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Due to lousy circumstances, as of July 2000, I will no longer be updating this page! Thanks for visiting!
Hi! My name is Travis and I came into this big world on Thursday, November 18, 1999 at 5:30 in the morning. I was 7lb 1 oz and 21 inches long when I was born. However, I am a healthy boy and I now weigh a whopping 20 pounds. My parents are Ben and Jennifer and they live in Florida. You can click on their link listed below to meet them!
I hope you enjoy your stay here at my little spot on the web. Please be sure to check back frequently because I am a growing boy! Because of the fact that I change so quick, this page will be updated often. Hope to see you again soon!
Travis's 2nd birthday pic.
Please visit my photo gallery!!!
My First Months (November 1999-February 2000.)
March 2000 Pictures
My Easter Pictures
April 2000
Summer of '00
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Mandy's Page
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Last Updated July 2000