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Seichem came from the same place as Reiki, from a higher source, God.

Seichim works strongly upon emotional blocks, and when those emotional blocks are released, it's amazing how powerful the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing can be.

Seichim works with all different energies, because they all come from the same Source, they just work on different levels. I feel that Reiki and Seichim flow together many times.

Seichim Notes

Some people are particularly drawn to exploring the Seichim energy, however there is not a lot of information available - so the best teacher is experience

. Regarding the actual spelling of Seichim, the creator of the system (Patrick Zeigler) says that the channeled vibrational name is SKHM, which has been interpreted by people into variations such as Sekhem, Seikim, Seichem, etc. Patrick usually uses the spelling Seichim but is open to any possibility.

Patrick wrote about how he discovered the Seichim energy. You can now read a longer more detailed version of the story by visiting this Link

The essence of the Seichim energy seems to be the double-loop infinity symbol, and meditation on the meaning of this may bring insight into the deeper working of the Seichim energy. Perhaps like the yin-yang relationship, it fully encircles both positive and negative, light and dark, to find the perfect balance?

Seichim is used the same way as Reiki, with slight differences, such as the Seichim symbols. They are simply added to Reiki and the Reiki symbols or used alone.

The first of these symbols is the Mai-Yur-Ma (pronounced may-yoor-ma) This symbols is used to magnify healing with the power of love. The variations for this symbol is to draw either 7 or 9 rings instead of the usual three. It is used instead of the Dai-Ko-Myo, a Reiki symbol.

Another symbol is the Lightning Bolt, and it is used mainly in the passing of attunements for Seichim. It is similar to the Raku of Reiki, but it starts at the left, goes down and to the right slightly, across to the left and then down again. Like a reverse raku, but with only two points instead of three. It is used in place of the Sei-He-Ki, a Reiki symbol.

The other symbol is the same a the ChoKuRei but with the variation of nine spirals instead of three. Use it the same as you would the ChoKuRei, a Reiki symbol.

The Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is not altered from the Reiki symbol and is used in the same ways.