mAdGiRl's Concert experience 3/11 Providence

Okay, I am not going to do a play by play of the show, let's just say the highlights were but not excluded to:

*********Lance smiling at us after the first song.

*********While I was looking at Joey wipe his face off with a dirty towel that JC AND Justin had just used(Ew)( I swear dem boys are too close) my girl "The Professor" says that apparently Justin recognized me and was staring for awhile, saw me and kept smiling in our direction. She looked at him for awhile to see what he was staring at and then proceeded to beat the crap out of my left arm and scream,"Girl, he remembers you, look!! Justin is looking!!" I caught a little bit of him looking then it was his turn to sing. Later on in the show he would smile and direct pelvic thrusts towards us! Just the mere torture of it makes me sick!

**********JC and Chris giving each other a quick kiss.........I kid you not!

**********JC's shaven under arms...........I kid you not!

***********Excessive coughing during and after the pyro, if you have good seats! LOL!

************Me and "The Professor" being the only people in our section who knew all the words to everything that was sung, Nsync's song or not!

************Knowing all the words to a certain Nsync Euro release.

*************Making JC laugh when me and "The Professor" did this same dance that he did!

*************Seeing Chris almost fall and bust his ass and him seeing me pointing and laughing and him making this, "Shut the fuck up bitch" face and then aftre seeing the sheer humor in it, laughing himself.

*************Beautifully orchestrated pelvic thrusts, except Lance, he still does them with his arm!

**************Steve Fatone taking pictures and signing autographs for all the youngins before the show.

**************Tatiana Ali was great!! She is soo cute!

**************B*Witches Riverdance move was on point!

I will give full details after my next show which is tomorrow Tuesday March 13th!! Whoo hoo!

Here's the pics:

Justin pointing after a song

A really bad pic of Chrissy

Nsync looking at me(hehehe)

Nsync Pelvic action

Fresh to Fresh

Baby.....One More Time

Mah Teddybear

JC's big-ass head

Justin's big-ass head

Justin doing a little pelvic thrust(whoo hoo)

The guys dancing

Lance pointing upwards

My favorite Tatiana pic

I will have more pics from this week's concert up soon!

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