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Angel - Season 3

September 24, 2001; "Heartthrob"!
Angel stakes a female vampire he recognizes from his past, but a moment too late. Her grief-stricken lover is out for revenge for the present killing and a betrayal Angelus committed over 200 years ago.

October 1, 2001; "The Vision Thing"!
Angel must team up with the dark side to stop a psychic hacker from killing Cordelia with her own violent visions that are leaving her burned, scaly and frightened for her life.

October 8, 2001; "That Old Gang of Mine"!
Angel comes face-to-face with Gunn's old demon-hunting crew who at one time considered Gunn a hero, but now view him as a traitor and want to see Angel dead.

October 15, 2001; "Carpe Noctem"!
An old man casts a body-switching spell on Angel, and the old man enjoys the many pleasures of being eternally young, handsome and bloodthirsty in Los Angeles while a dying Angel tries to get his body back.

October 22, 2001; "Fredless"!
Angel goes into full detective mode when Fred's parents unexpectedly arrive in Los Angeles to bring Fred home, but their appearance inexplicably sends her into a tailspin and on the run.

October 29, 2001; "Billy"!
Violence erupts within Angel's gang as a demonic boy brings primal rage to the surface of men, turning them hateful and murderous towards women. As Wesley and Gunn turn on a frightened Fred, Cordelia fears the onslaught of Angel's dark side.

November 5, 2001; "Offspring"!
Angel comes face-to-face with the consequences of his night of passion when Darla arrives on his doorstep inexplicably pregnant. While Angel tortures himself over the decision whether or not to destroy the demon seed, the gang uncovers a prophecy that predicts the arrival of a great evil which will bring about the ruination of mankind.

November 12, 2001; "Quickening"!
Angel must do everything in his power to protect Darla and their unborn child when Wolfram & Hart launches a full attack to take mother and baby, in addition to a vampire cult who believe the baby is The Miracle Child.

November 19, 2001; "Lullaby"!
As Darla violently begins childbirth, Angel faces the responsibility of becoming a father and the possibilities of what miracle or destruction this new being may bring to the world.

November 26, 2001; "None"!
Instead of Angel, TheWB aired "Teen People Presents What's Next".

December 3, 2001; "The Vision Thing"!
Angel must team up with the dark side to stop a psychic hacker from killing Cordelia with her own violent visions that are leaving her burned, scaly and frightened for her life.

December 10, 2001; "Dad"!
Angel discovers how hard it is being a new dad - especially when the demon underworld is after your newborn son.

December 17, 2001; "Heartthrob"!
Angel stakes a female vampire he recognizes from his past, but a moment too late. Her grief-stricken lover is out for revenge for the present killing and a betrayal Angelus committed over 200 years ago.

December 24, 2001; "None"!

December 31, 2001; "None"!

January 7, 2002; ""!

January 14, 2002; "Birthday"!
On her birthday, Cordelia's visions become so painful that they propel her into an astral state and a life-threatening coma. Visited by a demon guide, astral Cordy is mystically granted the opportunity to live her dream of a rich and famous actress if she is willing to give up her history with Angel and her visions.

January 17, 2002; "Over the Rainbow"!
Cordelia is accidentally sucked through a magical portal and transported to a demon dimension, finding herself all alone in a strange new land where humans are considered inferior and sold into slavery. Angel, Gunn, Wesley and the Host jump through the portal in search of her and end up shackled by an angry mob of villagers and sentenced to death.

January 21, 2002; "Provider"!
Cordelia worries that Angel has lost sight of their mission to help the helpless when he becomes obsessed with making money in order to provide for the baby's future and takes on too many cases.

January 28, 2002; "None"!

February 4, 2002; "Waiting in the Wings"!
Angel takes the gang out for an evening at the ballet, but becomes suspicious when the prima ballerina is one he saw dance more than a century ago. When Angel and Cordelia sneak backstage to investigate, they find themselves consumed with an overwhelming passion for one another as the spirits of unrequited lovers take over.

February 11, 2002; "None"!

February 18, 2002; "Couplet"!
Angel feels isolated, obsolete and even a bit jealous when Groosalugg arrives in town from Pylea and immediately saves the gang in battle and is welcomed into the loving arms of his former princess, Cordelia.

February 25, 2002; "Loyalty"!
Angel is concerned about Wesley's erratic behavior when the book man's greatest fears are secretly confirmed - the prophecy is true and he is given the three signs to look for before Angel devours his own son. When an earthquake shakes Los Angeles, all three signs come true.

March 4, 2002; "Sleep Tight"!
Angel's angry behavior and sudden cravings for human blood frighten Wesley enough for him to kidnap the baby to keep him safe. Unfortunately, Wesley's plan to protect Connor falls apart when Holtz takes the child for revenge against Angel.

March 11, 2002; "None"!

March 18, 2002; "None"!

March 25, 2002; "None"!

April 1, 2002; "None"!

April 8, 2002; "None"!

April 15, 2002; "Forgiving"!
Angel is a man out for revenge to get back at Wesley for kidnapping Connor and turning him over to their enemies. While Fred and Gunn try to reason with him, Angel conjures dark magic and risks ripping right through the fabric of reality to find his lost son.

April 22, 2002; "Double or Nothing"!
Angel puts his soul on the line when a repo man comes to collect on Gunn's past deal to sell his soul. Meanwhile, Cordy is back from vacation and tries to console Angel over the loss of the only child he will ever have, and Fred tells Wesley that the prophecy was a fake and all was lost for nothing.

April 29, 2002; "The Price"!
Angel must pay for using powerful dark magic in his failed attempt to bring back his son, and the hotel becomes infected with deadly slug-like creatures who invade Fred's body, leaving Wesley as Gunn's only hope to turn to save her. Meanwhile, Cordelia experiences a new and shocking power and they learn of the coming of The Destroyer determined to kill Angel.

May 6, 2002; "A New World"!
Angel's son Connor is brought back from the Hell dimension a feral teenage warrior, and is hellbent on vengeance against his father for his evil past.

May 13, 2002; "Benediction"!
After a violent reunion, Angel finds himself battling vampires with his now teenaged son Connor by his side. Meanwhile, Fred and Gunn distract Connor so Angel can confront Holtz for stealing his son.

May 20, 2002; "Tomorrow"!
The joyful reunion between Angel and his now teenage son Connor is short-lived when the enraged Connor comes seeking revenge against Angel for murder. Meanwhile, just at the moment when Cordelia and Angel are finally ready to face their feelings for each other, she is sent a message from the Powers That Be concerning her future.

May 27, 2002; "The Vision Thing"!
Angel must team up with the dark side to stop a psychic hacker from killing Cordelia with her own violent visions that are leaving her burned, scaly and frightened for her life.

June 3, 2002; "Billy"!
Violence erupts within Angel's gang as a demonic boy brings primal rage to the surface of men, turning them hateful and murderous towards women. As Wesley and Gunn turn on a frightened Fred, Cordelia fears the onslaught of Angel's dark side.

June 9, 2002; "Heartthrob"!
Angel stakes a female vampire he recognizes from his past, but a moment too late. Her grief-stricken lover is out for revenge for the present killing and a betrayal Angelus committed over 200 years ago.

June 10, 2002; "That Old Gang of Mine"!
Angel comes face-to-face with Gunn's old demon-hunting crew who at one time considered Gunn a hero, but now view him as a traitor and want to see Angel dead.

June 16, 2002; "Carpe Noctem"!
An old man casts a body-switching spell on Angel, and the old man enjoys the many pleasures of being eternally young, handsome and bloodthirsty in Los Angeles while a dying Angel tries to get his body back.

June 17, 2002; "None"!

June 23, 2002; "Offspring"!
Angel comes face-to-face with the consequences of his night of passion when Darla arrives on his doorstep inexplicably pregnant. While Angel tortures himself over the decision whether or not to destroy the demon seed, the gang uncovers a prophecy that predicts the arrival of a great evil which will bring about the ruination of mankind.

June 24, 2002; "None"!

June 30, 2002; "Quickening"!
Angel must do everything in his power to protect Darla and their unborn child when Wolfram & Hart launches a full attack to take mother and baby, in addition to a vampire cult who believe the baby is The Miracle Child.

July 1, 2002; "None"!

July 7, 2002; "Lullaby"!
As Darla violently begins childbirth, Angel faces the responsibility of becoming a father and the possibilities of what miracle or destruction this new being may bring to the world.

July 14, 2002; "Dad"!
Angel discovers how hard it is being a new dad - especially when the demon underworld is after your newborn son.

July 21, 2002; "Birthday"!
On her birthday, Cordelia's visions become so painful that they propel her into an astral state and a life-threatening coma. Visited by a demon guide, astral Cordy is mystically granted the opportunity to live her dream of a rich and famous actress if she is willing to give up her history with Angel and her visions.

July 28, 2002; "Provider"!
Cordelia worries that Angel has lost sight of their mission to help the helpless when he becomes obsessed with making money in order to provide for the baby's future and takes on too many cases.

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