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September 22, 1995: I was handed this letter September22, 1995. For whom this may be of help for establishing past practice regarding pension credits for military service. As an agent for the U.B.C.L.A.D.C. and Vicinity my instructions were that this was the policy for members who entered the service. The member enters the service as an active working member, completes the service then directly reestablishes their previous union position, then works under union contact conditions shall be credited with union pension credit for their time in military. I am sure there are many other agents who will be willing to collaborate this policy if called upon to do so in a court of law. I will provide names and addresses of other agents who are willing to testify. I will remain anonymous until I receive your subpoena.

My Financial Secretary Mr. Kenny Scott, of Carpenters Local Union #25, in Los Angeles California told me and officials and members of said Local that he was ordered not help in bringing any assistance for members PAST SERVICE TIME. Officials of the Carpenters in Northern California told not to help me in my endeavors, I can name them.

Was it necessary to be a member of a Carpenters Local Union in the year and years from 1958, back in Southern California prior to the establishment of the Carpenters Pension Trust Fund for Southern California in 1959?

The member could receive "past Service Credit", union-non-union and related trades plus military toward his or her eventual pension benefit, money’s collected by both Union's and Pension Trust's in ((SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA)). This was done by taking a cut out of each member per each hour worked, by said employee paid by his or her employer for pension PAST-SERVICE-CREDIT'S, from January 1st of the year 1959. This was to take care of all of the above, and the following

WERE THERE ANY EXCEPTIONS WHATSOEVER? There were hundreds in Southern California who were not union, and worked in RELATED TRADES, by these rules and regulations received MILITARY and all their Benefits due them, for "PAST SERVICE PENSION CREDITS AS WELL AS ALL OF THEIR BENEFITS", including MILITARY.

Plus I and others told by Mr. R.W. Mansfield my Financial Secretary of Carpenters Local Union #1062 Santa Barbara California, Military Time for the Past Service Counted same as Social Security, told by all of the officials including International Union. For allowing some to receive benefits due them and by denying others under these same circumstances and rules, regulations put in by all concerned to do the participants out of "PAST SERVICE, FUTURE SERVICE after the fact.

EXAMPLES: Break in Service, Military Time, Past Service, Change in Service Pension Eligibility Requirements, Require Thirty Years instead of Twenty Five for Service Pension, Change in Early Retirement Pension.

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