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Giving and Poetry: Shel Silverstein

This is a page I wanted to create in memory of Shel Silverstein. Shel was born on September 25, 1932. He recently died in his Key West home on May 10, 1999 from a heart-attack. I have never really thought about him since elementary school, when we all heard his stories. Now I'm 13 years old and in the 7th grade. We live each day never knowing what could happen to us or someone around us, but this day I'm thinking about someone I never really knew. Someone who shared everyday things, but gave them a funny twist. I hope this page helps more than one person remember him and think that we don't have to be someone else to get somewhere. Just like Shel, today some people are singled out from the rest, but that didn't get Shel down, he turned to a writng style of his own and it only let his talent and kindness show to the world. I hope this page brings more thought to you about life and how sometimes you don't get your own way, and most of all, thank Shel Silverstein for his love of something that let's us love it. Love to Shel and thank you for taking time for Shel.

Shel's Stuff

Shel Silverstein sites

Shel's poems and Books
Shel Silverstein's info
Unicorn poem
Shel and his works
