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Rod's Stamps Etc. or Rootless in Portland
I am in the process of starting a new business and restoring my land in to a livable situation. The business will be called "The Brimmer Creek Wasabi Farm", making the property livable would include building a geodesic dome house. In order to pull all of this together I either need to get some donations or some investors, if you would like to participate you can make payments to my Paypal account: Thanks, anything would help. I only have six plants right now, but they are doing great. There are large areas on the property that would be perfect for lots more plants. There is a possibility of doing the dome house using hemp fiber.

I also prune laceleaf maples in the Portland area for a suplementery source of income and also do all kinds of landscape maintenance.

What should I do now?
To explain the rootlessness. I am the only child of my parents and they were both adopted, so I have almost no knowledge of my blood line, and no known living relatives besides my children grandchildren, my two half brothers, their children and their children, so I have no roots. The information I have is as follows: My mother was born Verla Nondis DeWitt in Anacortes, Washington, from what I have been able to find her father was Mark Loren DeWitt who died January 24, 1918 the same day she was born, I believe her mother was Arvilla Maude Ellis born April 2, 1889. Montecello, ME. My mother was adopted by Walter and Emily Smith from the Seattle orphanage in 1927. I would appreciate any information about these people or suggestions of how to gain any information on them. My dad was born in Lethbridge, Alberta Canada March 30, 1917, I do not know his birth name, he was adopted as an infant. His mothers name may have been Ethel Maud Coventry, born in England around 1894. his father may have been Archibald Kinnear, Born in Scotland in 1882. Ethel was living in his house with his wife and three daughters within a year of getting off a boat from England when my father was born. I assume she was working for them probably to help with the children. My father became a US citizen April 15, 1943 naturalization number 5470264. His adopted name was Enos LaVon Fuger. He may have been a member of the LDS Church at that time. That is about as much information as I have, as I am now almost 71, I would really like to know if there is anyone out there I can call a close relative. My mother had a sister Gertrude, but I do not believe she ever had any children, her married name was VanSant and after Los Angeles they lived in the Coos Bay, Oregong area, and I believe Archibald died in Los Angeles in 1955.

The Brimmer Creek Wasabi Farm page

To bring you up to speed I will just hit the most recent events and problems I am facing. I got married to my first girl friend when I got out of the Navy. We lost track of each other for about 43 years and ran into each other about 3 years ago in a Winco parking lot and have been together ever since, but I have two ex-wives who get over two thirds of my retirement income so I am still pruning laceleaf maples to survive. Anyway we want to get out of Portland before it self destructs and are planning to move to Tillamook, as that is close to the property that my dad left to me and my brothers. The problem is there is only trees and brush and a stream on the property as the cabin was wiped out by a slide when they clear cut above the back of the property. We have been going down there cleaning up and trying to figure out how to move there with no money to get started, so I have decided to create a Wasabi farm and have already planted 6 plants and they are doing great, the problem is 6 plants cost me $60 and that was only supposed to be 4 plants, but there were two extra small ones in the package. I built a geodesic dome out of pvc pipe, to give us a place to camp, but there were some 80 plus mph winds one day when we weren't there and it was not fastened to the ground and I had some tarps bungeed to it and it must have gotten airborne, so now I have to take it apart and rebuild it. Anyway my idea is to build a full size geodesic dome for an actual house to live in, not sure what material to use for that, pvc, wood, hemp, who knows. So my idea is to get some donations or investors in the wasabi farm, to finance this whole idea. Since the stream is now bisected and flows out at both ends of the property I have huge areas that are perfect for growing the wasabi I just need more plants and that would take move money than I have, which right now is about $14 in checking and less than that in savings. I get checks at the start of the month, but as I mentioned they are not full checks. I believe with a small loan that might be enough to get us into a rental house somewhere in the Tillamook area. The property is north of Barview north of Tillamook, right between Garabaldi and Rockaway. So that is the story, or about as much as I can put down right now the rest would take several pages or a small book. I am trying to promote this on my web site. but am lacking the skills to get my pictures the right size to fit on the page for both the wasabi and laceleaf pictures. I would like it if I could just get people to put money on my paypal account and all that money could go for getting more plants and making improvements to the property. So that is the story any ideas or help would be great.
More later. Story

Laceleaf Maple pictures

I will be putting before and after pictures of laceleaf maple trees I have been working on here. But it might help if I knew enough html to format and arrange them correctly.

This is the after pruning picture

Boletus zelleri

This is a good representation of this species. Boletes Page

My dad was a machinist for the City of Portland and worked on many of the ornate fountains around town.

Hoyt Mushrooms

Hippy Days
More Hoyt Mushrooms
Laceleaf Maples
More Mushrooms
Lots of Mushrooms
Some more Mushrooms
Rock Art
More Rock Art

Navy Days

Family Page

I need some help traceing my ancestory, since both of my parents were adopted I have no knowledge of my grandparents.
My mother was born Verla Nondis DeWitt in Anacortes, Washington, from what I have been able to find her father was Mark Loren DeWitt who died January 24, 1918 the same day she was born, I believe her mother was Arvilla Maude Ellis born April 2, 1889 Montecello, ME. My mother was adopted by Walter and Emily Smith from the Seattle orphanage in 1927. I would appreciate any information about these people or suggestions of how to gain any information on them.
My dad was born in Lethbridge, Alberta Canada March 30, 1917, I do not know his birth name, he was adopted as an infant. His mothers name may have been Ethel Maud Coventry, born in England around 1894. his father may have been Archibald Kinnear, Born in Scotland in 1882. My father became a US citizen April 15, 1943 naturalization number 5470264. His adopted name was Enos LaVon Fuger.
Since my parents are both dead now I am on my own in recovering any further information about my ancestory, so I would appreciate any help I can get. Email me at
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