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Commercial Slogans

Fill in the company name or mascot


1.  It's not nice to fool mother nature. __________________
2.  The pink bunny __________________
3.  I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan __________________
4.  Double your pleasure, double your fun __________________
5.  Where's the beef? __________________
6.  Look, Ma! No cavities! __________________
7.  Melts in your mouth, not in your hands __________________
8.  Takes a licking and keeps on ticking __________________
9.  Please don't squeeze the _______ __________________
10.  Breakfast of champions __________________
11.  The Uncola __________________
12.  Ring around the collar __________________
13.  A little dab'll do ya __________________
14.  Plop, plop, fizz, fizz __________________
15.  You deserve a break today __________________
16.  ________ has ridges __________________