The Ebonical Genius

Are you the perfect woman for Justin? Take mah little quizzy quiz and find out. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper or print this sheet out and see how you do. There is no time limit on this pop quiz. Get it? Pop quiz? Well anyway, get your pencils ready!

1. If you overhear Justin Timberlake saying,"Where mah dawgs at?" What is he referring to?

(a) His feet

(b) His pets

(c) His friends

2. If you call Justin on his cell phone and he answers with the question,"Hoo dis?" He is wondering:

(a) Who you are.

(b) Where you are.

(c) How the hell you got his cell phone number.

3. If Justin is walking towards you and there are other people in close proximity to you and he shouts,"Hey chickenhead" Do you:

(a) Turn around and say hi to him.

(b) Look at him with an attitude like he crazy (I did really mean he and not he's)

(c) Look at the other people to see who responds.

4. You have just started dating Justin and he asks you to come over his house to "catch feelins" he is asking you to:

(a) Come over and cuddle.

(b) Come over and get freak nasty.

(c) Come over and talk about how you're feeling.

5. Justin is running late for an Nsync rehearsal and he hands you something and asks you to "watch his gleam", he is asking you to:

(a) Hold his watch

(b) Hold his ring

(c) Hold his necklace
6. If you ask him on a date and he says "Fah Show", he means:

(a) Yes, of course.

(b) I'll think about it.

(c) After the show.

7. If he doesn't show up on time for your date and blames it on "Ma dukes", he's affectionately referring to:

(a) His friends.

(b) His mother.

(c) His car.

8. He gave you backstage passes to one of his concerts and tells his bodyguard not to"push up on you", he's asking him not to:

(a) Hurt you.

(b) Be nice to you.

(c) Make a pass at you.

9. He wants to date you but asks you to keep it on the "DL", he wants you to:

(a) Shout it from the rooftops.

(b) Keep it a secret.

(c) Only tell your close friends.
10. He takes you dancing and asks you if you like his "Steelo", you answer him by saying:

(a) "Huh?"

(b) "It's aiight"

(c) "Fah Show"

It works just like a Cosmo quiz kiddies:

For question #1. If your answer was (a)0 points (b)0 points (c)1 point

For question #2. If your answer was (a)1 point (b)0 points (c)2 points

For question #3. If your answer was (a)0 points (b)2 points (c)1 point

For question #4. If your answer was (a)0 points (b)2 points (c)0 points

For question #5. If your answer was (a)1 point (b)2 points (c)3 points

For question #6. If your answer was (a)2 points (b)0 points (c)0 points

For question #7. If your answer was (a)0 points (b)2 points (c)0 points

For question#8. If your answer was (a)0 points (b)1 point (c)2 points

For question #9. If your answer was (a)0 points (b)2 points (c)3 points

For question #10.If your answer was (a)0 points (b)1 points (c)2 points
How did you do?
If you scored between:

1 and 7 You need to first of all be ashamed of yourself. How can you be a young woman in today's world and not be the least bit hip on today's terms? No one could have scored 0. I gave y'all at least one point for the "gleam" question. If you only got that one right then watch a little Rap City on BET every once in awhile. But since you failed mah quiz you need to CLICK HERE.
If you scored between:
7 and 14 Good for you. You know some of what's going on with the boy wonder. But how long can you keep up with him? The key to being ebonical is to know enough to be cool and not let people think you know too much. Ebonical genuises like to have some secret code words that no one can understand, including mahself. You did pretty good, but had some trouble on a few questions so you would need to CLICK HERE.
If you scored between:
14 and 21 Hey hey now girlfriend! You're quite the linguist. You can communicate in all circles. You have the knack to pick up on certain words or phrases and understand them. I know a few ebonically challenged folk mahself and I try to reach out to them but it don't be workin', LOL. Big huge smooches to you for gettin' through to the Juju, he would be proud. Now take your mouse and CLICK HERE GIRL.

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