Chapter 39

Terri came home from her little joy ride about 3 a.m. And ran straight to bed. After only 3 hours of sleep she had to rush around eat breakfast, shower and get to the studio. She nailed her performance perfectly but her mind wasn't really with her dancing it was still on how much AJ was pissing her off. When break came up she sat in the front of the room with her hands resting on her arms an her eyes closed. I noticed this when I walked over to get my spare clothes out to go change so we could all go out to lunch.

"Hey Terri? Are you ok?" I asked.

"No, I'm awful." She said as she looked up for a second.

"What's wrong? You wanna talk about it?"

"No, I don't want to bug you with my problems."

"It's ok we've got plenty of time we're ahead of schedule. Come on talk to me."

"Well it's this whole issue with AJ. After you and Lance walked away yesterday he went off over me dancing for the *NSync tour and he is really pissed over it. We got into a huge fight last night and he told me he wouldn't support me this time around. And it hurts because me and him have done everything together as kids up till now cause of the way we grew up."

"What is the big deal about you dancing for this tour? What way did you grow up?" I asked.

"Hey Jen." Lance said as he approached.

"Hey, listen I'll be with you in a second we need to talk. I'll meet you in the car in 5 minutes, ok?" I replied


"Sorry about that, go on." I said.

"Well my parents didn't really spend time with us and do family things. It was always Aj and I watching tv together, Aj and I playing in the park with some of his friends, and I even had Aj playing barbies with me when I was younger. Our parents would just leave us home alone when Aj was like 7 and have him watch me. They weren't really involved in our lives because of their business get togethers the oddly enough happened once a week and every Saturday."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I said being able to relate to that to some extent when my dad would always be gone on business trips and Jeremy and myself were always together.

"Oh and to make matters worse, Nick, man I can not stand that boy! He is around me all the time. He's at my house all the time always touching me always trying to be Mr. Smooth, last night he got on the phone and started saying all this crap to my boyfriend too. He's such a dope."

"Ew, he hangs around your house all the time? I don't blame you for being pissed at that."

"Oh my, and I witnessed the sorriest act in my entire life last night. Aj and Nick caught the rerun of TRL and they were mad at being number 3. AJ told Nick to get online and vote a lot so he could get them up to #1 like he did before."

"Aw, now that's kind of sad."

"Terri, I heard you talking about AJ and Nick are you talking about BSB?" Mandy asked as she scooted over to us.


"You were fighting with them? How do you know them?"

"I've know them forever. Aj is my brother and Nick is a pain in the ass who won't leave me alone."

"Oh my god. So does your brother have a girlfriend? What about Nick? Does your Aj wear boxers or briefs, or boxer briefs? Oh boxerbriefs are sexy. Do you know when Brian and his fiancée are getting married? How bout you hook me up with some good seats sometime." Mandy went on.

"How bout she doesn't. Do you recognize that maybe we were having a conversation about her problems and she doesn't need you asking all these retarded questions. It's people that you that piss everyone off. Now just go take your break." I bitched to Mandy, I thought it was completely rude for her to jump into this conversation and be a damn teenybopper.

"Thank you for doing that. I think that's why I never tell anyone I'm related to Aj or know the Backstreet Boys."

"I've had that stuff happen to me before too. Listen, Lance, Alana, and me are going out to lunch, would you like to come along?"

"Well" she thought.

"You're coming and that's your all there is to it. Now let's go change really quick and meet Alana and Lance in the car."

"All right then if you're making me go." She smiled.

In 2 minutes we were ready and in the car. After driving a few blocks we pulled up to the curb in front of my Aunt's house.

"I forgot to leave Tristan's medicine with my AuntI have to take it in. Why don't you guys come on in for a minute with us and see my baby." I said and reached into my pocketbook and got the bottle of medicine out.

"Sure, it's been awhile since I saw your little tator tot." Alana said. The four of us walked up to the door and I rang the doorbell.

"Hey everyone." Linsday said inviting us in. "What brings you all by?"

"I forgot to leave you Tristan's medicine." I said handing her the medicine. Tristan came waddling quickly out of the kitchen when he heard us.

"Daddy, Mommy, Daddy, Mommy." He said as he held his arms up in the air for Lance to pick him up. Lance picked him up and gave him a big hug.

"Is he being good for you so far?" I asked her.

"As always." She replied.

"Good boy. Can you say 'hi' to Alana and Terri, Tristan?" I asked him. He gave them a little wave. "Give mommy a hug." I said as I reched over to Lance and gave him a little hug and a kiss.

"Lindsay how about you and Tristan come out to lunch with us. We have a whole hour." Lance asked.

"Are you sure you have enough time?" She asked.

"Of course we do. And we don't get to spend time with you or Tristan as much as we'd like to anymore." I added.

"Oh ok. Listen dear why don't you grab his bag over in the sitting room and we'll go.

"Hey we need to take 2 cars Alana you mind going with Lindsay?"

"Of course not. I love your Aunt, she let us come chill with ya down here and was a doll to us." Alana replied.

"Great. Well let's go." I said. Terri, Lance, Tristan, and myself got in one car and Alana and Lindsay took her car.

At lunch Terri's cell rang and she excused herself to go talk in private because she knew for a fact it would be Erik calling. On her way outside she passed Aj and his crew of friends walking in. The only form of acknowledgement he gaveher was an evil stare.We were all done eating by then so, Lindsay and Alana went to the bathroom leaving Lance, Tristan, and myself.

"Ok, they're gone now. So what were you and Terri talking about?" Lance asked.

"Well her brother won't support her dancing and is being really stubborn over the whole issue."

"She doesn't have anything to worry about. It's just his first reaction. He'd be stupid to just not talk to her because of the fact she's one of our dancers."

"Yea, I know." I said as the others came back to join us. We picked up our belongings and went to the parking lot where we put the car seat back in Lindsay's car and went our separate ways.

The days went by and Aj was still not talking to Terri. As mad as she was she couldn't bere having him not talk to her, but she decided the best thing to do was to be patient and let time run it's course. Well in the course of a week time still wasn't on her side. All she received from Aj was dirty looks and cold hearted answers to simple questions such as "Have you seen my hairbrush?" She wasn't going to let it get to her but it was time to pack up and leave for the tour now and she knew he wouldn't do so much as say 'goodbye' let alone 'be careful' or 'good luck'.

Finally, time to put all the hard work to the test. It was time to get the show on the road. Hours of hard rehearsals for all and hours of vocal preparation for the guys and we were all satisfied. The official kick off of the tour started at the rehearsal studio we visited daily. We were all there and ready to board the bus. Chris brought his new girlfriend, Robyn, by to introduce her to everyone and to say their final good-bye.

"All right everyone get your things on the buses now, we're pulling out in 5." A man on the crew yelled. Everyone said good-bye to those who were staying behind and we all hopped onto the buses. On bus 1 were the guys, myself, Tristan, Tiffany, Randy, Erica, Kristin, and Joey's brother, Steve. On bus 2 were the other dancers and some crew and of course there were other buses for the other crew as well.

Chapter 40