Out (New York) did mention "old Karl Heinrich" briefly in its August 2000 issue (Thomas Gibson cover), in Agenda, p. 28.
AUGUST 28 THE URNING POINT One hundred and seventy-five years ago today, German theorist Karl Heinrich Ulrichs was born. Ulrichs had some important ideas: He was among the first to state publicly that homosexuality occurs naturally, that women should have rights equal to men's, and that sensuality is part of sexuality. He also had a penchant for nomenclature that now seems almost thrillingly bizarre. Honor Ulrichs's work today by calling your gay male friends "urnings," your lesbian friends "urninds," and your bisexual friends "uranodionings." Maybe you could start collecting butterflies, some of Ulrichs's favorite creatures. Or you can join fellow uranimaniacs for his birthday celebration at high noon in the civic cemetery in L'Aquila, Italy. For more information on how to plan your own celebration of Ulrichs and his "Riddle of Manly-Man Love," visit www.angelfire.com/fl3/celebration2000.

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