Links And Banner Exchange

Thanks for checking out this page.

Okay, here's the deal. I'll put your banner on my main page if you will put one of my banners on your fan site.

The code for my search box banner:

*img src=""**a href=""**/a**/center*

The code for my other banner:

*img src="**a href=""**/a**/center*

Don't forget to change the stars to the approproiate < sign or > sign! If you would like me to host your banner, mail me with your code and I will. Thanks!

Here are some links I liked. If you do not have a banner but would like a link to your site, just let me know!

Click here to visit the site!
Backstreet Banner X-Change

Read My Review Of The Webcast




Please include:

Your name;

Your email address;

Your website URL;

Why you think you are worthy of the award; (lol)

And also if you have a banner you would like to exchange for mine (as in website publicity)


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