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Spiritual Postings

I will add any links sent to me to this list, so feel free to e-mail me.

Ram Tzu-Excerpts
Wayne Liquorman-Excerpts
Ramesh S. Balsekar-Excerpts
Nisargadatta Maharaj-Excerpts
Francis Lucille-Excerpt from Book
Sailor Bob Adamson-One Talk
Spiritual Jokes
Swami Sivananda-Doscourses
The Headless Way-Articles

The links above take you to spiritual postings on the Internet. Any submitted writings will be posted below.

To send me mail, click on the mailbox

The Posts are listed in order below.
Post #1 - Attack on dualistic ideas on god. Excellent use of non dualism

Post #2 - Deals with the benefits of meditation and some history and backround of meditation. Great informative source for meditation.

Post #3 - An essay on fear, ignorance, responsibility, unconcious, and negative emotions.