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  Totally Josie Geller
(The First Never Been Kissed Fansite)
Why Josie Geller?

Why Josie Geller Page 2

Why Josie Geller Page 3

Never Been Kissed Information

Picture Page 1

Picture Page 2

Memorable Quotes


NBK Soundtrack Sound Clips

Drew Barrymore On Josie

Josie's Prom Speech

Read Josie's Touching Article

Tribute to Josie

Josie's Song

Sam & Josie's Love Story...In Pictures

Prom Screen Captures

Sam & Josie's Love Songs

NBK & Me

Write to Drew

"Some things are worth waiting for."
Never Been Kissed's Love Quote of the Day

UPDATED- June 30/00!!

GREAT NEWS! For anyone who watched the Blockbuster Awards Drew Barrymore won for BEST ACTRESS & David Arquette won for BEST SUPPORT ACTOR!!!:) Wahoo!

A lot of you guys loved Jeremy Jordan (Guy) so check out this cool link on him for more info on him!

Please sign this particular guestbook and tell why You love NBK, what it means to you, etc! Thank you!!!!!!=)

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love, peace, daisies and Never Been Kissed forever.....

Webmistress, Jen
"Deep down inside, we are all geeks who just want to be loved."

Josie Geller
Please sign my guestbook!
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"Totally Josie Geller" is not in ANY way involved with the character Josie Geller and any other characters in "Never Been Kissed." It is not related to FOX Movies, Drew Barrymore, etc! I am only just a Josie-luvin' fan, so please don't sue me! Thanks!:)

NBK Soundtrack

Questions? Comments? Email me!=)

the *first* Josie site on the net!

This many NBK fans have visited my site since July 16/99

DANCE as though no one is watching
LOVE as though you have never been hurt
SING as though no one can hear you
LIVE as though heaven is on earth.

Home * Why Josie Geller? * NBK Information * Pictures * Quotes * Multimedia * NBK Soundtrack Sound Clips * Drew Barrymore on NBK * Josie's Prom Speech * Read Josie's Touching Article * Tribute to Josie * Josie's Song
Sam & Josie's Love Story In Pictures * Prom Screen Captures * Sam & Josie's Love Songs * Write to Drew * About Me *