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Flycatchers (10)

Eastern Wood-Pewee
An uncommon migrant in April and August/early October. Found in small numbers at SCP and other wooded areas.

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
A rare fall migrant. One of the empidonax complex identifiable only be call and they don’t call much here. A non-calling bird at SCP in October 1999 was probably this species.

Acadian Flycatcher
Probably a fairly common fall migrant in wooded areas such as SCP where up to a dozen have been reported. A few can be found in the spring. This is the most likely empidonax to be found here.

Least Flycatcher
A very rare fall migrant. Another empidonax flycatcher that doesn't call much. It is probably more common than reported.

Eastern Phoebe
A common winter visitor, October - March, found in tree tops throughout the region. Up to 20 per day can be found. LCBC high count of 143 in 1991.

Great Crested Flycatcher *
A common summer resident, March - September, found throughout the region. In southern Polk County a few birds over winter. Up to 20 per day may be found during nesting season. LWCBC high count of 4 in 1998.

Western Kingbird
A rare winter visitor, November - March becoming somewhat more common in the past few years. Can be found on utility wires in rural areas. High count of 3 in PPM, January 1988. LCBC high count of 1 in 1998.

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
A rare winter visitor, November - March, found on utility wires in rural areas. Last seen in Lake Alfred in March 1999. LWCBC of 1 in 1993.

Eastern Kingbird *
A fairly common summer resident, April - September, found mostly in the Green Swamp and PPM. Flocks of up to 60 have been reported migrating in the fall. Nesting season birds numbered 30 in June 1997.

Gray Kingbird
Three records, the first 10 miles east of Lake Wales in March 1975, and the last in the Green Swamp March 1991.