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The Weapon Line Homepage

Hello everyone! Welcome to the homepage especially made for you sabres and rifles from our wonderful and talented Spruce Creek Colorguard!! This will be the place to check out the lines, tell us what you think about weapons and get information from your wonderful captains!! Yes...we are vain!! I hope all of you are beginning to get used to the whole idea of being a weapon (be it rifle, sabre, or both). Hopefully this page will be helpful to both lines on both A and Open Guard.

Both guards need to remember to wear your gloves, bring water and, above all, PRACTICE!!! The rule regarding drops during rights and lefts is re-instated. For each drop it is 5. Good luck and build up those arm muscles!!

Both the rifle and the sabre page are up and fully functioning!! I's about time. The marching show is now COMPELTELY OVER!!! Still, to avoid any major clashes and conflicts with members on, and captains of, the respective lines, please be practicing!

Well, thanks goes out to the wonderful staff who helped us this year. During band camp, Aimee and Regina both helped us a great deal. And Aimee has since come back to help our open guard! Thanks babe! Of course, the year is only improved by our two wonderful graduated guard members helping us on weapons. We love you, Zani and Roberta!
And now as we enter our winter season we are looking forward to the many new skills and routines we will learn as the year progresses.

Check out the sabre page for announcements from me and the list of our current sabre line. The official lines of the A and Open guards will be posted soon! Congratulations to all of you!

The rifle page now has listings of both rifle lines and some things to remember from Deja. Also soon to be updated!

The CAPTAIN'S PAGE has the run down on Deja and myself.

Our band and colorguard programs recently had some competitions (one of which we hosted ourselves). The COMPETITION PAGE has the list of our accomplishments and the competitions we will be attending in the near future. I HAVE ALSO ADDED THE BIGGEST THING TO HIT OUR STATE, MUCH LESS OUR SCHOOL, SINCE 1972. GO TO OUR COMPETITION PAGE TO HEAR THE GOOD NEWS!!!!

Our colorguard suffered a great loss this past year. Courtney A. Rice, one of our rifle captains, was tragically taken from us. In rememberence of
Courtney I set up a tribute to my wonderful friend of 9 years.

Most of all...SIGN THE GUESTBOOK and let me know what you think!! I'll see you all at practices!
Much love to all of our weapons!

Heather Fuller (Sabre Captain and Web Page Manager)
Deja Langworthy (Rifle Captain)

Check out these other guard (and band) related sites

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook
Jenn Chapman's Guard Page
Daniel Shenoda's Band Page
The Florida Federation of Colorguard Circuit's Web Page (this is our winterguard circuit)
The Brand New Winterguard Homepage!!!
