translating material about Ulrichs. See Karl Heinrich Ulrichs zu Ehren: Materialien zu Leben und Werk under Publications.

A booklet also hung on the wall. It was a copy of Ulrichs' defense of Jakob Forster, a man imprisoned for homosexuality. Forster in turn promoted Ulrichs and his work for the next 20 years. The research for this work was done by René Horning and was published. See Karl Heinrich Ulrichs zu Ehren: Materialien zu Leben und Werk under Publications.

There was a poster with a life-like portrait of Ulrichs.

The final item on the wall was the pen and magnet for CELEBRATION 2000. The notice said: "And where would we be without some kitch!"

t-shirt Wolfram Setz of the Munich Ulrichs Committee and responsible for the exhibit, reported that a CELEBRATION 2000 t-shirt, which Paul had had made for Wolfram, is also now on display in Berlin!

No photos were taken in the Munich Gay center so that the folks in the lounge could enjoy their privacy.

The Ulrichs' exhibit was at the Schwules Museum (Gay Museum) in Berlin until November 19

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