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Warblers (38)

Blue-winged Warbler
An uncommon fall migrant, August - October, found in SCP and other wooded areas. Up to a half dozen a day is possible.

Golden-winged Warbler
A uncommon fall migrant, September and October, found in SCP and other wooded areas. Up to three a day is possible.

Tennessee Warbler
An uncommon fall migrant, September and October, found at SCP and other wooded areas. Usually only a couple at a time are found, but a flock of 102 was reported at SCP years ago.

Orange-crowned Warbler
An uncommon winter visitor, November - March, in wooded areas thinly scattered about the region. Up to 3 in a day may be seen. LCBC high count of 24 in 1968.

Nashville Warbler
A rare migrant last seen in September 1998. In 1974 three birds spent the winter near Bartow.

Northern Parula *
A common resident, rare in mid winter, in wooded areas in the region. During spring migration, numbers may exceed 70 individuals per day at SCP but only a fraction of that number remain to breed. LCBC high count of 3 in 1992.

Yellow Warbler
A fairly common fall migrant, August - October, found in PPM and near wetlands. I counted 75 one day in August 1998 and most were in a single tree. LCBC of 1 in 2000.

Chestnut-sided Warbler
An uncommon fall migrant, September and October, at SCP and other wooded areas. Usually less than 4 birds per day.

Magnolia Warbler
An uncommon fall migrant, September and October, found at SCP and other wooded areas. Rarely more than 6 in a day.

Cape May Warbler
A scarce migrant, April and October, found at SCP and other wooded areas. More likely with a strong east wind. Rarely more than 3 in a day.

Black-throated Blue Warbler
An uncommon migrant, April, September and October, found at SCP and other wooded areas. Best seen when the wind is from the east. As high as 40 may be seen in a day but fewer then 10 is more likely.

Yellow-rumped Warbler
A common winter visitor, October- March, in wooded areas near water. Ten years ago almost uncountable numbers were noted but today the daily numbers will be in the high hundreds. A recent high count of 820 was in March 1999. LCBC high count of 2848 in 1982.

Black-throated Gray Warbler
One record near Bartow on 2 September 1974.

Townsend’s Warbler
One record from the Audubon Street Nature Center near Winter Haven in 1986.

Black-throated Green Warbler
A very uncommon fall migrant in October at SCP and other wooded areas that sometimes spend the winter. Early date is 3 September 1973. Only 2 or 3 in a day might be expected. LCBC high count of 2 in 1986.

Blackburnian Warbler
An uncommon fall migrant, August - October, in SCP and other wooded areas. Fewer than 7 a day may be expected.

Yellow-throated Warbler *
An uncommon resident found in the Green Swamp and thinly throughout wooded areas. Don’t expect more than a half dozen in a day. LWCBC of 20 in 1996; LCBC 18 in 1971.

Pine Warbler *
A common resident found in the Green Swamp and other pine lands. Winter flocks of 40 or more have been reported. LWCBC high count of 221 in 1993; LCBC 37 in 1995.

Prairie Warbler
An uncommon winter visitor, August - April, scattered thinly throughout forests and fields of the region. More than 30 in a day have been reported in sparrow fields, but 4 or 5 is more common. LCBC high count of 18 in 1975.

Palm Warbler
A common winter visitor, October - April, found mostly in fields and open land. Up to a hundred in a day is not unusual. LCBC high count of 834 in 1996.

Bay-breasted Warbler
A rare fall migrant in October at SCP and other wooded areas.

Blackpoll Warbler
A scarce migrant found in some years in April and less commonly October at SCP and other wooded areas usually with a strong east wind. Numbers are less than 3 per day.

Cerulean Warbler
A rare fall migrant found some years in August at SCP and other hardwood forests. Only a couple at a time may be seen.

Black-and-white Warbler
A fairly common winter visitor, July - April, found in hardwood forests throughout the region. In a single day 15 might be seen, but 6 is more usual. LCBC high count of 31 in 1983.

American Redstart
A common migrant, August - October, at SCP and other hardwood forests. A few may be found in April. About 30 in a day is common but 105 is the record. LCBC high count of 2 in 1991.

Prothonotary Warbler *
An uncommon migrant, August - September, of hardwood swamps with a few nesting in the Green Swamp. Expect less than 15 birds in a day.

Worm-eating Warbler
An uncommon fall migrant, August - October, found at SCP and other hardwood forests. Less than 7 in a day is normal.

Swainson’s Warbler
A rare fall migrant, found at SCP in September. Last seen in 1998.

A fairly common winter visitor, August- March, found in large numbers during migration where up to 50 in a day have been seen. Much less common in the winter. LCBC high count of 22 in 1988.

Northern Waterthrush
A fairly common fall migrant, August - September, found at SCP and hardwood forests usually near water. A few are found in the spring. Another declining species. Over 10 in a day is possible.

Louisiana Waterthrush
An uncommon fall migrant in August at SCP and some forested wetlands. A few may be found in April. Two or three in a day is a good count.

Kentucky Warbler
A rare fall migrant in September at SCP (early record on 18 August) and some hardwood forests. Be happy with one of these slippery birds.

Connecticut Warbler
One record from near Bartow in May 1971 and a second record from the Avon Park Air Force Range

Common Yellowthroat *
A common resident of thickets and palmetto. Several dozen may be found in a day. Nests in pine flatwoods. LCBC high count of 393 in 1975.

Hooded Warbler
An uncommon fall migrant, August and September, found at SCP and areas of forests and thickets. Only a handful can be expected each day.

Wilson’s Warbler
A rare winter visitor last seen at SCP in 2001.

Canada Warbler
A rare fall migrant in September and October at SCP. Last seen in 1998.

Yellow-breasted Chat
A rare fall migrant, last seen in 1996, that may spend the winter. Three LCBC sightings last in 1981.