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Mother Teresa

A tribute to the angel who walked among us

Jesus, help me to spread your fragrance wherever I am.
fill my heart with your Spirit and your life.
Penetrate my being and take such hold of me that my life becomes a radiation of your own life.
Give your light through me and remain in me in such a way that every soul I come in contact with can feel your presence in me.
May people not see me, but see you in me.
Remain in me, so that I shine with your light, and may others be illuminated by my light.
All light will come from you, Oh Jesus. Not even the smallest ray of light will be mine.
You will illuminate others through me.
Place on my lips your greatest praise,
illuminating others around me.
May I preach you with actions more than words,
with the visible light of the love that comes from you to my heart.

Said by the Missionaries of Charity daily: written by Cardinal Newman

Don't Let the work end...

Mother Teresa
Missionaries of Charity
54 A, Lower Circular Road
Calcutta-700016, India

If our work were just to wash and feed and give medicines to the sick, the center would have closed long ago. The most important thing in our centers is the opportunity we are offered to reach the souls...

"Do Little Things With Great Love" Mother Teresa

click here to view a sketch of Mother Teresa

Written from Mother Teresa to Princess Diana in 1995
Jesus is the truth to be told
Jesus is the life to be loved
Jesus is the light to be lit

Peter 1;3;9
Let us love Jesus with an undevided love and others as he loves you and me

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Teresa Memorial Ring

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