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Hi and welcome to my website.

My name is Allison. And I am currently living in the Pink Nasty...

Hey, that's my house. This whole website is like a time capsule. Yes, a time capsule. But here's what's new in my life. Or you can look through more of the time capsule...
greatest kids ever...
something fun
Dream Car!

***This is exciting!***
I'm such a dork.

Oh, and this is cool and old.

Well, yeah, this is my webpage. The skeletal remains of silly--and at times, quite frightening or embarassing--parts of my life when I was younger.

Other stuff to look at while you're here (warning, this is all ancient):
New Pictures
Other Pictures

And here's some older stuff that I still think is real funny, but you might not get unless you were friends with me a way long time ago.
All That
silly stuff

Hey, I love God.
And that would be a link to an extremely outdated website I once made, but it includes some fairly important things, if you want to go read it, which you probably won't, because when it comes down to it, I highly doubt that anyone even looks at this page anymore, let alone the old ilovejesus site I once made. Oh well...

Aw, yea, it's my hot boyfriend and me.
Just kidding! That's not my boyfriend. That's Crusty McDrugStore.
But here is really a picture of the real boyfriend.

This is us at Murray Hill one time.
he's so cute.

And I used to have a link to the guestbook here, but apparently it is no longer.

Ah! My dream car!

Once upon a time, I had a dream car I own it.
a 1999 silver 4 door VW Golf!