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About DIGA Dive Club

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Please Consider this as your invitation to visit us at a Diga Dive meeting. Our club is a group of individuals with interests mainly in scuba diving, but also snorkelling, underwater photography, lobstering, night diving, and boating . Other activities include camping and bicycling. Some of us have attended Key West Fantasy Fest at Halloween, Others have done The Florida Keys Poker Run, Bike Week in Daytona and The Christmas Toy Run on motorcycles, We also have participated in the Columbus Day Regatta at Elliot Key. Ever run a TSD (time,speed distance) car rally? The last one was April, 2001 and was named The Devil's Triangle III.

In 1970 the owners Dick and Gary of South Dade Divers Dive Shop in Homestead Florida started a dive club. DI for Dick and GA for Gary, therefore DIGA, which has resisted a change of name for 30 years!

Thank you