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the story of lol's departure from the cure

in february of 1989, cure member/founder laurence tolhurst (lol) officially departed from the cure. with another keyboardest, roger o'donnell, already on board, the group now beacme a five peice. robert claimed that lol "ceased to be a functioning member of the group" in 1982, after he failed to master the disco beat of 'let's go to bed'. "he tried to do the drumbeat for it for about three days and it cost us a fortune in studio time. in the end, we got in a session drummer," revealed robert. "i was friends with him, but i was never really, really close. lol was just there. he was there as a safety valve really. from 1985 onwards i never had a conversation with lol becauses we disagreed about virtually everything."

in 1991, lol tolhurst would refute the allegations of non-participation. "what had started of as a band where everybody had their influence was getting eroded," he told new musical express, "untill it didn't feel like there was anything that you could contribute even if you wanted to. it's funny because on 'disintegration' i actually played on more things than i had for the last couple of albums. but it did get to the point with me where i didn't feel excited enough by things i wanted to contribute." -- the cure, a visual documentary, by dave thompson and jo-ann greene, omnibus press, 1993

robert on meeting laurence tolhurst: "i've never told you about lol have i? i've never told you the story of how we found him? simon (gallup) and i went on one of these school trips, y'know, educational holidays, to africa and one day we discovered lol in the bush. he'd been brought up by ant-eaters and half his face had been eaten off by ants. well simon and i, we felt sorry for him so we brought him back with us and paid for plastic surgery, fed him soup under piles of earth and all that, and how does he repay us? he sneaked ferrets under the plastic surgery."

what's the funniest thing lol has ever done? robert: "he pretended to be part of the group." why do you victimize lol? robert: "because he is useless."