LiNdSeY's WeBpAgE*

*yo yo yo.. wuzup mah homies? well here i am again with another feeble attempt to make a website. yeah.. i know this page seems a lil girlish.. okie.. maybe a lot girlish but oh well, i happen to like it so umm if ya dont then you can deal with it. okie, i know its not really good (am i boring you yet??) but um hopefully it will get better (if i actually update it and work on it).. so umm i am finished with my little speech now.. wake up damnit!.. hehe.. okie im crazy, yes i know this (am i talken to myself again?)... [wonders off into space]...*

~things you can check out instead of sitting there bored (now you get to complain about other stuff besides being bored)~







tHiS wEbSiTe AnD EvErYtHiNg On It ArE cOpYrIgHtEd By Me (LiN, LiNoLeYuM, LiNdSeY, eCt.) 1999
aLL tHiNgS oN tHiS sItE wErE eItHeR: cReAtEd By Me Or SoMeOnE wHo GaVe ThEm To Me, BoRrOwEd (WiTh PeRmIsSiOn), oR sToLeN fRoM a WeBsItE (cOs YoU cAn FiNd It JuSt BoUt AnYwHeRe). ReGaRdLeSS... pLeAsE aSk bEfOrE yOu AtTeMpT tO eVeN tAkE aNyThInG fRoM hErE. ThAnXxX, LiN*

Tina the Troubled Teen

SiGn ThE dAmN tHiNg Guestbook by GuestWorld LoOk At My HaTe MeSsAgEs
