mAdGiRl's Concert Pics 3/16

Hey y'all, this is mAdGiRl and no I didn't get to meet Nsync again, but the concert was awesome. The security was very strict but we still had soo much fun. I must have bounced through the whole show. This was my 3rd Nsync concert and they just keep getting better. I don't want to ruin anything if you haven't been to one yet but I have a lot of pictures. I didn't start taking pictures until almost the end of the show and I swear Justin has a problem with me or he wants me!! LOL, I didn't notice it during the show but he was looking dead at me!! I have the pictures to prove it. I am pretty sure he didn't recognize me from the elevator this time because I am like a chameleon, I can alter my appearance pretty well. LOL Huge smooches to my dear friend Paula who lovingly took me to this concert! I wasn't going to go but luckily I did!! Whoo hoo!! I want to give a special shout out to the girls and mom I met at McDonald's who recognized me from my website. I guess I'm not that good of a chameleon, huh? I didn't catch their names but they were soo sweet!! Okay the highlights were:

*****A stare and smile from Juju during the 2nd song!!

*****Steve Fatone does some type of job that requires him to wear a headset or something, he walked past us.

*****Me grabbing one of Tatiana's dancers as he walked down the aisle. He was caught off guard, but he deserved it, he had no shirt on! It was mah duty to grab him!!

*****They all have clean shaven underarms, I'm glad it's not just JC!! Let's all breathe a sigh of relief.

*****No JC/Chrissy kissing action, thank God, I was worried about them.

*****I didn't choke quite as much during all the pyro or get burnt. I knew when it was coming and had a chance to plug my ears and turn around and crawl into a fetal position. Sure, the people around me thought I was craZy, but I knew better this time.

*****Witnessing Juju at his finest & getting a picture of it. All I have to say is get a nice glass of ice water before viewing the pic named "OMG".

*****Nsync showed love for Boston with Bruins jerseys on and then one of them screwed it up by saying Providence. Right Paula?

*****Having an Indiglo watch so I could calculate when B*Witched was getting their happy asses off the stage. I have nothing against them, they are way better than Innosluts but after seeing them the other night I was all set.

*****Almost catching a flower thrown by one of Tatiana's dancers but there were Amazons in front of us. I tell ya, I am tall but being tall + having big poofy 80's hair shouldn't be aloud in today's society!! Poor Paula couldn't see until these ladies sat down.

*****Me and Paula knowing all the words to UDMC while the people in our section just looked at us.

*****Rueban saying hi to me and Paula when we were leaving!! He is such a sweetie!!

*****Joey's spit and/or sweat falling on someone during the finale when they fly over the audience. Hahahaha, sux to be that person!!

*****Chris' voice is just so amazing and wonderful. He was on our side of the stage and he is just adorable.

*****JC needs!! He is so hyper man, He actually did back flips across the stage at the Providence concert but for this one he did that move from the Rolling Stone magazine pics where he held himself up with one arm.

*****Joey jumped from a higher part of the stage and never missed a beat, now that's talent!!!

*****Lance-a-lot danced a lot and he is getting so much better. I'd venture to say he is giving Justin a run for his money. Well not quite, but he's getting good at what he does!!

*****Justin, Juju the Diva himself is soooo foine!! I no longer have a favorite but I am convinced he has magical powers. I stared at him the whole time and was completely taken a back by his presence. I got the most pictures of him, although not intentionally. It was all subconcious. I did not mean to favor him, it is just impossible not to.

*****Now on to the pictures, some are bigger than the others because some scanned better. I am currently going through withdrawal because I have to wait until July to see them again. Then it will be 2 days back to back Nsync!! I can't hardly wait :0)!!

The Group

Back of the Group


The Band

The Guys Singing

Singing Some More

Booty Cam

Chris Touching His.....Ear(hehehe)

Chris and Joey

Chris and Justin

I Love This Move

No Matter What I Do

Angels Of Mine


I Just Wanna Fly

Hook it Up

Ur All I Ever Wanted

JC and Chris

Ode to the Diva!!

I Swear He's Freakin Me Out

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