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Cherrie's home on the web

Hi all and welcome to my little corner of the web, here I hope that you will find something that is of interest to you. If there is anything that you feel is missing or that you'd like to see here, please email me and I'll do my best to provide it!!!

I want to make special mention of a couple of real life and cyber friends here.

Danielle AKA DRenee77 You have been the best friend that a girl could ask for, through good and bad you've stuck by me, thank you and I'll always LYLAS

Ken AKA KRader You have been wonderful to've listened when I yelled and you've offered the advise I needed even if I didn't want to hear it...You are the light and love of my life

Stephen You were a great help to me on my first page...we've shared a lot in life,and you are a great friend..I'll always love you!!

My other pages for you to check out

All the info you want to know *L*
Some of my poems
Somemore of my poems
Here is a page that I have made in Rememberance of all of the POW MIA's that are still out there LETS BRING THEM HOME!!!!

Other Pages for you to Check Out

Yellow Roses Memory Garden
Kens Gifts..Awsome gift ideas for every budget

Here are the first two awards that I have won for these sights. Thank you to YellowRose (Nancy Wuesthoff) for the gift and constant thoughts and editing help! I love ya Nan! :-)

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