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J/C Polls Page

J/C Movie Poll
Let's say Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay are going to star in a holo-remake of a 20th century movie - which rolls would you most like to see them play?

Rose and Jack in TITANIC
Ian and Sarah in THE LOST WORLD
Austin and Vanessa in AUSTIN POWERS
Han and Leia in the various STAR WARS films
Batman/Bruce and Catwoman/Serena in BATMAN RETURNS


J/C Holiday Poll
It's the holiday season on Voyager - what do you think Chakotay should get for Kathryn this year?

Five gallons of coffee ice cream
An exact replica of the tub he made for her back on New Earth
A new red gown and a night on the town (on the holodeck, but what the heck :-)
A stocking full of replicator rations - that is, if they can be held in a stocking...
An engagement ring (I can dream, can't I?)


New Earth Poll
What do you think Kathryn and Chakotay did in the short time they had left on New Earth after they found out they had to leave?

Run around like crazy trying to get everythng packed - swearing the whole time that someone was going to pay for this.
Big bathtub, replicated Jell-o...
Try to figure out excuses for the hickies.
Re-read the handbook on personal relationships - then burn it.
Look for a bug with a stronger resistance to the anti-toxin.
