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As a visitor to the Central Florida,(Disney) area, you will find that there are many things to see and do. Within these pages, you will read about the experiences that our family has had at some of the area attractions. I hope the information provided will be helpful to you.

Before we begin with the reviews, allow me to tell you a little about the author. My name is Cassandra Chisholm-Peeples-Elmoghazy. I live in Kissimmee, Florida with my husband Amgad, daughter Rhittney, and son Rhasaun. Whenever we find the time, we like to visit the area attractions. I am also the owner of "Wings Beneath Our Feet"-vacation concierge and errand service. If you are planning a trip to the Central Florida (Disney) area why not let our company help you plan a stress-free vacation. You may visit us at Florida Vacation Information It is important to note, the opinions voiced in these reviews are my opinions. Please do not let the information in my reviews sway you one way or the other as to what you should see and do while on vacation. The ultimate decision belongs to you because "IT'S YOUR VACATION"

Take a look at our drop-down link menue. Please select which attraction review you would like to visit and you will be taken to that page.

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Copyright 1997, Cassandra Chisholm-Peeples-Elmoghazy
Webmaster: Cassandra Chisholm-Peeples-Elmoghazy
Revised: 07/22/00/