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Real Name: Craig Lawson
Nickname(s) D.J. KLC
Hometown: New Orleans

KLC is a sleepy-eyed B-Boy turned producer. He comes with the "Michael Meyer" beats, that are eerie and wicked. He's also the one who usually produces the rowdy Soldier songs. They say that, to get him to produce a hit beat, the keyword is, "food". He can produce well on a full stomach than on an empty one. Also, the beat to the rowdy anthem, "Bout It, Bout It" was an accident gone right. After KLC's one year old daughter Crashan, started messing with his equipment, he realized the beat she added was what he was looking for. He also raps, which he made his debut act on Mia X's, "Mama's Family" off, Unladylike. His most notable songs produced are, "No Limit Soldiers", "Make Em Say Ugh", and "Ain't No Limit". His debut mix album from No Limit, Hits By The Pound, has currently been pushed back to a later date, sometime in 2000.