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Time to bring you March's new obsession. This month the band of choice is Strangers With Candy, an up and coming band with serious potential and sensory appealing sound. Skip on over to their site *clicky on the banner up top* to find out more. The site is still in the works but you can catch some pics of this amazingly attractive band, maybe i'm just referring to the vocalist.. yea i am, but you're welcome to disagree with me. You can also find two MP3s of some music coming from their new cd *no need*, Boring and My Room, and their show dates, centered in PA and NJ.

Yes ok, so if your thinking, hey wait didn't some band named Strangers With Candy win that MTV Cover Band *thingy?*, yea they did.. and yea this is them. I can promise that their own material is just as great as anything they covered. I'm also going to bring you a link to get a free sticker all you need is a self addressed and stamped envelope. I'll get it ASAP, promise.