Poll Results

Thanx to everyone who voted in the poll.

Poll question:

Why do the members of Nsync shave their underarms?

With 7% of the votes the answer was "It's masculine". If you are one of the 7 dorks who picked this answer then smack yourself. That is like the least masculine thing to do. It's just gay, I know Nsync isn't gay (so don't mail me) but admit it, some of the shit they do is GAY!
With 17% of the votes folks said,"It's cool all the guys are doing it". No, no, no..........GAY!! Unless they work at Chippendales(hahaha) then it is not acceptable.
With 22% of the votes y'all said "So they can wear clear deodorant." I'm sorry but the gay factor is prevalent with this answer too.
With 28% of the vote, the most logical answer is that "Hair stinks." Well it does and if you are performing umpteen billion shows back to back then you tend to get a little ripe after each one. This is the one I voted for because it's the least gay answer out of all of them, and makes the most sense.
But with 33% of the votes the majority chose "If chics can do it, so can they". Okay I'm all for equal rights n shit, but just because women do it does not make it okay for guys to do it as well. It makes it gay. We will never truly know the truth behind the shaven pits but dammit I am determined to find the answer. Here is a picture JC's shaven underarms. I noticed this at the Prov. concert only about JC. This pic is from the Boston concert 5 days after Prov. and it appears that they were freshly shaven.

My girl "The professor" says that at her D.C. show 2 days after my Boston show that JC was hairy in the underarm area. I just think he forgot to shave them that day. LOL. It's not just JC, I am pretty sure I could see my reflection in all their pits.

If you have any pictures of their shaven pits, please send them to me at Mahboo222@aol.com. Yes, this is my gross quest to uncover the truth. I live in a sick, sad world all of my own.

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Email: raya316@aol.com