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Grace Alzamora

Grace Alzamora comes from a family of artists. Her mother Jean excelled in Sculpture, her grandmother was a painter, her sister Mariana combines both painting and sculpture.

Grace was born in Lima, Peru and spent her early years there. As a teen she returned to her mother’s hometown in Michigan to attend high school. After graduating, Grace followed her sister, Mariana to Greece. She began painting at this time.

After marrying Owen Good, the couple moved to Mallorca, off the coast of Spain, where Owen maintained a livestock company. Their two daughters, Melia and Dora were raised on this beautiful island.

In 1991, Grace moved to Boca Grande, FL to be near her mother and sister. In fact, she lives right next door to Mariana on Tarpon Street. Both sisters have a love for gardening. The yards are full of exotic plants and flowers. The entrance to Grace’s house is under a trellis covered with bright Bouganvillea and past trees laden with fruit.

These natural forms find their way into her painting, but time after time she will return to a favorite mermaid motif. Now her paintings are taking the form as sculpture as she works in mosaics to enrich table- tops, birdbaths, or decorative wall pieces. Grace considers herself a self-taught artist but she has been observing and learning from her mother and sister for many years.

Grace is an exhibiting member of the Boca Grande Art Alliance. The pieces pictured were exhibited in the last two shows held by the Art Alliance.

Click here to link to the Photo Gallery of Grace and her work.