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Dark Greetings kindred and welcome to Dawn of Darkness. This is a place of refuge for those who are kindred. You know who you are. This is a time of great changes for us. I have created this place for those of you who seek family and wish to be part of the future plans where we kindred are concerned. You have probably already sensed the changes that have begun in the mundane world around us. We, too, are changing with the times of this day. I invite you to stay and look around. If you wish to join us, please feel free to email me. The address is at the bottom of the page. Please..if you are under 18 years of age, leave now. There are many things here which you should not have access to. Thank you.... Until next we speak...I bid you a fond farewell.... Lady Dark

Pages and Links

Midnight Poetry
Dark Confessions by Lady Dark
Poetry by AnglFrost
Brother Grim's Picture Gallery
Indarkend ( a work by LestatWolfKiller )
My Favorite Dark Radio Station!
Sign My Guestbook
Check out SeriousBlack!!!
