Extreme Wrestling Allinance

Strat Template Night 1 Night 2 Results PPV PPV Pre Show

(11-6-01) The Night 2 card is up under the Night 2 link. I am waiting on one match. But I put the results up. Please check the Big Sky page and OOC for details on your next card. This merger will be tricky, but with cooperation, we will be able to pull it off. The COMPLETE Night 1 Card is now up, and is posted under the night 1 link. Give me feed back on the card style, as it could be used for a second show when we start working more closely with the Big Sky. The main event will be up as soon as I get it.

(10-29-01) Please check under the "Night 1 and Night 2" links above for information on our big double night of action next week. It should be exciting. The PPV IS UP!!! ENJOY!! Please thank the writers. It can be found under the PPV link above, and under the previous PPV link on the results page. Check the OOC board for those. The Pre Show Link is above. Please enjoy. The PPV will be up as soon as possible, as we are waiting on one final match.

Please take time to visit our sister feds...

This is some goofy fed I found while browsing the net. I figured hell they could use some help I mean look at the President and Executive Consultant for god's sake!

Ya know I love ya guys!

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