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Yogi's Web Site

Well, well, it's April 19,2004 and I'm making an attempt to update my site here. It's gonna be a bit hard seeing as how I have to come to the library to see this. Some major updates are needed. I think the whole world knows I've been in Canada for a little while now, looking forward to my return home to F-L-A. In the mean time I'll make an attempt to learn more about this web-site stuff, so we can do more than just read about me. Pe@ceout for now.

Tis Is Me

Okay homeskillets. That, right there, is your's truly, chillin' like a villian. I think it was taken in August of 2001, I came here too visit my lovely soulmate. That, behind me there, is Lake Ontario, a very beautiful site and location might I add. It begs for a picture to be taken. But a spot like that must have more people, some people or tourists or something of that sort, so where are they? Well this my internet-surfers is basically some old person's lawn. We saw the spot and invaded their territory for some time, bad bad people. Not too bad, sometimes you gotta grab the bull by the horns and take what you, as long as you don't hurt anyone else in the process. Yada yada blahblahblah, and so on and so forth. I really like this picture of me, it just seems like a professional picture. Kinda like one of those that when you buy a picture frame, this would be in it. I'm not braggin' on myself, I'm not, it's just the magic of the picture and the lake, oh and let's not forget the person behind the camera who happens to be, once again, my sweet wife, woo hoo.

Me & The Bros.

Folks, fricks and fracks. This is the boys minus one. Navin being the minus, I hardly have any pitures of him, and you won't find any on this site because they're all so small and wouldn't make sense to scan and put up. So for now, no Navin. This was actually about two weeks before I made my fateful move to Canada. My little broham Caleb was part of another picture taken about ten seconds later, but I couldn't find that one. Well we had just gotten out of seeing Spier-Man, and having it totally meet my expactaions. I've been waiting for that flick to come out for like eight to ten years, and finally. The sequel is coming out on May 5, 2004. Word from a somewhat valid source says Venom will be in part two, awesome. anyhow folks, pe@ce and luv as always, oh and thats my Celica behind us, still haven't figured a name for her. E-mail if you think of a good one.

Me & The Bros.

That there friends is my cute little niece Emily Anala Siewrattan. She's now one year old and hence nowhere near that little. It's crazy how quickly they grow when they're that young. She truly is a smarty-pants too, last I saw her she just loved to sit around and solve little baby problems =)~ I haven't seen in her since May of 2002, but isn't she just gorgeous?! Whenever I see her i turn to mush, and get all wuvvy-duvvy. You are now witnessing the actually first time I have ever held her, I was always too nervous to pick her up, you kind of feel like if you pick her up you might break her or something. I'd sit and play with her but it's very nerve-racking to hold and handle such a little teeny tiny life like that, truly a miricale, makes my head swirl, notice the little picture above. Congragulations Raj, you've got a cutie-petootie on your hands!!!

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Here's the second page of my site, some of my favorite sites to visit..check 'em out

Herefor my links page.

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