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Fighting the system for our son, Tom.
UPDATE  Right now our family has found other families going through the same problems with the system and problems with insurance coverage issues. Currently we are beginning to form a Non-Profit Organization, to help families that have mentally ill child(ren), either caught on a waiting list, insurance limits are max. out, child's prescriptions are not covered by insurance, and having to deal with the EAP (Employee Assistance Program) under your insurance policy. We welcome all those involved to contact us. 
SPECIAL NOTE ON FUNDING: I found out, that there is lots of funding available for children like Tom. The Political BULL about it is -- That the State uses it for the children under the Guardianship of the State of Florida. (So the tax dollars that are coming out of your own pockets are helping State owned Children (in the fostercare system), and your own child, shall we say is S.O.L.)
A Child's Cry Org-Is located at and has been created for helping those forgotten mentally ill children and their families. Everyone is welcome to visit!!! The site is filled with over 700 links on all areas of mental health.
<---Click here for guestbook. If you or someone you know, has a mentally ill child, lives in Florida, in the Pinellas, Manatee, and Sarasota Counties. Please email us! The more families that  join together, the stronger we shall stand in fighting the SYSTEM.  E-Mail Tom's Family
Hello and welcome everyone!
This website has been created not only to help our son Thomas, but to also bring awareness to all the other children and families, who are overwhelmed emotionally from a loved one suffering from "Mental Illness." That no one is alone in this battle. Our case is like many, where all involved feel frustrated when trying so hard, and coming to many dead-end roads. I speak of our family, friends, Doctors, Social & Case Workers, Case Managers, & Counselors. Most important are the people who have choose as their profession to help those with problems. They also feel the impact personally, when those they try so hard to help slip through the system.

This is Tom, he looks like the perfect sweet normal boy. No one can tell he is mentally ill just by looking at him. So let me begin here, with the true story of our son and the battle for which we are fighting to save him from this illness that slowly consumes him. Our family takes everything he says and does very seriously! And we do know that he is very able of doing the things he speaks of doing. If you were to tell us several years ago that it was a discipline problem, we would have agreed with you then. But over the years we noticed a lot of strange things he did. He started fires, used his bedroom lamp to burn paper and other items, we found cat hair in the microwave oven many times and later we found out he had turned it on just long enough not to kill the cat, we also found cat hair in the freezer. He would do these things all the time. But, then we thought boys will be boys and sent him to his room. It was only the course of time and talking with Doctors, that we came to light that he was really mentally ill. It was something very hard for our family to face that our son needs us to help him with his problem. Many people describe what families likes ours go through is hell. Well, it's mostly frustrating, because you feel helpless when they keep getting worse.
Diagnose and medications.
He is now 22 years old, but has the maturity level of that of an 14 year old. His reading level is now of a 5th grader, and math of a 8th grader. In the past he has been diagnosed with the following: bipolar disorder mixed with psychotic features, prominent traits of oppositional defiance and overanxious mood, prominent borderline explosive personality traits, prominent schizotypal personality traits, intermittent explosive disorder, major depression, ADHD, stressors: severe, antisocial personality disorder severe, psychosocial stressors severe. The medications the Doctors have used in different combinations are: Lithium, ritilan, depakote, resperdal, dexedrine, thorazine, tofranil, cylert, tenex, eskalith cr, elavil, claritin, valproic acid, tregretol. And he has been under mental health care since July 1992. He has been through all the different treatment programs except for one, which is long term residential placement.
He is descrimated with others who have mental illness:
Our son Tom is very open about his problem. He has a very hard time getting a friend. When he does make a friend, and his new friend's parents ask Tom what school he goes to, Tom tells them everything. Then he comes home in tears, for once again his new friend's parents make excuses to Tom that their child is not home or busy. The same goes with trying to get him involved in activities like baseball, Boy Scouts, etc. When the other parents find out about Tom, the next thing that happens is a kind polite phone call with excuses of why Tom does not have "what it takes," to be involved with their activity.
Hospitalized Another Time
February 1998 I went to one of many times to see him in the hospital for visitation. There he was, this cute 13-year-old holding a stuffed teddy bear, with tears in his eyes not knowing where or what is happening to him. I tried to tell him that we still love him and that everyone in his family is trying hard to help him. He apologized to me for hurting me and his baby brother, when he had a violent explosion in the house, that happened on February 18, 1998 while he was still in the Day Treatment Program at Manatee Glens Hospital. That is when my Thomas attacked me and threw a kitchen chair and baby walker at his 9-month-old baby brother Steven. It was hard being 4 months pregnant restraining him from doing more damage and having a foot stool as the only barrier to protect his baby brother who sat in his car seat carrier on the other side. I dialed 911 on the cordless phone, which was the only phone he had not torn out of the wall. It is very hard to have a son that has a type of illness that a kiss and bandage cannot fix. And our family feels so helpless. We have to sleep at night with our younger son in our bedroom with us, with our bedroom door locked like always, but in the case he were to pull the phones out of the walls again. We now have a cellular phone for the extra protection.

It is Hard to Believe
To read all of his records that we have gathered over the years and to meet him in person. It would be very hard for anyone to believe that this cute, brown haired and brown eyed boy has such a problem. He touches the hearts of everyone who knows him. Our family has been through so much it may seem from someone who is looking in. We have the love and hope which make us strong to help our son with his battle. When he was younger there would be signs that lasted two weeks before he exploded and would run in cycles of about 6 months. Over time the signs we looked out for slowly disappeared and the frequency of his explosive behavior become almost a weekly cycle. His Teachers that had taught him in the SED class (1995-1997), worked hard with him. If it wasn't for his kind heart, sweet personality and his willingness to accept help, this is what gave his teachers the encouragement to stand by his side, working hard with him emotionally and educationally. And over a course of two years, that his teachers had taught our son Thomas, they also saw him slip deeper into this illness
His illness is not at all like cancer, where one could start chemotherapy. This is an illness where the Doctors, Therapists, Counselors, and other Medical & Mental Health Professionals have evaluated his records and now prescribe for our son, long term residential placement. Even on February 24, 1998, we have had a Baker Act Hearing with a Mental Health County Judge. He even ordered containment and agreed to long term residential placement.
The County Court Cries
This type of treatment our family has found out is not covered by any insurance plan. Most insurance plans only cover 30 days per calendar year inpatient or 60 days partial hospitalization. Not to mention our insurance company will not cover mental health care for him. Our Son uses this up the entire month of January. When we had gone through the legal system for help, our County Judge looked at his record during my son's hearing in April of 1998. This caring Judge could not believe the system, he stated 3 times during the hearing, "So, according to his Medical Insurance Coverage, he must be cured, because he used up his benefits for this year..." The Judge looked at Tom and asked, "Do you feel like you are cured Tom?" Tom replied, "No, your Honor." Everyone in the courtroom was shocked over the Judge's statement. We knew that this Judge realized all the frustration everyone involved in getting our son help, has been going through. It is State funded, and it must go through the State of Florida's, "Children & Families Department of Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Illness (ADM). When this happens, the child is staffed by a variety of members on the Crisis Review Committee (CRC). Next when all is approved, application packets are sent to these Mental Health Residences. And now the child is on a waiting list by priority of their case. He has been on this list as of April 9, 1998, CRC Staff Meeting. Now we are finally on our way to getting help. Our child can finally get what his Doctor has prescribed for him. All is now going to be fine. Everyone that is involved can finally relax.
Well, lets look again at the placement list. Ok, our son is on the top. He is next to be placed. There is a bed with his name on it at two of the places since some time in May of 1998.
Well, I called the State and wrote more Political letters. The answer I got was no funds were available, for the new fiscal year. I was told the same during a CRC Staffing on my son on August 13, 1998 meeting. So in the mean time Tom has to be in the care of others. Away from his family since April 1998, still waiting for the funds for his treatment. And was placed finally October 12,1998, and is still currently in long term residential treatment as of January 19th, 2000. On March 1, 2000 he has finally graduated and is currently in a step-down program. 10/1998 to present his reading levels have gone from first grade to now eighth grade reading levels. His teacher's and all involved I consider a blessing from God in his growth to recovering and enjoying life. November 2000 he was moved to another step-down program. Disapointing not only his family but the great people that worked hard with him. They were pushed to their limits emotional, and were saddened that they could not carry on with Tom. I am so proud of having the honor to meet such wonderful people. Currently as of March 2001, Tom is now doing good in a different treatment program. Because of his age he now is working towards independant living. The place he is at is wonderful, and so are the people! I now realize that there is so much more treatments for children with mental illness now, then there was back in 1992. I know if these services were available back in 1992, Tom may be on a better road faster. Just now it may take a longer time.
Getting the Media involved.
In April 1998, I was interviewed in my home by Tampa's WFTS-TV (ABC) Channel 28 , news anchor woman Linda Hurtado for the 5:30 pm evening news, with the story title of "Fighting the System." I got allot of airtime, and still found a dead end to helping our son. The news anchor woman Linda Hurtado contacted me a few days later with a name and phone number of a family in the next County. I called the phone number and found out that this caring family has been going through more than several years of emotional stress just trying to get their child help also. They have also found many dead end roads. Where is their child now. Their child is still at home, receiving the basics in therapy, not what is needed.
"The Florida Department of Children & Families: Children's Mental Health Program Office," has a 166 page booklet (to help families, teachers, etc.) that has been reprinted with the permission by "The Florida Department of Education. The title is, "The Navigator: A Guide for Families of Children with Emotional Disturbance or Mental Illness." For a list of available publications, or for copies of this booklet, contact:
Clearinghouse/Information Center
Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services
Florida Department of Education
Room 622 Turlington Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
Telephone: (850) 488-1879       FAX: (850) 487-2679       Suncom: 278-1879       Website
Please help us, help others.
There are many children and their families out there needing your help. Just by e-mailing to the following State & US Officials, and telling them how important it is, in changing the way mental health is governed. We all need to make changes in our system to help all those who are mentally ill. I hope and pray that there will come a day, that all resources for these children will be available when they need them. To many children are slipping through the cracks and are forgotten. No child should have to be put on a list for help that may take up to 6 months to 2 years(Only if they are the lucky ones.) for any type of illness, be it mental, physical, or medical, just because it involves State Funding. I am sure somewhere another poor child may have committed suicide or was badly injured somewhere in our great country.
Take a minute to ask yourself these little questions. Were they placed on a list waiting for the needed funding to help them also? And just how many of our children have we lost in this great United States of America from the help, that could have saved their precious young lives?
E-mail Links
Florida's Representatives E-mail Address list
Florida's Senators' E-mail Address List
Send E-Mail to the President 
Send E-Mail to the Vice President

Send Electronic Mail to the First Lady
Mental Health & Information Links
American Psychological Association  
Children's & Adult's Mental Health

Psych Crawler Search Engine
Please take a moment and read of this child & his family: HELP ANOTHER CHILD, PLEASE!
E-mail us if you would like more information or have questions or suggestions to help us click here -> E-Mail Tom's Family    Our Family thanks you, for your support and visiting our page! Please Bookmark our page and tell others!
Current as of August 20, 2006.
Updated on September 6th, 2002.
Visitors since March 12th, 1998.