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"I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands."

"I believe that beauty magazines promot low self-esteem."


I've run out of spare time and have decided to close the site. It will still be up if you would like to come back and read or if you're new here, there just won't be any updates. But please look around for the first time or the last. Becuase until school came along this was my life.
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My name is Willow
Vampire Pet
I was adopted at the
Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Vampire Animals

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Fiction is an option, reality is not.
What's Wrong With Taking The Backstreets
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Hosted Stories
No Children Allowed.
Words From The Heart


"I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality."

Audrey's Kevmistress' Fanfiction is a part of
The Dreamers Fan Fiction WebRing owned by Diana

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Hey guys! If you have a 5ive or NSYNC fiction enter this nifty contest Here.
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This That's What She Said Web Ring site
is owned by Audrey.

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"I belive your most attractive features are your heart and soul." Copyrighted by Kevmistress (Audrey)1999-2000.